Raafi in Spren
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He uses his flight spell for the day to get back to the other cook, and they can head back to the beach and find a good spot for him to repeat his light show.


Broth and cracklings cart has its own cooking implements and she can cook right on the beach. Her friend is along in the promised timeframe.


If the lights didn't draw a crowd he bets the smell will; he hangs around by the pile of meat to field questions.


The smell does in fact draw a considerable crowd, and some questions.


Yes it's free; yes it's wild; the catch is that they can't take leftovers; it's magic; yes really but please save some for everyone else; come eat!


All the meat gets gobbled up.


He circulates through the crowd while they eat, accepting thanks and answering questions, and pays the cooks when the meat runs out and hangs around a little longer before wandering off again to the shops.


Apparently on these islands it is customary to fling people into the air when they are being celebrated! Would he like a bunch of people to fling him into the air? (And catch him.)




Fling! Fling! Fling!


Wheeee that's a lot of fun.


Eventually there aren't enough people who still want to fling him and he is set gently down. It's getting dark.


...he did want to do some shopping before he went back, oh well. He picks a couple of tropical flowers instead and goes back to school the next day with one tucked behind his ear.


The flower provokes relatively few questions - either people mostly don't know where flowers of various sorts grow or that kind can be gotten here too - but everyone is glad he's back.


And after the final period, he checks the crowd - gathered to see who's going to get the day's flight spell, awarded by guessing a number he's thinking of - to see if the girl who asked about the trip to the atoll is there.


She's hanging out with her friends playing some kind of game with rocks.


He heads over after he's given out the spell. "Hey! Still interested in that volcanic atoll trip?"


"- yeah, of course!"


"Great! I should probably stick around for a few days before I disappear again but whenever you want after that, and you can bring a friend if you want."


All her friends start talking at the same time.


"-I can do more than one trip, I can just only teleport two females at a time."


They calm down and start chittering about what they want to do there.


He pats the nearest one on the flank. "Let me know when you've figured it out." And he can go meet up with Uamok and Kiv and Zoi.


There they are! And Uamok's picked up a third boy, who she introduces as Iss. They want Common lessons.


He can do Common lessons! There's a square up a ways he favors, they can set up there for a bit. "The atoll was pretty great," he says on the way over. "Did you want to take a trip over, now that I can?"

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