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una volta che avrai spiccato il volo
tiny leareth comes back and is very sad
Permalink Mark Unread

Essi walks through the outskirts of Smithtown with his head down and his hands shoved deep into his pockets, trying to be as invisible as possible and look bigger and older than his thirteen-and-a-half years both at the same time. 

It's not that he wanted to run away. It's just that - well, Hardorn doesn't like mages much these days. Not since the war. Essi lives with his uncle since his pa died, and his uncle is Superstitious, and thinks mages are Nothing But Trouble and probably possessed by demons, and unfortunately, Essi is one. (A mage, he's pretty sure he isn't possessed by demons.) He tried to hide it for a while but one too many weird things happened in Uncle's sight, and he thought it better to run off before he got a beating for it.

Essi reaches the outskirts of town, shivering, because it's a cold late-autumn day, already past Harvestfest. At least it's not raining, but it'll probably frost tonight. He finds a tree that offers some minimal shelter, and starts gathering wood together. 

...He doesn't have a flint and steel with him. And he doesn't at all know how to use his magic, yet. But he'll give it a try. 

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- and he comes rushing back into the world, everything at once, toobrightooloudtoomuch, and - it hurts, almost unimaginably, it takes him a long time to figure out that the pain isn't physical at all. For a long time he can't orient to it any more than that, only lie on the blanket of dead leaves under the tree, whimpering quietly. 


He remembers her name, and her face. Remembers looking at chicken eggs with her, for some reason. She was a Healer - what - she went to Valdemar... 

It takes a very long time, after that, to put the rest of the pieces together. The ones he even has, anyway, he's lost so much. Is still losing it, maybe. He feels like there's a crack right through the centre of him, and everything is wrong and broken and awful, and it's so hard to think... 

Leareth. That was his name. 

The far north, on the other side of the Ice Wall Mountains. (Fortunately, it appears that the child whose body he just stole - pause to feel some distant grief for that, the quiet promise that someday, somehow, he's going to fix it - anyway, Essi knew some geography and the mountains should be north and west of here.) He was laying the final preparations in place, there. Damn it, it's such an inconvenient time to die again.

Vanyel. A silver-haired Herald-Mage greeting him in a snow-coated pass - not a real memory, though, it was a dream. Telling him things. What exactly he told Vanyel is a blur, though. 

He remembers meeting Belrun. That part is crystal clear. Kind of a lot of his memories are of Belrun, in fact. Some of them are useful conversations. Some of them are very much not that! 

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It's getting dark, and it's starting to rain, or maybe sleet, the moisture falling on him is very cold. 

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Focus. He needs to pull himself together, and not freeze to death, and then reconsolidate something that will hold until he finds his lifebonded. He really hopes Belrun will remember what shape of person her lifebonded is supposed to be, because the whole broken lifebond thing is really interfering with his ability to put together coherent core memories. 

...Urtho. He remembers that much. Well, mostly he remembers Belrun telling Vanyel about it, actually, but secondhand will do. He can build most of the rest off conversations with Belrun too, actually, it's easier to focus on those. Explaining to her what he'd done in the past, and why. Her conviction that they ought to at least try to find a better way...

It takes him half the night, and then he curls up with his paltry heat-spell under his little mage-barrier to keep off the rain, and sleeps very badly. 

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It does frost overnight, and the freezing rain doesn't stop. When he wakes up, the branches of the tree he's under are encrusted with glittering ice. 

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He gets up, shivering, and jumps around a bit until he's warm, then starts walking down the road, in the direction of Valdemar. He'll need to pass through in order to reach the north anyway, and maybe things won't have utterly fallen apart yet, with the negotiations that he left in progress, and he can get in contact with someone... He can't remember any of his people's names, that's so irritating.

(Belrun, Belrun, Belrun, he needs to find her - it hurts, and imagining her in this much pain as well is almost unbearable - if she's even still alive - no, she's tough and stubborn and he has to believe that she is, at least until he gets confirmation one way or another, believing something on faith isn't exactly his style but it's the only way he can keep going, right now.) 

Eventually it occurs to him that one, he would probably be able to think better if he ate something, and two, he could reach the border faster if he can catch a ride of some kind.

...Right, inventory, what Gifts does he have? Essi thought it was just mage-gift, but he wasn't very clear on the exact distinctions there, and it seems like he has some fledgling Mindspeech as well. That's helpful. He doesn't have a lot of range, but at least he remembers some of his habits and training, and he can snoop on the surrounding area. 

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There's a farm nearby! There are donkeys grazing in a pen, but without anyone watching them, and no one is watching the storehouse either. 

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It takes some strategic distractions, and trying very very hard to stay on task and not get lost in how miserable he is, but a candlemark later, Leareth is in possession of a stolen donkey and a stolen sack of potatoes, as well as several raw eggs snatched from the chicken-coop in his belly and a couple more in his pockets where he hopes they'll stay intact.

He rides down the road. 

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It gets even colder the next night. 

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Leareth doesn't freeze to death, due to his heat-spell, but he wakes up unable to feel his fingers and toes. He would consider staying in inns, except that he doesn't have any money, and he doesn't feel great about stealing lots of coin from people here, the region seems pretty impoverished. He does pickpocket one traveler, though, in order to buy some better food than plain potatoes at the next village market, and some grain for his donkey. 

It takes a week of hard, miserable riding, frequently sobbing for a while when he's out of sight of other travellers, before he hits the Valdemaran border. It's guarded. 

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A blue-uniformed guard greets him. "Please state your business." 

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It's completely implausible that a small thirteen-year-old dressed in rags would have important news for the King. "My auntie lives in Haven," he says instead. 

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It takes a few more minutes of invented explanation, but he's eventually allowed past. 

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He had forgotten about the vrondi but it doesn't take him long to remember, because they start watching the instant he tries to warm himself with a little heat-spell. Great. Now he's got a broken lifebond and is being constantly watched by air-spirits, this is even more miserable than before. 

He grits his teeth and keeps going. 

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The next day it's snowing. 

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Leareth is starting to admit to himself that he has a problem, here. 

He's probably still two weeks of riding away from Haven, at this rate, and he isn't sure that he's even going to make it. He's risking freezing to death every time he sleeps. He has to struggle to bring himself to use magic, knowing that the vrondi are watching. If he steals again, he risks getting caught and ending up in trouble with the Valdemaran legal system. He can't Gate; he hasn't been to Haven in this lifetime, and his mage-gift is barely awakened and isn't strong enough yet anyway. He's not eating enough. He's barely getting any real sleep; it's amazing he can still think or do magic at all, at this point. Also now he's ended up with a nagging cough and sore throat, and if he keeps traveling from dawn to dusk and sleeping outdoors he'll end up with pneumonia.

(Not to mention, two more weeks on the road is two more weeks of his lifebonded thinking he's still dead.) 

Maybe ending up in trouble with the Valdemaran legal system isn't such a bad idea. 

Hmm. He needs to think it through, to the extent he even can. He doesn't know that Haven has anyone friendly waiting for him, so summoning attention to himself is a risk.

...But Vanyel isn't going to be cruel about it, even if the alliance has fallen apart. They were almost friends, before, and - well, Vanyel knows what a broken lifebond feels like. 

