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When they get to Mersa Fatma, they stay overnight at the nunnery.

"Are you planning to continue on to Dallol?"


"I assume so. Unless we had something we'd intended to do in Mersa Fatma?" 


"Unfortunately, I will not be able to guide you-- an emergency exorcism is required in Massaua. However, Sister Waletta will be able to guide you." She gestures to a nun in her forties with dirt under her fingernails.


"I would appreciate your guidance on what you think we should do." Hesitation. "And I'd like to ask you about something before you have to go, if you have the time?"


"Of course, Sister Araari. Would you like to speak privately?"


"Yes, please."


Berhane takes her into a private room.

"What did you wish to speak to me about, Sister Araari?"


"The people I was traveling with--they seemed to think that Azathoth is the name of a great demon. Oswald's sister committed acts of human sacrifice in his name, and they had--strange books. I told them of my knowledge of the name; I know it is secret, but they did already know the name... I wanted to ask you for guidance on this."


Berhane inclines her head. "That is troubling." She thinks on this for a moment. "You are certain it is the same name?"


"I am quite certain. If it were just the books, I would not be so shaken, but--Oswald's sister was on drugs, too, and in a cult, and doing human sacrifice, and--" Araari cuts herself off and presses her back against a wall, taking deep breaths.


"Matthew 12:26. 'If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?' We have, in extreme circumstances, driven out demons by this Holy Name. And Satan cannot drive out demons."


"You are right of course, thank you. It was just--terribly frightening, to hear His name in such a context. The things people will do in the name of God..." Araari shudders. "But I suppose that is not a new thing."


"Yes. Many atrocities have been done in His name. We can rest assured that our God does not want human sacrifices, and that whatever blasphemies are written in their books are falsehoods."


"Thank you, Sister Berhane. I--wish it were not still surprising to me, what man is capable of. I will be sure to pray for the souls of the sacrificed and sacrificers both, that they might see the light of the true God and cast aside false idols. I will return to them now, but I thought you might wish to know such news."


"Thank you. There is much troubling news from the outside world. I will pray as well."



Lev waves at Sister Waletta. "Hello, I'm Lev Aarons, I... am an anthropologist?" He is trying to shade the truth but is not quite good enough at this to avoid saying this as a question.


Hello Sister Waletta. Presumably you are an upstanding person apart from any accidental Azathoth worship.


"I am a gardener. And someone with some familiarity with the deserts I am told you intend to traverse."


"It will be good to have you with us. We badly need someone with such expertise."


"It is generally best to avoid such journeys. But better to make them prepared, if you must make them. I can't say that I expect you to find much, though."


"That might be the better option, honestly. Maybe not for our time, but..."


"Still, it's worth checking it out."


Shrug. "Well, then, better for someone to see that you return in one piece."


"What sort of preparations should we be making, before we go?"


Sister Waletta can give them a list of things to buy and important things to keep in mind before they go.

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