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Audrey's second day in the Rose Bowers
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"Not to hurry you out or anything, but I am waiting on someone..."


"I can take a hint. See you around."


"See you!"


And Audrey traipses out the door taking a slug from her apple-orange-peach-juice goblet on the way. 


Now what? 

She could call Rose. Get some more gaming in. She could call Lily - no, it's too early for that. She could call an escort for something else other than sex. She could explore a bit, get out of her room and out into the gardens. She could stay in and color. 

... She thinks she'll call Rose.




"Hey Rose, would you be up for another gaming session? We can talk about S&M and stuff."


"I mean, you don't have to make it a kink thing, I'm fine with just your company. But sure."


"... I think I could stand to explore a bit more, now. I don't want to fuck, but... kink feels my speed right now."


"Cool. Meet you at Club Coze in five?"


"Sure! See you!"


"See you!" Click.


Off to Club Coze, then! 

She's first to arrive, so she gets out Carcassonne and grabs a table.


Rose arrives soon after. 

"Hey Audrey. You said you wanted to talk about my favorite kinks?"


"Yeah. I - have ever touched a takkarash minter, but I'm a wuss and never got beyond single digits. Didn't do much experimentation. I wanted to talk about that with you." She shuffles the tiles and puts them into their bag; then she draws the first tile and places it. "Your turn."


Draw, place. "Well, there's a lot of different kinds of pain. Stabby, thuddy, cold, hot, electric... I used to have a catalog of all the various flavors the OTC stocks, or at least the most common, but I lost it somewhere and the consoles haven't got it in their library for some damn reason. Something about a firmware update. Anyway there's hundreds. So you should play around and decide which ones work for you."


Draw, place. "Is there anything in particular that you might recommend to a novice?"


"A lot of people like broad, thuddy pain like spanking and floggers more than thin, stingy pain like whips. And a lot of people enjoy being scratched with nails when they would otherwise not like sharp objects at all. Sometimes that extends to claws." Draw, place.


"Claws are scary. But... still a bit more natural. I could be into being scratched with nails." Draw, place.


"And from that there can be a gateway into sharp pain like knives and needles. Which is my specialty, along with hot pain." Draw, place.


"You're not into blunt pain?" Draw, place.


"I mean, it's better than no pain at all. I've done scenes full of slapping, flogging, spanking. But it seems a bit... messy? Imprecise. Not really controlled, I might as well just beat on my submissive's ass. And that's not my kink." Draw, place.


"That's a different kink from what you do?" Draw, place.


"Yeah, they call it Ryona." Draw, place.

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