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matirin would like it noted that he is a better judge of character than seerow and just had fewer options
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Vanyel slips out of the cloaked-invisible shuttle. :Mardic, Donni?: 


Surprise. :How did you–: Mardic cuts himself off. :Get to the Palace: 


Yfandes is already moving into a gallop, honing in on Mardic's location. :Coming. What happened?: 


:Everyone's dead: 




:Some big discharge of magic and when we got here everyone was torn to pieces. Found one survivor so far: 


:Oh no: 

Vanyel reaches the dim hulking outline of the Highjorune palace, and flings himself down from Yfandes' back, breaking into a run. 

He reaches back for the Andalite waiting in the ship. :Entire royal family murdered by magic. Don't know anything more yet: 


This is relayed back to the ship.


Donni is inside the palace doors; she grabs Van's arm and starts hauling him, moving without difficulty on her wooden leg. "Mardic's with the survivor, he's unconscious–"


:Can you give humans medical aid back at the ship?: Vanyel asks the Andalite. :We've got a survivor who may be injured: 


<...the computers have a little bit of information about human medicine but not very much of it.>


:Maybe we can drop him off in Haven, they've at least got Healers there: 

Vanyel grimaces, resists the urge to pinch his nose. Or close his eyes. There are - bits of people - everywhere. Aaaaaah. 



Mardic is sitting on a sort of bench with an unconscious boy's head in his lap. "Van, I should warn you he–"


He looks like Tylendel. The warning comes too late; seeing the teenager's face is like a blow to the stomach, half-knocking the air out of him. 

Focus. "Is he - hurt..." 


"I don't think he's bleeding. Found him hiding under the bench, maybe he escaped...whatever this was..." 


"I don't know what could've done this either but I assume we need to find out. Do you know who he is?" 


"Tashir. The heir who was maybe-getting-disowned." 



Vanyel takes a deep breath. Both of them are looking at him like they expect him to solve this situation, damn it. "I, um... The reason I got here so fast is that something happened in Haven. We have some, er, aliens with ships helping us, they gave me a ride. I think you should take Tashir and get him out of here, go to Haven, wake Savil and send her back to join me and we'll - investigate the scene..." 


Both of them are staring at him in disbelief. 

"All - right..." Mardic says finally, hesitant. "If you're, er, sure." 


"Van's qualified to investigate this and we aren't," Donni points out. "Er, Van, just so you know, I think Herald Lores is probably on his way and he's a fathead." 


"Great." Vanyel takes a deep breath. "I'm going to put up a barrier around this place so we don't get gawkers coming in here." 


"Good idea." Mardic stands, scooping the now-semiconscious teenager into his arms. "Van, er, good luck." 


:I'm sending my colleagues to you: Vanyel tells the Andalite in the shuttle. :Would you be able to give them a ride back to Haven and then pick up Savil and bring her back here to help me investigate the murder?: 


As soon as Mardic and Donni are out of the palace, Vanyel reaches for the nearest node so he can put a barrier around the entire building - 

- wow what is up with that node, he's never sensed one that powerful before and also it feels...different, somehow, he isn't sure how...

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