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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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"Of course." Leareth's eyes narrow. "What level is it? I am aware that ordinarily, clerics start out at a low level and gain levels with experience." 


"How convenient." 


"I think conceptually it's a very simple spell - just converting one kind of energy to another, kind of." Shrug. "I heard the diamond trick does not work quite as easily as may have been hoped."


"It calls for a spell that can sustain higher power without breaking; the one I use has never had Vanyel thrown at it. It is not a complicated redesign but it will still take some work, and I hear Vanyel must return to Valdemar to help coordinate things there, so he will not be around to test it." 


Nod. "Well, we can still resurrect particularly critical people. - I assume we shouldn't bother trying for either you or Aroden?"


"My method is not particularly fast and will land me somewhere in Velgarth without most of my memories at first, so it depends whether you want me for the rest of the war effort. I will be fine either way, though, so - ought certainly not be the highest priority. I think his method is faster but we did not discuss it in detail." 


"Oh, if it might get you back we'll definitely try for you. I was worried we might get the wrong person or something. It would really surprise me if he needed our help and if he does he'll just want me to do it in advance for him with a Contingency spell to set it for when it's needed, but if he wants that he is welcome to it."


"If it works on souls, it should definitely not get the wrong person. I will keep that in mind. Thank you." 


"Of course."



And if there's nothing else he'll wish him good night.


Leareth wishes him goodnight in return and meanders back to his room.

He is, in fact, very tired, and sleeps in late enough that he's still in bed when Vanyel gets up and packs for their return to Velgarth. 


Moondance is very quiet this morning, deep in thought. 


:Are Mahdi and Hagan coming with us?: Yfandes asks Fazil. 


Fazil can Plane Shift himself, Vanyel and Yfandes, Mahdi and Hagan, and Moondance and Starwind, so they may as well all go, if Vanyel and his friends are all right with that.


:I'll feel a lot more comfortable with backup. Not that I expect it to be dangerous, necessarily, but - things always happen to Van: 


Starwind thinks this is quite reasonable. 


Then they'll all come. 


The pharaoh, as last time, does the spell from a great distance. Where on the map do they want him to be targetting?


There is a perfectly round area marked as the Dhorisha Plains, and a dot on the eastern edge labeled Kata'shin'a'in; they'd like to go there. 


So he opens a dimensional portal to just outside the dot. 


With some amount of trepidation, Vanyel goes through. 


It's winter just shading into early spring and Kata'shin'a'in, a bustling temporary trade city in the summertime, is almost deserted. The plains look kind of soggy and sad. 

There's a cluster of permanent stone buildings quite a ways ahead. 


"We wish to go there, I think," Starwind says, and starts walking. 


The Osirians follow, looking around (with Detect Magic, in Fazil and Mahdi's case, and alignment sight in Fazil's.)


The place isn't very magical, actually! The only magic to be sensed is somewhere ahead in the cluster of buildings. 

As they draw near, a couple of people come out to meet them. One of them is a vigorous-looking man in his fifties or so, iron-grey hair swept back into a long brain, wearing loose, light-coloured garments with copious embroidery and some sort of simple headdress, and reads as True Neutral. The other is younger with jet-black hair and sparkling black eyes, dressed in plain brown, and reads as Chaotic Evil. 

"I am Tre’haren shena Vuy she'edras," the older man says. "Senior shaman to Kata’shin’a’in. This is Ke’valen shena Pretera'sedrin, Swordsworn. Wingbrothers, what brings you here?" 

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