Other People Are Less Delighted.
Madam Yu has the social grace not to openly say anything about her late husband's ward at the moment, no matter how much face she's going to lose in front of her best friend when they see each other again and Madam Jin wants to know why she let this happen. It's obvious that the brat's talismans are doing a huge amount for the war effort, and less obvious but still evident that Chifeng-zun (who commands the vast majority of the allied forces) and Zewu-jun (who has less, but still more than the Jiangs were able to bring), both respect her best friend's son-of-a-bitch-husband's bastard a great deal, which would be a lot less embarrassing if her late husband's ward didn't do things like calling him her best friend's son's much cooler half-brother in public.
She is Very Much Not Happy with Wei Ying right now.
Someone congratulates her on Wei Ying's behalf. She snaps at them that don't they have somewhere else to be doing something else, and turns around to stalk off, only to bump into Lan Qiren.