Leareth is lying in a stone room, and nothing in particular is happening right now, and he is mostly succeeding at not having any thoughts. It's a fine moment. He is not, literally this second, being tortured. This is not useful at all for predicting what the next moment is going to be like, of course, or for whether 'quiet stone room' has any particular resemblance to reality, but Leareth has gotten pretty good at not being curious.
Yes. Leareth makes a brief, fruitless attempt to stop crying and then gives up, it just seems to be a thing happening to him right now. I think when I feel this way it usually goes away, but sometimes it takes hours. He pokes at that thought some more. I am - concerned it is a mental motion that I practiced a great deal in Angband because it made - things - easier to tolerate, but it is very annoying now.
That makes sense. She reaches for Nayoki first, the younger one familiar with the condition this Leareth is in if not technically as acquainted with the man himself, knock-knock.
Angband Leareth's feeling off, maybe dissociating. I don't have anything in my repertoire for that, do you?
:If I am thinking of the right thing, then probably? I would need to see it:
:...Yes, I can set that right. If I show you the thing I do, perhaps you can replicate it: Pause. :I cannot do it from here, though - unless you give him the earcuff, then maybe?:
I can do that. Just a second. "Nayoki - I asked the younger one, since she's been around you more recently - can fix it if you use the earcuff." She floats it off her ear and over to him.
Leareth catches it. Stares sort of dubiously at it for a moment. I still feel as though it is a bad idea for you to give me your powerful magical artifacts, he says eventually, but if you think it is not a bad idea...
"I made it myself and know what it does. It puts you in range of people but your Gifts are disabled. I guess you could puzzle a Vala or something if you were inclined to do that but I doubt it enormously."
Does it put me in range of random people or only the person I am trying to reach.
"Just the person you're trying to reach, one at a time. Also you said I could read your mind. I will take it off your ear if something I'm not expecting happens."
He nods, and puts it on. (It still feels like an extremely unsafe category of action, interacting with a magic thing even if it's not his magic thing, but also there are multiple people around to make sure nothing actually bad happens.)
...He can't actually Mindspeak to Nayoki to tell her he's there, but he focuses on her, she's the one he wants to be in range of...
:I am here, Leareth. I will have a look:
She does so.
:I see what is wrong and I can put it back: she adds. :May I do that now?:
And she takes the pathway in his mind that's sort of twisted and folded under another bit, so that the patterns downstream of it are blurred, and flips it straight again, tugging it into alignment and watching the faint reverberations until they settle.
He feels like he's very firmly in reality again. Yes, he thinks, although right now it's not clear that it is better. He's much too aware of having, for example, skin, and his stomach is kind of upset - probably from spending a while half-panicking until Bella got there.
Bella can have the earcuff back now, if she wants.
She collects it and thanks Nayoki. I think I can replicate that. Maybe even a bit more gently if that was, uh, too fixed.
It is better now. It was a little like being shoved off a ledge while on a rope-swing, he spent a while swinging uncomfortably high but now everything is settling and feels basically normal again. ...If you could do the start more gently, that would be less uncomfortable.
Thank you.
Leareth manages to stop crying, and swing his legs over the edge of the bed. He puts his head down in his hands. I am sorry for interrupting. I - if I need the calm again, can you do it from the earcuff so you do not need to come all the way over?
He glances around to see if Maitimo is even still there.
As long as there are Maiar around to refill from I can do that without running it down, yes. Are you done with it now?
Yes. It's a lot harder to deal with the constant background scaredscaredscared when he isn't calm about it, but he needs to practice anyway. Probably there is not anything you can do to make getting used to new places easier...? He thinks that's most of why waking up was worse today than average.
I don't have an easy way to do that. Sorry, I'd be more useful if I had help from my world but there's only Mindhealers who don't work the same here to check my work so I'm a little more conservative.