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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Savil is up very early with some cremated Herald Umbria ashes in an urn. 


And he can do a resurrection. It takes ten minutes. He's getting a little smoother at it, with all this practice.


Herald Umbria is so confused! And distressed! The last thing she remembers is a battle they were about to lose! Also where is her Companion? Why can't she feel her? 


Savil is trying really hard to be soothing and explain, but 'soothing' is not her forté. 


Herald Umbria eventually manages to follow that she died and was brought back and now there's a different war in another world and she just needs to hang on for an hour or two for her Companion to be brought back too. That's fine. She can do it. 


Savil gives her a hug. She can be asleep for the wait, if that's better. 


Oh please, she thinks she can handle it but asleep would be so much better. 


They can do asleep, and he can leave to go and pray, and then an hour later he can come back and do her Companion.


That's so much better! Umbria is gently woken, and hugs her Companion and cries for a couple of minutes, and then finally manages to look at her surroundings.

"You brought us back? Thank you. I don't know how to convey..."  


"We're going to do it for everyone, if we win this war. No dying except of old age." Once Vanyel dies of that they'll have a problem, but - Aroden knew the secret of immortality once...


Wow. That's - kind of a lot of absorb. Umbria swallows and nods briskly, though. "Then I guess we'd better win. What do you need me for." 


"I'll fill you in on our planning." 

Whenever the pharaoh is ready to cast the spell again, Savil has an urn of Herald Jaysen and a separate urn of his Companion too?


He can do those.



This is done with much more ceremony when it's Osirians who've been chosen for the Risen Guard. It feels slightly ridiculous, without all that, with most of his staff out of the way because they don't know the details of what's going on. These people wake up and have no idea who he is. He finds it kind of soothing.


Savil advises him that it's a good idea to do the Herald first even with only minutes in between. Heralds can survive this sometimes, and if they try to kill themselves Savil can tackle them or something, whereas Companions just - die - and no one knows the exact mechanism or how long it takes to kick in. 


Jaysen wakes up initially even more panicked than Umbria did, but calms down more quickly when Savil pulls him into a hug.


She's maybe, perhaps, crying a little bit. "Shh. It's all right. Felar will be back really soon, just a few minutes, and I'm here... You did it. You did everything you had to - they're fine, Shavri and Jisa are safe - we won the war, Jay. We won. Finally. It's over. ...In Valdemar."

She steps back from him, hands still on his shoulders. "I'm sorry to drag you in like - like this, but we're somewhere else now. Another world, Van found it. We've got a different war to fight." 


"Welcome to Osirion," he says. "Felar will be back in ten minutes. We're very glad to have both of you."


Jaysen waits out the ten minutes very impatiently but does not ask to be put to sleep for it. He hugs Felar with enthusiasm though. 


"If you've got enough spells left, we could do Efrem and his Companion, that's the last I grabbed, and then I need to go Gate the rest of our people over." 


"I have two more," he confirms. 


Well here are some more urns.

(Handing over urns of dead people to be turned back into living people is starting to feel bizarrely normal.) 


He's tired, which is interesting. It's probably one of those things where he's not actually all that good with his magic because he didn't get it one level at a time over the course of years. 

Or maybe it's just all the conversations with Abadar catching up with him.

He can still do two more resurrections.


Efrem handles the ten-minute wait, and the explanation, and Savil attaches him to one of the other Heralds. 


Savil lingers a moment to thank him again. "And - you look like you should get some rest. That was an awful lot of the most impressive magic I've ever seen. It's beautiful to watch." 

(Savil, of course, hasn't seen Aroden casting to compare.) 


"Thank you. And good luck to all of you."

 And he'll -

 - go lie down for ten minutes -

- and then send for Nefreti.

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