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matirin would like it noted that he is a better judge of character than seerow and just had fewer options
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Leareth changes the subject. "Have they showed you much of their technology." 


"I think I'm not going to tell you about that, for now. Given the givens." He also can't talk about plans with Karse. Vanyel casts about for a neutral subject. "- We deciphered some of your records. The ones about early Rethwellan." 


"Oh!" Leareth's face is suddenly more animated. "What did you think?" 


"Er, the trade policies you set seem to have worked pretty well in the long run, stood the test of time and all..." 

They can talk about Leareth's economic experiments in Rethwellan until the end of the dream. 


He wakes up and rolls over and immediately scribbles some notes. 

And then checks if Matirin is in Mindspeech range and awake, it's probably the middle of the night but he's not actually sure how much Andalites need to sleep. 


He is in range but asleep.


Then he'll stay up a little longer to flesh out his notes, and then roll over and go back to sleep and handle the debrief in the morning. 


In the morning he's awake, pacing on the grass with some other Andalites.


Vanyel isn't at his most well-rested; he never sleeps that well in unfamiliar places, and his dreams were full of mishmashed Karsite war scenarios, except with ships and explosions and Andalites mixed in. 

He lies on his padding for a while and then gets up and hauls himself out to join the Andalites. :I spoke to Leareth: he tells Matirin. 


<How did it go?>


:Er, fine overall?: Vanyel checks his notes. :He told me he doesn't intend to steal your technology, because he anticipates it would start a war that might escalate to destroying Velgarth, and - he thinks he can figure out how to get to other planets on his own, he inferred your ships must be doing some kind of interplanar transport rather than traveling the full distance through ordinary space. I guess he thinks Gates could be made to do something similar. He said even if it takes him fifty years, that's still better than a war with your people going badly: 


<Huh.> He would absolutely not destroy the planet about Leareth but he practically threatened it in the first note so he cannot blame Leareth for this being assumed of him. <We should start compiling a list of questions to ask him at the meeting today.>


Vanyel nods. :He also, um, told me more about his immortality method, since I conveyed your reaction to it. He says he kills the person in question and doesn't get much of their memories. It - doesn't really seem better to me, but it's less Yeerkish, I guess: 


<That does seem better to me. Monstrous but - one of the unique horrors of capture by Yeerks is the fact that every strength you have cultivated in your life is used by your enemy to bring horror to the world. If they can only steal your body and not your mind that's a little less awful.

I don't like him. But - I don't need to. There's a lot at stake here.>


Vanyel nods. :All right. Questions for him. Conditions under which he'd switch sides is one...: 


<And conditions under which he'd expect some of his mages to. And whether he intends to use what he learns on Earth to conquer Velgarth, and what he means to do with it once he's conquered it, if so, and whether he'll proceed from there to go after the galaxy. Whether he's going to try to mind-control us during the war. Whether once he gets to Earth people there will also be subject to the risk of being - seized and worn by him, I'm not sure if that makes anything worse on net but it seems like a risk to mind of him going to new worlds. Whether he's stolen anything already. Whether he has been telling you the truth...>


Vanyel notes the suggestions down. 


They can probably speculate on this for several hours and recruit some other people too; it's important. 

<You can shield the shuttle against Thoughtsensing at which point it doesn't show up to magic senses?>


"In theory. I wouldn't put it past him to know a way to detect shields or something." 


He nods. <What is the range on the magic senses? If the shuttle were a mile up in the air would it still be noticed?>


"...And were also shielded? Unlikely, I think, he'd have to be detecting very faint magic leakage and mage-sight is like normal sight, you can't see very small things if they're also far away." 


<And can you shield it without being in it?>


"Yes. Not as well and not permanently, but it should be sufficient and it'll last candlemarks." 


<Then we can send someone to the meeting place, have someone else in the shuttle a mile up, and have the rest of us watch from within the Dome ship and relay additional questions if we think of them.>

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