Leareth pulls together all the courage he can muster, and spends ten minutes throwing around as much magic as he can, making pretty lights and knocking over some trees and sending levinbolts harmlessly into the air. At the end of it he's attracted what feels like an army worth of vrondi, and he sits down on the snow and hugs his knees to his chest and waits. Miserably, but that's no different from usual. 

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:Ugh, Web-alarm in the east, who's on it?: Sandra sends to Savil. 

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:Ask Van. I'm in meetings:

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And so Herald-Mage Vanyel uses Farsight to scope out the region of the alarm. 

:Nothing?: he reports back. :Or, no - there's a very harmless child sitting there looking exhausted. Hardornen, I'd guess. Could be a new mage-gift: 

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:I wouldn't assume that looking harmless means he is. But I suppose we'd better collect him before he does any damage by accident. Goodness! We haven't had mage-gifted trainees in so long: 

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:This one isn't Chosen: 

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:Yet. Anyway. Where is it? I'll pass word down the relay, but if he's tossing around uncontrolled magic like that, might be better for me to Gate in and bring him direct to Haven rather than sending him along in some poor merchant's caravan or pulling a Herald off circuit: 

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:I can do i–:

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:How about not. Armor hills? I can Gate to Leder's Crossing tonight and collect him: 

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There were some parts Leareth didn't think through. Namely, that it's below freezing out, he's a small thirteen-year-old without much body mass to keep warm, and now he's utterly exhausted. He lies in the snow and hopes that someone, anyone, is going to show up before he manages to die again. 

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Someone does. A Herald shows up, picks him up, tries to talk to him. 

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He's mostly not capable of coherent thought at this point, but tries to say repeatedly that he has to talk to Herald-Mage Vanyel. 

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The Herald says something soothing to him that he doesn't manage to parse, and then lifts him on onto her Companion and holds him firmly in place in front of her, leading the donkey behind them. And a while later, he's indoors, with a fire, and someone gives him a blanket, and the message is finally conveyed successfully that Herald-Mage Savil is Gating out to bring him to Haven, they know he's a mage with a uncontrolled Gift, but it's not his fault and everything is going to be all right. 

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Everything is going to be all right! But probably not for the reasons they think. 

Leareth falls asleep before Savil arrives. 

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He wakes up to find that he's being carried through a Gate. "Careful, I've got him," someone is saying. "Thank you - that's all - Shavri, need you to take a look at him, they're not sure if he's injured or just wore himself out, what do you think...?" 

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Leareth forces his eyes open. "Have to t-talk to Vanyel," he pushes out. "S'important..." 

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"What? How did you– oh, I suppose everyone's heard of him by now, what, were you hoping for lessons? I need you to relax for right now - Shavri?"

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"He needs to be in bed, is what he needs." Her voice softens. "How long were you traveling alone for?"

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"A week. Have to talk to Vanyel. Urgent." 

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Some mutters are exchanged, but eventually it's decided that he needs to be brought to the House of Healing now but that Vanyel can meet him there whenever he's next free. 

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Leareth pretends to be asleep, in hopes that this will delay anyone asking his name until he's spoken to Vanyel first. 

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By the time Vanyel gets there, Leareth actually is asleep, finally warm and cozy in a bed at Healers'. Vanyel clears his throat. "You asked for me specifically?" 

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"Hnngg?" He struggles awake. "Oh. Sorry. Vanyel." Seeing his face again is causing a lot of emotions to happen, which are at least of a different flavour from 'constant misery'. "I have to - have to..." It's surprisingly hard to speak of it. He switches to Mindspeech, which he's not very skillful at yet. :I have to find Belrun: 

And he bursts into tears. 

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Vanyel blinks, frozen on the spot for a long moment. "...Oh, gods. Leareth?" 

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It's been six weeks, total, since Leareth's death, though they didn't hear the news for a few days afterward. They were expecting him, Savil supposes when Vanyel is trying to explain it to her over Mindspeech, but not that he'd come to Valdemar first, they assumed he'd head north for some reason. This way makes sense, the north is remote and inconvenient. Also she's kind of surprised, for no good reason whatsoever, that tiny reincarnated Leareth is so adorable.

(Vanyel doesn't want to leave and meet with her properly because Leareth is currently accepting a hug, which seems like something he must need very badly, and Vanyel is kind of worried that if he leaves and comes back, Leareth will have remembered that he's supposed to be dignified with Vanyel.) 

There are a few rushed emergency meetings with the Senior Circle and Leareth's diplomatic party, and then not very long after, one of Leareth's mages is arranging a Gate to Petras. Savil can go and deliver the news. They're not sure where Belrun lives but the university won't be hard to find and probably the dean will agree to talk to the most senior Herald-Mage of Valdemar on short notice. 

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Belrun is working.

Belrun works a lot. She got herself assigned some assistants to collect samples and handle administrative tasks and she spends her time in her lab, infecting eggs with things and taking meticulous data and courting headaches from Gift overuse until it's dark and time to ride Amshalan home and eat something her mother puts in front of her and go to bed. They had a stall built for Amshalan off the side of the house right by Belrun's room; the window opens into it and they moved Belrun's bed so if desired Amshalan can stick her head right in and nose her.

But at the time this inquiry is made Belrun is in her lab studying diphtheria.

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Savil isn't sure if she's in the middle of something that would be bad to interrupt, so she asks Kellan to poke Amshalan instead. :She probably wants to know right away, we have Leareth in Haven and he's asking for her: 

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Belrun is just sketching the diphtheria at this moment, not doing anything hard to drop.

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Then Savil will knock politely. "Belrun? It's Herald Savil."

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Belrun opens the door. "...yes? What is it?"

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"Good news. We found Leareth again - er, rather, he found us. He's in Haven right now." 

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"- can you Gate me there today or should I get you a hotel room or did you bring him with you or -"

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"We can Gate you there today! I would've brought him but, er, he was traveling alone for a while and he's not in great shape, he's at the House of Healing." 

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"...alone? He - did he not go up north first - did he not get my letter -"

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"Hmm? No, as far as I can tell he, er, came back somewhere in rural Hardorn and immediately stole a donkey and rushed here as fast as he could. Up to and including deliberately setting off a Web-alarm so we'd go see what the fuss was. He told Van that he wasn't sure of getting a friendly welcome, but that he believed Vanyel at least was going to, well, have some compassion about the lifebond situation, and would help him find you again, even if what happened had disrupted our talks. Also, I think he didn't want to take any more travel time. He's very sad." 

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"Does he in fact have a broken lifebond. I wasn't sure it'd - stick."

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"Pretty sure it stuck." 

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"Okay. I've been keeping everything in boxes except the eggs and I can come back for them later -" She waves vaguely at an assistant and the assistant nods. "My stuff is at my mother's house." She shuffles out of the lab, mentally calling for Amshalan.

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:I'm so happy for you!: Amshalan sends, delighted. :I wasn't expecting him to head for Valdemar either, but, well, the north really is quite inconvenient - it's not like he could've gone through Iftel, he would've had to cut through Valdemar to get there anyway: 

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Savil hauls herself up onto Kellan's back, and they can ride ahead to Rana's house and get everything loaded out while Leareth's people who Gated Savil here catch up. 

