eclipse bell in mdzs
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"I'm glad that's clear."


"I am an excellent judge of character." 


"Are you? Sounds handy." She would probably make some other remark but he's supposed to be pretending to be the Mo kid.


(Wangji shakes his head minutely.) 


She snickers softly.


"You're so mean to me," he pouts at Lan Zhan. 




Pout. "Well, however good a judge of character I may be doesn't really matter, because I haven't seen anything about you that wasn't cool. Maybe except your hair. Why's your hair so short?"


"Uh, in my world there's an extra thing on top of gender and also this is signaled with hair length and I am the short-haired one of those."


"Huh. What kind of thing? Why is it signaled by hair length?"


"It's not signaled by hair length in all cultures, and actually in particular it is not this way in China, but my culture does the hair signal. I don't actually know why it is that way, it's sort of hard to tell with stuff like that how it came to be. The roles are called 'dom' and 'sub' and are about whether you like to be in charge or more of a follower in your personal relationships."


"Huh. That seems...useful." 


"It is! I haven't tried to date here, I don't know where I'd even start. I am very famous back home and maybe one day if someone learns to teleport between worlds I will sort through my fan mail and acquire a groupie."


"You are? What for?"


"Uh, for being here and doing stuff here. It's very exciting. - I can talk to people on my world as well as here, it took me a few months to get even just my brother and he wasn't believed at first but then I was able to talk to anyone."


"Ohh, I wouldn't have guessed you could talk to them, I guess that makes more sense than you just happening to know how to make all this stuff though." 


"I remember everything, so I do know a lot, but I did not at the time know about glassblowing."


"What have you told your world about us?" 


"Uh, that you're an alternate version of Earth from a thousand years ago with a different magic system and also everyone is kinky and that I happened to land in China, and some things about how the magic works, and once I spent a long time describing a specific location's geography at someone in case that would make it easier for him to teleport here but it didn't work."


"Everyone is kinky?"


"You don't have roles! As far as we're concerned that is very kinky."


"What's kinky about it?"


"Not myself possessing this kink I do not have a lot of details about what's kinky about it! Presumably you do... something. I do not know what it could possibly be except I suppose kissing is probably universal."


"Kissing is pretty universal! I suppose I shall forbear to speculate on what else might or might not be universal in deference to tender ears." 


"Thank you, Young Master Mo." 

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