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Amuro and the white base crew discover a mass effect mass relay, go through, and find it is a one way trip into the wider galaxy
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Say something witty, say somthing witty:

"Well I still owe you for the tow."

For possibly the first time in his career the witty banter thing is working. But now he's thinking about Lalah.

Maybe he should just focus on shooting things, like that other Rick Dom that's trying to flank Char.


When they are this close to each other Char can somehow tell Amuro just thought about Lalah, and that also gives him a pang of emotion.

He had spent the months since the war thinking of almost nothing but Lalah now his revenge had been completed. Initially, he wanted to kill Amuro in response to her death, but that had faded with time. Lalah threw herself in front of Amuros blade to protect him during the war, getting himself possibly killed to avenge her would not be what she wanted.

There were more important things to worry about right now anyway, like being very outnumbered.

Char senses the Rick Dom behind him but also senses that Amuro would take care of it, so he instead takes the time to throw his now chipped and battered heat hawk at a space modified Gouf, cleaving the upper torso and disabling it but not actually breaching the reactor, maybe that pilot even survived the blow. That is pretty lucky for a pilot, he thinks to himself.


Amuro will toss Char his spare beam saber while jumping off the G-fighter, and drawing the other beam saber.


At this point the other Mobile Suits and the White Base are getting into range of the battle. They will of course provide as much covering fire to Amuro and Char as possible, but their main objective is the to reach the super-weapon itself at any cost.

At a moment when Char is slightly less besieged than normal he'll receive a brief message from Bright.

"Do we need to win here or can I just blast it while you keep them busy?"


Char catches the tossed beam saber, activating it and slicing down into an attacking Mobile Suit and kicking off of it to gain momentum and to save energy by not using thrusters. With the pressure off of him, the fight became almost easy once more.


It becomes easier with Hayato within sniping range and accurately picking off enemies with his rifle, he is amazed at how far he can shoot and how perfectly accurate it is. The GM Sniper II is a whole different beast to piloting the old Guntank. He takes out two mobile suits that were headed toward Amuro and Char and each kill only needed a single shot and punched right through the armor. One of the enemy carriers is turning its Mega Particle cannons towards the two and ignoring that their own sides suits were still in the melee. Hayato aims at the Mega Particle cannons and fires, and the shot not only disables the cannons but punches right through the enemy carrier! Being able to fire a shot that powerful from such range almost scared him. Even if his beam sniper rifle charge only had 3 shots left. 

The carrier isn't totally disabled but it wasn't going to be a factor in the rest of this fight.


Now he is out of the melee for a few seconds, Char has time to respond to Captain Bright. "I don't actually know where the weapon is, I had planned on just shooting anyone who might know how to activate it and waiting here to shoot anyone who came here to try and activate it, at least until I ran out of supplies. I learned about the weapon only a few hours ago and that it was intended to be used soon, I have not had time to plan very we-."

His communication with Bright is interrupted. 


A fat man in a Zeon commanders uniform appears on the comms of everyone involved. "Even if the Trojan Horse and the White Devil come to join the traitors, they cannot stop me now! The relay is activating as we speak! My forces stalled you long enough to get the controls on Pluto working bwahahaha! SIEG ZEON! FOR THE ZABIS!" 

And one of the moons of pluto shatters, ice blowing everywhere, a metal structure is revealed beneath the ice. The remaining ship on the Zeon side actually turns its Mega Particle cannons to the 3 crippled ships and fires at their reactors, blowing them up and causing a smokescreen for it to escape towards the revealed structure. 


"Full speed toward the weapon."

As Mirai complies he relays further orders through Fraw Bow and the PA.

He wants a landing party with Jacinda and enough people to seize the controls ready to launch in the shuttle as soon as the enemy mobile suits are cleared out of the vicinity. John Job will escort them, but all of the other Mobile Suits should join the White Base for transit to the weapon once they finish mopping up the local opposition.


"I never wanted to visit pluto anyway."

Lackluster attempts at snark aside, the mopping up doesn't take very long.

Amuro alone was already turning the tide. Adding two Guncannons, the G-fighter as an actual fighter instead of a Gundam accessory, the GM Sniper, and the White Base itself makes things completely one sided.


The 4 remaining Mobile Suits of Char's faction also take some potshots at the remaining Zeons as they arrive, but don't actually manage to score a kill before Amuro and Char and the others finished disabling the rest of the enemy Mobile Suits. The range on their guns being much much shorter than the ones on the Guncannons and GM Sniper II and Gundam. 


Freidrich hears about the call for landing party volunteers over the intercom and asks that he be allowed to go. He hates feeling useless and they should know him well enough to know he would oppose the complete annihilation of the Earth, and so asks to be part of the attack force, his Mobile Suit might be damaged but he can wield a gun as good as anyone else and help out the landing force. He also wants to protect Jacinda.


