The tear leads to the backyard of a little cottage at the edge of some woods, where a man who looks plausibly human at first glance is picking cherry-plums. He was not expecting company, let alone magically appearing company, but apparently that's what's happening today.
The sick trees and their owner can be found amid an even larger number of healthy trees.
The tree person does not look like a tree but he does look somewhat like a bunny, mostly because of his ears and the way his body hair resembles very soft fur. He doesn't seem to have wings of any kind. He's happy to see her and wants to hear about what she's planning to do, if and only if hearing about it won't make it work any less well.
"I'm going to need to look at each tree for a while, longer if they're very big, and when I'm done the ones I've seen to should be fine. It won't keep them from getting sick again, though. How much were you thinking of paying?"
She inspects it from many angles for about fifteen minutes, and then the tree heals instantly.
"I think I can do an animal or a sofa but I'm not sure about a radio."
"All right." She collects the paper, careful not to touch him. "I need somewhere to sleep, at some point, do you have recommendations?"
"I'm not attached to running water. How do I tell if someplace is someone's property?"
"Okay. Assuming I find some tree somewhere none of those apply I can sleep in it?"
"Thanks. - how should I find out if anyone else has a job for me to do?"