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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Taver nods, ponderously, as though this answers an unasked question. 


"After which point he made use of their local magic to kidnap and interrogate Leareth. Leareth is - definitely on our side, he's trying very hard to cooperate, and–" she glances around at the number of other Heralds nearby, "–it's complicated. You should ask Yfandes for a full debrief on her time here. Anyway, they're about to have a war with a country currently under the control of an evil god, led by that country's former ruler. They also have resurrection magic. We need a very strong Mindspeaker, to - communicate what's happening to the civilian populace, who we think will not resist the invasion if they know the circumstances. All of us thought you'd be best placed to do that, given your Mindspeech range, and we hoped you'd be willing." 


:I see: 

Taver thinks, but he does it fast. Then he turns a piercing eye on the pharaoh, who he has obviously picked out as the native in the room. 

:You are the ruler here? Can you please tell me more of this evil god and what He is doing in this country: 


" - my shields block Mindspeech," he says apologetically to Savil. "We were going to fix that but haven't had the chance yet."


Savil relays Taver's question. 


Then he will explain to Taver how his world has afterlives, some of which are Evil, and that Osirion doesn't personally lose too many people to Hell though more than you'd like but Cheliax, ruled by Asmodeus, damns nearly all of them, in varyingly insidious ways. And he explains about Aroden, and doesn't get into the part where Aroden is Leareth, and explains that Aroden has been working for a century on a plan to take Cheliax back but it would be nice to have as few casualties as possible because of the thing where they will all go to Hell.


Taver listens attentively.

:This is - rather irregular: he sends to Savil after the pharaoh is finished and he's thought in silence for a few seconds. :Still, the situation sounds dire, and the stakes are high. I - need to think about it for a time: 

He turns back to look at Savil. :Is Tantras...?: 


"Alive. Delian re-Chose him." Sigh. "I - can't tell you what to do, obviously, shouldn't surprise you that he's a mess, and I don't think pulling him into a war will be good for him. He's barely just starting to recover." 


Another slow nod. :I will keep that in mind: 


Savil relays Taver's earlier comment to the pharaoh. 


"Of course," he says. "They plan to move in two days, in the morning."


:I will not need that long to decide. If I do wish to help - where is it, how would I actually travel there...?: 

     (Savil relays) 


"Cheliax is across the sea from here. I think probably someone would teleport you around but I don't know the details of Aroden's invasion plans, I'd notify him you were helping and he'd communicate more from there."


:Noted. And - my gratitude goes to you, for aiding the Heralds and bringing me back: 


Savil is privately thinking that the pharaoh is not exactly helping them out of pure altruism, but she relays his words again without comment. 


"We are very grateful for Valdemar's aid in this undertaking and will of course offer you whatever support we can in it."


:Is there a place I could go to walk around outside?: 

     (Savil passes this on.) 


"Yes, definitely." And he can direct him out to the beach where Yfandes prefers to hang out.


Then Taver will spend the next hour or so walking around. 


Vanyel is now holding a couple more True Resurrection-appropriate diamonds and even with Lesser Restoration he needs a break, he's not sure who he should be giving them to for safekeeping? Building up a stash of diamonds worth 25,000 gold each in his bedroom seems suboptimal, not that theft is likely to be a problem here. 


The pharaoh's staff would be ...happy to hold onto those for him, though they are working quite hard not to stare in slack-jawed astonishment.


Then Vanyel will take a nap for a couple of hours, ask for an early lunch that's really more like brunch, and then attempt some more diamonds. 


Taver comes back in. Tells Savil to relay to the pharaoh, whenever is convenient, that he has decided he's willing to help.


Once he becomes aware of this the pharaoh will check, using the mirror, if it's a good time for Leareth to talk.


Leareth is available if it's quick. 

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