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Belrun assembles all her boxes and leaves a note for her mother and is ready in about eight minutes.

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Which is around how long it takes for their ride to catch up, assisted by Savil sending Kellan back to give the two a lift. Leareth's people are trained in a particularly efficient concert Gates, making the five hundred mile distance a lot easier. 

And then they're in Haven. 

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Shavri meets them at the Gate, along with some Palace servants who can help carry boxes across so they can take down the Gate. "Guessing you'd like to see him right away?" she says. 

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"Yes please. Is he okay -"

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Shavri starts leading her at a brisk walk, switches to Mindspeech. :Mostly just exhausted, he was on the road for a week - sleeping rough, outside, he didn't have any money and I guess was reluctant to steal from the Hardornen locals, the area's pretty poor. He nearly gave himself pneumonia but we've nipped it in the bud, he'll be fine in a few days: 

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:Thank you:

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:I should, er, warn you, so you're not too startled, he's really young. I wasn't sure how his whole thing worked but I wasn't expecting this: 

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:...I don't actually know how young he usually is when he comes back:

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:Well, he says his, um, new body is thirteen, but he's very tiny even for that: Glance back. :I'm sorry, if I were in your position that'd probably feel pretty weird - but at least he's alive, right...: 

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And then they reach the House of Healing, and Shavri knocks on a door. "Leareth, Belrun's here, may we–"

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"Come in," a very young, slightly hoarse voice interrupts. When Shavri opens the door, Leareth - well, a very small-looking boy with a mop of curly dark hair, who is presumably Leareth - is scrambling to sit up. "Belrun, I am sorry...I came as fast as I could..." He smothers a cough into his sleeve. 

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She shuffles over to the side of the bed and sits and takes his hand. "It's all right. I was - expecting you to go north, I left a letter, but this was probably faster.

- do you know how long it's likely to - take to -"

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He squeezes her hand. "I have no idea, this has not exactly come up in the past. Possibly this exact situation has never happened before. ...I hope it is not too long, but - I think it helps just to see you. I - sort of had to believe that you were all right, to manage, but I was not sure." 

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"I coped. I went home to my mother and I had Amshalan. I knew you'd be back."

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"What happened? After I...died...?" 

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"Amshalan and I got away clean. Some of your people picked us up and brought us north. I wrote you a letter and went to Petras. I haven't been keeping up with diplomatic stuff here in detail."

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"It's been fine," Shavri says quickly. "Not much to report. Overall we agreed with your take that this occurrence looks very suspicious and also difficult for a human to pull off, and - any gods that would do something like that aren't very friendly to human welfare. That got people thinking a bit. But - nothing urgent that needs to be addressed. Leareth, you need to rest. Belrun, you look like you haven't been sleeping the best either. Should I get a cot brought in so you can stay near each other?" 

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"Yes please. I assume there's still room for Amshalan in the Companions' stables -"

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"Of course, there's generally plenty of room - just a moment..." Her eyes go unfocused. "Yes, someone's on it. If it was going to help a lot, we do have a room for Heralds here that fits a Companion, we didn't put him there initially because it's occupied, but the patient there is mostly recovered and we could free it up if having Amshalan nearby would help for you." 

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"You don't need to kick anyone out, I'll be all right."

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Shavri nods. "Well, please let me know if you need anything else in here, in the meantime I'll give you some privacy." She ducks out, shutting the door. 

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Leareth looks over, seems like he's maybe about to say something, but stops. 

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"I didn't know how young you'd be," she remarks after a moment, looking where his hand is small in hers.

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"It is possible I should have specified more. I did not really expect it to come up, certainly not this soon. I am difficult to kill. That was a shockingly blatant intervention; it was very recognizably not a coincidence, which is rare for the gods' activities. Anyway, it varies somewhat, but since it is tied to the first use of mage-gift for a fire spell, which is very basic, and Gifts tend to awaken around this age..." 

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"I guess that makes sense."

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"I hope it does not bother you too much." 

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"Uh, I've never heard of anyone being lifebonded younger than sixteen so it might mean we're both stuck like this for a while if it doesn't clear up overnight. Also it's just sort of generally awkward but I'll get over that in less than several years. Also, like, some random thirteen year old is dead, but random thirteen year olds die on a routine basis so I shouldn't be letting that be too salient."

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"...It is still quite salient to me. I really do not like this part of it! I wish there was a different way that I trusted would work and it were safe to switch to it–" Great and now he's crying again. "I apologize," he says through tears, "I am not very - in control of my emotions right now." 

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"Side effect?" she wonders, dabbing his cheek with the sleeve at her free hand.

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"Of having a broken lifebond or of being thirteen? I suppose it could be mostly just from sleep deprivation. I very much hope that at least I will be able to sleep with you here, I suppose being indoors and in an actual bed will help too." As though on cue, he yawns. "Sorry." 

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"Or of the reincarnation process, you have lots of reasons. Go ahead and sleep when you're tired. I'm not going anywhere. ...I guess I might leave if I have to pee but I won't go anywhere for very long."

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He nods. "I wanted to say, because I think I did not mention this before either - I am not really all of Leareth, yet? I remember a limited amount and I have not had a chance to even find any of my records yet, much less read through them. So I am quite - incomplete. I just want to make sure that will not catch you off guard." He smiles, tiredly. "I think I remember the highlights of our relationship well enough, it was all recent and - not very long." 

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"It really wasn't. I summarized everything in the letter - I kept a copy for myself, I could go dig it up if you want?"

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"I would appreciate that. Maybe...in the morning...?" Yawn. "Belrun, I want - could I have a hug? I missed you so much. I know it was worse for you, it was so much longer, but..." 

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"I knew you were coming back and I had Amshalan and I kept really busy," she says, scooping him into a hug.

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Leareth hugs Belrun back, cries a bit more, and then dozes off in her arms. 

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She waits till he's deeply asleep and then deposits him gently on the bed so she'll be able to transfer to the cot when it shows up.

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It arrives shortly later with Gemma, the Healer who originally greeted her on her arrival to Haven. She nods to Belrun, and sets it up almost without any noise, then pauses by Leareth's bedside and quickly examines him with Healing-Sight without otherwise disturbing him. :Hope you both sleep well. I'm here all night if you need anything: 

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:Thank you:

And she stretches out on the cot, one hand reaching over the gap to rest her fingertips on his, and she sleeps.

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Leareth sleeps through the night for the first time since acquiring his new body; it's unclear whether it's thank to Belrun's presence or being comfortable and warm indoors, or both. 

As usual for the last week, though, he wakes up very disoriented. Where is he - nothing is how it should be - his body is wrong, even his mind feels half-alien, unfamiliar. And when he instinctively reaches out with mage-sight, none of the wards he usually puts down before sleeping are there. (He was way too drained, and then distracted by Belrun's arrival, to manage it.)

–Belrun is there, though, the only thing about his surroundings that's familiar, if not entirely right and okay, he can feel her but it still feels somehow unbalanced. She's there, though, and without thinking he reaches out with his mostly-untrained Mindspeech, :Belrun help where are we???: 

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:Nmmm ugh uh we're at Healers' in Haven? Don't you remember -?:

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:Give me a moment...: He works on piecing together the fragments from yesterday. :Right - I remember now. I am sorry for waking you: 

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:It's okay: She pats his hand.

