Raafi in Spren
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He's still hovering. "Nope! You can't fall, with this spell, until it ends, and it's obvious that you can't. Some people still don't like heights but if it looks like fun it will be, usually. It's the same tier of spell as the food one, unfortunately, but I do have a spare today, want to try it?"


"Sure, maybe after we're done with the bank!"


"Sure." He hovers down to match female head-height and follows her in.


The bank has no men in it at all. Uamok goes into an office, greets her banker very familiarly, introduces Raafi. "And he isn't a person so he doesn't have anybody to give him scrip, so he wants cash."

"...huh," says the banker. "And the ability to cash scrip he comes by, sounds like."

"Oh, yeah, since he can sell food and stuff," Uamok agrees.


"I have magic; I intend to mostly support myself selling magically-made wild spren meat to restaurants, but I'd like to be able to sell spells to individuals, too."


"Hmm," says the banker. "Irregular, but... evidently there's no one I can recommend you subordinate your finances to instead. If you're going to be selling things to restaurants they can give you cash but if you're going to sell spells to individuals who might be males you may get scrip so you'll have to know how to stamp them... have you taken a personal or family finance circle."


"No, but I've been working with the school, I don't think it'd be hard to get into one."


"I drop in one sometimes, you can come to that with me if you come back to school tomorrow," says Uamok.

"All right. I really think you should sit through at least one, maybe three or four, sessions of that before you try to operate a bank account," says the bank teller. "You can talk to the manager if you want, go over my head about it, but I just don't feel able to authorize an account when you wouldn't know how to manage one."


"I am used to managing my own finances at home; scrip is new, but I can avoid that until I understand it. Is there anything else you're worried about in particular?"


"If you don't want to accept or issue scrip, you don't actually need an account," the teller points out. "You can just demand cash, spend cash, carry it on you, spook thieves with magic or something till you know how scrip works. Most transactions are in scrip."


"All right, I suppose that's fair enough. I'll be back in a few days, then."


"I'll be happy to help you then."


And out they can go. Raafi's flight spell wears off on the way out; he floats gently to the ground over the course of a few seconds.

"Well, I suppose that could have gone worse. Flight spell, and then do we have time to talk to a couple of restaurants?"


"I think so, they'll be open long enough."


"All right. The flight spell lasts fifteen minutes, and it fades out slowly when it ends; you stop being able to go up, and it'll bring you down at least sixty feet safely before it drops you, so it's safe to go that high even close to the end of it - about treetop height. I can only cast one more before I start using food spells, so I'll stay here. Ready?"




Flight spell!


Uamok goes whoosh!


It's always nice to give someone else a chance to play too. Raafi watches.


She likes flipping over and over in the air, limbs and tail aflail.


Yeah, it takes a while for that to get old.

He keeps an eye on the time, and calls up when there's about a minute left.


She swoops lazily downwards and lets the end of the spell waft her the rest of the way to the street. She's attracted a small audience; they disperse when she lands and does some tail-gesture that might be equivalent to a bow.


Hee. "Good as you thought?"


"Not as fast as I was hoping? I think maybe you looked faster because you were close to the ground. But very fun."


"Huh, I'll have to check my notes and see if I have anything to speed that up - I think it's plenty fast, usually. I'm glad you liked it, though."

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