Raafi in Spren
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That's pretty fair. Does it get better or worse if he starts humming to himself?


They apparently have no idea what humming is and that will get people who are trying to figure out what he is loping over from side streets too.


He stops after the first time he has to apologize to a concerned passerby, and continues his wandering more quietly.


It's a warm day, and once the sun's up it gets warmer fast, and more crowded.


He heads back toward the school once his spells come in, but he's not in a hurry to get there; he's hoping he can find someplace to get something that's plausibly breakfast, but just looking at the shops and architecture is perfectly fine, too.


He passes various restaurants and grocers, selling spren and seasonings and garnishes.


Salad for breakfast isn't awful; he finds a cute-looking spren-garnish boutique and goes in to look around.


He can assemble a decent salad out of bizarre alien greens and flowers and seeds!


Detect Poison assures him his salad is safe, and he wanders off toward the school again, munching happily.


The schoolkids are happy to see him again.


It's good to see them, too! He'll hang around socializing for a few minutes and check the schedule sheet before going to look for the head teacher - he's prepared to do a circle or two on gods and religion today, it seems like that's going to be necessary background for the cleric one, and he should probably know what the usual procedure is for signing up to teach if he's going to be doing it regularly.


The head teacher can get him on the roster for whatever slots he likes "except first, since it's already today - usually these are registered at least a day in advance." The process is not any more complicated than describing the circle to her and getting her to put it on the roster.


He'd like to do drop-in circles on gods and religion fourth and fifth, and tomorrow he can do another of the same and one on becoming a cleric - he thinks he should vary when he does the religion one to make sure everyone who wants to can take it, and then in the future he'll take requests for the scheduling of the clerichood one, but third and fifth is fine for tomorrow.


All these decisions are duly written down.


And he can go out to wait for Uamok.


There she is! "Hi Traveler! How're you?"


"Pretty good, looking forward to teaching some more classes. How about you, anything interesting?"


"Picking out more mates so I'll be all squared away when I can go learn magic! I might want four. Three is normal but some people have four and I'm going to be magic."


"Are you looking for anything in particular in a mate, should I be keeping an eye out for cute males in my circles?"


"I like smart boys who are interested in things - like Zoi likes theater and knows stuff about animals too, and Kiv likes math."


"I'll see if I come up with any, then. Anyway - that economics circle is second period today and there's a personal finance circle third, and I'm teaching fourth and fifth; do you have anything in mind for first period?"


"I was thinking one of the history ones, do you fancy architectural history or one about a war?"


"Ooh, architectural history. Unless the war is important to know about, I guess."


"It's not still going on or anything."


"Sometimes there's still hard feelings on one side or the other. But the architecture circle sounds more fun."

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