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Leareth lays down again, focuses on slowing his breathing until he feels reasonably calm. :I have been waking up confused about where I am every day: he admits. :I suspect this is normal, when I am just starting out in a new body? Everything feels very unfamiliar and wrong, still, so it startles me when I wake: 

(Again a pang of sadness, and frustration; his previous body should have been good for at least another fifty years, if the stupid gods didn't keep killing him then a certain Hardornen thirteen-year-old would still be alive. Well, maybe, it's not like Essi had a very good plan for running away from home.) 

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:When you're feeling better we can get you to your records and perhaps they have a how-to guide. Do you want my letter now, though, since that's nearer to hand?:

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:Yes, please: 

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She identifies the box it's in and Fetches it out and hands it over.

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Leareth reads it. Halfway through he starts crying again, and has to stop and dab at his eyes so he can see the paper again. Then he reads it a second time, very focused. 

"Thank you," he says finally. "That is very helpful, I feel much more oriented." 

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"You're welcome."

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Leareth reaches out and squeezes her hand. "...How are you feeling? I still feel - very sad - I think something is different with the lifebond but it does not feel like everything is all right, yet." 

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"Yeah, me too. You told me once that reincarnation in general preserves lifebond compatibility but you didn't mention how you knew that."

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"It was mostly a guess, from some Tayledras and Shin'a'in anecdotes; they have a small population size and strong oral history traditions, so more cases of recognized reincarnation, and the Star-Eyed seems fond of lifebonds. It also makes sense given the mechanism. The soul is the part that the gods can work with directly, the rest of what a person is, is - fleshed out, I suppose, as they are born and grow up in a particular brain and body, there can be nudges there but it would get messy. Given that I have reason to believe lifebonds are a tool the gods use to meddle, I can infer that the soul, which transfers across lifetimes, is the relevant part." Frown. "I suppose the gods might sometimes make modifications before reincarnating a given soul, but I know They did not do so for me, since I bypass that system entirely." 

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"Okay. So it's probably just that you're too young or something."

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"Normally lifebond compatibility is preserved but people do not come back with broken lifebonds," Leareth says thoughtfully. "I am a little confused that it seemed to come across for me, though it does seem as though it would be much odder if the person were returning as an infant and without memories. I have significantly more continuity of self than would usually be the case, maybe that is why."

He twists around to lock eyes with her. "And - you would have accepted a broken lifebond for the rest of your life? If I had come back without one, and - not wished to be mind-control-bonded to you again? That is–" he blinks hard, "it is - very, I am not even sure of the word, 'kind' is not it, but - very something..." 

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"I really hate mind control."

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"I know." He drags a sleeve over his face. "You are not going to like this idea, I think, but - we could have a Mindhealer look and see if they think the bond is going to re-form soon or if we are stuck like this for years. I would prefer to at least know, so I can mentally prepare myself for it." 

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"It's a good idea. I can psych myself up for it. Do you want to ask Melody here or wait till we can see Nayoki?"

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"I am not sure what logistics are in the way for seeing Nayoki. Also I only sort of remember her anyway." Leareth actually doesn't remember the name at all, he vaguely remembers a mage-Mindhealer leading a research team, and can guess from context that Belrun is referring to her. "Either seems fine but - I do not feel very up for navigating how to get back to the north, if it requires actions from me, it is distressingly hard to make plans right now." 

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"Okay. We can ask Melody and probably since your people and the Valdemarans are already talking they have a way to arrange to transport us."

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"All right, that makes sense–" And he barely finishes the sentence before, for some inexplicable reason, he's crying again. :I am sorry, I do not understand why I am like this right now - you seem to be coping with it much better...: 

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She scoops him into a hug. "I have more practice I guess? And I'm not dealing with a new body at the same time, and also only half of my soul-gluing modifications are busted right now as opposed to a hundred percent of them, and also I'm not frostbitten and whatever else."

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"Mmm." Leareth tucks his head under her chin and gives himself exactly sixty seconds, counted out, of crying without trying to stop it, and then wrestles his emotions back under control. 

"Oh. I was going to ask you - normally I pick a new name, when I start in a new body, it helps keep track with records and such. I had been saving 'Leareth', though, it was - significant, it was the name I chose for when I began actually executing the first steps of my plan. But - I suppose we now have greater hopes that it will be a different plan we carry out... I am not sure. I would also understand if you found it too confusing for me to suddenly be named something else." 

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"It would be kind of confusing but if you really want a new name I'm not going to stop you."

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"I do not actually have one lined up or anything, so it might be simplest to stay with 'Leareth' and find a different way to demarcate the records." 

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"'Leareth Two'."

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Leareth laughs. "What is that convention they have for kings sometimes, when royal families follow that very confusing policy of naming their firstborn sons after their father... 'Leareth the second', 'Leareth, second of his name'..." He has to stop because he's giggling too hard. 

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"The exact conventions differ! I think I've heard both in reference to different dynasties."

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"Well, for day to day purposes I can just be Leareth. It will probably be less confusing on net, sticking to the same name; usually I have ended up pursuing something different in each life, when I was in the exploratory phase, or at least not making it known that I was immortal and actually the same person as previously, but this time I am trying to pick up exactly where I left off, so." He finds her hand again, squeezes it. "I know this situation is not ideal for either of us, in many ways, but - I am glad I had you to come back to. I have never had that before." 

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"Is it usually worse, the transition - this seems pretty bad!"

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"I mean, usually I am not dealing with a broken lifebond! That is definitely part of what is making this bad. But - the disorientation is normal, I think. And usually I am coming back in a rather vulnerable position, as a child or teenager with a Gift not yet at full strength, alone in a strange place. I have to re-derive the schema I used to select my records cache locations, since I cannot rely on having retained enough memories to find them otherwise. So I generally would spend weeks or months wandering around in the wilderness looking, with only sketchy memories of anything. I do not like it very much." 

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"I'm not surprised! I'm glad you were able to get here with relatively little incident."

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"It was mostly because I could come here, and expect Valdemar or at least Vanyel to be friendly. Which is entirely thanks to you." 

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"You had laid some groundwork with Vanyel before I came on the scene," she points out.

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"That is true. I do not remember most of our conversations very well, though. I am looking forward to having my notes again and feeling less like I have no idea what is happening." 

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"Do notes jog your memory or just substitute entirely?"

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"I think it is a mix of both. I usually keep two or three dozen clear memories, and then there is a lot of - blur, and I think my notes will help me make sense of that. But for anything more than a single lifetime ago, the records substitute entirely - except for some very core memories of Urtho that I make a great deal of effort to carry across each time, because that is - where I keep my sense of purpose, I suppose? Of who I am and what I am trying to accomplish in the world, and why–" Goddamnit he's crying again, this is so irritating. 

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"How long is a memory - like, a day, or events of varying length, or a minute, or -"

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"Events of varying length, usually more than a minute, but definitely not a full day. I remember meeting you, and I remember the dreams we had with Vanyel - and our conversation where I told you of my plan and you were horrified and trying to think of alternate power sources - that might have been more than one conversation? It is a bit fragmented." 

