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Amuro and the white base crew discover a mass effect mass relay, go through, and find it is a one way trip into the wider galaxy
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Amuro is in the middle of re-re-retuning the real Gundam's computer when the kids catch up to him with a scale model Gundam missing an arm and asking for help.
He has brief flash of annoyance out of habit, but realizes he has more time than he really knows what to do with.
"Yeah, I can fix this it just needs to be seated properly." He says as he pops the arm into place.

"Where did you get this?" And after staring at it for a second. "And why is it this weird grey color?"


"Thanks Amuro!" 
"It was in the supplies for us with abuncha other models."
"I think there was some paint."


"Do you want some help with the paint? I should probably take a break from the big Gundam for a bit."


Since he worked through lunch again, Fraw Bow will pick this moment to come in with the sandwiches he is getting instead of the good food they've been supplied with.
"Oh good you're already taking a break, and your helping the kids too. Thats great."


"Oh yeah, lunch. We were just going to go paint these new models they sent as toys."


The five of them will wander back to the common room the kids were using and start putting together models. Amuro gets very enthusiastic about the detail work, while Fraw Bow is mostly just happy to be working together on something that isn't war. The kids are loving every minute of it.


There are more models than could be put together in a day, even if the kids didn't stop to play with them. Fraw Bow also points out that it makes sense to stretch out building them over the trip. So model play becomes a reoccurring activity done a few hours a day, and will slowly rack up more adherents.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew and their prisoners continue to prepare for Pluto, or at least kill time.


Mirai's job as helmsman is one of the worst for this mission, because with a preset course through an untrafficked space lane she has nothing to actually do. But at the same time it would be irresponsible to have no one at the controls while hurling through uncharted territory at record breaking speed.

The operators and, to a lesser extent, Bright are in the same position. The result is long stretches of silence intermixed with the sort of idle chit-chat they didn't have time for during the war.

"Did you know I almost took up scuba diving instead of space glider piloting? The diving people showed us all these great pictures of the ocean, but then I realized side 7 didn't have anything like that in its ocean."


"So we would have lost the war if they'd installed some corral reefs?"


"I don't think I'm actually that important."


"The White Base never would have made it as far as Luna II without you. And maybe I'm being arrogant, but I'm not sure the Federation would have won the war without us."


Mirai doesn't quite know how to respond, and silence returns to the bridge.


Jacinda's experience during the trip is... complicated. On the one hand, everyone here is way less uptight and mean than in the Zeon mars base, on the other hand, she STILL is technically a prisoner. Though maybe a better kind of prisoner? Is being a prisoner of war less bad than being a kidnapped prisoner? She tries to be upbeat and friendly and make friends but a lot of the crew still keep her at arm's length because she was captured as an enemy, but the army kidnapped her! She wasn't on mars willingly! It's totally unfair. She misses side 3 and the crazy parties the history department would get up to, she needs that constant social activity going on in her life so badly.

She instead spends most of her time trying to translate a written language she was pretty sure was not based on a verbal language at all, she didn't know if it was based on smell signals or sign language or what, but she was getting the vibe that these written words are not based on spoken ones. She wasn't even sure they were proper words and not like... Some other thing that pointed to concepts but was structured differently. At least she could be pretty sure they saw visually due to the very obvious visual representations of star maps and constellations, which was what she was basing most of her word meaning guesses on because they were next to the star map pictures.

This was driving her nuts and she needed to talk to someone, anyone! So, during one of her breaks, she goes to find the nice blonde girl who she was pretty sure was called Sayla, she seems nice and less weird about her having been captured on a Zeon base as Zeon personnel.


Sayla is taking a chance to enjoy the good food in mess while it lasts. She will say hello to Jacinda, but seems to be a bit distracted.


This just means she has to try harder! "So I heard you pilot one of the fighters? Isn't that scary? Wouldn't you rather be safe on the ship doing something technical? I hate being scared, wouldn't even go bungee jumping with the literature majors when they offered like right before the army grabbed me." One sidedly chatting until they gave in and responded, that was the way to victory!.


"I'm not a coward."
As soon as she says it she realizes she probably shouldn't have. But how else was she supposed to respond.

"I guess not everyone is cut out for the military though."


Jacinda pouts at that whole line of reasoning. "You can be scared and still do things you know, I don't just hide in my room even though I'm literally always surrounded by enemy soldiers who captured me and shot Charlie down. And it's not like just being on your ship instead of out fighting is perfectly safe either, I know the first White Base got blown up. I know the non-combat crews lost a lot of people, they talk about it all the time and I hear things. Is the cook a coward for not going out? Is the captain?"


This is exactly what she was worried about. Now she has to have a conversation. About feelings. With a near stranger.
"You asked if I'd rather be doing something safer, and I said why I wouldn't. I didn't mean anything more than that when I said I wasn't a coward. Bright and Tamura aren't cowards, and thats why they are in the military. Actually, they're some of the few people who joined on purpose instead of getting roped into it."

