kyeo and carissa
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"Most of those people look Sohaibekan," Kyeo volunteers, when he notices this. "He might be on Outer Sohaibek."



"They, uh, look less hungry," Isavel says hesitantly after a moment. 


In the scry, after finishing his drink, Sarham taps a glowing rectangle against a bicycle leaning against a bollard. It lights up and he gets on it and zooms away without pedaling. They can see a couple of minutes of his riverfront route. There are skyscrapers reflected in the river. He has to go around a portrait artist and over a plywood detour to acommodate some construction.


The paladins watch, wide-eyed.


The scry is over before they get to see where he's going.


"Should I get the cleric of Abadar," someone says. 

Isavel nods at them. 



Kyeo doesn't say anything.


There is a quiet conversation in the hallway. 


He comes in. 


"I owe you an apology," he says to Kyeo. "It is - good, and admirable, to look at the world and think - that children should not go to bed hungry because their mother is dead and their father is drunk, that if bakers had to give their bread to the poor then no one would starve. I - don't know if the people who tried that on your world were trying it sincerely, but - but if they were, then with the best of intentions they made a very terrible mistake, and one that won't get better until they reverse it. I think the people of Golarion will want to help if we possibly can."



"Mm," Kyeo manages after a moment.


"Are you - still confused?"

       "I don't think so," Isavel says. "I think - it seemed like something was off, but we didn't know what - we don't use money very much within the order -"

"Most churches don't within the church. It's important that if someone doesn't like what they're assigned to do they can go outside the organization within which there's no money."



"He showed me some pictures," Kyeo says, almost inaudible, like he's trying to talk while inhaling. "He wasn't supposed to. I figured later they were faked."


"Sarham showed you pictures of - Outer Sohaibek?"


"Of Kular, I think, but they were - like that."


"They're - richer than us, so much richer than us - and maybe they're running their rich country cruelly -"


Kyeo shakes himself a little. Glances at Fazil. "Carissa - the Chelish wizard who first found me, who the paladins arrested - wanted to know if she could make some sort of arrangement with your church to make magic items instead of sitting around doing nothing with anti-magic handcuffs on."


He looks, bewildered, to the paladins for context. 

         "It's not easy to hold wizards," Isavel says. "We don't have an immediate timeframe but she inferred we couldn't do it for the rest of her life and we probably can't. We only have the one set of cuffs."

"What circle."


"- then just make her expend her spells, take her spellbook, maybe wake her up in the middle of the night every night, and she's not going to be able to figure out how to do anything interesting."

         "Third and she's twenty-three."

" - I guess she might eventually figure out how to do something interesting."

          "And we have a policy against 'wake her up in the middle of the night' type solutions where if someone misses their job for one day a disaster happens. And it might be a disaster, for Asmodeus to learn -" Gesture at the scrying pool. "Might not be. They're very far away. But it might be, especially if we learn how he got here."

"...yeah. I...that's a tough one."

           "What would you do, if you'd grabbed her?"

"She wants to be allowed to work on magic items, and says she won't contact Asmodeus?"


"We'd marry her off. Find a wizard who can contain her appropriately, probably one capable of geas, review a wording that's satisfactory to everybody, marry her to him on the condition that we can have a representative drop by every week and watch him re-cast it."

          "" Isavel says. "I - I recognize that to an Osirian perspective that sounds different, but -"

"You'd want to screen for a decent man. But I'd expect if we found a decent man she'd choose it over - sitting here in the dungeon waiting for you to need the cuffs and, what, petrify her?"

         "Probably, yes."

"This would let her live an ordinary life."


"I can pass that on. What is a geas?"


"It is a spell that can constrain a person's actions. Make them unable to do something prohibited, or obliged to do something in particular. Simple ones last forever, and she is under one of those, to not speak to agents of Asmodeus, but complex ones last a shorter time. We don't have the resources to have someone reliably on hand to cast it every week."


"We don't have the resources to do that either. But there are plenty of wizards who'd want a wizard wife, and then it's not your state's resources."


"How would you find someone?"


" - ask my best friend, and then if he doesn't think it'd be a good idea ask him which of his friends he thinks would be suited."


Kyeo nods. "I can tell her."


He nods. 


Isavel is making a face. "We'd want to meet the - prospective husband."


" - of course."

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