man will be lifted by his own creation
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:I'm making more Healers. Savil's going to gate north to help out our people there and make sure the monkeys are fed and such. Everything's stable. How're you feeling?:


:Better. Also I am ravenously hungry: 


:You know what, I'm hungry too, I'll get dinner for both of us and bring it to you: Where are they staging food service here -


There's a tent. The food being served is extremely boring pease-porridge being cooked in bulk using a very limited supply of firewood. 


It'll do. She gets some for her and some for Leareth. "Should be easy to swallow."


Leareth thanks her. "...Um. Can you help me eat. Moving my arms hurts." 


"'Course." She spoons him porridge.


:I love you: Leareth informs her while being spoon-fed. 


:I love you too. Congratulations on evicting an arsonist god from Valdemar:


:I am rather pleased about that part. It is probably even worth being horribly injured: He glances down at himself without moving his head too much. :Am I going to have gruesome scars, do you think?: 


:I mean, maybe if I am kept very busy, but not indefinitely. If I can stick wings on a monkey I can probably figure out how to smooth you out:


:You are amazing and I love you. Maybe you can leave one gruesome scar, as a souvenir of our victory here: Pause. :I want to kiss you but if I move it will hurt, can you come here...?: 


Yes, she can lean over and give him a kiss and try to pick out his most dashing-looking scar to keep while she Heals him.




A few minutes later, there's a voice at the opening of the tent. "Hey - is now a good time to visit...?" 


"HI, Van. Now's fine, I think."


Vanyel comes into the tent. He's limping a bit and his forearms are also bandaged, but he looks otherwise all right. "Leareth. Feeling better? I heard you had a really rough few days." 


Leareth inclines his head in a very slight nod. "I am feeling much better, thank you." 


"...Is it true that you got serious burns on most of your body from the fire and then kept directing the ritual for another few candlemarks?" 


Leareth frowns. "I am honestly not sure! I was in trance and had taken quite a lot of stimulants and I do not really remember anything except the spell formula I was directing." 


"Um. Impressive and somewhat concerning?" Vanyel looks around for somewhere to sit, spots a stool. Sits. "Anyway, congratulations. And - we should talk about the current state of this kingdom. Belrun, are you up for that?" 


She grabs a notebook. "Sure."


"Um, so. Where to even start... I guess, first thing, you're now safe to be in Haven, right? Which means we could, in theory, get right on doing the transition of power from Randi to you. Unfortunately, there best half of a Haven right now. And also we just evacuated the entire Council and all the minor lords without any warning and barely with any explanation, and then most of them lost their houses and all their belongings, so they're...not very pleased right now. And I guess we need to figure out how to approach that." 


"That makes sense and also sounds very complicated." Sigh. "Belrun, any ideas?" 


"Well, we could announce to our less god-infested neighbors that I can put Gifts in people and auction it off, raise some cash for compensation and rebuilding. Or, I suppose, if any of the people who need compensation want their own Gifts I could also do that."

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