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<Well, I think it depends why. Taking six months to recover is fine, as long as I am recovered. But it would be reasonable to wonder if I am, I think. Sometimes I wonder if I am.>


<I don't think you're fully recovered, honestly, or that the hard parts are over. But my opinion here is that you can't get all the way there by staying out here longer. Part of it is about being around your own people again. Rebuilding a relationship with your wife and children. I do feel pretty confident that you're recovered enough to move on to that step, and that you won't make them uncomfortable and regret going home.> 


He holds himself very still. <Thank you.>


Melody's never sure what's going on in his head when he goes still like that. What's his tapestry looking like, right now? 




:You seem tense.: Melody says it mildly, a neutral observation. :Are you still feeling nervous about going home, or is something else bothering you?:


<I think I am feeling nervous about going home. - also Matirin said he is going to get Visser Three acquitted if he can and I may still be a little upset about that.>


:Oh. Of course. That's a very understandable way to feel. It's - I'm not someone with any political authority in this situation, but I wish he wasn't going to do that. It seems deeply unfair: She knows how Leareth feels about the matter, but this doesn't actually make it feel any less unfair. 


<Matirin is a politician. He will do what he expects will make him powerful friends. Leareth is a very powerful friend.>


Sigh. :Yes, I think that's true. ...Are you angry with Leareth about, er, his part in Matirin's decision?: 


<I do not think it would be productive to be angry with him.>


Melody lets out her breath in a little huff. :Neither do I, or I might have tried it as a strategy: Melody is staying calm because now isn't the time to indulge in her own feelings, and she did some processing about it earlier so she would be less likely to explode, but she's still so angry at Mhalir, and now at Matirin. 


<I thought Matirin might have asked you - how I was taking it, whether he needed to do anything about me.>


:...No. He didn't ask me that, and honestly it's none of his business: 


<It is reasonably his business.>


:I mean, if I thought it had set your recovery back a lot and you weren't stable enough to go home yet, sure. I don't have that impression. He expected you to be very upset and angry. He's intending not to give you the opportunity to do anything with that. Beyond that, I don't think the finer details are his business any more than your feelings about your children are: 

Melody's eyes narrow a little. She's not very worried, but she is a bit worried, and unsure how to poke at it or whether it would even be a good idea to do so. 


<I want to go home to my children.>


:I know. It's your decision, really, not mine, but I feel comfortable recommending to Matirin that you can go back now. He suggested you spend a few days on the base first, just to get used to being around Andalites again, how does that sound?: 


He is cheered by this. <I think it's a good idea.>


:You're not as nervous about that?: 


<I want to do it. It might be stressful but I think it will help me get where I want to be.>


:Makes sense. I think it's a good idea: He seems tense, still, and it's slightly worrying her, but she doesn't have anything more specific than that, and - well, of course he's going to be anxious about this. That part seems inevitable. She still thinks it's good for him to go ahead. 


<Thank you for all of your help.>


:You're welcome. I still want you to write, like we discussed. And - is there anything else we should discuss now, to help you feel prepared?: 


<I do not think so.>

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