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come to gusu
eclipse bell in mdzs
Permalink Mark Unread

The forest is dark, and calm, and quiet. Birds chirp in the trees, and herbivores snuffle around in the underbrush or bolt at the scent of a predator, but nothing more aggressive than nature itself can dwell long here without being discovered and dealt with, one way or another. 

In a clearing, a brook winds its way through shallow curves in the hillside. Anything remotely supernatural that happened here would definitely be noticed within less than an hour. 

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There tumbles into the scene a strange young woman with a rattan cane in business casual. She comes to a stop near the brook, catches her breath, and sits up slowly.

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A small dark rabbit that froze when a strange human showed up out of nowhere resumes nibbling grass. 

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"Hi, bunny, don't mind me..." She should maybe be conservative with precognition if she's not going to find any food, but, well, one way to know if she's going to find any food is to check what happens if she were to follow this brook downstream. After alerting Alex. - she can't reach Alex and that's very concerning but she will still check what would happen if she walked along the stream.

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She doesn't find anything immediately edible in the first five minutes, after which a serious-looking man in traditional Chinese robes with a sword at one hip and some kind of string instrument at the other emerges from behind her and asks her something in Mandarin. 

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Five minutes isn't very long but how does he react to the "I do not speak your language" shtick -

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After it is sufficiently established that no, she does not speak any of the dialects he tries, he pulls out the instrument, sets it down in midair in front of him, then plays a few bars of music on it, stops, and plucks a handful of individual notes. 

Somehow, each one is comprehensible as though it were an English word. 

(Who) (are) (you) (How) (did) (you) (arrive)

Permalink Mark Unread

She doesn't have long to decide what to do here and can't precog and walk at the same time, but he's at least not going for the sword right away. Supposing she tells him her name is Isabella Swan and she doesn't know how she got here -

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Each word she speaks causes the instrument to emit a note without his touching it. 

(Do) (you) (have) (any) (guesses) (?)

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"Not good ones."

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Nod. (Are) (you) (alright)

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Yeah, okay, she'll run this in real life. She gets up and picks her way along the bank of the brook, poking suspect areas with her cane.

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He catches up with her. Bizarre musical conversation ensues. 

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"I'm a little scraped up but not too bad. Where am I?"

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(Gu) (Su) 

(Forest) (outside) (Cloud) (Recesses)

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"...where is that?"

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(Jiang) (nan) (region) (south) (of) (Yang) (tze) (river)

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"Okay, I've heard of the Yangtze River. I... don't understand the magic you're using."

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"I'm used to there being mages and psions. Translation is something psions can do, but not with... musical instruments."

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(I) (am) (not) (familiar) (with) ("mages") (and) ("psions")

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"...what's the thing you're doing instead?"

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(I) (am) (a) (cultivator) (of) (the) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (sect)

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"Well. I'm not familiar with that. And am starting to suspect that you do not have a phone I can borrow."

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(I) (am) (not) (familiar) (with) ("phone") (either)

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"Uh-huh. Um, what year is it?"

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(Three) (thousand) (one) (hundred) (fifty) (three)

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"In the calendar used around the Yangtze River with which I'm familiar - before they switched to using a more globally common calendar - it's the year 4707. But uh, fifteen hundred years ago there were mages and psions and were not magical instrument translators so I don't know how useful that comparison is."

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(Translation) (between) (humans) (is) (a) (rare) (use)

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"Eclipsed of either kind would be rare in this year where I'm from, I think most cultures just killed them most of the time, and it's understood that early eclipsed didn't realize the full range of things they could learn to do, but magic instrument translation would be a very weird manifestation of translation in the magic setup with which I am acquainted."

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(Killed) (them) (?)

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"New eclipsed are very, very dangerous. In the modern day we can get eclipsed to a safe stage reliably but it was much harder fifty years ago, let alone fifteen hundred, and most low-tech cultures didn't have a way to do it every time."

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(Cultivation) (is) (taught) (starting) (at) (a) (young) (age) (Small) (children) (are) (not) (dangerous) (with) (what) (they) (are) (taught) (Not) (having) (cultivators) (is) (much) (more) (dangerous)

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"Yeah. I think cultivators must not be the same thing as eclipsed. What is dangerous about not having cultivators, is it just 'other people's cultivators' or what?"

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(Yao) (demons) (ghouls) (monsters)

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"I don't think we have those."

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(if) (so) (good)

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"Sounds like it.

Uh, who are you?"

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(Lan) (Wang) (ji) 

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"Pleased to meet you. I wish the circumstances were better. Uh. I have no way to get home. I think I might be able to contact my brother if I work on it for a while but I can't do it right now. - I'm a psion but not the dangerous kind."

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(Dangerous) (kind) (?)

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"The uncontrolled new ones I mentioned. I have been controlled for coming up on a decade now."

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(Sometimes) (control) (fails) 

(but) (I) (do) (not) (expect) (you) (are) (dangerous)

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"Eclipsed don't revert to uncontrolled magic."

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Very emphatically: (Good)

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"Agreed. Um. Can I have a place to crash, or directions to someplace where I can get one?"

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(You) (may) (accompany) (me) (back) (to) (Cloud) (Recesses)

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"Thank you. Is it a long walk?"

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(Faster) (to) (fly)

He unsheathes his sword, places it in the air in front of his shins, steps up onto the flat of the blade, and holds out a hand.

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"Please be aware I'm very unsteady on my feet," she tells him, but then she attempts to climb onto the sword.

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His hand is incredibly steady and his grip is implacable. 

The sword rises into the air and starts moving laterally, going not that much slower than a car would. 

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She's going to wind up slipping anyway; she can't stand on buses. She grabs rather embarrassingly at his hand and nearly drops her cane.

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He's remarkably good at compensating for her inability to balance on her own, and the sword's flight is smooth. 

They break out of the trees, soon enough. A collection of white buildings on a mountaintop looms in the distance, approaching swiftly. 

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She'll appreciate the scenery when she's not standing on a flying sword any longer.

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He lands, stepping down and waiting until she's completely steady on her feet but not a moment longer before letting go of her hand. 

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She plants her cane and manages all right. "Thank you."

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A pair of boys, early teens or still tweens, run up. One of them begins speaking, unintelligible but clearly asking about her. Lan Wangji responds calmly. The talkative one looks a little disappointed, and the other turns to bow to her. 

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She will make a sort of attempt at a bow.

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"Lan Jingyi," the first boy said, gesturing to himself. "Lan Sizhui," the other. 

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"Isabella Swan. .....Swan Isabella," she amends after a moment.

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Jingyi tries and fails to pronounce this. Sizhui says something mildly reproving to him. 

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Lan Wangji takes out his instrument again. 

(Is) (there) (anything) (you) (need)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I need food. Uh, more than a normal person but I don't know how much cultivators eat. I'm not picky or allergic."

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(Cultivators) (can) (do) (without) (entirely) (if) (strong) (enough) (but) (generally) (do) (not)

(How) (much) (more) (than) (normal)

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"Depends how much magic I do. Half again as much is a reasonable guess unless you happen to want me to do a lot of magic."

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(What) (can) (you) (do)

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"See the future, up to an hour out. I have an eidetic memory. I can usually talk to my twin brother telepathically but I think I'm too far away, I'm going to work on that so he knows I'm alive. My brain works better than a normal person's in a few hard to summarize ways."

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(See) (the) (future) (?)

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"Yes. I knew you were going to find me before you did it but you were quick enough that I didn't have a lot of time to do anything with the information. Uh, it works like - while I'm doing it, I 'remember' the next hour as it would go if I were not using precognition. I can plan to do things within the precognition and see what happens as a result but doing very complicated conditional plans takes longer uses of the magic. If, say, you were expecting some kind of emergency and wanted advance warning of exactly when, I could cover all day when I was awake with look-aheads, but I'd need to eat a whole lot."

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(That) (sounds) (useful) (if) (you) (are) (willing)

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"...are you in fact expecting emergencies on such a frequent basis that you want me precogging the entire time I'm awake?"

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"Okay, good, that was concerning for a second. Anyway yeah precogging is useful and I'm happy to earn my keep with it for the foreseeable future."

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(Thank) (you) 

He confers briefly with Sizhui. 

(Lan) (Si) (zhui) (can) (show) (you) (to) (guest) (quarters)

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"Thank you." She follows Lan Sizhui.

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Lan Sizhui turns out to have his own, less elaborate version of the string instrument, albeit is a little clumsier with it than Lan Wangji. 


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"Hello. It's nice to meet you."

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Jingyi, who has tagged along, says something, and Sizhui plays, (Jing) (yi) (wants) (to) (know) (where) (you) (are) (from)

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"I live in a city called New York in what seems to be another universe. My world has a Yangtze River too, and it's so far away from New York City that it doesn't matter if you go east or west, it's nearly the same distance around the world either way. Plus the alternate universe part."

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There is a flurry of talk between the two, then, (That) (is) (very) (exciting) (light) (bearing) (lord) (says) (you) (can) (see) (the) (future) (and) (that) (is) (also) (amazing)

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"Yeah, it's really cool. I do it for my job at home."

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(Is) (what) (you) (see) (fated) (?)

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"...no, that would be totally useless! I mean, sometimes I see things I can't change, but that's because they're things I can't change, like earthquakes, not because if I somehow acquired the ability to prevent earthquakes I'd be somehow stopped from using it."

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(Well) (if) (you) (couldn't) (stop) (the) (future) (you) (would) (still) (have) (more) (time) (to) (prepare) (for) (the) (aftermath)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess but that's not how my power works."

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(How) (does) (it) (work)

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"I see what would happen if I weren't using precognition."

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(How) (much) (of) (what) (would) (happen)

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"About an hour. I can make it longer with practice, it used to be less."

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More flurried discussion. 

(Jing) (yi) (would) (like) (to) (know) (how) (long) (it) (could) (get)

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"Some people can do years, but we don't know of an actual upper bound. How fast it gets longer will depend on how much I concentrate on that instead of other things I could learn."

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(What) (else) (could) (you) (learn)

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"I already have an eidetic memory and some stuff that makes my mind work better and more organizedly. I can talk to my brother telepathically, but not from here - I'm going to be working on that to see if I can make it work."

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(That) (sounds) (so) (useful), he plays, looking at her admiringly. 

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"Yeah! I like being a psion. Your thing seems cool too. I could learn to do translation but it'd take a long time. Some psions can see the past or see far away or, uh, do things with machines you probably don't have here."

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(Translation) (is) (a) (niche) (use) (Inquiry) (is) (usually) (used) (to) (speak) (to) (the) (dead)

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"...we can't do that. Dead people aren't - there, to talk to, as far as we can tell. In my world."

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(You) (don't) (have) (ghosts) (?)

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"Nope! Does everybody here leave a ghost? Must be crowded."

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(No) (most) (people) (pass) (on) (quickly)

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"Pass on -?"

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(Go) (on) (to) (reincarnation) (or) (what) (ever) (else) (comes) (after)

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"Huh. If this is just a difference between people here and people where I'm from, as opposed to a fundamental limit of psionics, I might be able to learn to talk to dead people. Wild."

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(Ghosts) (would) (definitely) (be) (noticeable) (without) (Inquiry)

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"Makes sense. But like, I might be able to find out who somebody's reincarnated as, if they don't normally remember, say."

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(That) (would) (be) (cool) 

He hesitates. 

(As) (long) (as) (you) (were) (careful)

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"...careful of what?"

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(There) (are) (some) (people) (who) (are) (dead) (who) (a) (lot) (of) (people) (would) (like) (to) (see) (suffer) (more) (for) (their) (crimes)

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"I'll... bear that in mind. Thank you."

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(You) (are) (welcome) 

(People) (have) (been) (searching) (for) (Yi) (ling) (Lao) (zu's) (spirit) (for) (ten) (years) 

(Others) (are) (also) (hated) (but) (that) (seems) (like) (the) (main) (concern) 

(Light) (bearing) (lord) (would) (never) (ask) (such) (a) (thing)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Light bearing lord?"

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(A) (courtesy) (title) (belonging) (to) (Lan) (Wang) (ji) 

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"Aha. What exactly is the - deal here, who lives here, how many people?"

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(This) (is) (the) (Cloud) (Recesses) (home) (to) (the) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (sect) (one) (of) (the) (four) (great) (Cultivation) (sects) (Light) (bearing) (lord's) (older) (brother) (Brilliance) (Overgrowth) (Lord) (is) (the) (sect) (leader) (it) (is) (home) (to) (the) (entire) (sect) (both) (Lan) (clan) (members) (and) (outer) (disciples) (a) (few) (hundred) (all) (together)

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"Should I be expecting to stay here indefinitely or should I be considering other places to go since I do not belong to the Lan clan?"

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(I) (do) (not) (know) (for) (certain) (however) (I) (think) (if) (you) (wished) (to) (stay) (any) (sect) (would) (be) (foolish) (to) (turn) (someone) (with) (the) (abilities) (you) (describe) (away)

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"Good to know."

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Small smile. (Light) (bearing) (lord) (and) (Brilliance) (Overgrowth) (Lord) (are) (not) (foolish)

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"What do those titles mean, exactly?"

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(They) (are) (given) (to) (respected) (cultivators) (usually) (sect) (leaders) (although) (not) (every) (sect) (leader) (has) (one)

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"How does being a cultivator work?"

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(Like) (how) (cultivating) (works) (or) (like) (how) (we) (live)

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"The first but I'm also curious about the second."

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(Life) (is) (different) (in) (different) (sects) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (is) (more) (regulated) (than) (most) (we) (all) (go) (night) (hunting) (though)

Slight pause. 

(A) (night) (hunt) (is) (when) (you) (hear) (that) (some) (thing) (supernatural) (has) (been) (making) (trouble) (and) (go) (to) (deal) (with) (it) 

Slightly longer pause. 

(Cultivating) (is) (the) (harnessing) (of) (spiritual) (energy) (into) (a) (golden) (core) (and) (then) (using) (it) (to) (perform) (tasks) 

(Normal) (cultivation) (that) (is) 

(Demonic) (cultivation) (is) (different) 

(It) (is) (dangerous) (and) (poorly) (regarded) 

(Gu) (su) (Lan) (does) (not) (teach) (it)

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"What's a golden core?"

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(A) (golden) (core) (is) (a) (regenerating) (pool) (of) (spiritual) (energy) (that) (forms) (when) (you) (gather) (enough) (spiritual) (energy) (in) (your) (body) (for) (a) (long) (enough) (time)

Permalink Mark Unread

"And what's spiritual energy?"

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(Spiritual) (energy) (is) (an) (ambient) (energy) (which) (gathers) (around) (living) (things) 

The two boys duck their heads and discuss something in low voices. 

(When) (you) (have) (a) (golden) (core) (you) (can) (sense) (it)

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"Huh. Can anybody do that?"

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(It) (helps) (to) (start) (young) (but) (Jin) (Guang) (yao) (did) (not) (and) (he) (manages)

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"Wonder if I could pick it up now I'm here even though I'm from a universe without it."

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Slightly excited conferring. 

(Do) (you) (want) (to) (try) (?)

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"How long would it take to see if it works?"

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(Cultivating) (a) (golden) (core) (takes) (years) (but) (if) (you) (can) (gather) (any) (at) (all) (then) (there) (is) (no) (reason) (you) (couldn't) 

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"Okay, but how long would it take to tell if I could gather any at all?"

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(We) (have) (never) (tried) (to) (teach) (some) (one) (and) (most) (start) (very) (small) (but) (probably) (not) (more) (than) (a) (few) (hours) (at) (worst) (?)

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"Worth a try!"

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(Do) (you) (know) (how) (to) (meditate)

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"I've never tried it, and I think there are different kinds so I definitely don't know your kind."

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So the two of them (i.e., Sizhui with occasional kibbitzing from Jingyi) explains how to center oneself and draw spiritual energy in. 

(You) (probably) (will) (not) (be) (able) (to) (tell) (if) (it) (is) (working) (but) (we) (can)

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"Well, tell me right away if you see it working, and maybe if I can do it at the same time as precogging I'll know early."

She attempts to meditate.

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Jingyi makes an excited exclamation after almost ten minutes. 

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"What, already?"

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(Just) (a) (little) Sizhui plays, shooting his friend an amused look. 

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"Well, I guess I'm on the right track!" She will keep meditating for a bit, and see if she can get advance notice of any more excited noises so she can do whatever precedes them sooner; she can precog pretty quick if she's not pathing through a choose-your-own-adventure and just planning to meditate the whole time.

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There are a couple of ways she can adjust how she's meditating that work better than others. Most of them work eventually but she can get variations on a scale of about five minutes to most of an hour. 

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Cool! Then she can be meditating along at a really good clip from the start.

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At one point after a precogged hour spent almost entirely meditating by a particularly effective method, Sizhui blinks in startlement and Jingyi is more visibly surprised. 

(What) (did) (you) (just) (do) Sizhui plays. 

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"- uh, I'm trying lots of things in precog to see what gets you guys making excited noises since I can't sense it directly, but... I did not in fact foresee you making that noise, what happened?"

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(Energy) (just) (jumped) (to) (you) (as) (though) (you) (had) (been) (meditating) (for) (about) (a) (half) (hour) (in) (the) (space) (of) (a) (second)

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"- ha," she says, "what a beautiful cheat, I love it."

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(Precogging) (meditation) (counts) (?) (That) (is) (wonderful)

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"Yeah! I still need to work on contacting my brother but it's very cool that I can practice this and precognition at the same time."

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(In) (order) (to) (stick) (the) (energy) (to) (you) (to) (form) (a) (core) (it) (is) (useful) (to) (do) (physical) (activity) (at) (the) (same) (time) 

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"...huh. What kind?"

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(More) (than) (one) (kind) (is) (best) 

(Having) (a) (golden) (core) (enhances) (physical) (abilities) 

(Parts) (of) (the) (body) (that) (have) (more) (energy) (channeled) (through) (them) (are) (improved) (more) 

(We) (do) (handstands) (while) (copying) (sect) (rules) (and) (have) (better) (upper) (body) (strength) (than) (other) (sects) 

He smiles innocently. 

(Jing) (yi) (has) (better) (upper) (body) (strength) (than) (me) 

Jingyi makes a face at him. 

