Raafi in Spren
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He lets them argue for a bit before stepping in to say that he'll think himself about a fair way of giving people turns with it, and asks if they have any more questions.


They do, but some of them are repeats from the last circle.


Unsurprisingly so. He answers them, and suggests that they stick around for a minute after the period ends; he has another spell to show off today if he gets a crowd again.


He can attract a crowd the moment it's understood he might welcome one.



So, one of the showier things his magic can do is summoning, temporarily calling creatures from other planes to this one. Only certain creatures, but some very interesting ones. His favorite are elementals, magical creatures made of living fire or air or rock or water. Each casting of the spell can call one type, and he only has one casting available today - he can do the others another time, but which would they like to see for now? Make some noise if you want to see a fire elemental... earth? water? air?


The most popular option is water by a narrow margin, fire in second place. "Can you even see an air one?" somebody wants to know.


"Mmhmm, they look cloudy!"

He casts, and there's a little creature made of pure water, rounder than a human and a little smaller than a male. Raafi speaks a few words of a strange, burbling language to it, and it dissolves into a puddle, then forms back up a few feet away and spits a stream of water that rains down onto the crowd.


They think this is hilarious. Some of them want to touch it.


It shies away at first, but Raafi reassures it and it holds still to allow it; touching it feels like putting their hands into a cool puddle.

After a couple of minutes it shimmers and fades out.


They all think this was VERY COOL.


Mmhmm! He'll do the fire one another time, maybe tomorrow. Or maybe he'll work out a fair way to let people take turns flying. One of those, probably.


Both of these possibilities are very popular.


Well, he'll be here for one of them! For now he's got things to do.

(Is Uamok around?)


Uamok's over there with her mates! They are not at this very moment having sex.


He heads over. "Hey there."


"Hi! What's up?"


"Just checking to see if you wanted to do anything - I might see if I can find a bigger library after I'm done going around to the restaurants today, if you don't have anything in mind."


"We could go see Misokun's Truth!" she says. "It turns out you don't need your own ticket if you sit on me... though you're a lot taller than a boy person so I'm not actually sure if that will bother people behind me."


"I could lie down, if you think that'd be comfortable enough for you. Or get my own ticket, I think I can afford it."


"I don't see why it wouldn't be. Long as you don't mind getting snuggly with Kiv and Zoi."


"I think we'll be all right. If they're okay with it, of course." He looks to them for objections.


They don't seem to mind! So Uamok brings them all to the theater, which is the kind with a low stage and seats going back up in stairs; there's a section for lone males, but it's not very large, as most appear to be using the option to do without a ticket if they sit on their mate or mother. Uamok buys a seat and picks up her mates, reaches for Raafi, pauses. "Do you want to like, fly up, I remember you were weird about being picked up the time I was in that fight."


"It's all right. I don't like being restrained when I'm trying to do something, that's all - I do appreciate you asking, though."


She scoops him up after some examination to figure out where is a good place to grab and puts him up between the rise of her shoulders. She's a little lumpy and not at all soft but in terms of overall shape it's not a bad place to park.


"I might want to bring some padding with me if we do this again. I'll be fine, though." He shifts carefully to lie down along her spine; he tries not to displace Kiv and Zoi too badly but it seems like it's going to be a cozy fit no matter what he does.

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