kyeo and carissa
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He nods. "Should we ...keep trying? Is there someone who might be better?"


"I don't know who else short of the Glorious Leader himself and if he thinks he's going crazy that could be very bad. There isn't any magic, you understand, it'd just be - hearing voices - does that happen here?"


"Sometimes minor spirits talk to people," he says, uncertain. "Or they're haunted."


"Any organ can fail, and that includes the brain, and when the brain fails it can do so in peculiar ways, like hearing voices. I - suspect my father has not gone to a hospital because he is hoping it will go away on its own. The equivalent of a cold rather than a flu."


"Would the hospital be able to tell he isn't actually sick?"


"I'm not a doctor. Maybe. Failures of the brain are often more complicated than ordinary injuries and infections, and even those are often very complex."





Do you think that Ibyabek would help us fight Hell. If we manage to get a hold of them."


"I'm not sure we have forces that can be usefully committed since this is the wrong galaxy and we don't know how I got here. But it seems possible to work something out."


"Then it is - really important to us, to keep trying. I don't know what the most practicable way to go about that is. Do you think it is talking to your father? To both your parents simultaneously - that would make it seem less likely to be sickness, right - we could perhaps observe the Supreme Leader and learn the name and identity of an advisor, and speak to them..."


"Spying on the Supreme Leader is dubious even if you don't speak the language! I suppose we could try my mother - I didn't realize you could do two of these at the same time -

- could go to someone from another planet -"


"- oh?"


"I've met the ambassador from United Kular to Ibyabek. I don't know what he'd do about this either, mind, but..."


"Would their - different philosophy - mean they'd work for Hell if they got paid to?"


"I'm not sure. I mean, the ambassador in particular already has a job - I don't know how much he's paid, the number wouldn't mean anything to me."


He nods. "...perhaps we could observe the ambassador, and then pray on it?"


"...I suppose."


"Iomedae is a very good judge of character," he explains. "All gods are, it's intrinsic to how they see the world, they see who is the kind of person they can make a cleric and who isn't...but since your world is so far they can't see it except through our magic."


"Wulaar Peng."


"Thank you. I'll get someone to try later, that's my scries for the day."


Kyeo nods.


They have a lower hit rate on Wulaar Peng, for whatever reason, but manage to get a scry through on the following morning. 


Wulaar is... in the shower! It's a little awkward.


Oh, that is awkward! They still have everyone who can scry gather around and squint at him to increase familiarity for targeting the next scry.


Kyeo does NOT watch Ambassador Peng in the shower.

He finishes his ablutions, shrugs on a robe, goes out into a hallway in the little ambassadorial house, kisses his wife good morning, puts a slice of bread in a pan with butter, and the scry is up.


Well, they'll try again in two days.

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