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"I'm very clumsy, so I won't be able to do much. I could do situps or something. ..how do you copy rules and do handstands at the same time?"

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(You) (stand) (with) (your) (left) (hand)

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"I need the cane to walk. I don't think I can do a handstand with both hands, let alone one."

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(They) (don't) (make) (small) (children) (do) (it) 

He realizes what he just played, and flusters. 

(Not) (that) (you) (are) (a) (child) (I) (just) (meant) (since) (you) (don't) (have) (a) (golden) (core)

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"I get it. What do children do?"

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(Running) (laps) (basic) (martial) (arts) (sit) (ups) (push) (ups) (pull) (ups) (leg) (lifts) (squats)

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"I can do situps. ...well, I can do crunches and work my way up."

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The idea of being unable to do sit ups seems vaguely bewildering to him but he just nods. 

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"Uh, when eclipsed first get our powers they're totally out of control, and the state of the art on getting us to the point of not doing things by accident involves spending a couple of years barely moving at all. Plus the clumsiness, which I had anyway. And the desk job. I'm not athletic."

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(I) (don't) (really) (have) (a) (good) (idea) (of) (what) (people) (who) (are) (not) (cultivators) (can) (do) 

Small, thoughtful pause

(Except) (that) (farming) (looks) (like) (hard) (work)

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"It's better with more technology! How many people are cultivators?"

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He looks thoughtful. (Gu) (su) (Lan) (is) (larger) (than) (Yun) (meng) (Jiang) (and) (smaller) (than) (Lan) (ling) (Jin) (I) (do) (not) (know) (how) (big) (Qing) (he) (Nie) (is) (really) (but) (it) (can't) (be) (much) (smaller) (than) (Yun) (meng) (Jiang) (or) (much) (bigger) (than) (Lan) (ling) (Jin) (so) (maybe) (about) (a) (thousand) (between) (the) (Four) (Great) (Sects) (plus) (smaller) (sects) (and) (rogue) (cultivators)

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"Rogue cultivators? Are people not supposed to take up meditation if they don't belong to a sect?"

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(It) (is) (not) (forbidden) (and) (many) (begin) (as) (members) (of) (sects) (and) (leave) 

(That) (is) (only) (what) (they) (are) (called) 

(It) (is) (safer) (to) (night) (hunt) (if) (you) (have) (backup)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doesn't anyone pick it up for reasons other than wanting to go do vigilante superheroics?"

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He looks slightly baffled

(Vigilante) (?)

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"Sorry, uh, I'm bringing in concepts from fiction in my world because we don't have actual real live monsters and stuff running around. But like, aren't there reasons besides hunting the monsters to want to have superpowers? I predict the future for people who are, say, doing science experiments, or paid an insurance company to tell them if they're going to get in a car crash, or things like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

He nods. (There) (are) (things) (cultivators) (do) (besides) (night) (hunt) (but) (most) (of) (them) (are) (more) (difficult) (to) (learn) (without) (teachers) (from) (a) (sect) (and) (if) (they) (are) (not) (immediately) (practical) (people) (will) (not) (pay) (for) (them) (anybody) (will) (pay) (to) (have) (the) (thing) (cursing) (their) (livestock) (or) (attacking) (their) (neighbors) (dealt) (with) (and) (if) (you) (do) (not) (have) (a) (sect) (to) (support) (you) (you) (have) (to) (be) (ruthlessly) (practical)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense with a largely farming-oriented economic base. Way way way fewer people as a percentage of the population are farmers in my world."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. (I) (did) (not) (understand) (most) (of) (your) (examples) (of) (what) (you) (do)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Suppose that, like most people, you would prefer not to die. In my world, if you have this preference and also lots of money, you can pay a company called Glimpse to give you a vital sign monitoring device, which isn't magic but might as well be as far as I'd be able to explain it to you. If the device stops detecting a heartbeat, it sends a message to someone like me. I'm looking ahead, so I see the message before it arrives, and I can tell Glimpse who's going to die and when. They can warn the client, and the client can change their plans."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks impressed. (And) (there) (are) (so) (many) (people) (like) (you) (somebody) (can) (be) (doing) (that) (all) (the) (time)

Permalink Mark Unread

"You don't need that many for someone to be on duty all the time, but it's very expensive, to limit the rate of messages we have to send back to something we can handle."

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He shakes his head in amazement. (That) (sounds) (amazing) (anyway)

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"Yeah. We also work on eclipses - to predict when someone's going to have a particularly bad out of control magic episode and get people on the scene to prevent it. Everyone who might eclipse is supposed to fast for a couple of days before the eclipse happens, so they don't have the energy to do any magic with, but there's always some people who can't or don't."

Permalink Mark Unread

(What) (happens) (if) (people) (do) (not) (fast)

Permalink Mark Unread

"They do magic at random. Sometimes harmless. Sometimes enough to kill a million people. - I not only won't but can't do that, to be clear. Eclipsed don't suddenly start doing random magic again after we stop. I can only do things I've learned how to do purposefully."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks shocked. (How) (does) (one) (kill) (a) (million) (people) (?)

Permalink Mark Unread

"...it helps that we live in very dense cities. A big explosion or something in a dense city can do it."

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (can) (not) (imagine) (a) (city) (that) (dense)

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can build buildings dozens of stories tall."

Permalink Mark Unread

(A) (city) (of) (immense) (towers)

(And) (a) (child) (could) (fell) (all) (of) (it) (?)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, we catch them first."

Permalink Mark Unread

He shivers slightly. (Your) (world) (sounds) (very) (strange)

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's really different!"

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (hope) (you) (are) (not) (trapped) (here) (forever)

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would have some drawbacks. I'm going to focus on getting word to my brother. Maybe then a mage - they're the other kind of eclipsed - can figure out how to get here and back."

Permalink Mark Unread

(What) (do) (mages) (do)

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"Psions do things that do not have physical effects - so the stuff I've mentioned, illusions, some things with some machines that work similarly enough to people's brains, etcetera. Mages do things that do have physical effects, like teleporting. One might be able to teleport here, and bring me home. And then establish general interworld contact, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

(We) (can) (teleport)

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"You can probably do lots of things mages can do, but I could tell that Lan Wangji was not a mage because translation isn't something mages can do. Also, neither kind of eclipsed makes objects persistently magical or needs to use an object to do magic except for the machines that work like brains, which is a special case."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Machines) (that) (work) (like) (brains) (?) (Are) (they) (alive)

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"No. They don't have experiences and they aren't organisms. But a complicated enough machine can store and manipulate information, and psions can interact with the storage and manipulation of information in that form as well as in the form of a person's mind."

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The door opens, and a man who looks similar to Lan Wangji bows before stepping inside. 

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Lan Wangji is behind him and steps in afterwards. 

(This) (is) (Lan) (Xi) (chen) (our) (sect) (leader) 

(He) (would) (like) (to) (speak) (with) (you)

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"Hello, Lan Xichen, I'm Isabella Swan. If it matters, my surname is the second one."

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Lan Xichen speaks, and Wangji translates. 

(I) (see) 

(Wang) (ji) (tells) (me) (you) (say) (you) (can) (see) (the) (future)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. If you have - I don't know if you have decks of cards around here but it can't be too hard to find a way to prove it."

Permalink Mark Unread

(How) (far) (ahead) (do) (you) (see)

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"About an hour, but it takes longer to extract information I have to do a series of conditional actions to get."

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Jingyi starts to say something excitedly, then stops himself and continues in a slightly more subdued manner. Xichen raises an eyebrow and asks him something, to which he replies slightly evasively before Sizhui says something. Xichen nods. 

(I) (have) (a) (string) (of) (numbers) (in) (mind) (which) (I) (can) (tell) (you) (in) (the) (next) (few) (minutes)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Seven eight two four four one nine one seven three."

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(That) (is) (very) (impressive) 

(Wang) (ji) (tells) (me) (you) (have) (no) (idea) (how) (you) (came) (here)

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"Yeah, sorry, I didn't see it happen. I was on my way to work and then I was a few minutes from where he found me."

Permalink Mark Unread

(If) (you) (were) (merely) (a) (cultivator) (from) (very) (far) (away) (I) (might) (have) (guesses) (but) (I) (do) (not) 

(What) (do) (you) (plan) (going) (forward)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I need to work on expanding the magic that lets me talk to my brother, so that I'll be able to do it from here. This may take months. In the meantime I'm happy to earn my keep predicting things."

Permalink Mark Unread

(What) (does) (working) (on) (expanding) (the) (magic) (look) (like)

Permalink Mark Unread

"It looks like me sitting around and thinking about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Jingyi) (says) (cultivation) (is) (unknown) (to) (you) (and) (you) (had) (some) (notable) (success) (with) (meditation) (exercises)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah! I was precogging at the same time and it turns out that rather than messing up how meditative I am, it lets me remember meditating more than I actually meditate and that seems to also help!"

Permalink Mark Unread

(With) (your) (unique) (ability) (any) (sect) (would) (accept) (you) (as) (a) (guest) (cultivator) 

(We) (would) (be) (very) (happy) (to) (have) (you) (but) (not) (everyone) (finds) (our) (ways) (palatable)

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are your, uh, controversial ways?"

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(We) (have) (almost) (four) (thousand) (rules) 

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"I have an eidetic memory and that might be too many."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Many) (of) (them) (are) (common) (sense) (courtesy) (but) (others) (are) (not) (and) (the) (sentiment) (is) (not) (uncommon) 

(Absent) (the) (eidetic) (memory) (part)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I won't be able to fluently read the local language any time soon either, which could make learning them inconvenient too."

Permalink Mark Unread

(We) (can) (work) (with) (that)

(Your) (situation) (is) (unusual) (and) (there) (is) (no) (reason) (why) (reasonable) (accommodations) (can) (not) (be) (made) 

(However) (if) (you) (prefer) (I) (can) (supply) (you) (with) (a) (letter) (of) (recommendation) (to) (go) (elsewhere)

(The) (sect) (leaders) (of) (Qing) (he) (Nie) (or) (Lan) (ling) (Jin) (would) (take) (someone) (I) (recommended) (in) (a) (heartbeat)

(I) (have) (less) (connection) (with) (Yun) (meng) (Jiang) (but) (their) (sect) (leader) (is) (not) (so) (foolish) (as) (to) (overlook) (your) (value)

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(Wangji's eyes tighten slightly as Sect Leader Jiang is mentioned. She has little experience reading his expressions; she may not even notice it.) 

(She is highly unlikely to notice the sadness in the set of his lips. Wei Ying would have loved her reaction to the number of rules.) 

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"Honestly I'm kind of curious what you have all those rules about! If I hate them I might wind up appreciating a letter of recommendation somewhere else but honestly it's possible that I'm so culturally bizarre that having concrete guidelines for lots of things normally left implicit would be helpful even if I eventually preferred to live somewhere less strict."

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (suspect) (you) (do) (not) (wish) (to) (listen) (to) (all) (of) (them) (now) (without) (having) (even) (decided) (to) (stay) (but) (a) (handful) (are) 

He lists the following rules: 

Alcohol is prohibited.
Talking behind other people's back is prohibited.
Running is prohibited.
Killing livestock within the area is prohibited.
Fighting without permission is prohibited.
Venturing out at night is prohibited.
Causing noise is prohibited.
Sneering for no reason is prohibited.
Sitting improperly is prohibited.
Eating more than three bowls is prohibited.
Arrogance is forbidden.
Do not be picky with food.
Do not work after 9 PM.
Do not rise after 5AM.
Do not stand incorrectly.
Do not smile foolishly.
Do not be of two minds.
Do not succumb to rage.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I don't know how to sit properly or stand correctly, and I'm not sure what constitutes talking behind other people's backs or noise, and if you want me to do any magic you are going to need to find some really big bowls or relax that rule for me. Also 5am is early but I guess I might keep hours that early if everyone else did and there's no electric lights?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Electric) (lights) (?)

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"We have more advanced technology in my world including lights that run on tame lightning so it's not inconvenient to be up and about at night."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Tame) (lightning) 

(That) (seems) (much) (more) (exciting) (than) (candles)

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"It isn't exciting after you're used to it but it's convenient."

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Lan Wangji's hands hesitate over the strings, but he plays before his brother speaks. 

(Rules) (exist) (for) (a) (reason) 

(When) (the) (reason) (is) (absent) (rules) (can) (be) (set) (aside) 

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's behind the arrogance rule?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Being) (overconfident) (can) (get) (oneself) (or) (others) (killed)

Permalink Mark Unread

"If nobody's dead, how do you determine if someone was arrogant?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Taking) (stupid) (risks) 

(Being) (obnoxious) (about) (talent) (or) (status)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Is that a representative sample or are there going to be a hundred of them that are about nothing but, like, etiquette for addressing visiting subs from important families versus visiting doms from random farmer families...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Subs) (?) (Doms) (?)

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"...I don't know enough about how your translation magic works to patch a confusion here. Uh, normally I would sort the people around and see if you could get the categories from that but I am aware I can't just guess off all of you having long hair, even in modern China in my world that's not the same as it is where I'm from, and I'm not picking up whatever cues are used here instead. ...I'm a dom? If that helps?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(It) (does) (not) (I) (am) (afraid)

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I assume you people pair off - or more complicatedly form arrangements, potentially - and get married and have children in some way. In my world doms date subs and vice versa. Uh, I guess in the historical period corresponding to this year and tech level it was mostly conflated with gender but in the modern day it's not that strongly correlated, for example I am a female dom and that's a minority."

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (see) (We) (do) (marry) (and) (have) (children) (Typically) (men) (and) (women) (marry) (although) (some) (do) (prefer) (their) (own) (sex) (I) (do) (not) (believe) (children) (are) (possible) (in) (these) (cases) (however)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, yeah, that's true in my world too that you need a man and a woman to have children, but ideally people are also compatible beyond that in dynamic. And I think most people don't have much preference genderwise? At least where I'm from; maybe that's culturally malleable. Uh, loosely, with lots of individual variation, doms prefer to be in charge of things, give orders and make decisions and typically but not always be dishing out preferred forms of domestic violence, and subs are the other way around, preferring to be led and bossed around and if they are into the domestic violence they typically prefer to be on the receiving end. Like, the fact that I walk around with this cane is not literally about suggesting to onlookers that it is very attractive that I could hit them with my cane, but it isn't not about that, a sub would probably prefer a different assistive device."

Permalink Mark Unread

It is highly unlikely that anyone not already familiar with Wangji's microexpressions would notice the pinking of his earlobes. 

Permalink Mark Unread

(Oh) (I) (see) (insofar) (as) (we) (have) (that) (it) (is) (considered) (a) (private) (matter) (between) (partners)

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"Huh. Sounds inconvenient but you do you, I guess."

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Lan Xichen says something which Lan Wangji does not immediately translate, instead raising his head to look at his brother and say something in return. Jingyi bursts out laughing and Sizhui blushes and covers his face. 

(Xichen: "You can guess, sometimes. Sect Leader Jiang, for example, with his whip--" 

Wangji: "Brother, I am not translating anything of that sort about Jiang Wanyin.") 

After a short spell of staring, Wanji plucks, (Not) (everyone) (has) (such) (preferences) (at) (all) (but) (in) (some) (cases) (one) (can) (guess) (that) (if) (they) (were) (it) (would) (be) (one) (or) (the) (other)

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are nondynamics at home who are neither but they're rare. And switches who're both, more common than that."

Permalink Mark Unread

(It) (is) (not) (something) (which) (has) (been) (rigorously) (studied) (here)

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"Yeah, that makes sense if it's considered private. Sorry for the awkward, uh, translation issue."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Better) (to) (know) (in) (cases) (of) (mismatched) (expectation) 

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"Yeah, could have been worse! - my original question before we went into this side issue was whether that was a representative subset of rules."

Permalink Mark Unread

(It) (was) (somewhat) (weighted) (in) (the) (direction) (of) (rules) (newcomers) (typically) (run) (into)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doesn't seem too bad. Again, if you can find very large bowls."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Something) (of) (the) (sort) (can) (be) (arranged)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll stay here for the time being."

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Nobody not familiar with Wangji would realize he was smiling. 

Permalink Mark Unread

(I'm) (glad) 

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"Thank you for your hospitality."

Permalink Mark Unread

(You) (are) (welcome) 

(Dinner) (is) (in) (half) (an) (hour) (In) (light) (of) (the) (fact) (that) (we) (do) (not) (yet) (have) (larger) (dishware) (we) (can) (consider) (the) (rule) (waived) (for) (you) (for) (the) (moment) 

(Until) (you) (can) (communicate) (on) (your) (own) (you) (should) (be) (accompanied) (by) (someone) (who) (can) (play) (Inquiry) 

(We) (do) (not) (have) (much) (experience) (teaching) (language) (but) (hopefully) (eidetic) (memory) (should) (help)

Permalink Mark Unread

"It should! Though not having a phonetic alphabet will slow me down."

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (apologize) (for) (the) (inconvenience) 

Permalink Mark Unread

"I assume you did not invent the alphabet."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Well) (no) 

(Snickering from Jingyi)

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She giggles. "Is there anything in particular I should do with the next half hour?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(We) (should) (get) (you) (clothes) (and) (things)

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"I think if I dressed like you guys I'd trip, cane or no cane."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, all the swooshy robey stuff? I'm accustomed to pants like I've got. I can try swooshy robey stuff if that's all you've got but if you have pants around I'd prefer it."

Permalink Mark Unread

(We) (wear) (pants) (under) (the) (robes)

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Is it immodest to skip the swooshy layers?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(I) (suspect) (we) (can) (work) (something) (out)

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Clothes."

She will accept minimally swooshy local clothes.

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She doesn't have to change right away or anything, but the clothes should be ready by the tomorrow morning. Probably she doesn't move around enough in her sleep that a standard sleeping robe will be a problem. 

Lan Xichen leaves, presumably to arrange this or for other Sect Leader purposes. Wangji remains, quizzing the children and Isabella on how her meditation attempts went and in what ways. 

Permalink Mark Unread

She can report on this eidetically!

Permalink Mark Unread

(The) (precognitive) (meditation) (interaction) (seems) (quite) (fortuitous) (assuming) (precognition) (is) (not) (too) (draining)

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's costly in calories. So not a big deal if you want to feed me and the food's good."

