Raafi in Spren
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"Oh, if you don't need it on delivery that's easier -"

Pek comes back and whispers to her. "I can give you four hundred now, and on top of that half whatever I bring in at the raffle," she says after a moment's thought.


"Sounds good to me. Where do you want it?"


"Fridge over here." It's big enough for her to walk into and it's half-empty; there's plenty of room for the food on the shelves.




She rocks back on her hind feet for a moment, impressed. "Amazing. Pek, get him four hundred." And she picks up a different male and tromps out front to advertise her raffle.


He waits, and confirms with Uamok that the money is good - "not that I doubt you, but I've barely seen paper money before" - and stops outside for a minute to see how the raffle is being advertised before heading off to look for another likely restaurant.


Uamok suggests one two blocks later, "it says they specialize in tartare and that's where wild shows off best."


"That does sound good." He doesn't bother with the spell this time, and takes basically the same approach.


This place turns out to have wild on the menu already, and expects she will be able to move all the meat in plenty of time by advertising a sale. The owner does a lot of math about it - estimated greater volume at various price points, the risk that she'll have to stew or re-freeze (and thus mark down) some non-vanishing-prone meat if volume doesn't meet expectations, weighing the popularity of various cuts and organs - and eventually she can offer him a round twelve hundred, some today and some after her sister comes back from the bank.


This also sounds good, and he likes her style; he can coordinate a bit better with her other deliveries next time, too, now that he knows more about them. Magic! And then on to look for more restaurants.


They can find a third restaurant easily enough. This one tends to do parties; they have a regular customer they could drop the wild on as a surprise tomorrow morning, instead of defrosting a bunch of regular, but won't actually be able to charge that customer more for it, they'd just be making it back in general goodwill and a fond memory in the minds of party guests, so they can't offer him as much as the others.


Hmmm - he'll swing back if he doesn't find places to take his other two spells, how about, and he'll let them know how to contact him for orders once he's figured out where he's staying for the next few days and how that kind of thing works around here.


Party catering restaurant appreciates it.

Uamok finds him another fancy place that can incorporate it into the normal menu and hold a sale.


Sounds good.

And for the last one, he'll cast a divination - it might not come up with anything, or just with something boring, but he's willing to spend the spell on the chance of an interesting result.


It points him to a non-restaurant place Uamok looks very skeptical of, but apparently it's a butcher that's down a shipment of wild and will pay through the nose to be able to stock as normal tomorrow even if they have to put a sign on it; most people eat theirs as fresh as possible anyway.


Pleasure doing business with her; he can let her know how to contact him once there's a way, too.

"So I should be pretty set for hotel money now; any suggestions of one?"


"Are you a business traveler?" she says. "There's a Business Travelers' there."


"I suppose I could be. We can see what they say about it, anyway."


It turns out they don't care if he's really a business traveler but they do need to know if he wants a male room, a female room, or a family nest.


"Could I see the male room first? I'm not sure if that'll be too cramped for me."


The male rooms are very low-ceilinged, he would have to bend over if not crawl to get in there, but if all he wants to do is sleep they are a lot cheaper.


If he ever winds up in financial trouble it'll be good to have the option. "I'll take a female room."


The door is pretty heavy but it has a male section he can crawl through if it's too hard to haul. It has a giant nest in it. The nest is not especially plush.


He says good night to Uamok and settles in, bringing a couple of cloaks up from his storage room to pad out the nest with along with his usual bedroll. Once he's comfy, he casts the spells to get in touch with the people back home - one to let another cleric of Fharlanghn know what happened, and another to give him directions to the spot; the third fails, as interworld communication spells sometimes do, and he contacts Katri with the fourth, filling her in as well. He of course won't know anything further until they've had a chance to do some legwork.

He's awake before dawn, and heads out to explore the dark streets and do his devotions.


Some people are up that early too, bustling hither and yon. They seem a lot more suspicious of him when they can't see him well - the streets are lit enough that a running female wouldn't bowl anybody over but not by enough that he doesn't get a lot of double-takes.

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