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Audrey's second day in the Rose Bowers
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"I like her."


"Just wait."


Soo Yung is stuck in a traffic jam in Los Angeles. She's singing along badly to the latest pop hit. Her car is diverted by a uniformed police officer directing traffic. Another one comes to the window. It's Sang! "What's the trouble, officer?" Asks Soo Yung's driver. "No trouble, just rush hour", he replies, and shoots the driver dead with a silenced pistol.


Rose laughs.


Yang attempts to grab Soo Yung, but she kicks him in the face! When he tries again, she whips her pendant at him and gets him just below his eye! She flees on foot, but another thug on a motorcycle intercepts her, and bundles her over his motorcycle kicking and screaming until he can hand her off to more thugs in a waiting van. The van door slams closed and everything goes black.


"Nice. I like how she almost got away. Must suck to be almost beaten by a little girl."


"I know right?"


Consul Han wants Jackie on the case! But the FBI want this random person Consul Han recommended off theirs. Through some hilarity involving a car full of C4, a couple of police officers in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a truly impressive shoulder-shimmy dance, Chris Tucker as LAPD Detective Carter is assigned to the bullshit posting of keeping Jackie out of the way! 

It doesn't go well to start with. Carter decides to solve the case himself and doesn't get Jackie involved. In fact, he handcuffs Jackie to the steering wheel of his car to keep him out of trouble! 


"... but he just unlocks his handcuffs and walks off, he's got a pair of his own, right?"


"Nnnnnot quite." Giggle.


When Chris Tucker comes back to his car, the steering wheel is gone!


"Wait, what?"


"You really never have seen a Chan film before, have you?"


A thrilling series of hijinks occur as Chan attempts to gain access to the Consul with the steering wheel still on his arm! After an attempt to talk his way past the gate guards goes badly, he scales a wall and goes up a tree in the gardens and into the building, where he ambushes a pair of FBI agents and steals one's belt and gun! He ends the sequence brandishing the gun through the steering wheel at the remaining agent before being told to stand down by Consul Han himself. 




"Thought you'd like it." Nom popcorn.


They receive a ransom demand from Sang! Carter is flippant on the phone to Sang, which upsets Chan! They get a trace on the call, but Jackie suspects a trap! Teams move on the building, but there's actually a bomb inside! Chan tries to tell the FBI to pull back, but they don't! The bomb goes off! Jackie sees Sang with a detonator off on a side street while the FBI are distracted with emergency response! Jackie pursues Sang through an abandoned construction site and Sang throws a fire axe at him! Carter pursues Chan but a rickety bridge collapses on the pair of them, letting Sang get away! Sang almost runs over the pair of them in the same van as last time!


Audrey finishes her popcorn and moves on to her peppermint patties.


Rose is getting started on her Fuzzy Peaches.


Jackie and Carter are officially off the case, but continue investigating! They hunt for Jun Tao, Sang's mysterious employer, and for the missing girl Soo Yung! Carter's web of underworld connections and Chan's photograph of Soo Yung crack the guy Carter arrested earlier during the bit with the C4 and the shoulder-shimmy! He tells them Jun Tao is operating out of the Foo Chow restaraunt in Chinatown! They go and stake the place out! Carter goes in first and asks to speak with Mr. Jun Tao because he's his lawyer! This works about as well as expected; after Jun Tao, revealed as one of Consul Han's English friends, vacates the premises, Carter is escorted into a room full of Sang and his thugs!


"In a Cthonian movie this'd be where the torture scene happens."


Audrey pauses the movie. "What, it's that common for movies where you come from to have a torture scene?"


"Yep. And it'd be really lovingly rendered - show off the knives, that kind of thing. Those of us back in Cthonia who can't get their fix with servants get it vicariously."


"I see. More popcorn?"


"I could use a pop refill but I'm good with my fuzzy peaches for now."

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