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Audrey's second day in the Rose Bowers
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"What kind of pop?"


"Eh, whatever."


Audrey gets her an orange Crush and one for herself.


"They have orange soda?"


"It's the Bowers, they have everything. Ready to continue the movie?"




Audrey presses play.


Chan is almost poisoned, but sees Soo Young's necklace on the waitress and takes it as a sign they've got the right place! He storms upstairs and comes in on Carter about to be executed! There's a fight scene with a lot of throwing guns around and trying to snatch at them! Carter's gun is thrown out the window! Carter and Chan fight their way out, and are left in a heap on the sidewalk outside! Carter spots his thrown-away gun on the ground next to him and puts it back in its holster! 

Unbeknownst to Chan and Carter, there was a ransom drop being made at the restaurant! They've messed up the FBI's case again! Jackie is sent back to Hong Kong! Or is he? Carter sneaks aboard his flight impersonating a maintenance worker and remonstrates with him! Jackie is convinced to keep trying!


Rose is almost done her Fuzzy Peaches now.


And Audrey is through the supply of peppermint patties that she brought over from by her bed, and is working on her cherry gummies.


There's a big chinese art exhibition opening at a large convention center, and Jun Tao demands a larger ransom there! The FBI arrange to pay, but Carter and Chan crash the place with Carter's bomb-technician friend! Chan and Carter put together the pieces and realize Jun Tao's identity! Cornered, he threatens to detonate a bomb vest attached to Soo Yung! But Carter manages to find the van with Soo Yung in it, recognizing it from the time it almost ran them over! He drives it into the exhibition and within range of Jun Tao! 


"Nice move."


Slurrrrrrrp pop.


There's a gunfight with Sang and his Uzi! Jackie fistfights a couple goons while trying to preserve some ancient vases in the area, only for the vases to be shot to pieces a few minutes later! Carter's bomb technician friend disarms Soo Yung's bomb vest, and it ends up on Jackie for some reason or other? He climbs after Jun Tao, who is attempting to escape via helicopter! There's a fight and both of them slip from the height; Jackie hangs on for dear life while Jun Tao clings to his vest. Meanwhile, Carter shoots Sang dead in an impromptu quickdraw contest! Then Jun Tao falls and dies when the bomb vest's straps give out! A little bit after that, Carter is on the floor of the convention center and sees Jackie clinging to the rafters! He moves a huge banner under Jackie to break his fall; Jackie plunges several stories with the banner still moving, bowls Carter over in the landing, and survives!


"That was all done with absolutely zero magic, by the way. Just a couple guide lines for the slide on the banner."




Consul Han sends Jackie and Carter on vacation to Hong Kong. Carter is approached by the FBI and offered a position, to which he responds with, "Why don't you take your job and shove it up your ass. All up in your ass. I'm LAPD." He speaks a little chinese and impresses Jackie. And that's a wrap!


"Good movie!" Rose stretches and makes as if to stand.


"Hold up, the blooper reel is the best part!"


"Oh, okay?"


Jackie Chan, doing the gun-through-steering-wheel stunt, discovers that it's hard to remove the gun from its holster! He fumbles it rather like a very slippery bar of soap and catches it several times!


Rose bursts out laughing.


There's a few small line mess-ups. Then Chan tries to jump the wall with the steering wheel on his hand, makes it to the top, but doesn't quite stick the landing and falls all the way back down.




One of the earlier constables from the tense standoff with the C4 instructs Carter to "Show me your ass!"

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