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you had me at "let's burn down wizarding britain"
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"There is much that could be amended, if only people were willing to work for change."


"What would you change?"


"I would upend the order of this society, topple the purebloods from their place and allow raw talent a real chance at showing itself."


He raises an eyebrow. "And how do you plan on making sure people don't die of preventable illnesses? That the hospitals continue functioning? That even those without the right sort of raw talent can thrive?" he asks, voice even. "'Raw talent' is only useful for some people, and most of those who are already destitute have been consistently denied the chance to develop any talent."


"I would hope," she says, "that I could convince people such as yourself to plan for and prepare to take advantages of the opportunities such a change would bring."


"Uh huh."

"And what happens when those with 'raw talent' right now try to establish another aristocracy for their descendants?"


"What would you suggest happen?"


He hums. "We need a consistent government, for one - the current Ministry swings wildly between political platforms, and the only thing they agree on is screwing over anyone not keeping them in power. A stronger one, too. Quite frankly, the Ministry barely exists, especially compared to muggle governments. Food and water are unregulated. Potions and potion ingredients for open sale are only lightly regulated, and there's no proactive inspections - the Ministry will only act about bogus or dangerous potions for sale if someone complains. There's absolutely no national health system whatsoever, or even a concept that such a thing should exist - St. Mungo's is a private institution, and the only health insurance system in the country is the goblins' one, which has poor buy-in. There are no price controls on medicine. I don't think anyone in the government has even heard of anti-discrimination legislation, let alone duty of care. It's fully legal right now for a healer to refuse to treat a werewolf for a broken toe in the middle of the day on the new moon. There's no licensing system for healers, and the interview process St. Mungo's does is trivial to lie through, especially if you learned your healing magic in another country. I'm not sure anyone's ever heard of background checks, there, or the idea that medical malpractice is a thing that exists and that should lose you your nonexistent license. It's legal to lie to patients, in part because no one thought to make special laws surrounding healthcare."

"There are no public infrastructure projects. Relatedly, there's no governmental funding - and barely any funding at all - for medical development. Rare conditions often only get treatments if someone wealthy adopts them as a pet project. There should be governmental funding for magical development in general, but medicine is ludicrous to leave to such a scatter-shot method. And there's no effort to bring muggle scientific advances to magical knowledge - every time I bring up basic things like infection control and intravenous lines, I get dismissed with 'cleansing charms work' or 'we can spell potions into a patient.' Cleansing charms do not work against every single pathogen, some potions cannot be magically placed inside a patient, and spelling potions into a patient is a one off, it's more like an injection, not a continuous infusion. There's no such thing as medical school - if I was in charge of St. Mungo's, I'd tell any prospective healthcare workers to get a doctor's or nurse's license valid in the United Kingdom and then come do their magic-specific orientation after, except for how not a single wizard could ever get into medical school."

"Also, related to the endemic poverty issues - the goblins do more economic stimulus than the Ministry - and quite frankly the fact that the goblins aren't even citizens of our government is ridiculous. Given that they're currently deeply embedded in the European economic situation as a whole, the smart thing to do would probably just form a single government across Europe, with the goblins integrated into it."

"...For preventing yet another aristocracy - pay attention to making sure everyone gets the same opportunities across the board. Regardless of parentage, blood status, species, any of that crap. Institute licensing systems for critical fields, and require private institutes only hire licensed workers for those fields. Make practicing medicine without the relevant medical license illegal, and have an impartial board handle license review. You can't easily prevent people from preferentially hiring their friends - though you could institute conflict of interest rules, especially if you centralized your critical systems and research funding - but you can prevent them from hiring complete incompetents."


"You would strengthen the government significantly, then. Not a project to be undertaken lightly."


He nods. "It'd likely need to go slowly, especially if you weren't just folding wizards into a larger, more stable government."


"That would have its own challenges."


He snorts. "Sure. But it'd be logistically simpler, I bet. And harder to throw a hissy fit about and reverse."


"The latter yes, but I doubt the former. The only really large and stable governments are non-wizarding, and the end of our secrecy would have effects that are hard to predict."


He nods. "In which case it'd end up depending almost entirely on the fallout of that."




He examines her.

"I've heard of the Final Dawn," he says, flatly. "Everyone has. How are you going to get from where you are to where you want to be?"


"When Wizarding Britain is more ready to talk than they are to fight."


"That'll be a long time coming, and any wide spread violence will disrupt services - like St. Mungo's, even if you completely spare the hospital. How will you restore those, or replace them as they fail?"


"Recruit for my own alternatives, which will be better protected."


He hums. "What if a pureblood comes to you, asking for medical treatment?"


"Provide it. And perhaps have a talk about attitudes they may or may not hold."


"And you want me - and, I suppose, anyone I can help you recruit - to form the basis of your new medical system?"


"You see it correctly. Medicine was never the focus of my studies, though I have picked up a few tricks here and there."


He hums.

"...I'm willing to help, but - I'll back out if it goes a way I dislike."

"I want to never be told not to treat someone."


"That is acceptable, Mr. Tonks."

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