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"Is my headband on straight?"





Almost three years later, the class of junior disciples that includes Sizhui and Jingyi is sent out on a night hunt to a place called Mo Village that's reported walking corpses. Isabella is sent along for precognitive purposes. 

The largest house in the village belongs to, appropriately enough, the Mo family. Madame Mo and her husband receive the group of cultivators with sweet words and flattery, and if anyone gives Isabella odd looks for her foreign features and strange haircut, the Lan forehead ribbon and the fact that all the teenagers treat her with respect keeps them from saying anything. 


And if Isabella hangs out over there and meditates and waits to be interrupted, what will she hear?


Madam Mo prattles on for a while, at one point mentioning that a member of her own clan was at one point a cultivator. 

At which point a young man a little older than Isabella bursts in, clothes askew, face made up with garish and ghoulish paint. 

"That's me! You must be talking about me, right? I'm the only one here who used to be a cultivator." 

Jingyi hides a laugh behind his sleeve and Sizhui gives him a reproving look. 


Madam Mo is taken aback, but rallies. "Who let him out!? Get rid of him!" she demands of the servants. 

Her husband gives her a reassuring shoulder-pat and goes over to the intruder to remove him, but instead of holding still to be manhandled he drops to the floor. He grabs onto the floorboards with a strong enough grip that even when the servants get physically involved they can't pry him up. 

"Damned madman!" the husband rages. "You'd better get back there right now or there'll be hell to pay!" 

"I can leave if you want," the young man says, "but not until you give back what he stole!" He points to Madame Mo's son, Mo Ziyuan. 

Mo Ziyuan's face goes pale with fear. "N-nonsense! When did I steal from you? What could I possibly gain by stealing from you?" 

Mo Ziyuan's fine clothes and the intruder's tattered ones give him a reasonable point, but one that his guilty behavior belies. 

"You didn't just steal from me, you beat me up and took my stuff!" the young man accuses. 

Mo Ziyuan goes to kick him. He slips, but he may have connected beforehand, because the young man certainly rolls as if struck, and when he tugs his shirt open there is a distinct boot-print bruised into his flesh. 


[Uh, in about twenty minutes we're expecting somebody in bad makeup to come in, sling accusations, and get into a physical altercation with Mo Ziyuan,] Isabella tells Sizhui.


[Thank you]

He quietly gets up and leaves the room, murmuring dismissals when Madame Mo asks if something is wrong. 

It doesn't take long to find "somebody in bad makeup." Gosh. That's astonishingly bad makeup. 

"Excuse me, are you headed that way in order to accuse Mo Ziyuan of something?" 


"...Yes? Is Mo Ziyuan stealing from so many people that that's an easy guess?" 


"That isn't the situation at all, but I must request that you wait a while. We are going to deal with the walking corpses that this area has been dealing with, and it would be inconvenient if you got into a fight with him in the middle of things." 


"Huh, is that so? If it isn't that he's been stealing from other people, then how did you know? For that matter, how did you know I was coming? My aunt and uncle keep me locked up all the time." 


"Senior Suan foresaw it. Your aunt and uncle?" 


"What? Foresaw it? The Lan clan has a disciple who can see the future now?"


"It's very useful for preventing casualties on night-hunts. Your aunt and uncle?" 


"Madame Mo and her husband. I'm Mo Ziyuan's cousin, Mo Xuanyu. They don't treat me like family, though. Ziyuan is always taking my things and beating me. Look!" he exclaimed, and tore his shirt open, displaying a deep bruise in the shape of a boot print. 


"I see. If this is true, it's incredibly unjust. We will do our best to correct this matter, Young Master Mo," he says, bowing. 


"Aww, aren't you sweet, being courteous even to the infamous Mo family lunatic. It seems it's true that the Lan clan only raises upright young gentlemen!"


"You honor me, Young Master Mo. If I promise to have the matter seen to, will you refrain from making a scene?"


"Hmm. I really don't know that I can promise that. I am a lunatic, after all. And you can say you'll handle it, but if I let you handle it, I don't know how it'll turn out, and I don't intend to leave without my stuff."


"Can you at least give us a little time to resolve the situation, before taking matters into your own hands?" 


"Ah, fine, when a charming young gentleman like you asks, how can I refuse?" he asks rhetorically, and then flounces off to go be crazy at someone else. 


What a strange person. 

He returns inside and finishes arranging the details of the hunt, instructing everyone to stay inside with all the doors closed, and then brings up the topic of Mo Xuanyu's stolen items. Being called on his behavior enrages Mo Ziyuan, but without his cousin actually present, a physical altercation does not ensue. Madame Mo is finally cornered into promising that the stolen property will be returned, although she claims that it's a brotherly matter that Xuanyu shouldn't make a fuss over. 

The next event of significance occurs when they begin setting up the spirit-attracting flags and Mo Xuanyu shows up to mess with them. 

[Senior Suan, Mo Xuanyu has decided to interfere with the flags.]


Some time prior to that, Isabella sighs and says [Sizhui, the same guy starts messing with the flags in an hour.]


[Thank you, Senior Suan] 

Sizhui keeps Mo Xuanyu off the flags, reminding him that they still have a precognitive Senior around, did he really think this was going to work. Mo Xuanyu pouts but gives up with relative grace, flouncing off again. 

"It's hard to believe that guy used to be a cultivator," Jingyi remarks. 

"Don't be unkind. It's not his fault something's wrong with his head," Sizhui chides. 

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