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"I'd have to look it up."

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"Anyway, I think I retain significantly more - sense of who I am, I suppose - then would naively be the case with so few explicit memories of events. But there is a great deal missing, and then I have to sort of, hmm, to check it against the written records? Make sure I am still a similar shape of person to the past self who wrote them, ensure that my goals and values have not drifted sideways by accident... It is kind of nerve-wracking every time. This is not true of most people, but - I wish to do large-scale things in the world, right, and so I am the sort of person where most random changes to who I am would make me a lot more dangerous." 

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"Right." Pat pat. "Also, like, continuity of self is I think valuable to most people."

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This is the point at which there's a tentative knock on the door. "Now an alright time for visitors?" 

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Belrun glances at Leareth to confirm, then says, "Yeah?"

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Shavri comes in, Vanyel behind her. "Oh, good, you look much better. Can we talk briefly? It'll be mostly just logistics, figuring out what our plans our for the next few days." 

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"All right." 

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And Vanyel taps politely at her shields. :Belrun, could we talk privately for a little bit, after this?: 

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:Sure, once Shavri's gone?:

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:That works fine, we can talk in Mindspeech if you don't want to leave the room for it: 

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Shavri sits down. "All right, Leareth, I'm guessing you'd prefer to head north fairly soon, is that right?" 

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Glance at Belrun. "I think so, yes. I apologize for not being more helpful with arranging that." 

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"Don't be," Shavri says gently. "You were barely lucid yesterday. We can help figure out what makes sense, here." 

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"I assume the actual diplomats are here now and have a way to talk to the folks up north."

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"Yes! They've already passed word north that he's here. It's long-range for a Gate and the mages who did the Gate yesterday are a bit tired still, but you two could Gate out tonight if you wanted. I'm not sure if there's a reason to stick around a bit longer, though?" 

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"I'm not aware of one."

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Leareth considers it in silence for a few moments. “I think not,” he agrees. “We will still have communications if I am in the north.”

He sits up straighter in bed, squares his shoulders. “Before that, though, I ought to hear a report on how the talks have been going, if you can provide one.”

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“Um, sure, we can do that. Anything else?”

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Glance at Belrun. “You have a Mindhealer here, yes? We - would appreciate if they could quickly examine what is going on with the lifebond currently.”

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Vanyel winces. “Is it, er, not fixed?”

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"It's not fixed. I think maybe he's too young right now."

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“I am not sure. It did not repair itself instantly, in any case.”

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Shavri clears her throat. “Melody can have a look, I’m sure. I’ll find out when she’s next free.”

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Leareth nods to her, seriously, which is a familiar gesture for adult Leareth and is very out of place on a small thirteen-year-old sitting in bed wearing a nightgown. “Thank you.”

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"There's one up north too if she's not available before it makes sense for us to leave."

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“Good to know. I’ll keep you updated. Do you need anything else right now?” 

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Leareth shakes his head.

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"Thank you, Shavri." :Okay, Van, what is it?:

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:I’m not really sure how to say it, but...: He hesitates and then forges ahead. :Does Leareth seem - okay - to you - is he acting like himself? It’s just, it seemed really uncharacteristic for him, to just march right into Valdemar and get our attention, in a way that meant he was exhausted and vulnerable when someone found him. He’s so careful and paranoid normally. So I guess I’m feeling a bit concerned about him:

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:I mean, he had fewer resources than normal and a broken lifebond he wasn't used to and he was pretty disoriented:

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:Mmm, that does make sense. Do you think whatever’s going on will fix itself, now that he’s back with you and is going to have resources again?:

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:Resources and notes, I think. And time:

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:Right. Well, er, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help? I - I know what happened isn’t actually my fault, just, if I had Gated you both north sooner then maybe...:

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:We are pretty sure a god tried to kill us, I don't think exact timing on your part was a major input:

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:Why are the gods so terrible, anyway?: Sigh. :You know, this happening might’ve actually helped the negotiations along. Even Tran agrees that if a god did that, it’s deeply unacceptable and something we ought to fight back against. He’s still against Leareth’s methods, but, well... Some progress:

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:I mean, even Leareth doesn't like his methods! They suck! They're objectively bad methods! He just has very few options because the gods themselves are against him and he has really big projects to work on!:

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:I get that. I still don’t know what he’s actually planning, right, the diplomatic team thought that telling us was a decision Leareth ought to have input on, which makes sense. But - wherever it is, I really hope we can find a way to work together and do something better instead:

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:Me too:

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Vanyel hesitates for a moment. :All right, I guess that’s all I had to say, unless you’ve got more questions about anything...?:

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:Did I miss anything interesting going on around here? With the diplomats or the jailbreaking or anything:

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:Hmm. We had a slew of jailbreaking attempts right after we properly got the news. Ended up being everyone on the Senior Circle - oh, and this was kind of shocking to me, Tran was first! It still hasn’t gone further than that, really. We haven’t been pulling Heralds off circuit to brief them or anything. Rolan has been keeping to himself and hasn’t tried to Choose anyone, but he seems to be - I don’t know, waiting for something? To decide whether he’ll help with the god message part:

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:Tran? Really?:

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:I know, right? It didn't make sense to me at first! But what I think happened is, hmm - he's a very bright-lines person, right? And I'm aware that this probably isn't the worst thing the gods have done to Leareth or someone else working with him, but - I think it made it real for him, that some god out there did something that crossed a line, when they went after you even though you'd only been dragged into it at all thanks to some other god plot. It took him a bit, wrestling with it, but - I guess he concluded that he's not willing to let that stand, actually, and maybe Leareth has been a pretty bad person at times but the enemies he's fighting are worse? I don't know, that's my best guess at it: 

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:He's been yanked around a fair amount himself, I'm glad he now has a framework to not just round that off to the greater good:

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:I thought so too. I think he's got a lot of processing to do, right, I've got way more years of being sort of aware I was being yanked around by the gods, and eventually deciding I was allowed to be mad about it. I think Tran just sort of - couldn't notice it, until pretty recently: 

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:I wonder if he and his Companion should talk to Amshalan about that:

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:Hmm, that might be a good idea, but I wouldn't want to delay your leaving for it - I can ask 'Fandes to pass it on to Delian and see if they're free today?: 

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:Sure. Amshalan's giving me some room to reconnect with Leareth anyway so she's probably not busy:

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:I'll do that, then: He gets up. "Leareth, I'm sorry you're having such a rough, er, start, and I hope you feel better soon." 

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"Hmm?" Leareth has been leaning against Belrun with his eyes closed for the last couple of minutes, apparently oblivious to the private Mindspeech conversation. "Oh. Thank you." 

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Pat pat.

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Vanyel nods to them both and heads out. 

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Leareth blinks and sits up properly. "Were you talking about something in Mindspeech?" 

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"Yeah. How are you feeling this morning, anyway, Shavri was in but didn't really focus on you and maybe she figures I'm doing that even though I mostly don't see patients," mutters Belrun, blinking at Leareth with Healing-Sight now that it's occurred to her.

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"Fine–" He stops, takes a moment to actually consider it. "I am not feeling ill but I do feel very tired. Oh - I suppose I do have a sore throat, I had not really noticed, I thought it was just - being very sad..."

