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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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:Helping him fix the problem where children are starving and there are stupid wars all the time and...: There's a lot to add but he doesn't need to rehash it now. :Not helping him murder people! I'm absolutely going to fight him if he tries that, just - don't you think it'll help, make that less likely, if we offer him better alternatives...: 


(Icy silence.) 


:Yfandes, I don't - what's wrong–:


:This isn't you: Her mindvoice is cold, empty, but with an undercurrent of screaming confusion. :I, just - I don't recognize you anymore - are you still the person I Chose...: 


:–I need to think: The frantic buzzing desperation is stronger, now. :Leave. Me. Alone. Please: 

And, on the surface, Yfandes abruptly gallops away from the others, into the desert. 


And in the underground room, Vanyel stays frozen on the spot, his face almost an unreadable mask, but it's still pretty obvious that something is wrong. 


"Would somebody care to tell me what just happened?" Leareth skims the other man's surface thoughts again, maybe he knows. 


He is thinking that it's weird that Yfandes - no, it's not that weird that Yfandes took it badly, she's part of Valdemar's paladin-order-thing and plausibly the god they serve is at odds with Leareth on this.  He is thinking that before the Wall of Force runs out he should summon a bear to shove Leareth back into the starry dimension because it doesn't look like Vanyel is up for this right this minute and Mahdi's not totally sure he can handle this without Vanyel.


Vanyel doesn't say anything. He's not really processing Leareth's words, at this point. Yfandes has blocked him, there's only a wall of ice in the place where he can usually feel her, and it hurts. 


–Oh, no, this is really inconvenient and if Leareth had been thinking ahead at all he would have seen it coming - maybe, he's not sure if he would have expected that extreme of a reaction, as opposed to just cagey unhelpfulness from Vanyel's Companion. 

Right now the thing he needs to do is deescalate. All of Vanyel's friends are going to be panicking, and he needs to not be a threat. (Also he doesn't especially want to get mauled by a summoned bear, if he can avoid it.) 

Leareth lets go of the rope and the doorway, and jumps, gently, back into the starry room. "I am not sure what just happened," he calls back, "but I did not do it on purpose and I will willingly stay in here until you resolve it."

(Losing magic again is awful but better than the terrifying locals thinking that he's an enemy.) 


Oh, good, that seems better than summoning a bear.

The Wall of Force runs out.

"- I think we should get Fazil and Hagan?" he says hesitantly to Vanyel.


No answer. Vanyel is sort of staring into space. 


He should have at some point asked what exactly the relationship between Heralds and Companions was - is this like your god renouncing you - he suddenly doesn't want to leave Vanyel alone for the time it'd take to teleport up to Fazil and Hagan and get them - 


Well, he can give it a couple of minutes. 


He's in so much pain and it's all he can do not to start sobbing - he's vaguely aware that Leareth is still there and looking at him and he can't afford to show weakness, but he's not going to be able to keep a lid on it much longer. 

"Can we," he manages to Mahdi in a cracked whisper, "please, get, out..." 


He Teleports them to the surface.


Vanyel blinks at the sudden bright sunlight, and then crumples to the sand and curls up in a ball. 


He channels energy at them. When this doesn't do anything he casts Lesser Restoration. And then Delay Pain.


"Leareth -"


"Still in the demiplane. I should close and lock the door if we're going to be away for long, otherwise he'll drift around to it eventually, but I did not do that." 


"Yfandes - I don't know what happened - it was like something was torturing her, and then she ran off - I am not totally sure if she's safe alone in the middle of the desert -"


" - Fly," he says tiredly, reaching out to touch Hagan. "Invisibility."


Yeah all right he'll go off in the direction Yfandes went and make sure she's not in immediate danger or anything.


Yfandes is already out of sight behind a sand-dune. She's slowed to a trot, then a walk, her hooves getting mired in sand. Her head is down and, insofar as horse body language can convey human emotions, she looks utterly miserable. Also very overheated, she's panting and blowing and her flanks are already lathered. 


He lands. "We don't have to talk. Uh, Endure Elements -" and he digs around for a canteen of water, offers it - "I don't really know if you can drink from this, sorry -"

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