Eclipse peals
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"Unfortunately my strategy relies heavily on being me."


"I suppose it might. Okay. Thank you for the spell and explanations!"


"You're welcome!" Pop.


"You thinking about how much we share with Earth?"


"Yeah, I want to be pretty sure I've thought through interactions of all the stuff with eclipsed powers before I turn it loose."


"The magic, definitely. The tech we could bring home today, except we'd have to explain it somehow..."


"Yep. I do not think we can pin it all on your mom."


"I mean, I am curious what people will assume if we just proffer no explanation whatsoever. ...we could have the Andalites make contact and pretend to be from some-moonless-elsewhere in the same dimension, if we want to drop all the stuff before explaining the multiverse."


"Most of the Andalites are not actually likely to be friendly to this project, we'd bottleneck on the availability of the ones who went and helped out Cube's Earth. Standard-issue Andalites have serious taboos on sharing technology and are currently the victims of Butterfly trolling them by not sharing the teleport."


Snort. Sigh. "...if the multiverse'll become public knowledge at any point in the next year, some people already know about it -"


"No they don't, because there's no way the multiverse becomes public knowledge without my involvement and my involvement means precognition."


"...should we assume we're fuzzing pretty much everything, what with how much the new tech would influence -"


"...yeah, probably, although the longrange ones often make their niche work by being the sort of person who might hole up in their house and get food delivered and watch preexisting TV and read only coded precog info channels for an extended period."


"That sounds terrible. - I suppose you know better than I whether there are genocides or refugee crises or whatever ongoing, such that we can't just wait -"


"Currently genocide-free. Last eclipse was hard on Sri Lanka but I'm not sure I'd call the refugee situation a crisis."


"Then we can table that, figuring out whether people can wait out control training extradimensionally and finding our poor neighbors probably takes priority - two hundred worlds and none where the sapients drove themselves extinct, that's interesting -"


"There's speculation that this is somehow selected for by all known worldfinding methods."


"That'd do it. The ones that allow parameters can't parameterize for 'uninhabited'?"


"...y'know, I am not actually sure they've tried that." Computer message.


"Might be useful to have an empty dimension for something and feels really valuable to know how many worlds do wipe themselves out -"


"If we can only find uninhabited worlds by looking for them we can only turn that into a ratio when we're sure we've found all worlds adjacent to somewhere."


"Tesseract not in a mood to give us a count on Loki's neighbors?"


"It's been mad since it found out there are non-adjacent worlds."


"And not that kind of mad conducive to 'trust us, we're trying to fix that'?"


"Apparently not. Won't talk to people besides Loki, either."

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