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Sorry Oswald.

Mordred is not sure what exactly he's expecting from Tereza Doe, but he's pretty sure it won't be great.


She looks up at them, barely conscious.

"Hello? Are you the doctor?"

There are healed scars all down her arms.


"No." Probably a barely conscious eight year old does not need a particularly plausible lie. "How are you doing?"


"I don't feel good. I don't like my medicine."


Through his panic attack Oswald notes that the bite wounds have healed. No supernaturally longlasting bites, no other symptoms on her charts, barely conscious, what does anything mean.


"I want to go home."


".............I'm really sorry. Where's home?"


"I used to live at the orphanage. But I didn't like it there. I used to run away and then I got in trouble."


"What kind of trouble?"


"They would paddle me.

Am I going to get in trouble again?"


"No," he says. "You're not. What happened to your arms?"


She looks at him suspiciously. "...not supposed to talk to people."


"I'm interning for the nurses, you can talk to me. I promise you won't get in any trouble about it."


"I was fishing near the Harbor on Newcastle Drive in Paola, around the warehouses there. I like fishing. It's a lot more fun than chores or school.

I could see a school of fish so I went around a fence. Then the ground erupted around me and there were teeth everywhere. They kept biting me.

Some people came running and dragged me away from all the teeth but then I passed out. And when I woke up I was here and they won't let me leave."


"....that sounds really scary," Mordred says. "I'm sorry it happened."


"I thought it was good at first," she says confidentially, "because I could eat as much ice cream as I wanted and I didn't have to go to school. But they keep giving me medicines that make me feel sick and sleep all the time and I want to go back to the orphanage EVEN if I have to sweep the floor."


Okay once the mouth came up he was officially distracted from his worries. "Did you feel sick before they gave you medicine?"


She looks at Oswald like he's stupid. "My arms hurt because the ground bit me."


Can he just -- pick up the kid and leave with her -- probably not, that sounds like it involves a lot of contradicting his own lies to the receptionist and he said them in front of guards who might also be armed -- they might not care but they also might and it will absolutely not help anything if he and Oswald and Tereza get shot --


"But nothing else? Just from the bites?"




"How long has it been since your arms healed?"


"I don't know." She screws up her face. "A year?"


"Not to state the obvious but I don't think she has what Lela has," he says with some mixture of emotions. "Or anything at all."


"I don't like it at the hospital," Tereza complains. "Dr. Solazzio is weird."

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