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sometimes a masochist is a solution in search of a problem
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"So are you. In the arena- I don't think Valerica has ever faced a fighter like you."


Nuzzle. "Awwwwww." Kiss. "I honestly went into that expecting it to be more like fighting my father... But being very stubborn and hard to shake's a good strategy when I can get away with it."


"What is fighting your father like?"


"Tough, painful, constantly thinking on my feet, getting knocked down a lot - usually ends up pretty much with me getting my ass kicked by a force of nature who thinks he's funny. Sometimes I surprise or outsmart him, though."


"At least he's not actively trying to kill you?"


"Generally not." Nuzzle. "I'm sorry you got dealt the shit hand on parents."


"Yeah. Thanks."


Soft kiss. "I don't know if I'll be good at exactly empathizing - my bio mom and her husband ended up in jail and I ended up with issues but like I don't actually remember any of that, I was little, and I ended up in a good place eventually - but if you want to talk about it, I can listen?"


"I don't know that there's a lot to say, really. They're both more interested in power than in me. Valerica was a little better at hiding it."


Nuzzle. "Well, I'm interested in you."


"Oh good."


"You're the most interesting person I've ever met, actually."


"I am truly flattered."


Heeeee! "Good!"


"Why did the other me not make such an impression?"


Thoughtful hum. "I mean one of my alts is completely head over heels for her, so obviously she has great traits presumably typical of your type of person, but - hm."

" - Okay for one thing we have a really fundamental moral disagreement, which has not stood in the way of friendship but would make like spending all my time with her hard. Also, her having a me already made clicking romantically harder, since I don't want to be my primary's secondary. And..." She makes a wavy hand motion. "You're - more in my league, more on my level? Other you can reportedly glass a continent. I'd be the dramatically weaker one in that relationship, which can be fun with hook ups, but..." Shrug. "Also the - way we hooked up when we met, I think I would've ended up more boxed into 'the submissive masochistic pet.' And I'm sometimes useful to her and her girlfriend as, like, a therapist, because other me has issues, but I like being actually useful. I really like - having unique things I can give you, being able to help you, being able to - enable you to reach better heights, because there's something about me."

"There's also - you've got an interesting life. You're not just randomly wandering around learning magic and committing mass murder when you get bored. There's - a drive, even if it's not one you picked... You're also a lot easier to poke into expounding at length on topics that interest you, that's really great and an awesome trait and you're incredibly attractive when you're really into a topic."


"I see." Soft smile. "Thank you."


Kiss. "You're just - excellent for me."


Nuzzle. "I do like to make you happy."


Heeee! "I like making you happy!"


"Cute girl."


She giggles and kisses Elana again.




Heeee best girlfriend.

Lace snuggles happily into her arms, resting her head on Elana's shoulder with a contented sigh.


Then it will be a cozy walk for her.

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