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Miskatonic, Rome, and Ethiopia
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"Good to meet you, Sister. Thank you for joining us."


Oswald nods in greeting.


It takes three days to travel to Adua. 

[For romantic plot tumor, click here.]

On the first day, Oswald gets heatstroke; on the second day, Zoe gets it; Mordred and Anemone both have heatstroke all three days. They are headachey, exhausted, and prone to fainting.

Their clothing is damp with sweat and sticks to their skin. It has to be constantly adjusted, much to their irritation and distraction.

They arrive at a busy camp preparing for war. Soldiers shout at each other in a dozen languages, carrying out a hundred incomprehensible tasks. Everywhere there is the threat of war.

They are directed to the tent of Bartolo Acuna.


Gotta say, not an auspicious set of surroundings!


augh did they forget to have a plan here or is she just too busy dying of heat to remember it


Acuna stares mournfully at his empty whisky bottle. "Do you have something to drink?" he says in English.


She does not drink because alcohol is a SCOURGE among her PEOPLE. Ergo despite generally being prepared she does not have any.


 “I have water. No alcohol.”


"Unfortunately no. You're Bartolo Acuna, the archaeologist?"


"Yes. Please tell me you are less dull to talk to than the rest of this lot. If you can't provide me booze or interesting conversation you can just as well go away."


"Actually, we wanted to ask you some questions. In relation to archaeology. Specifically the dig at Dallol."


He considers this and then says, "Come in. You are archaeologists, then?"


"Students of archaeology and ancient history, I'm not sure I would claim the title of archaeologist myself."


“I am just accompanying them. I’m a nun of the order of St. Frumentius.”


His eyes fix blearily on Magnificence. "You have a monkey. Obviously someone in this goddamn hellhole has a monkey." He trails off into Spanish.


"We were looking into the research of George Ayers and that led us to the cult of Gol-Goroth, and then to -- yes. We have a monkey."


oswald can we l i e p l e a s e


"Yes, a memento from work in Central America. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I get quite attached." UGH do people have to go around telling the TRUTH. "We're from the University of Los Angeles, investigating whether any information can be obtained about the disappearance of George Ayers some years ago, and whatever became of his work. I understand the two of you worked together?"


Araari frowns slightly but doesn’t comment.


Fine he will go back to letting the fast talkers fast talk. His contributions to the team are unappreciated in their time.


"Yes. He was a drug addict, you know." Acuna is slurring his words and already pouring himself another glass of whiskey.


They Know


"Yes, I imagine that limited his effectiveness. Still, if any of his findings are recoverable, they might still be valuable to the university."


Araari is going to stand with her back to the tent wall and occasionally glance at the exit while the fast talkers do their thing.


"He's dead now. In case you're wondering. Not missing."

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