Permalink Mark Unread


(I) (will) (see) (to) (it) 

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


(If) (you) (are) (going) (to) (be) (a) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (disciple) (you) (should) (know) (about) (the) (forehead) (ribbon) 

Everyone she's seen so far, in addition to swooshy white robes, has worn a white ribbon tied over their forehead. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, what's the deal with the forehead ribbons."

Permalink Mark Unread

(The) (forehead) (ribbon) (is) (a) (tradition) (of) (the) (Lan) (sect) 

(Other) (sects) (do) (not) (have) (them) 

(The) (ribbon) (symbolizes) (self) (discipline) 

(Only) (one's) (parent) (child) (or) (serious) (romantic) (partner) (is) (permitted) (to) (touch) (it) 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I won't touch anybody's forehead ribbon."

Permalink Mark Unread

(You) (are) (here) (for) (convenience) 

(I) (do) (not) (expect) (you) (to) (take) (the) (tradition) (seriously) (on) (your) (own) (part) 

(If) (you) (are) (a) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (disciple) (without) (one) (people) (will) (ask) (questions) 

(They) (will) (ask) (questions) (anyway)

(Your) (hair) (and) (face) (are) (unusual) (and) (your) (abilities) (are) (unprecedented) 

(It) (is) (up) (to) (you) (to) (decide) 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, most people won't be able to talk to me till I've had more time to, among other things, decide how to present myself."

Permalink Mark Unread

(This) (is) (true)

(I) (do) (not) (mean) (to) (suggest) (that) (anything) (should) (be) (decided) (in) (haste)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have suggestions? About how to approach the questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Xi) (chen) (would) (be) (better) (to) (ask) (he) (is) (better) (with) (people) (than) (I) (am)

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Hey, how did you find me by the stream, I neglected to ask."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Your) (arrival) (disturbed) (the) (wards)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ooh, wards, how do those work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Usually) (it) (is) (not) (possible) (to) (pass) (through) (the) (wards) (without) (a) (token) (and) (if) (it) (happens) (anyway) (Brother) (will) (know)

Permalink Mark Unread

"A token?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Jade) (tokens) (keyed) (to) (the) (wards) (are) (issued) (to) (Gu) (su) (Lan) (disciples)

Permalink Mark Unread

"...not that I have a travel itinerary, but does this mean that till I get one I'm trapped in some general area here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(Anyone) (who) (has) (a) (token) (can) (bring) (you) (with) (them) (and) (it) (seems) (unwise) (to) (wander) (alone) (until) (you) (can) (communicate) (by) (yourself) 

(Anyone) (who) (can) (play) (Inquiry) (will) (have) (a) (token)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like I said, I don't have an itinerary, but it being unwise to leave is different in some ways from it being impossible to do so."

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He nods, and reaches into his sleeve and produces a piece of white jade carved into the shape of a cloud. 

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"Thank you." She pockets it.

Permalink Mark Unread

(If) (you) (do) (leave) (please) (leave) (the) (token) (on) (the) (ground) (outside) (the) (ward)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll remember that."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Thank) (you)

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Is it dinnertime yet.

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Close enough, especially if they'll be walking more slowly because of Isabella's clumsiness issue. Sizhui hugs Wangji as they stand, before the latter leads Isabella to the dining hall. 

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Good. She is a hungry eclipsed.

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The food isn't great, kind of bland, kind of bitter, and everyone eats in silence. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh dear.

She is hungry enough to eat a lot of plain rice and bits of whatever else is on hand but it's going to be a problem in the long run.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wangji observes her consternation and quietly plots. 

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Since the plotting is silent she will not notice it! She will go to her assigned room by a circuitous route to see more of the layout of the enclave and then sit and think about talking to her brother.

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The next morning there is a rapping on her door shortly after five. 

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She took a really long time to go to sleep the night before because when she originally landed she had only just had breakfast but she lurches out of bed anyway. "Hi. I'm still adjusting to the time zone."

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He nods and holds out a pile of clothing. 

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"Thanks." Yoink.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Breakfast) (is) (in) (ten) (minutes) 

(If) (you) (require) (more) (time) (I) (will) (have) (something) (brought)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can probably get dressed in ten minutes but if I'm not there in fifteen I have probably fallen over trying to deal with alien pants."

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He nods and closes the door. 

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She manages to get into the alien pants and appear at breakfast on time.

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There is a mildly absurdly large bowl waiting for her when she arrives, already filled. 

It tastes much better than anything last night. 

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Oh good. It's not exactly two everything bagels with cream cheese and lox but she will put it away no problem.

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This older-looking guy is definitely looking at her appraisingly. 

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...she will look back at him! Presumably someone will tell her if this is against the rules.

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Nobody says anything. 

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She goes back to eating.

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Eventually eating is done and people stand up to go about their day. 

Wangji gestures at the man who was looking at her with virtually invisible reluctance. (This) (is) (Lan) (Qi) (ren) (he) (is) (one) (of) (our) (best) (teachers) (he) (was) (curious) (about) (you)

Permalink Mark Unread

"What does he want to know?"

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He wants to make sure you aren't going to be another Wei Wuxian.

(He) (wants) (to) (get) (an) (idea) (of) (what) (you) (are) (like) (as) (a) (person)

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"...by staring at me, or would he like to talk?"

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(He) (would) (like) (to) (talk)

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"Okay. I think I've had enough breakfast. It was pretty good!"

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(I) (am) (told) (you) (come) (from) (very) (far) (away)

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"Yes. I come from another world."

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(And) (a) (place) (on) (the) (opposite) (side) (of) (that) (world) (from) (the) (Yang) (tze) (river)

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"Yes. If it's not a coincidence. I can draw you a map of my planet if you like."

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(That) (seems) (prudent)

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So when provided with paper she draws the outlines of all the continents, quick and neat as though she's tracing, and she draws the Yangtze River and identifies it, and she marks New York City. "I live here," she says, and then she marks Forks, "but I was born here," Phoenix, "and I grew up here."

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It takes some searching in the library to find a map that covers more than just the general China-and-its-immediate-environs area, but they do, and the geography matches. 

(I) (hope) (that) (whatever) (standards) (of) (behavior) (exist) (where) (you) (are) (from) (you) (will) (behave) (appropriately) (while) (you) (are) (here), Lan Qiren says and Lan Wangji (with undetectable reluctance) translates. Lan Xichen makes a more legible half-apologetic half-long-suffering face. 

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"I didn't object substantially to the subset of sect rules I've learned apart from the one that will be unsustainable if you hope to have me doing any magic," she says after a beat. "I don't know whether that will continue to hold as I learn more of them, and I understand that might take some time, but if I encounter a rule I can't live with I'm willing to amicably take my leave and find somewhere else to stay. Of course I cannot guarantee I'll follow rules I don't know to exist, and can't guarantee I will understand them all as common sense coming as I do from so far away."

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He nods, not quite happy but reasonably satisfied and not actively grudging. Xichen says something to him which Wangji doesn't bother translating and the two get up and bow and leave. 

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She attempts a little bow herself but obviously has never bowed to anyone in her life.

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(Thank) (you) (for) (being) (civil) (to) (Uncle)

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"It seemed prudent. - you guys don't know precognition protocol, I should explain that to you, it's kind of hard even for people who grow up with it -"

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"If something happens you would have wanted to be warned about, tell me. Even when it has already happened, and especially if it's an ongoing emergency, priority one is tell me. You have to think of it that way and not as exclusively being about me being conveniently able to see the future, because your decisions are part of the future, and I can only foresee my own experiences - if I acquire extrasensory abilities those can fold in to my own experiences, but I can never tell you about something that isn't going to happen, to me, in my own precognition window, in the event that I do not use precognition, because what I see is 'what would happen if I didn't use precognition'. People who have Glimpse insurance on their kids who can't be trusted to keep their own pulse monitors on sometimes lose their kids because they - experience the kid dying and then spend the rest of the time window grieving and not telling their precog. And then we can't do anything. You have to have everybody who might know about something you want warning of very clear that even when it seems like it can't possibly help and I have already demonstrated I'm useless they have to tell me what happened because that's how I can be not-useless."

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(I) (can) (think) (of) (times) (when) (that) (would) (have) (been) (useful)

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She nods. "I technically have to do this too, I have to be able to sufficiently make up my mind to try stuff even if the entire reason I'm checking in precognition is that I don't want to, but it's easier for me because I designed the power and how it feels for me, everybody else just has to have the reflex of 'tell the precog right away'."

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(I) (will) (make) (sure) (it) (is) (known)

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"Thanks. What's on the agenda for the morning besides this geography lesson?"

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(Can) (you) (explain) (your) (balance) (problem)

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"I've had it all my life. It's in an awkward gap where psionics can't fix it because it's too physical and magery can't either because it's too neurological, or I would have had it cured by now. I can't run without falling down. I can't dance either. I can walk, slowly, with my cane, and usually not trip if I'm paying attention."

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(If) (you) (can) (meditate) (while) (walking) (and) (focus) (on) (your) (balance) (it) (might) (help) (sooner) (than) (otherwise)

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"If you have someplace reasonably soft-floored I can try it."

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(There) (are) (flat) (outdoor) (areas) (where) (the) (ground) (is) (soft)

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"It'll do."

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Time passes. She is tutored in the language, mostly by Sizhui and Jingyi while they aren't in classes, and in cultivation, mostly by Wangji. Other Lan disciples with sufficient mastery of Inquiry fill in when neither of these is available. Food continues to be available in adequate quantities and higher quality than that first night, although if she pays attention she may notice that she never has to fill her bowl herself from the communal serving dishes. A few times people come to her to report minor training accidents; nothing major, but better averted if possible. 

After almost a week, Lan Wangji asks her if she feels up to accompanying a night hunt as a precognitive warning system. 

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She walks around in circles on soft ground for her meditation, looking ahead the entire time so she can report training accident related interruptions and cheat really hard at gathering spiritual energy. And sure, she'll come along as long as she can be well back from the action given that if someone fucks up and doesn't tell her what's going on she will not be able to run away yet.

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That is fine. 

The night-hunt goes smoothly; the class of teenagers Lan Wangji is supervising take down a handful of walking corpses with no injuries and figure out what idiot was robbing graves and prompting corpses to get pissed off and rise from them. 

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"Why don't you just... cremate people... if you have a recurring zombie issue."

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Walking corpses are easier to deal with than angry ghosts. 

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"I guess that answers that. Why do the ghosts get angry about cremations?"

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The thing isn't so much that ghosts get angry about cremations, it's that dead people get angry about not having a proper burial, or about having their graves disturbed, and once they do get angry you really want them to be stuck to a shambling rotten meatsack that can only do physical violence and not like curses. 

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"...why do they gain the ability to perform curses if freed of their corporeal forms. That's so weird!"

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(Beings) (which) (have) (bodies) (are) (to) (some) (extent) (constrained) (by) (physical) (limitations) (as) (well) (as) (benefits) 

(An) (angry) (ghost) (is) (essentially) (pure) (resentful) (energy) (and) (can) (therefore) (manipulate) (resentful) (energy) (naturally)

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"I don't suppose this could all be solved with a cultural shift towards it being expected that dead people will not care at all about their interment conditions and instead care about normal things like, uh, having company and hobbies and stuff, a normal person amount and not a curses amount."

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(Resentful) (energy) (does) (not) (work) (that) (way) 


(There) (has) (only) (been) (one) (case) (of) (a) (dead) (person) (restored) (to) (full) (consciousness) 

(The) (Ghost) (General)

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"And the Ghost General is, like, okay, just biologically dead?"

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(He) (was) 

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"...then what?"

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(He) (died) (again) 

(Not) (because) (of) (how) (he) (was) (put) (together) 

(The) (Jin) (clan) (executed) (him) 

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(Have) (you) (heard) (anything) (about) (Yi) (ling) (Lao) (zu) 

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"Yes, apparently people have been hunting for his spirit for ten years."

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(Yi) (ling) (Lao) (zu) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (invented) (demonic) (cultivation) (a) (new) (kind) (of) (cultivation) (that) (harnesses) (resentful) (energy) (instead) (of) (subduing) (it) 

(He) (used) (it) (to) (help) (win) (the) (war) (against) (the) (tyrannical) (Qi) (shan) (Wen) (sect) 

(Previously) (there) (were) (five) (great) (sects) (instead) (of) (four) (with) (Qi) (san) (Wen) (at) (the) (head) 

(But) (they) (became) (cruel) (and) (dangerous) (and) (the) (other) (four) (were) (forced) (to) (take) (up) (arms) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (was) (considered) (a) (war) (hero) 

(After) (the) (war) (the) (survivors) (of) (the) (Wen) (clan) (were) (put) (in) (labor) (camps) (by) (the) (Jin) (sect)

(Wen) (Ning) (was) (a) (Wen) (who) (had) (helped) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (during) (the) (war) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (found) (out) (that) (he) (was) (being) (mistreated) (in) (the) (camp) 

(He) (went) (to) (the) (camp) (and) (found) (all) (the) (prisoners) (being) (treated) (badly) (and) (Wen) (Ning) (dead) 

(He) (killed) (the) (overseer) (and) (brought) (all) (the) (survivors) (and) (the) (fierce) (corpse) (of) (Wen) (Ning) (to) (Yi) (ling) 

(The) (Jin) (sect) (was) (very) (angry) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (found) (a) (way) (to) (restore) (Wen) (Ning's) (consciousness) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (and) (Wen) (Ning) (were) (on) (their) (way) (to) (attend) (Wei) (Wu) (xian's) (nephew's) (one) (month) (ceremony) (when) (Jin) (Zi) (xun) (ambushed) (them) 

(Jin) (Zi) (xuan) (attempted) (to) (intervene) (and) (became) (a) (casualty) (at) (Wen) (Ning's) (hand) 

(Jin) (Zi) (xuan) (was) (the) (heir) 

(The) (Jin) (sect) (was) (out) (for) (blood) 

(Wen) (Ning) (surrendered) (himself) (to) (the) (Jins) (to) (be) (executed) (in) (order) (to) (protect) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (and) (the) (other) (Wen) (survivors) 

(It) (did) (not) (work)

(The) (Jins) (gathered) (the) (sects) (in) (Nightless) (City) (where) (the) (Wen) (sect) (once) (ruled) (to) (collectively) (declare) (war) (on) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (showed) (up) (to) (speak) (to) (them) 

(Somebody) (attempted) (to) (kill) (him) 

(His) (sister) (got) (between) (them) 

(She) (died) 

(He) (lost) (control) 

(Many) (of) (those) (gathered) (died) 

(A) (month) (later) (the) (entire) (cultivation) (world) (besieged) (Yi) (ling) 

(Everyone) (within) (was) (killed) 

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"Wow okay."

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(There) (have) (been) (many) (attempts) (over) (the) (years) (to) (summon) (and) (bind) (Wei) (Wu) (xian's) (spirit) 

(None) (have) (succeeded) 

(Most) (believe) (he) (has) (passed) (on) 

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"I'm sure there are more sides to this story but it does seem peculiar if the way you're describing it is accurate that he'd be the only one people'd be after."

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(I) (do) (not) (know) (what) (happened) (to) (Wen) (Ning's) (spirit) 

(Nobody) (else) (was) (feared) (the) (way) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (was) (at) (the) (end)

(He) (created) (an) (entirely) (new) (way) (of) (cultivation) (and) (against) (the) (Wens) (he) (raised) (obedient) (armies) (of) (corpses) 

(Nobody) (could) (control) (him) 

(Even) (when) (he) (was) (on) (the) (same) (side) (as) (everyone) (else) (he) (did) (what) (he) (believed) (was) (right) (with) (no) (concessions) (to) (political) (concerns)

(People) (began) (to) (turn) (against) (him) (after) (the) (war) (before) (he) (actually) (did) (anything) 

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"I see."

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(I) (will) (not) (say) (that) (he) (caused) (no) (harm) 


(what) (was) (done) (to) (him) (was) (unjust) 

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"Lots of injustice to go around. So - the entire cultivator subculture is recovering from a couple smallish genocides, that's, uh, rough."

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"And nobody else knows how to replicate the Ghost General thing and bring everybody back okay sometime after the political dust has settled?"

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(There) (are) (other) (demonic) (cultivators) (now) (but) (none) (as) (skilled)

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"What does that boil down to, like, do they not meditate enough - I assume there are more complicated steps someone will explain to me when I have meditated enough -"

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(Demonic) (cultivation) (involves) (less) (meditation) (than) (conventional) (cultivation) 

(Wei) (Wu) (xian) (was) (a) (genius) 

(I) (do) (not) (know) (what) (he) (did) (to) (bring) (Wen) (Ning) (back) (but) (I) (assume) (it) (was) (complicated) 

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Would he have written it down in a useful form ever?"

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(But) (if) (any) (of) (his) (notes) (survived) (the) (siege) (I) (imagine) (they) (were) (taken) (as) (trophies) 

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"No, yeah, I don't mean can one recover a physical copy, I mean psions can learn to see the past."

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(Then) (probably) (yes) 

(Watching) (what) (he) (did) (to) (Wen) (Ning's) (body) (would) (likely) (also) (be) (useful) 

(Do) (not) (mention) (any) (plans) (to) (take) (up) (Yi) (ling) (Lao) (zu's) (work) (to) (others) 

(Most) (people) (would) (not) (understand) 

(The) (Jiang) (sect) (leader) (captures) (any) (demonic) (cultivators) (he) (can) (find) (and) (drags) (them) (back) (to) (Lotus) (Pier) (where) (they) (are) (never) (heard) (from) (again) 

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"Maybe I will move to Japan first or something. Anyway, this'd take me a long time unless there's a way to hack psionics with cultivation same as the other way around, but, like, people are dead, and around here people being dead is even more problematic than people being dead in the way I'm used to."

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(There) (are) (those) (I) (am) (not) (remotely) (unhappy) (are) (dead) 

(But) (I) (would) (gladly) (see) (them) (live) (if) (it) (meant) (those) (I) (have) (lost) (could) (open) (their) (eyes) (again) 

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"If only everyone can come to such an enlightened compromise position."

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(It) (is) (unlikely) 

(Sect) (leader) (Jiang) (was) (Wei) (Wu) (xian's) (brother) (once) 

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"...they have different surnames, what's the deal there?"