This conversation is going horribly. She's not exactly a social butterfly, but even randomly meeting her bother on the battlefield didn't go quite this poorly. She snaped at an insult that wasn't even an insult because she wasn't paying attention and now is doing damage control. Is she getting her point across? What even was her point? Does Jacinda know Tamura is the cook? She must at least know Bright is the captain right?


"Well... Good then." Crossing her arms looking satisfied at having cleared that up. And now she knew the cook's name too, though the cook seemed so focused in the kitchen he was one of the only people she didn't want to try and insert herself into a social situation with. And now... A silence that was dragging on a little longer than was comfortable, wich for Jacinda was any silence at all for any amount of time.

"Sooooooo, what are you doing to keep busy during the trip? I've tried to focus on work translating but I'm starting to hate these aliens and their squiggles. And it's not like you probably have much fighter pilot stuff to do."


Thank God, a chance to change the topic. To something she has things to say about even.
"I still do simulator work, and some very limited practice flights. But not too many since we need to conserve fuel. Mostly I've been reading to try to catch up with my medical studies even though I don't think I'll get an actual degree at this point"

And thinking about Char, and Zeon, and Amuro, and life, the universe, and everything really.


"Ohhhh I hung out with a lot of medical students back at school, is it just me or are a lot of doctor types really hot? You would think it'd be the same nerdier distribution of people in other science fields but like doctors... They tend to be hot. I thought it was just something on TV for hospital dramas but like... look at you! You'd fit right into one of those shows!" Sudden realization dawns on Jacinda's face. "Oh uhhhh, I've heard about how uhh... permissive and free the federation is with... Stuff, totally not hitting on you, just in case you are... not that there's anything wrong with that! But I was being very flattering and I realized I've never seen you with a guy so uhhh... I'm not saying you are though! I'm just going to shut up now and die inside..." Trailing off and hiding her face in her hands.

Same-sex relationships and even really talking about any of that was heavily discouraged under the Zabi family leadership, that every woman had a duty to create more soldiers for Zeon was a big part of the propaganda, so she had absolutely no idea how to talk about any of that stuff. She did not personally have a problem with people being gay, shed just never had to talk about it before or worry about another woman taking what she says in a flirty way, but she had heard lots of things about how libertine the federation was compared to Zeon so was worried maybe it would be taken that way.


"Thanks for the compliment? But I like guys"

If she's being honest there is a specific guy she already has some interest in, but she is yet to even start to raise the topic with him so...


"Oh thank god, I felt like I was going to sink right through the deck and into space in embarrassment. Just I'd never seen you with any guys and you hear all sorts of really really wild stories about what's common in the federation and I got worried. Like I never believed the wildest obvious lies like the one that federation ship captains have a harem of enslaved captured enemies. It'd be a much bigger deal and not a rumour of you were breaking the antarctic treaty with prisoners like that. But the idea that like gay flirting is common and you all get up to some craaazy stuff, doesn't seem so wild. The Federations supposed to have freedom and stuff. I know people that defected because they were probably gay." Jacinda is glad that got cleared up. But now, now is the chance for juicy social gossip. Leaning in with the most foxlike conspiratorial smile you've ever seen. 

"Soooooooo, any guys on board you like? I don't think there's a single guy over 35 on this whole ship, it's like THE best posting for seeing attractive guys. Bright is kinda cute in a serious way, Job seems nice and has great hair, and this might be the Zeon propaganda talking but he's a  blonde you know? blondes are super cute. I even have a pin-up of the red comet." She whispers that last part conspiratorially.


Nononono. Wait hold on there's a way out if this

"A harem? How did that rumor even get started. I think" and she leans in for this, "that Bright has a thing for Mirai. The helmswoman if you didn't know. But I can't even imagine him with a harem."


Luckily Jacinda is easily distracted from questions!

"I told you I didn't believe that though! I'm guessing it's so pilots don't surrender because they think they'll become sex slaves to the eeeeeviiil federation captains." Making spooky hand waving gestures for emphasis. "And I'm pretty sure whatever secret police guy is spreading those rumours knows they are silly and unbelievable, but maybe you don't believe that specific rumour, but the whole mess of rumours about the sexual deviancy of the federation still gives you an impression of them as terrible 'degenerates' and thus making them easier to hate." Making big air quotes with her fingers when she says 'degenerates' to make it clear she doesn't believe that.

"The funny thing about the propaganda about eeeevil degenerate federation captains was that underground authors ran with the idea of the sexually degenerate federation so you ended up with illegal smut books about how hot and attractive your captains are and how they'd conquer captured Zeon soldiers with their raw sexual charisma." Jacinda giggles at the idea, and totally does not have some of those kinds of books hidden under her mattress.

"Your captain seems like a perfectly nice guy if a little uptight, and totally not the stereotype you'd get from the propaganda, like the exact opposite, he's kinda handsome but not like a dashing romantic villain sort of thing you know? Mirai also seems a bit serious too when I've passed her in the corridors so I guess they suit each other?"

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