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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Oh, right. She'll have to check with both of them that they're fine with being separated, but it seems like the only option here, really, they need more Heralds over there to coordinate and don't have the capacity to bring more Companions. 


(Keiran can immediately confirm that she's fine with it, but Callia needs to be contacted via Mindspeech relay, and also informed that she's being Gated back to Haven for a surprise undisclosed mission.) 


He can do the Plane Shift any time before dawn and can be available for questions while they coordinate until then.


Leareth checks in with Vanyel at noon, confirms that they think it'd be helpful to have people come across today, although later in the afternoon or evening is fine. 


Sounds good. Callia confirms that she's willing to be separated from her Companion for a high stakes mission of unspecified nature, and so Vanyel raises a Gate to Horn and collects her. Along with about half of the Heralds deployed there; they don't really need to be there for border security at this point and were mostly just waiting on a cue to be moved. 


He will check in at Healers' and let them know he's leaving this afternoon.


They'll be sad to see him go but that makes sense. Unfortunately the scribes aren't done copying books so those will have to be sent over at some later point. Also they think they can rustle up a dozen or so Healers as volunteers, Savil passed on that this was requested although they don't know why and seem to think it's just for general research and aid to his world. 


That would be great. Maybe the church can spare one in return, they know a lot less but can enable study of their magic.


They would appreciate that! 

Keiran and Callia meet with the rest of the Senior Circle, discuss staffing, take a lot of notes to bring with them, and then pack. They're ready to go by midafternoon. 


Starwind and Moondance are also happy to go. Even if they can't help with the Worldwound, they can contribute general magic research - the Tayledras have a number of mage-techniques unique to their people.  


(And, based on Moondance's strong feeling that they ought to go with Vanyel, the Star-Eyed wants them to have eyes on the situation.) 


Vanyel packs up as well. Hugs Savil. He's a little disappointed that she won't be coming with him after all, but hopefully he'll see her again in not too long. 


Then he can gather around, instruct them to hold hands, explain that they'll land somewhere in Golarion and then hopefully Van can Gate them to the pharaoh's palace. Osirion is at peace with everywhere within five hundred miles (at least for one more week) and they usually don't land in the ocean leaving from land but it's a possibility.


He Plane Shifts them.



They land on the street in Absalom; traffic parts ways for them without any surprise and with just the slightest whiff of annoyance. The buildings around here are six to eight stories; a window displays brightly-colored dresses and an opposing window displays clocks. :...probably we should get out of sight before we Gate:, he says to Van.


:Yes, of course?: He looks around for an alley or something to duck out of view of all the passerby. 


Keiran and Callia and the Tayledras are staring in amazement at everything around them. 


Absalom's streets have alleys; they contain garbage and a sleeping beggar and a suspicious cat.


The beggar isn't watching and the cat presumably isn't going to tell anyone what it saw. Vanyel raises a Gate using a square-ish pattern in the bricks of one building's wall, dropping the other end of it back in the winter palace. 


And then they can walk on through. "Welcome to Osirion. This is the winter palace of our pharaoh, who is appointed by Abadar as his proxy in this world. We've been using it to, um, plan the war." And he starts looking around for Mahdi and Hagan.


Yfandes can help out by trying to Mindspeak them. :Mahdi, Hagan? We're back: 


Leareth, having sensed the Gate, finds them first. "Vanyel. I am glad you made it back safely - I am very sorry for not thinking to warn you about Iftel." 


"Hmm?" Vanyel gives him a blank look. "I don't know how you could've predicted it either." 


"Vkandis has tried to set me on fire several times." 


Mahdi and Hagan come in, looking relieved; Mahdi gives Fazil a hug.


"Remember that everyone in Velgarth is obsessed with whether men are intimate," he whispers.


"Well, they're not in Velgarth anymore. How was your mission when you weren't being set on fire."

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