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(Wei) (Wu) (xian's) (parents) (were) (friends) (of) (the) (previous) (sect) (leader)

(When) (they) (died) (he) (took) (in) (their) (child)

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"Gosh. So why is Sect Leader Jiang so, uh, vehement, these days, exactly?"

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(I) (do) (not) (claim) (to) (understand) (Jiang) (Wan) (yin) 


(He) (blames) (him) (for) (the) (death) (of) (their) (sister) 

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(Even) (if) (you) (reconstruct) (the) (technique) (which) (bought) (Wen) (Ning) (a) (few) (more) (months) (it) (may) (require) (a) (comparatively) (intact) (body)

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"Yeah, that would limit its usefulness, but plenty of random people must die of old age or - oh, man, I'm surprised I haven't already come down with a bunch of local diseases, I hope I wasn't carrying anything when I arrived -"

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Huh, he can just music up a question mark by itself, cool. "Uh, contact between separate populations can sometimes cause disease outbreaks because groups have resistance to the diseases that are usually around them but not to others. Since there's just one of me and I wasn't sick when I got here, I'm probably in more danger than you, but I think denser populations also wind up with more local diseases and I'm from a densely populated city. It could be fine though."

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(Cultivators) (are) (less) (vulnerable) (to) (disease) (and) (you) (have) (not) (yet) (personally) (interacted) (with) (anyone) (who) (wasn't) (fortunately) 

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"I think if I wait, like, a month or two, that should probably be plenty of time for anything I had on me to cycle out. - hey do you have the germ theory of disease because that's important."

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(Germ) (theory) (?)

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"Most diseases are caused by tiny living things, too small to see with the naked eye, called germs. They die if you boil them, among other things, so if you have, say, water that's making people sick, boiling it before drinking it can prevent that. Unless it's, like, lead poisoning, which is not a germ. This also implies quarantine procedures for the sick and it being important to promote handwashing and getting on inventing the sewer as fast as possible if you haven't already."

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(We) (are) (familiar) (with) (the) (concept) (that) (cleanliness) (is) (important) (for) (health) (and) (boiling) (suspect) (water) (makes) (it) (safer) (and) (being) (around) (the) (sick) (spreads) (sickness) 

(What) (is) (the) (sewer)

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"Carries away waste in pipes so it doesn't contaminate other things. I don't know much about how they're constructed. When I can contact my brother I can ask him to look stuff up."

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(We) (can) (keep) (you) (away) (from) (non) (cultivators) (for) (a) (few) (months)

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Nod nod.

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(But) (yes) 

(Even) (if) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (and) (Wen) (Ning) (are) (irrecoverable) 

(There) (is) (much) (good) (that) (could) (be) (done) 

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"If we're really lucky it'll become possible to go back and forth between worlds."

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"I will have to give everyone a heads up on the dynamic thing but the upside potential is huge."

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(I) (do) (not) (know) (what) (that) (would) (look) (like) 

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"Oh, you could hire people to come in and build you sewers, for one thing. Fabric gets cheap! Electric lights are cool! We have flying machines! And you guys aren't just subsistence farmers sitting on natural resources, either, you can trade cultivator-y stuff, it might be asymmetrical but I think it can go really well. Maybe we'll figure out how to eclipse people from here by sending them over on the correct dates and send them back when they've gotten through control training and then you can have eclipsed too."

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(That) (sounds) (good) 

(I) (also) (do) (not) (know) (what) (role) (looks) (like) 

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"Uh, I have never been to the China of my world let alone studied its history from a thousand years ago so I don't know what it looks like in the nearest comparison culture, but in mine it's like, there are different ways to address strangers depending on their role, like I'd be called 'ma'am' instead of 'miss' which is for subs and children - the conflation of which is less awkward than it sounds but still at all awkward. And when somebody's pretty sure they're growing up to be a dom they get a collar they can give to their sub later to wear, which is, like, not all the way to married but is still a signal of seriousness. And subs kneel by their doms in public except when that's really impractical. And doms have short hair and subs have long hair, except when they don't - like, I can't tell what you are actually but if you walked down the street in my world you could probably convince people you were a dom in spite of the hair because it's understood that long hair doesn't signify submissiveness in Asian cultures except when they've gotten really Westernized... Is that the sort of thing you mean or am I barking up the wrong tree?"

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(That) (is) (what) (I) (meant) 

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"Cool. Kids figure out what they're gonna be in their early teens usually but some people are obvious early and some people are confused late. There's a notable dearth of legible social roles for switches and nondynamics; former has a more lively activist movement. Doms're overrepresented in politics and subs in medicine, among other professions."

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(The) (Lan) (sect) (has) (only) (had) (one) (female) (sect) (leader) (in) (our) (history) 

(The) (best) (doctor) (of) (our) (generation) (was) (a) (woman) 

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"In my world most cultures went through a really long period of considering gender and role, if not the same thing, at least much more closely related than they are. Modern statistics suggest that women are sixty percent subs, ten percent switches who would have probably presented sub in that context historically, and thirty percent doms who - either some of them found that being raised with the expectation they'd be subs got them at least as far as 'switch', or they pretended in public and if they were lucky they wound up with subby husbands, since the stats are the other way around in men. By the time I was born it was generally understood that gender's not important unless you're specifically trying to have kids and role's the one with social import, although, like, testosterone - the hormone that causes among other things male puberty - is correlated with some things, so social scientists are still fairly interested in gender."

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(When) (you) (explained) (role) (neither) (Brother) (nor) (I) (thought) (it) (was) (the) (same) (thing) (as) (gender) (although) (I) (suppose) (there) (are) (some) (who) (would) 

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"Well, as long as nobody's going to tell me I can't do things because I'm female, I can adapt."

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(That) (is) (unlikely) (to) (happen)

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The Lan disciples seem reasonably fine just missing a night of sleep but Isabella is not expected to be up at five the next morning. 

A few days later, during language lessons, Sizhui idly asks her if she's given any thought to the ribbon thing. 

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"...what, about not touching them? It doesn't seem like it calls for that much thought, it's not like people are routinely waving them in my personal space."

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He blinks and tilts his head. 

(After) (that) (part) (he) 

(Sometimes) (he) (has) (trouble) (communicating) (clearly) (with) (people) (who) (haven't) (known) (him) (for) (years) 

(You) (are) (a) (Lan) (disciple) (but) (not) (an) (ordinary) (one) 

(He) (was) (suggesting) (that) (you) (could) (decide) (whether) (to) (wear) (one) (or) (not)

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"Oh! Uh, what's the - significance of that decision?"

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(The) (ribbon) (is) (a) (symbol) (of) (the) (self) (discipline) (of) (the) (Lan) (sect) (and) (of) (great) (traditional) (signficance)  

(You) (could) (take) (it) (without) (attaching) (the) (meaning) (to) (it) (that) (is) (typically) (assigned) 


(It) (would) (be) (reasonable) (to) (not) (want) (to) (make) (a) (promise) (you) (don't) (intend) (to) (keep) (even) (if) (nobody) (is) (going) (to) (hold) (you) (to) (it) 

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"Yeah, I think I should like... at least know all four thousand rules before I announce I'm going to have a go at them."

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(There) (is) (a) (cliff) (face) (where) (all) (of) (them) (are) (written) 

(Which) (would) (be) (more) (useful) (if) (you) (could) (speak) (the) (language) (fluently) (yet) (let) (alone) (read) (it)

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"Yes. I'm working on it. Do you perhaps have a medium-sized child handy who can read and is still working on learning them and might as well read them to me."

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(Sorry) (I) (did) (not) (mean) (to) (offend) (only) (observe) (that) (my) (suggestion) (was) (less) (than) (ideally) (useful) 

(Probably) (that) (can) (be) (arranged) (to) (happen) 

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It is arranged to happen. This medium sized child is SO FOCUSED AND SERIOUS ABOUT THIS TASK. It's adorable. 

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Awwww. Okay, what are all four thousand rules.

Most of them fall into the categories "trivial, at least for her personally" (she doesn't drink anyway) or "arguable enough to live with" (she never laughs for literally no reason and is prepared to assert this if anyone finds themselves confusing their ignorance of a reason for a lack of one) or "genuinely admirable principles" (sure, she will aspire to embrace the entirety of the world!). It's a long, long list, but she can remember it all.

The ones she goes to Lan Wangji with questions about afterwards are mostly questions of definition and detail (does building wealth by using others actually rule out all interdependent economic practices? how is she supposed to be filial when her parents are a world away and do not themselves subscribe to ideals of filial piety?) But there's one she's a little more stuck on -

"The five posions thing - I got him to explain that and it seems like it's very, uh, Buddhist. I am not a Buddhist and do not in fact hold not wanting things as a virtue."

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(Ordinary) (transactions) (are) (fine) (that) (rule) (refers) (to) (taking) (unfair) (advantage) (of) (people) 

(As) (long) (as) (you) (respect) (them) (according) (to) (your) (own) (culture's) (standards) (it) (should) (be) (fine) 

(Nobody) (wants) (nothing) 

(To) (want) (something) (so) (much) (that) (you) (lose) (sight) (of) (more) (important) (things) (is) (wrong)

(To) (want) (acclaim) (so) (much) (you) (lose) (sight) (of) (what) (is) (right)

(To) (want) (sex) (so) (much) (you) (lose) (sight) (of) (loyalty) (to) (a) (spouse) 

(There) (are) (things) (I) (want) (very) (deeply) (and) (have) (no) (intention) (of) (ever) (wanting) (less) 

(I) (do) (not) (think) (I) (am) (breaking) (that) (rule) 

(If) (I) (am) (I) (do) (not) (care) 

(Nobody) (follows) (all) (four) (thousand) (rules) (perfectly) (at) (all) (times) 

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"Okay, cool, as long as I am not in fact required to convert to Buddhism I think we're good."

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(You) (are) (not) 

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"I'm not sure the headband will work very well with my haircut but I'd accept one now if it's on offer."

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He pulls a folded ribbon out of his sleeve and hands it to her. 

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"You just have spares around?" she wonders, taking it and attempting to get it on straight without a mirror. "- what is it that you want so much anyway?"

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(I) (have) (been) (carrying) (that) (one) (since) (shortly) (after) (you) (arrived) 


(I) (want) (Wei) (Wu) (xian) (not) (to) (be) (hated) 

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"Like, in a high-minded hatred-corrupts-the-soul sort of way or like, uh, massacre in response to attempted murder with collateral damage is understandable sort of way?"

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(In) (a) (whether) (or) (not) (it) (is) (understandable) (it) (does) (not) (erase) (everything) (else) (he) (ever) (was) (or) (did) (way)

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"Yeah, I get that."

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(You) (are) (the) (first) (adult) (I) (have) (been) (able) (to) (speak) (of) (him) (with) (since) (he) (died) 

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"...really? That sucks. Also I'm confused about how I managed to indicate I'd be a safe audience when I wasn't specifically aiming at that."

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(It) (was) (a) (gamble) 

(Based) (on) (how) (you) (reacted) (to) (the) (knowledge) (of) (a) (self) (aware) (fierce) (corpse) 

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Nod. "I hope, uh, history is written by more compassionate victors in the future. - we have a saying that goes 'history is written by the victors'."

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"Is my headband on straight?"

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Almost three years later, the class of junior disciples that includes Sizhui and Jingyi is sent out on a night hunt to a place called Mo Village that's reported walking corpses. Isabella is sent along for precognitive purposes. 

The largest house in the village belongs to, appropriately enough, the Mo family. Madame Mo and her husband receive the group of cultivators with sweet words and flattery, and if anyone gives Isabella odd looks for her foreign features and strange haircut, the Lan forehead ribbon and the fact that all the teenagers treat her with respect keeps them from saying anything. 

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And if Isabella hangs out over there and meditates and waits to be interrupted, what will she hear?

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Madam Mo prattles on for a while, at one point mentioning that a member of her own clan was at one point a cultivator. 

At which point a young man a little older than Isabella bursts in, clothes askew, face made up with garish and ghoulish paint. 

"That's me! You must be talking about me, right? I'm the only one here who used to be a cultivator." 

Jingyi hides a laugh behind his sleeve and Sizhui gives him a reproving look. 

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Madam Mo is taken aback, but rallies. "Who let him out!? Get rid of him!" she demands of the servants. 

Her husband gives her a reassuring shoulder-pat and goes over to the intruder to remove him, but instead of holding still to be manhandled he drops to the floor. He grabs onto the floorboards with a strong enough grip that even when the servants get physically involved they can't pry him up. 

"Damned madman!" the husband rages. "You'd better get back there right now or there'll be hell to pay!" 

"I can leave if you want," the young man says, "but not until you give back what he stole!" He points to Madame Mo's son, Mo Ziyuan. 

Mo Ziyuan's face goes pale with fear. "N-nonsense! When did I steal from you? What could I possibly gain by stealing from you?" 

Mo Ziyuan's fine clothes and the intruder's tattered ones give him a reasonable point, but one that his guilty behavior belies. 

"You didn't just steal from me, you beat me up and took my stuff!" the young man accuses. 

Mo Ziyuan goes to kick him. He slips, but he may have connected beforehand, because the young man certainly rolls as if struck, and when he tugs his shirt open there is a distinct boot-print bruised into his flesh. 

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[Uh, in about twenty minutes we're expecting somebody in bad makeup to come in, sling accusations, and get into a physical altercation with Mo Ziyuan,] Isabella tells Sizhui.

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[Thank you]

He quietly gets up and leaves the room, murmuring dismissals when Madame Mo asks if something is wrong. 

It doesn't take long to find "somebody in bad makeup." Gosh. That's astonishingly bad makeup. 

"Excuse me, are you headed that way in order to accuse Mo Ziyuan of something?" 

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"...Yes? Is Mo Ziyuan stealing from so many people that that's an easy guess?" 

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"That isn't the situation at all, but I must request that you wait a while. We are going to deal with the walking corpses that this area has been dealing with, and it would be inconvenient if you got into a fight with him in the middle of things." 

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"Huh, is that so? If it isn't that he's been stealing from other people, then how did you know? For that matter, how did you know I was coming? My aunt and uncle keep me locked up all the time." 

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"Senior Suan foresaw it. Your aunt and uncle?" 

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"What? Foresaw it? The Lan clan has a disciple who can see the future now?"

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"It's very useful for preventing casualties on night-hunts. Your aunt and uncle?" 

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"Madame Mo and her husband. I'm Mo Ziyuan's cousin, Mo Xuanyu. They don't treat me like family, though. Ziyuan is always taking my things and beating me. Look!" he exclaimed, and tore his shirt open, displaying a deep bruise in the shape of a boot print. 

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"I see. If this is true, it's incredibly unjust. We will do our best to correct this matter, Young Master Mo," he says, bowing. 

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"Aww, aren't you sweet, being courteous even to the infamous Mo family lunatic. It seems it's true that the Lan clan only raises upright young gentlemen!"

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"You honor me, Young Master Mo. If I promise to have the matter seen to, will you refrain from making a scene?"

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"Hmm. I really don't know that I can promise that. I am a lunatic, after all. And you can say you'll handle it, but if I let you handle it, I don't know how it'll turn out, and I don't intend to leave without my stuff."

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"Can you at least give us a little time to resolve the situation, before taking matters into your own hands?" 

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"Ah, fine, when a charming young gentleman like you asks, how can I refuse?" he asks rhetorically, and then flounces off to go be crazy at someone else. 

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What a strange person. 

He returns inside and finishes arranging the details of the hunt, instructing everyone to stay inside with all the doors closed, and then brings up the topic of Mo Xuanyu's stolen items. Being called on his behavior enrages Mo Ziyuan, but without his cousin actually present, a physical altercation does not ensue. Madame Mo is finally cornered into promising that the stolen property will be returned, although she claims that it's a brotherly matter that Xuanyu shouldn't make a fuss over. 

The next event of significance occurs when they begin setting up the spirit-attracting flags and Mo Xuanyu shows up to mess with them. 

[Senior Suan, Mo Xuanyu has decided to interfere with the flags.]

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Some time prior to that, Isabella sighs and says [Sizhui, the same guy starts messing with the flags in an hour.]

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[Thank you, Senior Suan] 

Sizhui keeps Mo Xuanyu off the flags, reminding him that they still have a precognitive Senior around, did he really think this was going to work. Mo Xuanyu pouts but gives up with relative grace, flouncing off again. 

"It's hard to believe that guy used to be a cultivator," Jingyi remarks. 

"Don't be unkind. It's not his fault something's wrong with his head," Sizhui chides. 

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Fascinating. They seem to actually have someone who can see possible futures. That's completely bizarre. He manages to get a glimpse of her, hiding on the roof and peering over the edge. He's only a little surprised it's a woman, but the obvious foreign-ness of her features and her short haircut are much more startling. Maybe it makes sense, though, if anyone ever managed to develop future sight it sure wasn't here, not unless it was all within the past thirteen years. What's she doing here, though? 

If this keeps up he definitely won't be able to do anything about the Mo family until the Lans are all gone. Which is fine, honestly, when has a Lan ever done anything except cramp his style. 

Aside from all those times Lan Zhan totally did things other than cramp his style ANYWAY. Humiliating the Mos in front of their cultivator guests was his best plan for revenge for Mo Xuanyu that didn't involve killing them. Not that killing them would be hard, but that doesn't mean he wants to do it. He's going to have to try to think of something else and sooner rather than later. 

He settles in to watch over the baby Lans and make sure they don't get in over their heads. Just in case. 

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The next thing to go wrong is when, despite the fact that all the walking corpses seem to have been dealt with no problem, dawn finds the supposedly-safe interior of the building with all its doors and windows firmly shut full of zero living people and lots of corpses of the non-walking variety, each incredibly withered and sunken, missing their left arm. 

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She has enough meditation under her belt to pull the occasional working all-nighter, so this is noticed at around half past midnight and reported to the entire cohort of Lans.

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The entire cohort of Lans drop what they're doing with the walking corpses and break into the house! This is much more concerning than some bog-standard walking corpses! 

The servants are disgruntled to be woken from their sleep, but are almost all alive, so you know what, they can deal. 

Two of the servants, and Madame Mo and her husband and son, are already dead. 

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"Mo Xuanyu" is not by any stretch of the imagination part of the cohort of Lans, but he has eyes. When the baby Lans drop everything and make for the house en masse, he figures out something's up. 