His time building models pays off when the kids all back him on this. Someone unfamiliar with the White Base might be confused why this would matter, but it is enough to get him put on the mission.


All the allied Mobile Suits load up onto the White Base, even Char and his allies load up and stand inside the launch tubes when the hangars run out of room. Now that everyone is loaded up and the White Base has manoeuvred past the debris field and smokescreen of blown up Zeon ships, they will see that the remaining Zeon ship with the commander is too far away to fire on, but doesn't have so much of a lead or moving so fast that it will massively outrun the white base.

The chase toward what used to be Charon the moon of Pluto begins. The ice of Charon has almost completely been shaken off by the huge structure that is presumably the weapon the Zeons are planning on using. An obviously artificial structure half as long as a colony cylinder and clearly not something designed by either the Federation or Zeons. The alien theory makes the most sense for its design. As the ice travels further from the structure more of its shape is revealed, two metal arms almost forming the shape of a long leaf or rounded gladius shape, surrounding a 5km long spherical glowing blue core. One could easily see this shape as being some sort of giant alien gun that could be pointed at earth.
 giant alien gun


Jacinda and Freidrich are both with the landing team to capture the controls, their shuttle being escorted by John Jobs Guncannon to the pluto base that is surely still filled with Zeons, but at least had no mobile suits remaining to defend it. 


The geometry of the situation plus gravity will allows the landing team to arrive well in advance of the White Base despite their slower speed.

By the time Mirai has got the White Base into the edge of engagement range with the fleeing Zeon ship it is nearly at the weapon and the landing party has mostly cleared out the resistance on Pluto.


The resistance is fairly intense for such a small base. Some of the scientists even draw sidearms to fight to the death as their colleagues throw themselves to the floor in surrender. Seems this bases staff is a mix of absolute fanatics to the cause and scientists forced into working there. Even those forced to work there are still scared to talk when asked about the weapon, worried about a hidden fanatic among them executing them.

Jacinda rushes to decode the alien text on the computers the Zeons hooked up to the control system, but it is slow going. A lot of new symbols are showing up compared to the mars base. 

Out in space by the huge structure, the fleeing Zeon commander is dropping nuclear mines to slow down the pursuing White Base. The use of nukes is an incredibly illegal war crime under the treaty of Antarctica. "It's too late Federation scum! the Earth will be shattered and Zeon will rule the Spacenoids as the superior race!" The Zeon commander rants over comms, looking more and more unhinged over the video channel.

Jacinda comms up to the White Base what shes translated and figured out. "I am pretty sure the structure is an FTL mass relay, it effectively makes mass weigh nothing or even have negative mass so it can infinitely accelerate! A small mass accelerated to MULTIPLE TIMES LIGHTSPEED would be catastrophic! I can't even think off the top of my head exactly how much kinetic energy that would create on impact, nobody ever thought you could go past lightspeed! But it would be world ending, it might even wipe out nearby colonies I don't know! I just know my physicist friends at university said you could make the earth uninhabitable with just a few kilos near lightspeed, and this is so much faster!.


The circular bands surrounding the glowing core of the structure start to rotate and the glow intensifies as the Zeon ship gets close. The mass relay is activating!


"Open the hangar doors. Amuro take out the mines from the base. Other mobile suits stand by to assist. Amuro will intercept the mines without setting them off.

All other suits and weapons will catch any that slip through and open fire on the enemy ship as soon as we are in range."


If Amuro had a gilla for every time he had to use the Gundam to intercept illegal nuclear weapons he'd have 2 gilla. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice.

With a little bit of backup from Char he is able to take out the mines.


Mirai and the engine crew desperately drag every drop of performance out of the White Base but it isn't quite enough.

They are able to take some pot shots at the fleeing ship but it has too much of a head start for them to properly engage it before it reaches the relay.


The rings in the core of the relay spin faster and faster and faster, the blue glow becoming blinding as it powers up. Then the relay fires with a blinding flash of light, a long beam of light fires out of the end of the relay! But. it fires away from the earth... The Zeon ship has disappeared with the firing of the relay.


"Follow them."

"It's a transport device, we'll fight them for the real super weapon on the other side."

Most of the crew are still shocked, but Bright is able to put together what is going on. That or the Zeons are dead and the White base is about to be. But at least in that case Earth is still safe.


Hearing "Follow them" is enough for Mirai. She's already started steering them in before she knows why, but does find the explanation reassuring.


Jacinda radios in. "Oh, so it turns out there is another relay paired to this one, so the plan of using a mass relay to fling something super fast in the direction of earth is probably still the plan. I think I can send you after them. I am just going to start the exact same command that was run before to send commander tublord to the other relay, and hope that works. I am just straight up guessing the meaning of half these symbols. I don't technically actually know that the relay worked for him though. I reaaaaally hope I am not just also smearing you into gamma rays or something by letting you follow him."

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