(Belrun's Healing-Sight mainly shows signs of recent malnourishment and overexertion, and some lingering backlash from pushing his barely-awakened mage-gift too hard the day before; his body's resources are very depleted. He's managed to dodge actual frostbite, at least. He's definitely fighting off a cold.) 

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"- no, you're actually in kind of bad shape. Also you need to eat better, whoever this was wasn't getting enough. I wonder when breakfast shows up around here but I can get some work done on you anyway -" She does this.

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"His name was Essi," Leareth says quietly. "He - ran away from an abusive home, I think. Living with a relative who thought mages were trouble and maybe possessed; it seemed there was considerable superstition against mages in the region. That is - why he was alone and trying to cast a fire spell..." Sniffle. "I am so irritated about dying again and having to - do this, it had seemed possible that it could be the last time..." 

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Squeeze. "Well, there goes my idea of sending his folks a care package, I guess. - wonder what Dara's up to these days. Uh, the Groveborn's Chosen he accidentally repudiated some weeks back. You'd been going to send her scholarship money since it was sort of my fault making her think too hard about gods but we have had other things on our minds obviously."

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"Of course," Leareth says quietly. 

Breakfast arrives shortly later with a different day shift Healer, who does take the time to examine Leareth with her Sight, remarks on the same things Belrun did, does a tiny bit of Healing, and declares that he needs rest and plenty of food and fluids. She smiles at Belrun and asks a trainee to bring breakfast for her too. It doesn't seem like either of them have any context on who Leareth is. 

Leareth drinks all the water that he's handed, but picks at his food without enthusiasm. 

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"You're going to finish that before lunchtime, right?"

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He gives her a glum look. "I can try. I am not very hungry." 

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"You're malnourished. I've been having a hard time eating too but I finished what my mom put in front of me."

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"It was very annoying to try to eat enough when I was a runaway in the poorest part of Hardorn." Leareth puts in a bit more effort, though, and finishes his plate over the next twenty minutes. He should probably be asking Belrun to help him review things he's forgotten, or catching up on events in Valdemar, but it's enough of a challenge keeping his eyes open. 

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She pets his hair and does not do anything to dissuade him from sleeping.

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In which case he's going to be fast asleep when there's a gentle knock on her shields, just before lunch. :It's Melody. I was told you wanted to see me?:

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:Yeah, we wanted to know what our lifebond is doing since it's not 'being okay again instantly'. He's napping but I can wake him up? Or just, you know, inform you that he was interested in learning this information when he was awake:

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:Up to you. I can accept you consenting on his behalf and it sounds like he needs his rest, but if he needs to be awake for something else anyway... I'll be there in a moment: 

She opens the door very quietly when she arrives. 

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:I don't think he needs to be awake right now:

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Then Melody will sit down beside the bed and have a look without waking him. 

:...Goodness: she sends, a while later. :That is one confused lifebond you have there: 

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:Sorry, that's not the clearest description. But this is a pretty weird situation, where lifebonds are concerned! Normally a lifebond will properly snap into place when there's mutual sexual attraction, although I've read it's sometimes possible to notice the beginnings of a lifebond earlier than that - say, if one or both of the people involved are way too young. If you were both, er, lifebond-compatible but hadn't previously been bonded, I think there wouldn't be anything yet. However. You both have holes in you, so there's a lot more - metaphorically looking for the missing piece, I guess? I don't know exactly what's going to happen from here, but my best guess is that if you spend a lot of time together, you're going to end up with a sort of partial lifebond. Until he's, um, actually past puberty, I would think: 

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:I guess in a lot of ways that's better than if it didn't wait:

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Melody makes a face. :This must be pretty strange for you. It's - gods, it's very surreal, it really doesn't feel like 'Leareth' and 'tiny and adorable' ought to combine like that:

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Among the many drawbacks of stealing children's bodies, yes. :It's pretty strange for me, yes:

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:Also his mind is a mess in other ways, but I'm guessing he knows what to do about that, and I think there's a Mindhealer up north too?:

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:There is, yes. Could you give me a general idea now though -:

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:It's - gods, this is very hard to explain. I could show you my Sight, if you know how to do sense-sharing with Mindspeech?: 

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:I haven't learned how before:

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:Hmm, I'm going to try sort of pushing it at you - this doesn't work with entirely un-Gifted people but might do fine if it's just that you haven't done it before, and it's not like you need more than a second or two to get the overall gist. Ready?: 

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And she'll get a burst of Melody's Sight, similar to Healing-Sight in some ways but extremely different in others. Whatever she's Seeing is a lot more metaphorical than Leareth's actual brain - the impression is of something like a tapestry, splayed out in a way that wouldn't quite work in ordinary space.

It is very obviously a tapestry that has some problems.

One of them is the ragged hole in the middle. It's not hard to guess what that represents. There are loose tendrils of thread sort of floating out from it, searching for something... 

The rest is also pretty weird! It kind of looks like a previous tapestry was recently shredded (this is sort of exactly what happened), and has been patchily replaced with - something even stranger, a sort of rectangular-grid scaffolding not exactly made of thread, with the beginnings of a new pattern being laid down and woven into place on it. The most complete section of it wraps around the hole. It's a pattern of stars against a dark sky.

Everything except that is very unfinished and messy and jury-rigged, with bits of shredded Essi scattered around the edges. 

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Belrun shivers a little and nods.

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Melody drops the deeper connection. If she's disturbed by it, she isn't showing it. :I'm guessing the other weirdness is a result of his, er, method of dying and coming back, and that he's got ways of dealing with it, but it's very much not dealt with yet and I'm assuming that's having consequences on how well he can function right now: 

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:Yeah. His notes are up north, I think that'll help:

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:I hope so. ...Do you want a peek at yours? I'm not sure if that'd be helpful at all, it might be the opposite: 

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:...I admit I'm curious:

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Then Melody can show her that too. 

Belrun's mind is a very tidy tapestry, with a coherent aesthetic theme and neat stitching. It also has a gaping hole in the centre, complete with loose bits searching haplessly for the missing half; the edges are less messy, though, overall the pattern is holding together decently well. Her bond with Amshalan is sort of visible off to one side, as something like an added section, trying hard to match the colour scheme for the rest and not quite making it. 

:Overall: Melody sends, :you're in shockingly good shape, given the givens: 

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:I guess so. Huh, I wonder if Amshalan'll integrate more when it's been more than a month and a half. The lifebond probably clashed even worse:

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:I suspect so. Companion-bonds tend to stay looking more, well, separate than lifebonds do, but I think it'll work its way in somewhat more over a few years: 

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:Well, thanks for showing me:

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:You're welcome. Any questions before I go?: 

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:I don't think so:

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Melody bobs her head and slips out. 

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A Healing-trainee brings lunch around a candlemark later. (Leareth is still asleep). 

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Belrun eats hers, then nudges him a bit.

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Leareth makes a frustrated sleepy sound and tries to roll away from her, and then startles fully awake, goes through about five seconds of frantically checking his surroundings with mage-sight and Thoughtsensing, but recognizes her faster this time and relaxes. "...Still in Haven, right?" 