He follows them through the broken-down previously-locked door and looks around. 

He finds out about the fatalities. 

He peels the bandages back from his wrist. All the cuts are gone. Well...yay? 

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Isabella is pretty upset she didn't catch this in time to save the five casualties. She wraps her arms around herself and unloads on Alex.

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She isn't the only one who's upset. The servants stare, ashen-faced, at the bodies of their masters and two of their own. One of them attempts to accuse Mo Xuanyu. Several of them flee the building. 

The juniors search the building for about ten minutes before someone looks outside and sees that one of the servants who fled is now in the same state as the other victims. 

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That she catches and [tells everyone about] while she's having breakfast.

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Wei Wuxian is incredibly tempted to just bolt. It's not going to go well for him if anyone from the Lan clan who is not a baby or a weird foreigner shows up and figures out who he is. With the curse already fulfilled with the deaths of the three Mos and, presumably, one of the dead servants, probably the one he got into an altercation with on the way out of Mo Xuanyu's room if he had to guess, he has no further business keeping him here. And the baby Lans have their improbable seer to keep them safe. 

But nobody can see everything, and if he fled and found out that more people, maybe even some of the baby Lans, had died...no. 

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They locate the man who died in Senior Suan's precog. He seems to have been shocked into silence; he goes where he's chivvied, but he doesn't say anything. 

Seven minutes later, he collapses, face as sunken as the others. 

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What the fuck!!! is going on here!!! [I think we need backup, I can send for someone.]

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[Yes, definitely, whatever's doing this is much more dangerous than a walking corpse.]

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[Wangji, we need backup -] She summarizes the situation.

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[On my way] he says as soon as she's done. He knows her; she wouldn't say they needed backup if they didn't fucking need backup; he was on his sword before she finished the first sentence. 

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Okay now what's going to happen if she sits and takes reports -

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She can't seem to find any futures where that one guy doesn't fucking die. She can get a whole lot of angles on that one guy dying though. 

His hand vanishes the first time his body is remotely unattended after his death. If only one person is around the body when the hand vanishes they die next. 

The guy never says a word, and the next person to die never says a word between his death and theirs. 

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Okay, she wants everybody talking to each other out loud once a minute and also she wants somebody to pin the dead guy's spooky arm to the ground between the bones with a sharp object really hard after he dies.

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Yep it was totally the arm. Once you look at it closely it doesn't match the guy's right arm, much more muscular and with very different callus patterns. As soon as someone tries to stab it it goes for their throat. 

(Examining the guy's vitals before he "dies" reveals that it was in fact six people who died before they made it into the house) 

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Can someone... shoot the arm from a ways off to pin it in place? Or throw something heavy onto it? Or something? She is open to suggestions.

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How does she feel about the fierce corpses of the five other dead barreling up to engage the thing. 

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Ambivalent. She tells everyone in her group including the incoming Lan Wangji.

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[Almost there] 

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Of the five fierce corpses, the three Mos are definitely the stronger ones. The servants' corpses fall relatively quickly to the ferocious undead hand. The Mos last longer, but it's pretty clear they aren't going to be able to actually win this thing. 

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And then the resounding chords of a guqin infused with the energy of a powerful cultivator echo through the walls of the building. All four still-moving dead creatures freeze as Lan Wangji's playing subdues their resentful energy. 

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Ok yep time to book it

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Lan Wangji approaches, maintaining the immobilizing tune. 

"Is everyone alright?" 

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"Checking." Now what.

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Previously dead are still dead; everyone else is fine. 

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"Everybody currently alive is stable in my range."

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Wangji attempts to exorcise the arm. This proves too difficult to do by himself in the field, but he can calm it down enough to imprison in a qiankun pouch for safe transport back to Cloud Recesses later. The fierce corpses...

Wangji studies them silently for a moment. 

"These are the work of demonic cultivation. Not naturally occurring." 

"It must have been that Mo Xuanyu guy!" Jingyi says excitedly. "The Mos said he used to be a cultivator, and he had his face painted like he was a hanged corpse, and he was really weird and he tried to mess with the spirit-attracting flags but Senior Suan stopped him." 

"Mn. Where is he now?" 


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Oh for crying out loud. Will they find him in the next six hours.

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Well, not in the first six hours, but they can tell her where they looked that time and she can tell them to try elsewhere, and eventually it is concluded that he's definitely not in Mo Village anymore. 

[Found him,] Wangji reports in the vision where he goes down the road in the opposite direction from the one the Juniors came down. 

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She points him that way in reality.

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Oh come on this is not fair how did Lan Zhan know exactly where to find him??? He'd thought leaving as soon as Lan Zhan showed up would be enough, but no. Dammit, this is what he gets for not leaving sooner. Probably it would have been fine. Doesn't the mighty Hanguang-Jun have better things to do. 

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Lan Wangji dismounts from his sword. "You are Mo Xuanyu," he says calmly. 

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"Ahahaha, wow, the great Hanguang-Jun has heard of me! I'm incredibly flattered," he says, bowing from his position on the (stolen??? whatever, it wasn't like the Mos were using it) donkey. 

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"At Mo Manor, the entity which killed six people was fought by five fierce corpses. Those corpses did not arise naturally through their own anger, but were raised by way of demonic cultivation. Besides the Lan disciples which were originally sent to deal with the walking corpses in the area, you are the only one with any kind of cultivation background who was present." 

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"That doesn't prove it was me! Maybe one of your little disciples has been doing things they shouldn't have." 

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"...Fine. But I only did it because it was an emergency! Would you rather one of your disciples had gotten killed?"

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"So, really, you have to agree, I didn't do anything wrong!" 

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"Wait, what?"

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"You did not do anything wrong." 

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"What, is the great Hanguang-Jun tolerating demonic cultivation now? What would people think if they knew?" 

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"You just said I should." 

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"Haha, you should know better than to listen to me, didn't anybody tell you I'm a lunatic?"

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"You do not seem like one to me." 

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"Woooooow, all this praise from Hanguang-Jun! I can't take it!" 

He grins. 

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"I would appreciate it if you would tell me events from your perspective." 

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"And then you'll let me go?" 

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"Wellllll, I can't promise how useful you'll find it, but okay." 

He gives a description of events that's mostly accurate in terms of what he did and saw, and completely bullshit in terms of his internal experiences. 

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"Thank you," he says, and mounts his sword and flies back to Mo Village. 

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"- well?" she asks when he's back.

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"He was the demonic cultivator. He claims it was an isolated use in response to a clear emergency. He did not seem to be a danger to anyone." 


"He--reminded me of. Someone."

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"He's the same person who was messing with the flags and starting altercations with random family members, is that also reminiscent?"

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"Interesting person." Sigh. "Anything else need checking, do you suppose?"

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"The dead will need burying. After that, I'm going to Dafan Mountain; there have been reports of people in a local village losing their souls. Do you wish to come?"

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"Only if it doesn't look like I'm going to lose my soul within six hours of accompanying you."

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"Of course." 

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They clean up at Mo Village, including dealing with the lightly neglected walking corpses and burying the six dead. 

They head for Dafan Mountain. 

"Hopefully nobody loses their soul in any version of the next six hours." 

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"Maybe in a few more years all the random villagers will know that if a weird-looking lady with short hair shows up they should tell her all their recent bad news, if people are losing their souls quietly I'm no good."

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"We can hope." 

The deity-binding nets are--annoying. Crude. Clearly the efforts of someone who cares more about winning than about succeeding; the number of them that have caught fellow cultivators is: too many. 

They are doing more harm than good. Lan Wangji destroys them. 

Encountering Jiang Wanyin is--unpleasant. It is never pleasant, but it is not, objectively, a catastrophe; Isabella's precognition is for avoiding people getting hurt, not for avoiding fratricidal assholes. 

Besides, watching Jiang Wanyin walk away first is--satisfying, a bit. 

Mo Xuanyu is there. He was talking to Jin Rulan for some reason? Hm. He's lucky Jiang Wanyin doesn't know what he did at Mo Village. 

He walks away, in no mood to be reminded of Wei Ying right now. 

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Shortly later: [Senior Suan, we've found out what's eating people's souls, it's the local goddess. This is a precognition, right? You can let it go a while longer so we can figure out how to beat it since this isn't real but, none of us have had our souls eaten but a handful of other cultivators have. Tell the real versions of us to make sure nobody prays to it.]

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[You know it creeps me out when people in precognitions tell me it's a precognition!] she says. [Tell me what you're trying so if I don't hear back I know it's a bad idea -]

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[Sorry, Senior Suan. Mo Xuanyu is the one who figured it out, he tried lighting it on fire but that didn't work. Swords also appear to not be working very well. Can you tell Hanguang-Jun to come over?]

("You're weirdly calm about the rampaging soul-eating goddess!" 
"It's okay, Young Master Mo, this isn't real." 
"We're in one of Senior Suan's precognitions."
"That's creepy as fuck.")

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Sure let's see what happens if Wangji goes over.

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[This is remarkably difficult to kill,] he reports, the faintest fleck of irritation in his "voice." [Arrows penetrate the stone of her flesh, but seem to do no lasting damage.]

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If they take too long to figure something out she can start over from the beginning with them having more information to hand.

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There is radio silence for a long few minutes, and then, with more open emotion than she's ever heard from him: 

[Wei Ying--Wei Wuxian is alive.]

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In real life Isabella doesn't know what to do with that immediately but she doesn't have to make her decisions about what will happen in several hours in real time, so let us suppose she does not pause in a few seconds' bewilderment before replying: [How?]

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[I don't know. It's Mo Xuanyu--he--

I composed a song, once, and have never played it for anyone but Wei Ying, and he just carved a bamboo flute and began playing that song.]

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Uh, is anything working on the statue thing.]

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[Not yet.]


[Oh. Wen Ning is also less dead than previously supposed. I don't know how that happened either.]


[Wen Ning is crushing the statue with his bare hands. It appears to be working.]

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[...okay. I suppose I could try asking him for help early in the fight even if we don't know where he's located at the time.]

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[I'm not sure if that will help. He doesn't appear very lucid. He--he's responding to Wei Ying's music, but not to anything anyone else says. He's behaving more like a normal fierce corpse.]

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[I can probably telepath Wei Wuxian too.]

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[That is--probably not necessary. The statue did not begin attacking until someone made a foolish wish. I can speak to Wei Ying.]

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[Okay. Who made the wish, when -]

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[Jin Ling. He and Sizhui and Jingyi and several cultivators from other sects were gathered at the shrine and Jin Ling wished for the soul-eater to appear in front of him. Nine minutes ago.]

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She drops out and disseminates the relevant tactical information.

And adds to Wangji, [You concluded Mo Xuanyu was actually - Wei Wuxian alive somehow - when he played a song you never played for anyone else.]

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[Thank you]

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[Of course.]

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Wei Ying is alive. 

There is nothing more important, in this moment, than going to find him. Wei Ying is the person he met as Mo Xuanyu; he came within a hair's breadth of him and he walked away

Wei Ying did not want to come with him; Wei Ying has never wanted to come with him. This is--unfortunate, but not something he can change. 

But the fact that he was the one to walk away stings. 

Wei Ying is alive. Even if he never sees him again, he is alive, and that is--that is more than he thought would ever be the case, more than he could ever have hoped for, almost everything he has dreamed of for the past thirteen years. 

Wei Ying. 

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Wei Ying is over here putting his foot in his mouth with Jin Ling. And Jiang Cheng's here too! Looking more pissed-off than average even for him. 

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Apparently thirteen years is long enough to forget Wei Ying's complete and utter inability to not find the worst possible situation within a mile and fling himself headfirst into it. 

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He is not going to stab Jiang Wanyin. It would cause more problems than it solved. Jiang Wanyin does not know that "Mo Xuanyu" is Wei Ying or that he practiced demonic cultivation at Mo Village. Probably he does not know these things; Lan Wangji should really know better than to set lower bounds on Wei Ying's ability to get in trouble. 

He considers his options. 

He could attempt to speak with Jiang Wanyin. Ugh. Terrible. He doesn't even have Sizhui or Jingyi to do his part of the speaking for him. And what would he even say. 

He could...continue to stand here just barely out of sight until one or the other party left. Unacceptable; that would leave Wei Ying far too close to alone with Jiang Wanyin for an indefinite period of time. No. 

He could walk in, grab Wei Ying by the wrist, and physically drag him away. Hm. On the one hand, Wei Ying isn't likely to be pleased with being dragged off with no explanation. On the other hand, it's not like Jiang Wanyin understands or wants or expects to understand Lan Wangji any more than the reverse, and probably this would not raise his suspicions particularly. And it would involve Wei Ying not being in the same place as Jiang Wanyin, immediately. 

Well, that settles it. 

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"Wh--hey! Hanguang-jun? You said you'd let me go!" Wei Ying exclaims as he is physically dragged off. 

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Once they are out of earshot of Jin Rulan and Jiang Wanyin, Lan Wangji releases him. 

"I apologize," he says softly, "Wei Ying." 

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He opens his mouth. 

He closes his mouth. 

"How did you...?"

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"You revealed yourself in a possible future Suan Yisabeila foresaw." 

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"Aw, man. That ability of hers is really pretty inconvenient for me. I couldn't get away with anything back at Mo Village." 

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"It has saved many lives. And I am not sorry to know you are not dead." 

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"I'm sure you're not." 

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"I have told no one else. Nor do I intend to." 

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Some of the tension goes out of his shoulders. "Ah, Lan Zhan, you're really too much sometimes. Not only tolerating demonic cultivation, but allowing Yiling Laozu himself to go free? What would people think?"

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"I do not care." 

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"Well, someone should. Guess I'd better be extra careful not to get caught, huh?"

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"Mm. It is best for you to not linger near Jiang Wanyin." 

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"Huh? Jiang Cheng? I know he doesn't exactly like me anymore..."

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"Wei Ying. He has spent the past thirteen years dragging any demonic cultivator he could find back to Lotus Pier and torturing them to death. He would not need to know that you are you. If he knew the events of Mo Village he would try to do the same to you." 

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"...Wow. He really hates me that much, huh." Sigh. "Guess I can't blame him." 

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"So if you're not here to expose the wicked Yiling Laozu's return to the world and bring me to justice, what do you want with me?" 

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What a stupid question. Anything. 

"The soul-eating goddess." 

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"The soul-eating--oh. Oh. Oh, that's fiendish, except how it's not, no wonder the compasses didn't work. If she was granting people's wishes and taking their souls, that would technically be a legitimate transaction, so she doesn't register as evil--damn. You're saying you need my help with it?"

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"Swords were ineffective. Arrows were ineffective. The only thing that successfully stopped her was Wen Ning." 

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"Wen Ning? Has seeing me again made you forget what year it is? He died before I did!" 

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"Apparently not. In the future Suan Yisabeila saw, you cut a flute and played it and Wen Ning appeared." 

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"That's impossible." 

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"Hah...fine, if only to prove you wrong. I'll need a flute, though." 

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He finds a stalk of bamboo of the correct diameter, draws Bichen, and cuts an appropriate length, whittling holes in it much more carefully than Wei Ying counterfactually did in the fight that didn't happen. 

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"Well, it's no Chenqing, but it'll do." 

He lifts the flute to his lips and begins to play

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He closes his eyes. 

Wei Ying playing the song he wrote for them on a flute he carved for him is...

He is having a LOT of feelings right now. This is too many feelings. Put some back If he had ever been able to put any Wei Ying related feelings back at any time ever his life would be VERY DIFFERENT. 

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after a little while--

preceded by an ominous jingling-chains noise--

out of the trees walks Wen Ning. 

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"What the fuck," he breathes, flute playing forgotten. "What the fuck." 

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As soon as the flute playing stops, Wen Ning stops moving. 

Wrapped in chains all over, his expression is completely blank. 

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Wei Wuxian circles his startlingly-less-dead-than-previously-believed friend. 

"Something's wrong...he's completely unconscious. And supposed to be dead. Tch. I suppose the Jins couldn't bear to throw away such a marvelous potential weapon," he murmurs, disgusted. "Hands."

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Still expressionless, Wen Ning holds out his hands. 

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Wei Wuxian examines the shackles. "These were definitely created just to hold Wen Ning," he says. "Hmm..." he reaches for Wen Ning's head and feels around under his hair, eventually extracting two long, wicked-looking black nails. He makes a face at them. 

"The Jins, or whoever had him, must have used these to suppress his mind. It's going to take some time for him to recover. He'll definitely be noticed if we try to bring him to the shrine with these chains still on him, and they definitely won't yield to ordinary force. Can you use Bichen to cut them off?"

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"Mn." It is completely irrational to feel jealous of Wen Ning for having Wei Ying's hands all over his head like that, given the context. He unsheathes his sword and begins cutting away the strengthened metal, careful to avoid catching the flesh underneath. 

[Yisabeila, we have Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian believes that the Jin sect chose to imprison him instead of destroying him. He was being forcibly prevented from regaining consciousness. We intend to bring him to the shrine to destroy the goddess statue.] 

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[Is Wen Ning going to be all right?]

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[Wei Ying says it will take him time to recover]

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[Okay. Checking -]

How does this play out.

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[Can you ask Jingyi to create a distraction? I do not think destroying a goddess statue without proof would be taken well even if Wen Ning were not widely reviled.]

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[Jingyi, can you do something distracting? If nobody provokes the goddess statue destroying it looks bad but provoking it is undesirable.]

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[Have fun.]

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Jingyi creates a distraction. It is extremely obvious when Jingyi creates a distraction. There is a very loud explosion coming from approximately the opposite direction of the shrine. 

"What was that?" 

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"Lan Jingyi. I requested that he provide a distraction so that we could destroy the goddess unseen." 

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"How did you do that? I would have seen if you did something." 

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"Suan Yisabeila can speak mind-to-mind from a distance."

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"Wow, this mysterious foreigner of yours just gets more and more mysterious. Lead on, then." 

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They wait a little while for people farther from the distraction than them to get past, then make their way to the shrine, Lan Wangji in the lead, checking for witnesses as they go, then Wei Ying, and finally Wen Ning following Wei Ying like a puppy dog, except exponentially either more or less terrifying depending on whether or not one is Wei Ying. 

