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tiny leareth comes back and is very sad
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"Don't think anyone brought kids. Some are the lords are married and sharing rooms with spouses."  


"Can their wives be brought meals and such so they're not mingling?"


"Yes, that's a good idea, we can arrange that. Hmm. Should we just have everyone brought meals in their rooms for now, even if they're not known to be sick yet?" 


"Wouldn't hurt, if you have the personnel."


"I'll ask the innkeeper. Seems it should be doable if people are willing to get their meals at staggered times." 


Belrun nods. "I haven't seen this strain before. I mean, flus all look different, but this one looks more different than some. I wonder where it came from."


"Huh. Don't know. My Sight isn't as good as yours, it all looks about the same to me." 


"It doesn't have clinical significance I'm currently aware of," she says, and she Fetches boiling handkerchiefs onto the clothesline and goes back to work on patients.


Two more people are confirmed to definitely have the flu (Keiran and Lord Kaltar) and a couple more are suspects but don't feel ill enough to think it's worth coming in person. 

The innkeeper's wife brings everyone lunches to their doors. 

Lord Lathan's fever worsens.


Belrun makes sure she's very well scrubbed and that a spot check of her various membranes doesn't turn up any flu before she goes back to her and Leareth's room in the evening.


He puts his book down. "One assumes your day was less boring than mine?" 


"Depends on your taste for fussing over feverish lords."


"I might find it more novel but I would not prefer it. One of the more irritating or less irritating ones?" 


"Lathan. He wasn't much for conversation though." She sighs and leans on him.


He puts his arms around her. "I missed you." 


"I can Mindspeak you more often during the day tomorrow if you like."


"I would like that." He squeezes her. "This situation worries me. It could be accidental, of course, but - it seems very convenient for anyone who might wish our talks here to fail." 


"Is starting plagues their style?"


"Not that I have observed in the past, to my recollection, but it does not seem as though it ought be impossible." 


"I guess it'd just take making sure the right person had it to bring in and then coughed on enough people to get it rolling. A light touch."


"Exactly." Sigh. "If it does not get worse than this, it will probably not do more harm than delaying us, but - I do not like relying on 'probably'." 


"It... could be that they're planning to just sicken and maybe kill a bunch of people with a flu, but - I'm at all worried it's a setup for someone to think I did it."


"- Given the specific choice of illness, yes. Vanyel Mindspoke me about it earlier; he thinks it was obviously not your fault but noted it could be shaped to look suspicious. Has anyone brought it up to you?" 


She shakes her head.


"Well. At this point I am not sure what precautions to take other than the ones you already selected. I think it would be worse to leave, when things are likely still salvageable. I suppose if everyone becomes ill, I could - Gate more Healers here? It does not actually seem wise for them to transport the ill people back to Haven and spread it there." 

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