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Carissa and Korva land in medieval Iceland

Korva's number one goal in life is to avoid doing anything that could possibly draw any sort of attention to her, ever.

This makes being sucked into a suddenly-appearing portal with the nearest passerby on the street even more upsetting than it would be otherwise, which is already pretty upsetting. On the other side things are wide open, and very green, and sort of hilly, and also much colder than they were a moment ago. There are no other people, apart from the other passerby. She wonders whether this event makes any more sense to her.

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She looks pretty confused by it!


She turns around and tries to go back through the portal and when that doesn't work she just - stands there, at a bit of a loss. 




She draws her thin jacket closer around herself and shivers.


"So, uh - did you have anybody who might want to kidnap you to the middle of nowhere?"


"I don't think so! Did you see - was it somebody -"


"I didn't see anybody. I wasn't looking around, though, there could have been someone - I don't how close they'd have to be to do that - "


"...I don't know how you'd do that at all. There's an involuntary teleport at Fireball range but it wouldn't grab two people - unless someone was working off a description in which case I guess they could've conceivably be unsure who they were going for." She gestures vaguely. They don't look that alike aside from both being reasonably pretty Chelish women in their early twenties but they're both that. 


"Well, I don't know, then."


When no one's speaking it's very quiet. No city noises. Just wind.

"Maybe we should - climb a hill, or something. In case that lets us see where we are."


" - yeah. Good idea.

I'm Carissa."


"Korva." She almost gives her last name, and then - doesn't. Not because she's sure what exactly could go wrong because of it, but she also hasn't determined that it's safe. But there are plenty of people named Korva.

She looks around and gets to work climbing the nearest hill. It's a ways. She's not going to say anything else unless Carissa does.


She's not going to say much. She is thinking. 

Did someone kidnap her? To here? Was it a random accident - what kind of random accident could reasonably cause that - should've taken more planar studies only it never seemed like it'd really matter, since she wasn't ever going to get that good -

- no one's going to come looking, that'd be expensive, more than it's worth - unless Korva is somebody, and doing a very convincing impression of being nobody...

She reaches the top of the hill, eventually. Looks around.


There are no cities in evidence. No respectably-sized towns, either. No roads, at least not here. There are planted fields. There are some farmhouses and barns huddling together at the base of the next hill over, and another little clump of buildings further away, in roughly the opposite direction. 

"I guess - someone over there might know where we are?"


"Yeah." She kind of wants to wait until she has some offensive spells if she needs them but that's - fairly ridiculous, you are much likelier to die of exposure in this climate trying to sleep here overnight than you are to die of random farmers being murderous maniacs. Or handing them over to local officials who hate Cheliax - but surely that's not that common -

"I am not entirely sure what we once we know where we are...I guess I can put money together for a Sending. Eventually. And to pay someone to fetch us. Even more eventually than that."


"Okay. I am - mostly thinking about how not to starve, right now. Or freeze. If it's this cold during the day I am kind of worried about how it is at night. I guess there's a limit on how cold, if they're still before the harvest, but - "


"But it'd still probably kill us, yeah. Otherwise I'd say let's not try to meet the locals until I can prepare some spells, just in case, but I don't think we can plan to sleep outside tonight so we will have to hope we look sympathetic or useful and didn't invade this place two hundred years ago and they're still holding a grudge about it or anything. Or we could claim to be from, I dunno, Molthune, no one has a grudge with Molthune, do they?"


"I don't really remember. Maybe I would remember if I were more - " vague hand gesture.

"Are you - a wizard, or - "


"I'm a weapons enchanter in Her Majesty's Seventh. Corentyn. I don't have an adventuring spell list at all but I do have Endure Elements, I did a tour at the Worldwound. I am not sure I have anything that farmers would want in exchange for food. I can do infernal healing, I guess."


"That's probably enough for you to get by on?" she says, starting off towards the farmhouses. "I guess unless they're the type to object to infernal things."

It occurs to her that Carissa... actually has no particular reason to also provide for her, except perhaps loneliness. She'll have to figure something else out. She can probably figure something else out, she doesn't mind working. 

"I don't have any spells. So - I dunno. I'll see where they're at, I guess."


"I think most places can use more hands, around harvest time." She doesn't actually know anything about farming and it seems entirely possible that this is very obviously idiotic to someone who does, and then separately from that maybe condescending? She could say that she'll try to look out for Korva too but that'd be a very weird thing to declare about a person you met in a magical accident ten minutes ago, even a reassuringly self-possessed one. If she were here with a much more powerful wizard and they offered to look out for her she'd be - well, she'd assume it was a sex thing -

They can keep walking towards the houses in the distance. It's probably not colder than the Worldwound but she was dressed for the cold at the Worldwound. 


Yeah, it feels like probably humans can live here with enough layers of clothing - and obviously they do - but she's dressed for early fall in Egorian, and between the cold and the wind and the unfamiliar setting, she's - kind of extremely miserable, and a little scared about how long she can possibly stay out here, if the farmers don't want to provide them with shelter. She considers running towards the farm house, but is not actually sure whether this will warm her up or cool her down, between the exercise and the increased windchill, so she just keeps walking, and occasionally breathes on her hands.

"Yeah. Probably."


It's a longer walk than it looks from the top of the hill. There aren't quite enough landmarks for her to successfully judge exactly how far away things are. By the time they reach the farmhouse she's shivering and getting really worried about the numbing sensation in her toes. 

There are men working outside. All of them have long beards, longer than almost anyone wears theirs in Egorian. They definitely seem Kellid, though she can't place the specific region. They greet them in an unfamiliar language. One of them is laughing.


She does not speak a word of Hallit and in fact couldn't confidently tell you that that's Hallit though it presumably is.

"Hello," she says instead in Taldane when Korva doesn't immediately say anything. "We're lost."


These men don't seem to understand Taldane! The one who greeted them tries saying the same thing as before, but more loudly and slowly this time.


Reasonable of him but she is terrible at languages and also has been able to cheat at them for the last four years. She glances at Korva in case she happens to not have this problem.


" - I also do not know Hallit."

She mimes being cold. This is kind of hard to differentiate from how she's acting anyway, but she tries to get the message across. She gestures inside.


The men do not wave them inside. They try a few more phrases. Then one of them goes inside himself, and brings out a man in a more finely embroidered blue cloak. They talk for a while, occasionally gesturing at their guests. 

After a few minutes of this, the first man finally waves them inside.


She is cold enough that it hurts to be warmer. She smiles gratefully at them and tries to keep track of who is around, how closely they're being watched, how much danger they seem to be in - are there women around, are there children around -


There's a woman with graying hair, and a young girl, maybe seven or eight, cooking something over a low fire. Three more women sit by the fire, all of them hand-spinning thread. There's a baby on the floor playing with a stick. Occasionally young children appear, working on inscrutable young-children errands, but they disappear again without interacting with the adults.

The men speak to the women for a minute or two, gesturing once again at Carissa and Korva, and then head back outside. The women are certainly watching them, but none of them seem inclined to interrupt what they're doing.

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