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The shrine is old and not exceptionally well-maintained, littered with used incense sticks and decomposing offerings. Wei Wuxian ignores them and points at the goddess statue, a boulder naturally worn away by the elements into a remarkably humanlike figure, so much so that people decided it must be divine. 

"Break it," he tells Wen Ning. 

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Wen Ning wades in to the statue, shattering its limbs and torso with no finesse but overwhelming power. It isn't long before the statue is reduced to homogenous rubble. 

Unfortunately, pulverizing stone in a cramped echoey cave like this shrine is is kind of loud. Before they make it back to the entrance of the cave, voices can be heard speculating about the noise. 

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Possibly moving faster would prevent this and possibly it would not. He should at least try to resolve this before reporting misfortune to Yisabeila. 

It seems pretty difficult to resolve, though. 

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Wei Wuxian does not have "call the precog" firmly lodged in his option set. He looks around for anything useful, sees a grinning opera mask among the offerings, and puts it on Wen Ning, adjusting his robes so the black veins don't show as prominently. 

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Three cultivators from smaller sects walk in and see the rubble on the floor that used to be a statue. 

"Hanguang-jun! Did you see who did this? Who are these two?" 

"...They are with me. Nobody else has been in the cave since we arrived but you." 

"Do you think the soul-eating creature did it?" 

"I suspect the soul-eating creature was involved with the statue's destruction." 

"How terrifying!" 

He manages to usher Wei Ying and Wen Ning out of the cave without having to say anything else. 

[We destroyed the statue without being caught.]

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Then they can go ahead and do that in real life, sounds good to her.

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The soul-eating goddess is dealt with, which is good, because nobody's soul is going to get eaten anymore and the survivors can be restored. It is also bad, because it means Wei Ying has no more reason to hang around him. 


"Come meet Suan Yisabeila," he suggests. 

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"Huh? Your extremely foreign disciple with the weird powers? Would she want to meet me?" 

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"I told her about Wen Ning. She is interested in the potential for people to be less dead." 

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"Hah, is that so? Well...you said she's how you knew about me, and Wen Ning, so I guess she already knows we're alive, so it probably can't hurt much." 

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So he leads the two of them to the bottom of the mountain where Suan Yisabeila is coordinating from. 

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"Hello there."

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He grins at her and bows. "Hello, Lady Suan! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, haha, I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do in that regard." 

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"I didn't expect we'd be able to meet for the foreseeable future! Where've you been?"

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"Oh, you know. Dead." 

He sighs and looks at his wrists where faint lines of still-pink skin mark the locations of the curse wounds. 

"Mo Xuanyu did a ritual that would sacrifice his soul to summon me into his body and bind me to get revenge on his family. I was hoping that breaking into their hall and humiliating them in front of the visiting cultivators would be enough revenge, but sadly you were too good for that." 

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"...so... you murdered them?"

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"No! If I had killed them I wouldn't have killed two innocent people as well and endangered more. I have no idea where that arm came from." 

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"So they just conveniently and unrelatedly died?"

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"I don't know how to explain it. But yes. Where would I even get an arm like that, you people were already there when I woke up." 

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"Wei Ying is resourceful." 

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"Not helping, Lan Zhan."

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"If it weren't an arm I could try asking it. Well, I suppose many body parts taken individually would be equally unhelpful."

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"Maybe Mo Xuanyu set multiple revenge schemes in motion before he died, for redundancy." 

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"I suppose I can't rule that out. How's Wen Ning doing?"

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"Better than before I removed the nails from his head. Still not lucid yet." 

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"I can try to help with that, let me see if it'll help..." Supposing she tries her fledgeling undead-lucidity power.

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"Unh..." his hands come up to rub at his temples. "What.."

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"Hey, are you okay?"

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"...No. What's going on?"

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"We're not sure either."

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"Do you remember anything?" 

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"It was dark. People came in sometimes to check on me, I think..." 

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"Do you know who?" 

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"How did you get out?" 

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"I heard you calling, Young Master Wei. You clapped and said 'get up, it's time to work.' And I knew where you were and I pulled the chains out of the wall and I came." 

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Does he stay lucid if she stops doing her thing.

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"That sounds like when I raised the fierce corpses to fight the arm." 

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"The arm?" 

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So Wei Wuxian cheerfully tells his friend everything that's happened since he came back to life, hands waving and expression animated, occasionally touching him to pat him on the arm or shoulder or something. 

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Lan Wangji is NOT JEALOUS. Look how not jealous he is. 

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That seems like it's not going to be a disaster any time soon. She promotes it to reality.

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"So," Wei Wuxian says, once Wen Ning is sufficiently filled in, "where do you and your outlandish powers come from? And how'd you end up with the Gusu Lan sect of all people?"

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"I come from a city of eight million people who live in steel towers and I get my powers from the moon and Lan Wangji found me lost in the forest."

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"Aw, c'mon, you can tell me, you already know enough about me to destroy me, I'd never dare tell."

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"Lying's against the rules! You don't have license to accuse me of such a thing, we've only just met."

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"Pff, Lan Zhan accused me of breaking the rules when we first met." 

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"You were openly carrying two jars of wine." 

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"Hey, I offered to share!" 

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"Alcohol is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses." 

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"You see what I had to put up with?" 

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"People having eyes?"

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"Ah! They're ganging up on me! You're my only friend," he tells Wen Ning. 

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"Th-thank you, Young Master Wei." 

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Not jealous not jealous not jealous--wait. Fuck. 

"Wei Ying. Wen Ning. There is something you both should know." 

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"Huh? What is it?" 

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"You met Sizhui at Mo Village." 

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"Yeah, he was the one who stopped me from making a fuss about Mo Ziyuan stealing Mo Xuanyu's stuff. Promised to pursue justice on behalf of a lunatic in greasepaint. Good kid." 

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"I am glad you think so. He is A-Yuan." 

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Wei Wuxian physically collapses to his knees. 


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"After the siege, I went to the Burial Mounds to see if there was anything left of you to bury. I found no remains, but I did find A-Yuan, hidden in a tree. He had a terrible fever; he remembers nothing from before he recovered from it. But he is alive." 

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He staggers to his feet and throws his arms around the other man. 

"Thank you, Lan Zhan," he breathes. 

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Wangji freezes for a moment, then, tentatively, his arms come up to hug back. 

"It is not something you need to thank me for," he murmurs. 

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...doesn't seem like it'll benefit from her interjecting.

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The hug continues for a little while. 

Shortly: [Senior Suan, the seniors from the other sects are done scolding Jingyi for his distraction. Is the goddess statue taken care of? Should we head back?]

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[It's taken care of, hang on one second though.] "Sizhui and Jingyi are ready to regroup, are we?"

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"--Oh. Should I go." 

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"...Don't tell them I'm not Mo Xuanyu."

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"As long as that information seems like your personal business, sure."

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"I should go," Wen Ning says reluctantly. "The mask can only suffice for so long." 

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"Where are you going to go?"

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"...I don't know. Follow Master Wei? But in hiding. So nobody sees me." 

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Is that what he was like when he was alive? She can look into that later. She glances at Lan Wangji.

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"...The opera mask is insufficient. But perhaps some better disguise can be obtained," he says slowly. 

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"I'm sure the opera mask will work long enough to upgrade." 

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"If you get recognized, tell me, and then if I'm looking into the future at the time I'll know in advance."

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"Okay. Thank you." 

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"You're welcome."

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"We're ready." 

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She summons the juniors and they can be on their collective way.

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"How come we're bringing the Mo lunatic along?" Jingyi wants to know. 

"Not a lunatic," Wangji says disapprovingly. 

"Oh. But--" 

"Not a lunatic. Clever. Figured out the goddess was eating souls. Curious about Suan Yisabeila's abilities." 

"Oh. Okay." 

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"I'm fascinating," she chirps.

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"You are! How do you do that, anyway, see the future and talk in people's heads." 

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"I told you! I got my powers from the moon. Well, a moon."

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"Aw, come on." 

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"It's true." 

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"What, really?"

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"I'm from another universe! We don't have cultivators there but we do have some other things. I'm an other thing."

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"That's more fascinating than I was expecting! Tell me about other things?"

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"I'm what's called a psion. The other kind is called 'mage'. Most people are neither, but we get our powers during lunar eclipses, around age twelve."

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"What determines who becomes which?"

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"It seems random. Nobody's both though."

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"So it's not something you learn?"

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"I learn my specific powers, but being able to do that just happened to me."

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"How does learning them work?"

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"I decide what sort of power I'd like, and then I kind of meditate on it till I have it. Practice and thinking about it more improves it."

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"Huh. Pity it's not something you can teach." 

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"Yeah, at least for the time being. I can pick up cultivation even though I'm not from here, though, so that's cool."

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"That is cool!"

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"We are grateful to have her." 

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"Haha, no wonder, if she can even keep me out of trouble she must be your dream woman, Lan Zhan." 

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He wants to ask about that thing she did for Wen Ning but he extremely cannot do that while Sizhui--A-Yuan, god, he's alive--and Jingyi are here. 

"So what exactly can your extremely foreign moon powers do, besides see the future?"

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"Talk to people." [Like this.] "Remember everything that happens to me perfectly. And make agitated spirits more lucid - not always calmer, just more aware of what's going on so they can sometimes understand things like 'actually the person you're mad at isn't here' or whatever. That one's a work in progress."

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"I think that's incredibly cool." 

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"Thank you, I try."

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"What can it do so far? What are you hoping to do with it?" 

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"Ultimately I'd like to be able to arrange for more people to be able to continue to have their normal personalities after they die, and learn more about what it's like to be dead and what about the situation needs to be further changed. My world's had eclipsed for a very long time but it's actually only in recent decades that many have been able to have careers in magic, so the upper limits on psionics alone, let alone in combination with cultivator techniques, aren't known."

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"That sounds a lot like demonic cultivation. You're gonna have some pushback, even if you are all respectable Lan disciple at them." 

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"If I do it with psionics it isn't demonic cultivation, in my opinion."

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"You're definitely right. I hope people aren't too stupid about it." 

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"Me too."

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Wei Wuxian doesn't really stop talking, topics ranging from how kind Sizhui was to take his complaints of theft seriously to complaining about his donkey's stubbornness to interesting flowers they happen to pass. 

They reach Shan Village. 

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Isabella reaches into her magic sleeve and drops off her latest installment of Earth Knowhow translated for the benefit of the villagers. While she is rummaging in her sleeve she also grabs a hardboiled egg and starts peeling it after she has deposited the letter.

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There is a lot of Earth Knowhow on display in this village. 

"Whoah, what the fuck," Wei Wuxian says, openly gawping. 

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"I've been importing information," says Isabella. "I stick it here, though in the long run it'll filter out."

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"So all this stuff is stuff you have in your world?" 

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"A lot of it's actually stuff that's obsolete in my world because the manufacturing base here isn't good enough to support the more advanced versions."

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"Oh, that's neat." He glances admiringly at a glassblower's wares. "What is that stuff?"

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"They're using the word for it in the Mandarin of my world, bōlí."

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"What is it, though? It looks like someone worked out a charm to make water stay in one shape. With colors." 

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"Melted sand."

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"Oh, cool." 

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"In Suan Yisabeila's world, they light rooms with tame lightning." 

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"What. What, that is so cool!"

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"They're working on that here but it's hard to do safely, and I have to translate everything, which means I have to understand it well enough to talk about it in a language that doesn't have its own words for it yet, and I have a lot of demands on my time."

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"Melted sand, tame lightning, cool powers, you...is everything from your world awesome?"

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"I'm not planning to import anything bad though."

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"You don't seem like you would!" 

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"I'm glad that's clear."

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"I am an excellent judge of character." 

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"Are you? Sounds handy." She would probably make some other remark but he's supposed to be pretending to be the Mo kid.

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(Wangji shakes his head minutely.) 

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She snickers softly.

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"You're so mean to me," he pouts at Lan Zhan. 

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Pout. "Well, however good a judge of character I may be doesn't really matter, because I haven't seen anything about you that wasn't cool. Maybe except your hair. Why's your hair so short?"

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"Uh, in my world there's an extra thing on top of gender and also this is signaled with hair length and I am the short-haired one of those."

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"Huh. What kind of thing? Why is it signaled by hair length?"

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"It's not signaled by hair length in all cultures, and actually in particular it is not this way in China, but my culture does the hair signal. I don't actually know why it is that way, it's sort of hard to tell with stuff like that how it came to be. The roles are called 'dom' and 'sub' and are about whether you like to be in charge or more of a follower in your personal relationships."

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"Huh. That seems...useful." 

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"It is! I haven't tried to date here, I don't know where I'd even start. I am very famous back home and maybe one day if someone learns to teleport between worlds I will sort through my fan mail and acquire a groupie."

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"You are? What for?"

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"Uh, for being here and doing stuff here. It's very exciting. - I can talk to people on my world as well as here, it took me a few months to get even just my brother and he wasn't believed at first but then I was able to talk to anyone."

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"Ohh, I wouldn't have guessed you could talk to them, I guess that makes more sense than you just happening to know how to make all this stuff though." 

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"I remember everything, so I do know a lot, but I did not at the time know about glassblowing."

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"What have you told your world about us?" 

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"Uh, that you're an alternate version of Earth from a thousand years ago with a different magic system and also everyone is kinky and that I happened to land in China, and some things about how the magic works, and once I spent a long time describing a specific location's geography at someone in case that would make it easier for him to teleport here but it didn't work."

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"Everyone is kinky?"

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"You don't have roles! As far as we're concerned that is very kinky."

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"What's kinky about it?"

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"Not myself possessing this kink I do not have a lot of details about what's kinky about it! Presumably you do... something. I do not know what it could possibly be except I suppose kissing is probably universal."

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"Kissing is pretty universal! I suppose I shall forbear to speculate on what else might or might not be universal in deference to tender ears." 

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"Thank you, Young Master Mo." 

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Wei Wuxian hunts down someone who sells masks and buys a better one for Wen Ning. Wen Ning's ongoing state of masked-ness is explained to Jingyi and Sizhui (A-Yuan!!! A-Yuan who is alive!!!) as his being from an obscure temple sect that forbids showing one's face; if either of them is skeptical, they don't let it show. 

Wei Wuxian continues periodically pestering Isabella with questions about her magic and her world in general. (He seems oddly fascinated with with role-related social norms.) 

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(Lan Wangji has never been so glad in his life that although his ears are bright pink his face itself shows no sign of flushing.)

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Isabella will tell "Mo Xuanyu" whatever he would like to know about subs being led about on leashes and doms swatting them for backtalk each according to their personal relationship tastes and situation.

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"Ooh, hey, do any of your fancy otherworldly imports have anything to do with alcohol?" 

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"Uh, only the kind you can't drink that's useful for cleaning."

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"Aww. Oh well. You really do fit in with the Lans, don't you." 

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"I was briefly concerned that it would be a requirement that I convert to Buddhism but it transpired that it was not."

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"The five poisons and suchlike."

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"Hm. You might have to explain." He smirks covertly at Lan Zhan. "I don't know much about the Lan sect rules." 

(This is a blatant lie. Even without eidetic memory, he could recite every single one that was already there when he studied there, with how many times he was forced to copy them.) 

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"I have better things to do. If you forget one you can read it."

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"That's really reasonable actually. What about you, Lan Zhan, do you have better things to do?" 

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Oh no how did this happen. 


"If Mo Xuanyu wishes for the Lan sect rules and the principles behind them to be explained, this can be arranged." 

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"You know what, never mind," he says, shuddering theatrically and bringing his hands up to cover his ears. 

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"Does your world even have Buddhism and Daoism, if it doesn't have cultivation?"

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"Yeah! It has a bizarre number of similarities despite the magic differences and the role thing. Like, by the time I could talk to anyone besides my little brother Alex" (switching accents for this mid-sentence is awkward but there's not a great way to translate the sounds in fewer than four syllables plus a lot of fudging, so she does it anyway) "I could speak the local language, and it's about like the equivalent language at the equivalent time on my planet."

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"Really? Even around gender and role and stuff?"

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"Lots of historical cultures on our planet erroneously conflated gender and role. There's a few differences but not as many as you might think. Besides, most of the gender in this language is about people's relatives, and gender matters more in that context where you want to know how people are related. Relatedly, I am still annoyed that I have to call Alex my 'little brother' because you don't have an age-neutral word! He is minutes younger than me!"

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"Haha, sorry." 

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"Is it your fault? Fix it immediately." She snaps her fingers.

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Huh being jealous of Isabella sure is a new and unpleasant experience. 

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"I would if I could!" 

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"I appreciate that."

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OH LOOK, A WINE SHOP. Wei Ying said he wanted alcohol, right, or words to that effect, that sounds like a great way to make this exchange stop happening. He drags Wei Ying into the wine shop, presumably to the confusion of the rest of their party. 

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[...I realize we aren't at the Cloud Recesses yet but this hardly seems like the time?]

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Having to explain things to Isabella is the worst, most people he can just do things and everybody will be too intimidated by his reputation as Hanguang-jun to object or he doesn't owe them an explanation like Jiang Wanyin or they're his brother and he doesn't need to use his words but he actually likes her and she takes bullshit from literally nobody and has known him for less than three years. 

[The conversation was making me uncomfortable.]

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[Wei Ying does not return my feelings. I am used to feeling jealous. I am not used to feeling jealous of people I care about.]

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[OH okay I will stop making vaguely flirty-shaped jokes in his direction.]

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[You did not know. There is nothing to be sorry for. But I am grateful.] 

He still isn't feeling up to walking back outside yet. Wei Ying is pestering him that it's ridiculous to drag him into a wine shop and then refuse to join him for even a single cup of wine. 

His ability to resist Wei Ying is considerably eroded right now. 

He raises the cup to his lips. 

His head hits the table with a clunk. 

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Wei Wuxian is, alas, not on the list of people who are allowed to initiate telepathic conversations with Isabella, which means he can't request grown-up assistance from in here, and he super doesn't want to freak out about something being wrong with Lan Zhan in front of A-Yuan. 

Which means he gets to handle it on his own. 

He waves off the proprietor of the wine shop who wants to know if everything is okay; he doesn't, actually, know that everything is okay, but he is having a very difficult time imagining that that guy would be able to help if it's not. 

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It takes a few minutes, but Lan Wangji does lever himself up off the table on his own. 

