"It's -" he pauses to consider, and then takes out a notebook to refer to.
"All right. She slept with the princess while she was here - they're very cute together - and I noticed and congratulated her, didn't particularly mean anything by it, I just wanted her to know I didn't disapprove. It confused her, which she hates, and we couldn't talk about it right then, but I brought it up later; I'm not sure it's the best idea to do that rather than letting her figure things out on her own, but I think it'll give us a better working relationship in the long run even if it isn't perfect for her. It - took some effort, to get her to understand what I was talking about, and then she was unhappy that I'd called it sex at all, and tried to convince me that it didn't make sense to categorize it that way. We talked about that; I mentioned my nephew who's married to a man and how gay relationships aren't usually different from straight ones - there was something about having children but we didn't really get into it, I pointed out that gay couples can adopt or use surrogates and she dropped it, but I assume that'll eventually come up more squarely later, it seems important to her. We got into - I'd forgotten how, by the time I wrote this down, but we ended up talking about how in my world people usually marry for love? And that bothered her; she said it was bad for people to have more reasons to get married than just to have children. I think I'm missing part of how she's thinking about that, but she did say that - marriage being so narrow means things like her relationship with the princess are allowed, because they're separate enough? Which makes sense as far as it goes, here, but it's still - obviously hard, trying to wedge what someone really wants into the margin that leaves, and I pointed that out, and that other ways work better, letting people get married to who they want to and not demanding they do at all.
"She seemed kind of unsettled at that point - we'd been doing okay up to then, more or less, she was frustrated at being asked to explain what she was thinking but nothing worse than that especially - and repeated that it's bad to have more reasons to get married, that it'd make people miserable to have marriage intrude on a relationship they like. And I stopped there and pointed out that that sounded like the idea of marriage made her miserable, but not everyone feels that way. And we talked about marriage being a set of rules, and the way marriage is here those rules don't work for her, and in different places the rules are different - not in any detail at all, just the idea that it is different in different places - and then suddenly she said she doesn't want to come to my world after all, that she doesn't think she can handle being in a place with different rules." He sighs. "I tried to salvage it, tell her that people would understand that she's foreign and doesn't do things the same way, but it didn't work at all, she just shut me down and cried on me."