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Zoe wants to see Anemone, too. Unfortunately,


Oswald shows Magnificence the papers and mimes a bit while asking once again where the papers came from.


Magnificence is a MONKEY. ๐Ÿ™ƒ 


Oh, well.



"I know we found some archaeologists who we think might be onto us but I don't remember their names or anything I should know before we go to a dinner with them."


Ooooh! Are they going to talk about the scary mean lady that he stole the pretty pictures from!


Oswald will do his best. There are three archaeologists, Anchisa, Mariam, and Joan. They are studying the monolith. They claim that it is boring and the investigators should go home, but they are lying. Also Mariam totally suspects something. Anchisa is bored and the niece of the Bangkok cult leader and kind of an airhead possibly. Mariam is terrifying.


He bets that is the SCARY MEAN LADY.

๐Ÿค” There were four people, though. There was one in the first tent and there were three in the stone place.


"Okay so if Anchisa's related to the cult leader then they are like. definitely onto us, right? The Bangkok cult came out of nowhere to beat us up that one time when we were barely even involved yet. Are we sure that we should even go to this dinner and that it's not going to be some sort of trap?"


Mariam is terrifying because she went to great lengths conversationally to convey nothing whatsoever of note about the site and then immediately started asking leading questions that indicated she knew something was up and then asked them to dinner.

So yes it is very possibly a trap now that he says it like that.


WAIT. Is dinner with the SCARY MEAN LADY.

Magnificence does not want to go to dinner anymore.


Anchisa is apparently just there so she's out of the way and will quit sleeping around, her depth of knowledge seems to be that they might be going to Scotland next or something.

He's not clear if she's right about that. She sounded from the description very confused on the point of the mission and also geography.


"Okay, so if we ever have to pick one to capture and interrogate, we don't pick her, I guess."


Joan was angry about their fellow investigators being let in the tent and... had a gun! That seems important! Why did he forget about that!


"Wow, okay, I am not excited about going to dinner with angry gun lady who doesn't want us there."


Oh right and their cover is that they're students from UCLA checking up on George Ayers.

Which maybe wasn't the best cover because Mariam apparently immediately recognized the name George Ayers but it's good to keep consistent about these things.


"Okay. Right. Everyone who goes to this dinner is going to get super murdered. So I am not going to go. If you all insist on going I guess I will hang around outside with a gun to try to provide some sort of backup but there are so many ways for them to kill you that I cannot fix from outside the tent with a shotgun."


Magnificence AGREES WITH ZOE.


"Well, it's a lead, and we shouldn't send Mordred by himself, and I am capable of keeping my mouth shut. So unless we decide that this is a bad idea and run for it I should probably still go."


"Alright. Good luck not dying or getting kidnapped or tortured or fed to a mouth or anything."


"Thanks, I appreciate it."


Mordred and Oswald go off to the dinner. Zoe is watching from outside with a shotgun, and Araari is sent back to their tent because she is an exceptionally poor liar.

Mordred and Oswald are separated and placed several seats apart from each other.


Oswald is seated next to a Thai woman, a white woman, and an Indian woman.

He nods and smiles -- well, sort of -- at them and tries the food.




"I was only looking," the Thai woman says sulkily.

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