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"Lan Zhan! Are you okay?" 

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Lan Zhan studies him intently. 

"I do not have better things to do." 

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"I never have better things to do than speak to you." 

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"Eh, Lan Zhan, where is this coming from?" he asks, beginning to stand up. 

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Lan Zhan grabs his wrist and forces him to sit back down. 

"I never have anything more important than you." 

And then he begins listing the Lan sect rules that were added since Wei Ying's death. 

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"Lan Zhan, are you...drunk?" 

It should be impossible to get drunk on just one cup of wine, and usually drunkenness precedes unconsciousness, but, well. He's certainly not seeing any other possible explanation for this. 

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Lan Zhan considers this. 

"No," he decides. 

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He is so incredibly not convinced. 

He's not...entirely...sure what to do about it though??? If this were the evening he could try to put Lan Zhan to bed, he goes to sleep ridiculously early anyway, but that is so extremely not an option right now. 

...He's going to just. Sit here. And hope nobody else notices that he apparently managed to get Hanguang-jun drunk from literally one cup of wine, until the proprietor kicks them out or someone comes looking for them or Suan Yisabeila does her telepathy thing. 

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At first she just keeps escorting the juniors and Wen Ning through Shan Village, but after determining that they will not encounter any problems if they just keep going without her and check in when they arrive, she circles back to the wine shop and ducks in.

"...having fun?"

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Lan Wangji looks at her solemnly. 


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"He's drunk," Wei Wuxian hisses to her under his breath. 

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"What, really? That was fast, what did he drink?"

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"One cup of wine! And then he passed out, and when he woke up he was like this!"

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Okay is he going to have a medical emergency in the next six hours if she makes up her mind to just hover around him that whole time.

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No, he continues explaining Lan sect rules to Wei Ying and then tells him he's pretty and then passes out again. 

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"Okay, it doesn't look like he's actually dangerously alcohol-poisoned from... one cup of wine... but he is liable to pass out and probably should not fly a sword drunk so I'm going to go get him a room at the glassblower's house because they like me and will probably let him crash there. Lan Wangji, does that sound all right?"

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He nods. 

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She goes and asks the glassblower if her drunk friend can sleep it off at his place.

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Yeah, sure, that's fine. 

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...will Wangji in fact successfully find the house without incident if she just tells him he can crash there.

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He will not, however, let go of Wei Ying's wrist. 

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How does Wei Wuxian feel about this situation.

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He's sort of bemused but willing to put up with it for the sake of getting Lan Zhan squared away. 

"Haha, I guess he doesn't really trust me out of his sight, huh?"

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"Are you trustworthy?" she wonders, when she gets this far in reality.

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"I guess I can't really say I am anymore." 

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"Well, if you must get into trouble, please aim it away from my friend's house."

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"When things go where I aim them isn't when trouble happens." 

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"I was very sure, before, that I wasn't going to lose control of my demonic cultivation. I was wrong, and people died because of it." 

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"Do you know what went wrong?" she asks.

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"In a general sense. I was--trying to do too much, all at once, and it worked until it didn't." 

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"Not simple to fix. Oh well."

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"I don't remember all that much from those days. The worst of it didn't start until after, but my memory's never been great." 

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"I might eventually be able to give other people a memory like mine."

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"Huh. That would be something. How does your memory work exactly?"

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"I can remember everything that's ever happened to me, including what I was thinking about at the time. I can bring stuff to mind in the usual ways people try to remember things - I can come up with things that happened at specific times, or with specific people, or in specific places, or whatever, but I never miss anything answering the description. I can still sort of forget things if I'm distracted - like, I never cannot recall what I had planned for the day, but I might neglect to consider what I had planned for the day if I were caught up in something - I considered not doing it that way but I thought it'd make me less myself if I could never be fully absorbed in stuff."

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"Everything ever? From before you got your memory like that?"

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"Yeah! It wasn't like that at first but I worked on it more - wasn't hard, since practice counts for improving a power, and I remember things or try to remember things constantly - and now it's retroactive."

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"Wow. Wouldn't that be something." 

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"I like it."

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"I have a hard time imagining it. But there are things I'd like to remember better." 

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"I'll let you know if I get it to that point, then. I'm not working on it right now, I'm still refining the spirit lucidity thing, but one day."

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"Oh, yeah, definitely, that sounds way more important."

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She glances over at Wangji to see how he's doing.

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Still out like a light. 

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How long is he going to be out.

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Slightly more than an hour. 

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"Well, he's going to be asleep for about an hour. I think I'm going to go get something to eat in the village and be around to walk him home, what are you going to do?"

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He smiles wryly and holds up his wrist, which Wangji hasn't released his grip on even in sleep. 

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"He's got that much of a grip, huh? Okay. Well, I'll be back around when he wakes up, if anything happens he knows how to get ahold of me and so does the owner of this house. Do you want me to bring you some food?"

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"I'd appreciate it, thanks." 

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She steps out to get noodles.

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"Ah, Lan Zhan," he sighs, gazing down at his sleeping companion. "How do we end up in situations like this?" 

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Isabella comes back with dumplings right around when Lan Wangji opens his eyes.

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"...What happened?" he asks, letting go of Wei Ying's wrist like it was on fire and levering himself up. 

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"Reportedly you got drunk on one cup of wine. The others are walking back to the Cloud Recesses by themselves, they make it there uneventfully, and I asked Ping Gui if you could sleep it off here. Dumpling?"

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He takes a dumpling. "Oh. --Did I do anything? I don't remember." 

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Giggle. "You said so many things!" 

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"What things." 

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"You told me allllll about every sect rule that's been instated since I died. You never change, Lan Zhan." 

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"The only thing you said in my hearing was 'yes' when I asked if you were having fun. - in reality; in a precognition you also continued explaining some rules when I was checking if you were going to have a medical problem."

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He stands up and walks out, pausing slightly to ensure Isabella and Wei Ying are also coming. 

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Yup, she's following along. She thanks Ping Gui on the way out.

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He is prepared to make the entire rest of the way back to Cloud Recesses in silence if nobody speaks first. 

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C'mon Lan Zhan, you really ought to know him better than that by now. 

"I can't believe you're such a lightweight you can get drunk on one cup of wine." 

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"Did you really not know? Have you never before tasted alcohol, not even once?" 

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"Wait, so you did know this would happen?" 

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"I was distracted." 

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"Haha, am I really so distracting you'd forget something like that?" 

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"Wei Ying is always distracting." 

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"At least you can admit it now! Remember the lengths I used to have to go to to get you to acknowledge me, Lan Zhan?" 

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Lan Wangji's eyes close briefly as his earlobes pink. "I remember." 

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"Are there funny stories?"

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"Are there ever!" 

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"Aww, I will have to pass for reasons of intrasect harmony."

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"Awwwwwwww. Lan Zhan, lying is forbidden, you know." 

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"The stories are not funny." 

They are not. They are deeply treasured and personal. 

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"Fuddy-duddy," he grumbles. 

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"We could probably catch up to the others if we hurried."

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Lan Wangji is so in favor of hurrying. 

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"Hanguang-jun! Senior Suan! Young Master Mo! There you are! Was everything alright." 

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"I got noodles," she chirps.

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"Ooh!" Jingyi says. 

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This is about the extent of the deflecting help she can offer Lan Wangji on concealing his misadventure.

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Fortunately the juniors don't seem too inclined to pry further, at least at the moment. 

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They reach Cloud Recesses. Lan Wangji (openly) assigns "Mo Xuanyu" and Wen Ning a guest room, and (covertly) arranges it to contain plenty of candles and some books so that Wen Ning, who doesn't sleep, won't be bored to tears at night. 

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[What are those for?]

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[Wen Ning does not sleep.]

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[Oooh, I might do that one day.]

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[Hopefully your method will be more pleasant.]

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[Yeah, no side effects. It's thoughtful of you.]

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[Wen Ning stayed by Wei Wuxian's side when I did not.]

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There is really no graceful reply to that. She gets herself ready for bed at the locally ordained bedtime.

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Wei Wuxian is bored. 

Wen Ning is alright with his books and candles, but Wei Wuxian doesn't feel like reading any of the things Lan Zhan provided for Wen Ning, and he's not going to fall asleep at nine o'clock, that's objectively ridiculous even if they don't have tame lightning to see by at night. 

He could put up with it, in theory, try to go to sleep or read one of the books or something. 

However, due to who he is as a person, he instead decides to sneak out and bother Lan Zhan. 

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Lan Zhan is, to all appearances, fast asleep. 

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Hmm. This isn't entirely unexpected, and he was planning to wake him up, but now for some reason he seems inexplicably reluctant to do that. But he doesn't want to just leave, either. 

He decides to poke around a little. 

The jingshi smells like sandalwood incense. Wei Wuxian has been in close enough contact with Lan Zhan over the past few days to have noticed the way the scent permeates his clothes; he remembers that it was the same in their school days. 

It's...hm. He's definitely feeling something about it. 

Not sure what. 

Anyway, he steps closer to the shrine in the corner where the incense smell is coming from, and steps on something that feels odd to his foot. Frowning, he bends down and runs his fingers across the floor. 

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One of the boards is definitely different from the others. A little further investigation reveals it can be pried up. Logical concerns about Lan Zhan's privacy evaporate from his mind in the face of overwhelming curiosity, and he does so pry it. 

Well, well. 

"Once," ha. But if he knows that that's how he reacts to alcohol it's a little surprising that he still keeps eight jars of Emperor's Smile, Gusu's specialty, hidden under his floor. 

He considers drinking one of them--doesn't Lan Zhan still owe him, really, for the jar he broke the first time they met?--but Lan Zhan shifts in his sleep and suddenly Wei Wuxian doesn't really want to explain this if he's caught. 

He slides the floorboard back into place and sneaks back to the guest room. 

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Isabella is up at five and inspects the next six hours in the unlikely event that she decides to have breakfast and meditate and have lunch without making any laborious decisions.

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Lan Wangji, Lan Qiren, and a handful of others attempt to exorcise the undead arm. It goes badly, although Wei Wuxian finds out and breaks in and prevents it from becoming a complete disaster; nobody dies or anything. They originally tried to draw out the arm's owner's spirit with "Evocation," but this fails completely; only by way of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji duetting "Rest" is it wrestled under control, but not before multiple people end up bleeding from the face from the resentful energy. 

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Oh dear. She summarizes this for Lan Wangji so they can just leave it in the bag till they have another idea. [Though the duet was cute.]

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If they just leave it in the bag it starts acting up anyway although a little later and not as violently as if they try Evocation. 

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Well that's annoying. Maybe she will get to witness the cute duet firsthand.

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She gets to witness the cute duet. 

"Did you notice?" 

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"The way the arm was pointing northwest? Yeah. You think it was trying to direct us to the rest of itself?" 

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"Mn. We cannot assume that Rest will work indefinitely. Or that the other pieces of the corpse will not also begin to cause trouble." 

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"Does that imply that all of the rest is in one piece, if it's in one direction from here and the arm wasn't indecisive about where to aim?"

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"It could easily be that it was just pointing to the closest other piece. Or that some of the pieces are north of here and some are west of here, which would be harder to handle." 

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"Do you suppose its head is thinking enough that I could try talking to it? That doesn't have a range limit but the lucidity does so it'd have to already be pretty conversational to respond."

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"...Hm. I wonder if you could do Empathy at a distance." 

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"I don't have the technique. Kinda don't want it, to be honest."

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"That's fair. It's not the safest thing ever." 

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"Also just sounds really uncomfortable. I can spot you if you want to plan to see if it works on the arm."

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"Well, I can't do Empathy at a distance, so that would involve touching it, which seems like maybe not a great idea considering what happened at Mo Village. Oh, but you can just warn me not to if it's a terrible idea. Might as well give it a shot." 

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"Exactly. All you have to do is be theoretically up for it."

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"I'm theoretically up for it!" 

The arm doesn't kill him as long as he touches it somewhere there's skin as opposed to the place where its muscle and bone ought to join up with the shoulder, but neither does Empathy work. 

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She reports this result.

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Something tense in Lan Wangji relaxes fractionally when it is confirmed that Wei Ying does not even counterfactually die again. 

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"Ah, it was a long shot anyway. It's an arm. You could try talking to the head but I don't know if that would work either." 

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"It shouldn't be dangerous to try, at any rate, though I'll precog it just to be sure..." [Excuse me,] she hypothetically attempts, headward.

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"Doesn't work."

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"Oh well." 

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"Should I plan on coming along on the hunt for the rest of it - or whatever it's pointing at, could be whoever it considers responsible for its death or something -"

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"If you wished to stay behind that would be reasonable but we would appreciate having you along." 

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"I don't mind joining you. I'll get packed for a trip of indeterminate length."

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"It's probably for the best that we're leaving; there's really only so long I can be in the vicinity of Lan Qiren before pissing him off so badly he can't help but notice that it's me." 

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"He can be prickly. I never talk to him without checking it'll go smoothly first."

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"Smart. He is the fuddy-duddiest of all fuddy-duddies." 

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"I'm sure there's worse somewhere. I mean, my planet has seven and a half billion people, probably somebody outdoes him."

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"Okay, with that many people you might be right. But he is definitely the fuddy-duddiest in the world, even if not in all the worlds." 

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"My uncle's standards are very strict." 

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"Wow, if even you're willing to say that, it really says something about him." 

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"I have not always met my uncle's expectations." 

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"What, you? What could you have done that Lan Qiren would disapprove of?" 

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"Drunk a cup of wine and passed out in a glassmaker's back room." 

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He bursts out laughing. "Good point! He doesn't know about that one, but I guess it proves you can unbend a little bit, huh? Wow, now I'm wondering all kinds of things." 

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"It's funny that none of the rules are that you have to tell him if anything he'd disapprove of happens, isn't it? I wonder why the omission."

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"One can only speculate." 

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She goes and gets filled up so she won't have to stop to eat right away and packs.

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They can leave sooner rather than later, then. 

Every evening, they check the arm to see what direction it's pointing from where they are and course-correct. 

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Isabella may not need to eat as much as a normal eclipsed but if she's safeguarding their travels (and occasionally bouncing reports back into reality for Xichen, who is allowed to start telepathic conversations, back home) she will want to check out restaurants everywhere they stop.

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He can totally afford arbitrary restaurant bills. 

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Then she will continue her project of expanding her repertoire of ancient Chinese food. And continue her habit of describing her past diet to amuse confused locals. "Ooh, cheese," she says, buying a cheese, "I used to have like twelve meaningfully different kinds of cheese at my place. For different cheese related purposes. All the most popular foods of my culture have cheese on them."

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"That is so much cheese. Why so much cheese." 

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"We like cheese! Also my ethnicity is better at digesting it than yours, I think."

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"Your food is weird," he says, without a trace of irony, while eating something so spicy she can feel it from across the table. 

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"I bet you'd like pizza if you tried it. Possibly after drowning it in hot sauce."

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"What are pizza and hot sauce," he asks, intrigued. 

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"Pizza's a flat bread with a sauce made from a fruit you don't have on this continent yet and then cheese on top of that, baked so the cheese melts. Sometimes there's sausage or vegetables or whatever else on top."

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"Hmm. Maybe. And hot sauce, is that different from chili oil somehow?"

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"Chili and vinegar."

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"It's good! Though I use it in moderation. When, uh, I have any. I miss food from home. There's some good stuff here but honestly whatever your tastes there's no competing with the variety where I'm from."

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"Well, to be fair, you have been living at Cloud Recesses." 

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"Oh, Lan Wangji started sneaking me decent food from somewhere after I'd had one meal of what they normally eat. If I can't choke down at least six thousand calories of whatever's in front of me I'm not very useful, not yet. I don't eat more than three bowls in a sitting, though, I just have a really big one -" She gestures.

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"That's amazing! Lan Zhan, I had no idea you were capable of such a thing!"

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"I have been here for three years and still do not get how this culture deals with names, I can't tell if you're being rude and he's letting it slide or if this is one of those times it's okay."

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"Oh, I've been calling him that since we were teenagers together, he calls me Wei Ying, it's fine." 

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"Not just letting it slide." 

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"I will probably eventually have the hang of it but I just use everyone's courtesy names and let people mangle mine however seems appropriate to them because I certainly don't know."

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"Women don't always have courtesy names. They almost never do if they aren't cultivators."

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"I don't either, I was named Isabella Swan when I was born. If I'm really nervous I abuse my psychic powers by trying various names in precog and seeing if people wince slightly or not."

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"That's fair. I meant that people would know what to do with you not having one." 

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"When I say mangle it I mean relative to my expectations, not theirs."

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"Oh. How are they mangling it?"

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"In my culture - I didn't even actually realize before I showed up here just how many norms we have about this, but where I'm from you almost never address people by personal name and surname at the same time! You refer to people who aren't there that way, if it wouldn't be clear from context to just use one of the two, and then - unless the specific rhythm and sound of a famous person's name is part of how they're known, sometimes - you cut it down to one or the other, depending on formality level. So in, say, writing about me and my adventures in this here other universe, it's like, 'Isabella Swan' the first time in a given article and then 'Swan' if it's formal writing and 'Isabella' if it's my little brother. Also, a lot more people share specific names. We have only twenty-six characters to write with, and they represent sounds, not meanings, so names can sound and be spelled the same - sometimes on purpose. That means since my name is pretty common most people have met an Isabella before even if they're hearing about me for the first time, and they know the standard possible transformations of Isabella into a diminuitive, and might ask if they can call me one, and will know if they hear my brother calling me by one who he means. Also even if you aren't friendly enough with someone to use their first name, people don't just call me 'Swan' to my face, they'd say 'Ms. Swan', Ms. being a generic title."

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"Huh. That's interesting. 'Isabella Suan,' not 'Suan Isabella'?"

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"Right, though that part I expected, since it's surname first in our China too."

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"I've never really thought about how names could be different before."

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"It's interesting! But I think mine is easier to navigate, even if I try to account for being accustomed."

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"Maybe. The writing system seems like it would be harder to communicate across dialects, though, even if it would be easier to learn to read." 

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"Yeah, you're right on both counts. Though all the words have standard spellings that apply at least across accents even when people pronounce things differently."

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"That must complicate the correspondence between characters and sounds."

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"Enormously. It's not an especially good correspondence. Just better than you've got."