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"Right. Melody came in while you were napping - you've been asleep since breakfast and it's lunch now - and showed me what the lifebonds are up to, which is, uh, being holes with threads of whatever it is the threads are a metaphor for waving around in the hole trying to grab each other. Also you're in a bad way but you'll be better with your notes, I expect." She pushes lunch at him.

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He starts eating without additional coaxing, switches to Mindspeech while his mouth is full. :I am sure my mind looks extremely horrifying. I know I can manage that part fine, I have done it dozens of times. For the lifebond - is that good? What did she think would happen after this point?: 

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:She pretty much agrees with me that it's just you being too young at the moment -: She wrote it down and can read it to him while he eats.

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:I suppose it would probably help with the hole to have a partial lifebond and it would be less weird and uncomfortable than having a full one: He sets down his fork. "I really cannot eat any more right now." 

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"I'm pretty sure they're calibrating the serving sizes for how much you need, but if you want to try again in half a candlemark that should be okay."

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"Mmm, all right." He puts the plate on the bedside table and flops back. Turns his head to look at her. "How are you feeling?"

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"I'm just kind of telling myself what I've been telling myself for weeks. It hurts but the hurt is lying. Like - like a phantom limb, except in this case it's just that my shoulder hasn't wised up to the fact that actually my arm is right there in, uh, acceptable health, and thinks I have for some reason stuck it in a pot of boiling water."

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"That is certainly a vivid metaphor." He stretches out his hand toward hers. "I am sorry. I mean in the sense that I wish it had not happened, not that I think it was my fault; I think we were a reasonable amount of careful, I could have reduced the danger to myself by staying behind but that would only have made it more dangerous for you. But - I do not approve of things that hurt you. I particularly do not approve of gods who hurt you!" 

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She squeezes his hand. "Two of your least favorite things, combined, yep. It was really blatant, and nearish Iftel, but wyrsa are actually a Pelagirs thing, it might have been two of them collaborating."

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"I do not like that idea." He frowns. "Though - it is odd, that it seems to perhaps have backfired?" 

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"I did actually think about that - I think maybe Amshalan was hard to see coming? Like, of things one might predict in the ordinary fashion, 'Belrun lets a Companion Choose her' has to be pretty slim odds. And it had only been a couple of days since that, so the plan may have already been set up when I did it."

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"It is not always very productive to try to guess the motives of gods, but - how contingent do you think it was? Did it depend, for example, on Amshalan's specific traits?" Leareth sits up again, slightly more animated. "Because that gives the impression of a different god's intervention. And that god might have had extra information, here." 

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"I guess it depended on her specific traits? Not very much - I didn't specify 'you and only you may Choose me if that's a thing you can do now', I said 'if somebody's waiting for me now would be a good time' or something like that - but I did say that having talked to Amshalan in particular in the time leading up to that moment and gotten kind of used to her and less squirrely about Companions as a concept through her."

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Nod. "She seems to be an unusually good match for you in particular, as Companions go, no?"  

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"Yes. I think that's normal, for them to be sorted for compatibility. Uh, the thing that stands out to me as unusual was that she was so recently reincarnated - Vanyel knew her last Chosen before he died, and also she'd had him stolen out from under her - uh, on top of her, I guess? - by Taver, and had some practice beating her head against the mind control from that, which made things go more smoothly after the Choosing."

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"Oh. Interesting. I assume that is nonstandard for Companions?" He makes a face. "I do not actually remember, this is so inconvenient." 

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"You didn't actually meet Amshalan, you like, heard about her secondhand and saw her for a few seconds, so no big loss there, you can just meet her when you're ready to get out of bed. But yeah, they usually have bigger gaps between incarnations, I think, and of course most don't even have an opportunity - so to speak - to have their Herald stolen."

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Leareth nods. "I think I could get out of bed now, if it were helpful to meet her, but I suppose I will meet her anyway if we are going to Gate out tonight." 

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"Yeah. No rush. Uh, right before I left Haven last time I'd talked to Rolan, the current Groveborn, about maybe talking to his boss - so to speak - and apparently he's still dithering about that."

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Leareth looks a bit alarmed. "I would prefer not to be anywhere close to the Groveborn, I think. Probably he will not be suddenly possessed by a god to murder me again, but I am less certain of that than I would like!" 

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"That's - understandable but I think whoever's running the show with Companions is not inclined that way. Still, if it's necessary for you to speak to him you can do it from inside this Companion-hostile architecture over Mindspeech."

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"All right. ...Do you expect it to be necessary or useful for me to speak to him directly?" 

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"No, not at all, it just occurred to me to catch you up about it."

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"Mmm." He sits up. "I could eat a little more now, I think." 

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She hands him the plate with the rest of his lunch.

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He's just finishing it when there's a polite knock on the door. "Would now be a good time to quickly go over our side of what we've discussed with your diplomats?" 

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"Now is all right for me." Leareth looks at Belrun. 

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"Mm-hm, come in, how is it going?"

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"Good, good. We're all very, er - there are slightly complicated feelings here, as you might imagine, but we're mostly very relieved Leareth is back and you're with him." 

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Tantras follows Savil in, carrying an extra chair. 

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"Hello, Tantras."

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"Belrun." He nods to her; his expression is neutral, but a different flavour of it than before, in some hard-to-parse way. "Leareth." 

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Leareth sits up straighter. :Belrun, is he the one who was hostile before?: He has some vague floating half-memory but it's blurred. 

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:Yes, but he was reportedly upset about the circumstances of your death and jailbroke his Companion, and even before that he apologized:

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:Do you think it is - I am sorry, just, I am trying to figure out what is and is not safe and I am very disoriented so it is difficult:

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:I think we're safe here and if that changes I will be doing something about it and not sitting here calmly:

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He nods, seems somewhat reassured, and goes back to looking attentively at the visitors. 

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Tran folds his hands in his lap. "First, I think we owe you - well, Belrun mainly - an apology for her initial poor reception. And I suppose both of you an apology for, er, reacting in a way that made it necessary. We...didn't realize what we were working with, here. Honestly it's pretty terrifying, that we apparently live in a world where gods will send wyrsa after you and your lifebonded partner if they don't like you," he shivers, "but, well, it sure does look like that's the situation here." He looks down. "I don't agree with your methods and I probably never will, but - you make a lot more sense to me, as a person, knowing what kind of thing you've been up against. Suppose you'd been trying to tell Vanyel this whole time, but..."

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"But Heralds by default can't think clearly about the whole topic," Savil finishes. 

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"I hear that's been improving."

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"We've done everyone on the Senior Circle, hmm, actually I think everyone in Haven at this point! Yfandes is pretty good at poking people through it." 

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"I am glad to hear it," Leareth says, quietly and seriously. He does not reach out and hold hands with Belrun even though he wants to; it's hard enough to look competent and adult when you are, by all appearances, thirteen. 

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"Yeah, congratulations."

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Savil and Tantras can cover the rest fairly efficiently. They haven't made a ton of progress with the diplomatic team in terms of specifics, due to their not being able to get clarification or authorization from Leareth on anything. They've done a lot of getting to know each other, and also, following Valdemar's lead, talked somewhat about the gods' questionable behaviour and additional examples of it that were known to Leareth's organization. 

