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Miskatonic, Rome, and Ethiopia
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"Y'think if we find an evil wizard out here we could all achieve immunity?" Oswald asks idly. He is not sick but he is surrounded by Suffering.


"Anemone does not look okay."


"Yeah, she's just been getting worse and worse."


"I don't feel okay. Like. A lot less okay than usual."



"Are there doctors here? Are there things they could do to help?? If she can't keep even just water down, she's not going to make it through the hot part of the day, there's gotta be something to do."

Zoe would be pacing but actually her guts will not abide that.


"I know--some first aid? I don't know if it will be enough. Do you have anywhere she can shelter?"


"We could take her back to the plane but it's not like Frank's a doctor. Honestly, I worry the travel might be too much for her."

Since she cannot pace, she is flicking her zippo incessantly.


"Better taking her there than, uh -- not to disparage the local infrastructure any in terms of protection from the wilderness but--"


Araari examines Anemone. It's malaria! Anemone needs rest and quinine (fortunately, she brought quinine in her pack).

Most adults do not die of malaria unless they are very frail but, well.


Anemone has stopped vomiting and is now sitting on the ground and shivering.


"I can take her back on the bike? I don't feel like this is going to be very good for her with all of the, you know, ambient cults."


"Anemone do you think if we... strapped you in... you could stay on the bike long enough for Lev to get you to the plane?"


"And there has to be a doctor in Massaua, it's a city."


"We should get her to a doctor."


"I dunno? Right now I could, but I don't wanna fall off, if - "


"It's uncommon for an adult to die of malaria." She successfully administers a few spoonfuls of quinine to Anemone.


Zoe worries that Anemone will fail to keep down the quinine.


"I think I can hold you on the motorcycle? Probably?"


Nodnodnod. She's not sure she's thinking very well. "That'd - probably work."

She is kind of relieved that she has a reason NOT to talk to Mariam Soliman again, but also kind of worried that she might die because she never really grew out of having the disease resistance of a two-year-old.

Dying would suck.


Zoe would very much prefer that no more of her friends die.


Then Lev is going to collect food and water and other necessities for the journey, hold on tight to Anemone, and travel back to Massaua.


Anemone does not have Magnificence and is not sure where he went and mumbles something about people finding him.


"I'll find him."


"So are the rest of us still going to dinner tonight." He does not want to go to dinner tonight. They just sent their best liar off.


"Dinner? I am not up for any form of dinner."

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