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"Well, that's not what ours are trying to do."

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"Oh, I understand."

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"Does the eidetic memory help more with the dialects thing or the learning to read thing?"

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"More with learning to read. Pronunciation and listening are still hard even when I can remember everything."

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"I'm glad you landed on us instead of the other way around, then." 

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"Eh, if you'd landed on my planet somebody who studies ancient Chinese would have been rustled up from the nearest university."

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"That wouldn't help much with talking to anyone else, though." 

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"That's true. But while I am stuck in this general region, my world has flying vehicles that seat hundreds, and you could have hopped on one and gone to China wherever you landed."

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"Flying vehicles that seat hundreds?"

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"Yes. Don't expect them out of Shan Village any time soon, they require a lot of manufacturing capacity."

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"I can't even imagine what that would look like! Probably not an enormous sword but that's absolutely what I'm imagining." 

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"Metal capsule with rigid wings."

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"Huh," he says, imagining something that looks more like an ovoid golden snitch than an airplane. 

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She cannot telepathically communicate in images yet. "I have become tolerable at sketching if you want an idea of what stuff looks like. Not even stuff exclusive to my world, necessarily, we've also got enough ability to move around for me to have seen animals native to other continents and the ocean."

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"Ooh! How weird do the animals get?"

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"The ones from the bottom of the ocean are wild! And some of them are just really cool and not like anything nearby, like giraffes, which are sort of like deer but can be literally twenty feet tall."

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"Like--deer on stilts?"

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"Most of it's neck! They do also have very long legs though."

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"This sort of thing is why I'm so excited for someone to learn to travel here! Not just because I miss pizza but because you should get to see giraffes."

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(Lan Wangji quietly fantasizes about taking Wei Ying to see a zoo.)

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"We probably have giraffes in this world somewhere."

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"Yes but you have neither airplanes nor cameras so how will you ever see one? Swordsurf five thousand miles?"

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"Why not? Aside from not having a sword right now." This body actually has a tiny underdeveloped golden core so all the reasons he had for not using his before don't really apply. 

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(Lan Wangji, who knows about the part where Wei Wuxian refused to touch Suibian between developing demonic cultivation and his death, but doesn't know the reason, silently takes note of this.)

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"I wasn't under the impression people usually flew that distance! I haven't seen information of trade of even stories from other continents, I'm not even sure I've seen evidence of anything from Japan or India."

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"We don't usually, but that doesn't mean we couldn't. Lots of things aren't done until they are. I thiiiiink potatoes are from somewhere else originally?"

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"I was wondering about that! I didn't have a way to be sure if they were actually potatoes and just not a cultivar I've had at home or if they were some similar root vegetable. If they're from across the ocean that explains it."

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"Again, I don't have a great memory and the last time I encountered one was thirteen years ago, so don't assume I know what I'm talking about."

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"Maybe when I can swordsurf I will go get chocolate and vanilla and tomatoes and pineapples and maple!"

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"I don't know what those are but I'm intrigued." 

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"Chocolate and vanilla make dessert amazing. Tomatoes are for making tomato sauce which is good on noodles and the aforementioned pizza, and you can use 'em in soup and salad too. Pineapples are a really delicious fruit. Maple is a tree with sweet sap that you can boil into a syrup."

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(Wei Ying is going to get to try all these things if Lan Wangji has to personally fly over multiple oceans to make it happen.)

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"There's probably even stuff that grows on this side of the sea that doesn't happen to grow here or hasn't been imported."

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"Most likely. Even just the different ways places cook things with the same ingredients, you can taste so many different things traveling."

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"When you have all the ingredients for a thing I can tell the cooks how to make it!"

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Hmm. Better to ask Isabella to tell him instead of the cooks, or ask the cooks to tell him afterwards. He will probably have some amount of time to ponder this question.

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"Going to ask your brother to look it up, or do you just know already?"

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"I have ever looked at a recipe in my life, and when I haven't seen one for something I ask someone, but it doesn't have to be Alex any more, I have the telepathy working for anyone."

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"Who would you talk to about something like this?"

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"Probably my mom but maybe I'd ask one of the people who's volunteered to read me stuff in general in their spare time."

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"Says something pretty unfortunate about our generation that I'd lowkey assumed your parents were dead 'cause aren't everybody's." 

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"They are both alive and well back home. Though they are divorced."

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"Huh. You know, I can think of plenty of people who probably should have gotten divorced, but none who actually did."

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"It gets more common in the modern day for various reasons."

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"Probably a good thing."

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"People usually don't think so but compared to divorce being all but impossible, yeah, I agree."

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"One of the people who should definitely have gotten divorced is Mo Xuanyu's biological father." 

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"Do you, like, have his memories, or..."

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"Noooooo but I met someone on Dafan Mountain who recognized him. It was slightly awkward." 

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"Jin Ling." 

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"I'm not acquainted."

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"Jin Guangshan was Mo Xuanyu's biological father and an infamous womanizer. Jin Zixuan was his only legitimate son. Jin Ling is Jin Zixuan and my shijie's son." 

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"Wow, that's a mess."

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"Yep. The current leader of the Jin sect is Jin Guangyao, another one of his bastards."

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"I'd heard the name but did not know the family history."

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"Well, that's the family history." 

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"Aren't you an interesting font of gossip."

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"Gossip? Don't you know that gossip is forbidden?"

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"Perhaps I forgot."

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"Good thing we're not in the Cloud Recesses right now." 

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"Gossip is fairly ill defined anyway."

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"You think so?"

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"Sure. Is telling me all this gossip or is it important background information that I as an outsider did not have the opportunity to learn in a more gradual organic manner over time? Rules don't specify."

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"You're the one who said it was gossip first!"

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"It's my second language, pardon my imprecision."

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"Ohhh, I see." 

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She giggles.

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Isabella and Wei Ying continue to get along in a friendly but non-flirtatious manner that gives Lan Wangji fuzzy feelings he doesn't really want to have to admit to out loud. Wen Ning will participate in conversation if prompted but is largely shy; Lan Wangji keeps a tight throttle on any feelings of jealousy he may have when Wei Ying is openly affectionate with the fierce corpse. 

Lan Wangji quietly confirms to Isabella at one point that yes, this is just what Wen Ning is like as a person and was when he was alive, too. 

Wei Ying seems to have forgotten that at one point he forbore to attempt to compare standard sex acts between dynamic and nondynamic societies only due to the presence of tender ears that are not currently present. This is excellent for Lan Wangji's blood pressure. 

The finger that had been pointing the way curls up into the fist with the rest of them when they reach a small city in Qinghe. 

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"Damn, I was hoping we could use it to narrow it down farther than the city. Pick a search pattern, I guess."

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"A search pattern? You mean like combing the city in a grid looking for resentful energy?"

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"Yeah, and then I can see if that'll get you there within six hours. Did you have a different plan?"

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"If it's anything like that arm, and anywhere near here, surely somebody will be talking." 

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"Your search pattern can be interviewing people if you like, makes no difference to me."

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He's about to respond when the sound of a dog barking reaches his ears. 

He freezes immediately, trying to locate the source of the sound so he can get away from it. 

Someone yells something about a mad dog, and the crowd parts, and a black dog races out of it towards a young man on the other side of the street. 

Wei Wuxian shrieks in terror. "Lan Zhan, save me!" he cries, ducking behind the other man and cowering away from the dog. 

Sect Leader Jiang, standing beside the dog's target, turns and narrows his eyes suspiciously. 

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...is the dog actually going to attack anyone -

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Nope just bound up happily to the young man in the Jin robes, who seems quite happy to see him. 

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"The dog is harmless," she reports. She pulls a snack out of her sleeve to munch in annoyance about being startled over nothing.

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"...Sorry," he says, slowly releasing his grip on Lan Zhan's robes. "I've been afraid of dogs since I was a kid." 

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(Wangji multitasks between shielding Wei Ying from the dog and glaring at Jiang Wanyin.)

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"Oh, I see, I'm sorry. I don't see it coming near you, at least not if I go over there and sit around for the next while."

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He shudders. "Thanks." 

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"You're welcome. I will plan to sit over there for the next while and receive reports of whatever you two find, shall I? I can temporarily let you send me telepathic messages, but I will take that right back if you abuse it."

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If she sits over there for the next while to receive reports then Wei Wuxian gets in a loud argument with a peddler who's selling fake charms with what he claims is Yiling Laozu's face on them (it is incredibly ugly and stylized and nothing whatsoever like what Wei Wuxian looked like in his original body) but after enough quarreling has occurred he disburses a local legend about a nearby mountain range that supposedly has a castle that eats people on it. 

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"We've got a people-eating castle, that's exciting and by exciting I mean bad. It's a miracle people on this planet survived long enough to develop civilization! At least the magical threats in my world could be handled in a low-tech culture by learning astronomy and murdering the occasional preteen!"

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"I mean, that's what cultivators are for, mostly. Isn't this the Nie sect's jurisdiction? Why haven't they done anything about it?" 

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"Do I look like a Nie to you? Maybe it used to spit people out again and this is recent."

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"It might've come up in the future vision!" 

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"Not the one I got but if you want to plan to go bother the people-eating castle or the nearest Nie I can tell you what happens then."

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"It sounds like the kind of thing that needs bothering!" 

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"Try to look unpalatable."

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"Ah, I think that might be doomed to failure. What do you think, Lan Zhan?" 

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"Ridiculous," he says, ears flushing red. 

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She will plan to sit over there some more and receive people-eating castle reports.

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Within the next six hours they can counterfactually make their way to Xinglu Ridge where the man-eating castle is supposed to be and discover: 

-A small handful of remarkably pathetic walking corpses 

-A supernatural maze to keep people out 

-A number of strange round castles with absolutely no entrance or exit points

-If they loiter long enough then Jin Ling and his dog make it through the array, blow a hole in one of the castles and go inside

When they follow them in, they discover that

-The castle contains a coffin with a saber inside

-The walls are full of corpses 

-The wall apparently dragged Jin Ling inside; they get him out but he's really out of it and has a curse mark on his leg. 

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Wow! Suppose she tells them all that and suggests they ask Jin Ling what the fuck he had in mind going into a people-eating castle.

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That sounds annoyingly likely to involve interacting with Jiang Wanyin. Which means either talking to him himself or having Wei Ying do so, which, no, not that latter one. At least since there is a dog involved he can actually, miracle of miracles, convince Wei Ying to stay with Isabella instead of accompanying him to speak with Jiang Wanyin and Jin Ling. 

It...does not go optimally. Jiang Wanyin wants to know what's up with his weird traveling companions, the one in the mask and Mo Xuanyu, who was afraid of Jin Ling's dog; Wangji refuses to tell him anything but this slows down the process of extracting information and Jiang Wanyin is really alarmingly focused on the part where Mo Xuanyu was afraid of Fairy; apparently he never was at Koi Tower. Lan Wangji is really not happy with the attention Jiang Wanyin is paying "Mo Xuanyu." 

Anyway, after the hunt on Dafan Mountain wound down without anybody finding anything except the Deity-binding nets Jin Ling had apparently set up (and with which he caught nothing whatsoever save fellow cultivators) Jin Ling is apparently trying to gain face by doing something about the supposed man-eating castle. 

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Well, that's sort of admirable in principle. Fortunately the real Lan Wangji will be spared the necessity of having this conversation. [Not sure what to suggest next.]

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[We probably will need to either prevent Jin Ling from going into the castle or rescue him, in real life. And probably do something about the castle? It seems, uh, concerning, also I'm really curious what's up with the blade in the coffin.]

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[Yeah, that's weird! And who are all those corpses? The infinite supply of corpses in weird locations around here is starting to strain credulity! Someone has to have purposefully interred them there.]

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[No disagreement whatsoever on the castle being extremely weird. And you said we said there were more of them?]

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She repeats what they counterfactually said.

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[Kinda tempted to steal Jin Ling's explosives and counterfactually blast our way into more of them, see if they're all like that.]

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[I suppose an advantage to having a ridiculous reckless person on the team is that we can counterfactually try weird things that don't work if I try to convince people of normal risk aversion to intend them!]

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[Happy to be able to oblige.]

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[Counterfactually knock yourself out.]

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They're all like that. Also Jin Ling sometimes figures out who took his stuff and chases him but that's less important. 

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If he doesn't tell her he'll never know! She faithfully passes along everything he tells her to the rest of the party.

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He mentions it when it happens, it does kinda interfere with the stuff he's trying to do and might turn out to be important later. 

"I think," he says in reality once all the castles have been counterfactually checked, "that if we can do it before Jin Ling gets himself in trouble, or if we can dissuade him from doing so, that the next step might be talking to Nie Huaisang. If anyone knows what's going on here it ought to be him." 

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"Why would he know?"

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"'Cause this is the Nie sect's area and he's the current Sect Leader, apparently, his big brother died while I was dead and hasn't had any such miraculous resurrection. Of course, the fact that he should know doesn't necessarily mean he does know." 

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"If he's not around dealing with the man-eating castle and does know about it that's fairly neglectful."

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"To be fair, Jin Ling only got eaten after he exploded his way in, that's not very likely to happen to random bystanders. But that doesn't explain all the corpses in the walls, so..."

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"We had reports of it eating people before he got anywhere near it, too."

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"Yeah, but rumors can be exaggerated. There's definitely something weird as hell up with these things, but it's not guaranteed to be the same weird thing everyone thinks it is." 

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"Yeah. The walking corpses, who were they - people should bury their dead with nametags, it'd make forensics much simpler -"

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"Normally the nametag goes on the grave, not the corpse! Which doesn't help much here, or in cases where the graves are badly damaged by natural disaster, or..."

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"Or in any of the many cases in this universe where the corpse doesn't remain at its home address!" She shakes her head. "Okay, who wants to be ready to ask Nie Huaisang."

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"I can go!" 

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"We will both go." 

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"We can try it a bunch of ways, see who gets the best reception." What if she sends the pair of them.

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Well first of all they're going to have to spend more than one iteration FINDING him; he is not, apparently, at the Unclean Realm, nor evidently at Koi Tower or Cloud Recesses where he can often be found begging his late brother's sworn brothers to solve this or that problem he has. 

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Well, fortunately they have a PRECOG. Where is this guy.

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Staying at a nearby inn, apparently. 

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And if they send Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the available combinations to go bother him?

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Well, uh, it turns out that the "man-eating castles" are the Nie family tombs. 

They don't actually eat anyone when you don't go around blowing holes in them! But uh the Nie clan's sabers are...aggressive...and it's best for everyone's safety if they're formally interred with a bunch of bodies just on the verge of rising as walking corpses so that the swords' spiritual energy and the corpses' malevolent energy can cancel each other out and the swords don't end up flying around looking for evil to stab once their wielders are dead and there isn't anyone who can just make them not do that anymore. 

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WOW okay that's a stupid way to organize things. Perhaps there should be warning signs? A moat? Less aggressive armament issuing policies for the next Nie generation? At any rate she can pass this information back into the present once she has it.

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They have methods to try to keep people out! That's what all the rumors about horrible things on the ridge are for, and labyrinth array, and so on. It works fine when you don't literally blow up the walls to get inside!!! Who does that???? This is the first time it's ever (counterfactually?) happened!!!

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Okay, fair, blowing up the walls to get inside is kind of a weird thing to do, why did Jin Ling do that. STILL, WHY ARE YOUR SWORDS EVIL.

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The same family cultivation tradition that's why sect leaders keep having horrible qi deviations and dying, ok, Nie Mingjue wasn't the first one, there's a reason Nie Huaisang decided to make a lifestyle of being useless and also pathetic at his family's cultivation style. Admittedly though it is a really effective style, most Nies are just...more willing to trade off lifespan and post-mortem weird saber tombs for effectiveness at putting down evil. 

Wei Wuxian would like to note that there are actually distinct similarities between the techniques Nie Huaisang is describing and demonic cultivation, which explains a lot about why this isn't more widely publicized and they don't want to tell the truth about why people should stay away. 

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"Is there a really bright line in the first place?" she wonders.

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"Normal cultivation involves using your own spiritual energy. Demonic cultivation involves directly manipulating external negative energy. Normally they're just completely different. The Nie infuse their sabers with negative energy from the things they kill, which...toes the line, but I imagine even if it did come out they'd get a lot of slack for the thing where it's a traditional method of a powerful sect." 

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"Is there such a thing as external positive energy?"

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"Oh, sure. Everything alive has it. Places of spiritual power build it up naturally. But messing around with it would get you even harsher looks than messing with external negative energy--at least nothing's using that that anyone cares about. In theory you could get really powerful fast by absorbing lots of external energy all at once, but first you'd have to figure out how to do it, and then you'd have to figure out how to do it without fucking up everything alive within a certain radius while you did, and then you'd have to figure out how to fend off everyone who'd call you some kind of horrible energy vampire. Inventing demonic cultivation was actually easier than that would have been." 

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"Huh. I mean, if you sucked the life out of some kudzu, who'd mourn the kudzu, right... or do you mean you'd have evil kudzu afterwards somehow..."

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"The kudzu wouldn't be immediately, inherently evil, but it'd be a lot easier for it to become evil than kudzu that had died some other way, and also, if you can do it to kudzu, you can do it to a person." 

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"If you can stab a zombie with a sword you can also do that to a person!"

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"Yeah, but the people who might get scared and violent already know how to defend themselves against that. It isn't new and heretical and interesting to spread negative rumors about." 

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"Bleah. Anyway, do we need more information or is this enough?"

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"We should ask him if he knows anything about any malicious dismembered body parts." 

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What will he have to say about those.

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Nie Huaisang is so tedious to counterfactually interrogate.

It's like being tedious to interrogate is his go-to strategy no matter what people are asking him about, and then she's compounding it by going through it dozens of times. Was he expecting precognition? Are the Nie likely to have picked up that rumor somehow? It's not a very closely guarded secret but it's not like they've had her over for supper at the Unclean Realm. (Which isn't a very appetizing name, but the juxtaposition has not occurred to her before because of how she has not been invited.)

"Why will he explain the family tombs and be so evasive about malicious dismembered body parts?? I guess it's possible he's just really never heard of them but he's acting so stressed out in all these counterfactuals. And he's going to leave the inn in five minutes so I can't even keep dictionary attacking him, the context's changed..."