Eclipse peals
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"Yeah. Butterfly too but his was worse, she had very nearly a best-case involuntary Yeerking scenario - Butterfly's Yeerk has since permanently shapeshifted human and lives in Cube's Israel - and Matirin was not Yeerked for very long but it was long enough for the Yeerk to use him to kill his Tyelcormë alt."


Shudder. "...Tyelcormë also might marry an alt of hers, come to think of it, it's going to be an epidemic."


"I can get in principle how alts of me would work with each other but it's an extra inferential step in my case because I'm pretty sure I don't come in sub even if you found a dozen Eclipse-style planets."


"Yeah, likewise, I'm totally incompatible with me even if we find more girls."


"Island thinks you and me only work because I found you early and it wouldn't have worked if you were older."


"I mean, apparently I find someone? If I was happily in a relationship I'd - still pine, but I'd get over it a lot faster -"


"Island didn't get over it at all, instead polyamory happened. But not before he managed to mortally offend Kib and need Pterodactyl to rescue him."


It is a funny story, in retrospect, if one does not object to laughing at Island's expense.


Only a tiny bit. "...hmm, okay, so if you'd landed on us later - I would gush endlessly to Findekáne about how you were the best human in the world and the way she plays Governor and I think I'm in love, that bit's plausible, but Findekáne would probably not go 'that does sound like a very crushable person, I am not melodramatic and deeply closeted so I shall ask her out' - because, like, I'd be miserably jealous and she'd anticipate as much -"


"Yeah, adding the role complicates it there some."


"So much! I do wish it worked out because 'most of your alts are happily married to theirs' is quite an endorsement of a person but probably I would have just written a lot of melodramatic songs and then been fine - until you found a sub, and then written more melodramatic songs..."


"I wonder just how much creative output is permanently squirreled away never to see the light of day, privately ode-ing this or that unattainable... Anyway the population of Eclipse is unusually polyamorous but I don't think I am, I didn't pass 'sharing' in kindergarten."


Kiss. "All yours. Unusually polyamorous compared to nondynamic humans? Are humans generally the same across Earths?"


"Per time period modulo whatever else is going on, but it's pretty easily perturbed."


"Almost creepily similar across the board, but that's par for the course on Arda traits generally."


Oh look! An Elspeth! She is not going to try to convince the new Maitmo that she is not in Angband because that is known to be disconcerting but she can distribute spells.


"Oh good. A teleport will be really nice."


Naturally. This will take a while. But less than an hour or Sibyl would not have been able to meet Joy and Andi when they landed in Eclipse. Other spells can be after the teleport. Here are 209 conceptual letters! Here is a shitton of gibberish!


She'll remember it. Of course.


Of course!

"Any questions while I run through this?"


"Lots but I assume it's all in the files -"


"Mostly. I like explaining things though."


"In that case - who's been in contact with the multiverse longest, what's the dimension with the most people and the dimension with the least and how rapidly are we turning up new ones and what are the bottlenecks there -"

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