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It's a good thing they're doing it quickly, because Leareth is hiding it well but it's noticeable that he's getting tired again. 

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"Okay, so it sounds like major steps forward need to wait on us getting north again for Leareth to catch up on his own records, ideally, uh, without divine ambush this time."

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"Sounds right. You should be Gating direct to the north this time, right?"

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"I believe so." He is trying so hard not to yawn. 

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"Yeah. Uh, is that all for now?"

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Tantras exchanges a look with Savil. "I think so." He stands up. "We should be able to exchange messages faster, going forward, so we can cover anything else later." 

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Savil smiles at Belrun, and they head out.

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"Go ahead and sleep," she murmurs to Leareth.

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"Can you..." Leareth swallows. He's been trying to keep himself distracted but it still hurts, a lot, all his thoughts are trying to bend around the void where a lifebond should be and isn't - he was running on adrenaline before, promising himself it was temporary, and having Belrun there should fix it but it's not. Although he wonders it maybe he's starting to be able to feel her, in a way that he doesn't think is just via Thoughtsensing, which he isn't using.

He tries again. "It - I feel very sad again and - I know it is a lie, the phantom limb metaphor is helpful, but - could you hold me? I think maybe it will help." 

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"Yeah, of course." She wraps her arms around him.

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He rests his head on her shoulder, closes his eyes. :I am very much looking forward to the part where my brain stops yelling at me constantly that everything is very terrible. I am not used to having this problem: 

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:It's a very stupid problem and I hate it too:

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:I would be tempted to ask Vanyel for advice, except for the part where that feels tactless in the extreme...: Leareth's mindvoice trails off into a sleepy murmur. 

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:It does, doesn't it: She pets his hair away from his face.

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:Poor Vanyel...I wish...we could fix it...: And then he's too drowsy to Mindspeak words, and shortly after that is asleep. 

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She snuggles him till he seems asleep enough and then extricates herself carefully so she doesn't get bored unable to write or read.

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A few minutes later, footsteps come right up to outside the door and then stop. A few seconds later there's a very tentative knock on her shields. :Belrun?:

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:Can I, er, come in and talk to you for a bit?: 

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:Quietly, Leareth's napping, but I don't mind:

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:Oh. Of course: She opens the door very, very quietly and tiptoes in. Stops at the foot of the bed. :...Oh my goodness is that Leareth he's so - small...: 

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:Yeah, he's physically younger than you now. I didn't actually know till I got here he'd be so small:

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Dara sits down in the chair on the opposite side of the bed from Belrun. :Is it weird of me to say that he's really adorable?: 

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:You wouldn't be the first:

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Dara gives her a sympathetic look. :I'd be getting really sick of that in your place, so - I'm sorry to be one of the people making it worse, I won't bring it up again: 

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:Thanks. What's up? I'm surprised to see you here:

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:Well, I went home to my ma and I thought she’d be happier in Haven so I convinced her to move. She’s - not quite all there, but she can clean, there’s work for her here. I was thinking I’d take you up on the scholarship Leareth promised, maybe go study in Rethwellan, but...:

She looks down at her clasped hands. :But whatever just happened to you and Leareth is a really big deal. And - I think I want to help, if I can. If you’ll have me: Brief flicker of a smile. :I know I’m young, but I’m good at lots of things, I’m sure I could find somewhere to be useful:

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:I bet he'd be happy to hire you, though I don't know what he has open right now and he might not either because it takes him a while to get recombobulated:

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:Mmm. That must be really stressful for him!:

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:It is, yeah, on top of having to travel alone for a week with a broken lifebond before he got Heralds to pick him up and grab me for him and now it's still broken till he's older, so, like, don't assume whatever he does in the next month to threeish years is him at his best:

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:Gods! I’m so sorry - I didn’t realize... That’s awful. Three-ish years! Is that how long you think it’ll be until he’s old enough to get lifebonded again properly?:

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:It's probably the upper bound, we don't know exactly:

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:Well, I hope for both your sake that it ends up being less than that. Anyway. I’ m guessing there isn’t, but - if there’s anything I can do to help right now, let me know?: She scrunches up her face. :I’m not really at my best right now either. Being repudiated wasn’t as bad as I thought based on how horrified everyone is about it, but it’s still not great:

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:I bet, yeah. Uh, how much do you know about what happened after you left?:

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:Um, when I got back to Haven - that was only a couple weeks ago, I spent a while being useless at my ma's place and then helping her clean nobles' houses because at least it was distracting - anyway, Savil said there was a diplomatic team here from Leareth but that you'd left. I had a suspicion there was more. Then yesterday there was a commotion and I figured it was related, so I went and found Yfandes and asked her, and after a bit of convincing she was willing to just tell me. You and Leareth almost got murdered? Well, I guess Leareth did get murdered: A worried look at his sleeping form. :And you thought a god did it. That's honestly extremely terrifying! Although if it was the Star-Eyed Goddess I can't say I'm surprised, She seems very dubious: 

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:I think it might have been a team-up with Vkandis based on the location. Uh, also I have a Companion now:

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:What?: Dara stares at her. :Er, all right, I think I'm missing a lot here actually, maybe I should've asked Yfandes for more of the background. You seem like the last person who'd want a Companion! Even leaving aside the, um, problem, with Rolan, that I had...: 

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:So, yeah, I didn't want one, but - nobody was listening to me, they were all really freaked out about how, uh, listening to me had gotten you repudiated? And I was afraid if they didn't listen to me there'd be a war so I talked to Amshalan about it and she Chose me and it turns out Companions who are not Groveborn can stop having that problem by actually not having it instead of the way Rolan handled it:

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:Whoa! That...explains a lot, actually. How you managed to get the negotiations to work at all, it'd seemed so stuck and that wasn't all Rolan's fault: 

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:Yeah, it worked pretty well. And Amshalan is great and I was not exactly working with a zero mind control starting point at the time and also she got me away when the wyrsa murdered Leareth:

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:That part is definitely really good!: Dara winces. :It would've been so awful if you'd died too, he would've come back - like this - and without you even there to find...: Shudder. 

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:Yeah, I'm not immortal yet, it's complicated:

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A crooked smile. :Is he working on that for you?: 

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:Not at this moment. It was on the to-do list before but it is actually very complicated:

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Nod. :I guess that makes sense that it would be. Good luck, I guess: 

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:Thank you:

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Dara fidgets for a minute before standing up. :All right, I guess I can - send you a message via the diplomats, at some point, to check in if Leareth is hiring people in the future? I guess if he's not sure right now then maybe I should go to Rethwellan and learn something useful. I'm honestly really bored right now: 

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:That makes sense to me. Do you want a letter of recommendation to the school I went to when I was your age?:

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:Sure! That would be very kind of you. Could you leave it with Savil? I ought to head back and fix some supper for my ma:

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:Sure, I can do that:

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And Dara smiles brightly at her and heads out.

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Belrun writes the recommendation letter.

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Leareth remains asleep, looking very small in the bed. At one point he whimpers and stirs, and Belrun catches what is maybe a faint flicker of distress from him, though it's hard to tell for sure if it's coming via the former-lifebond. 

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...huh. She notes that down, tries not looking right at him.

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It seems to still be there, though very distant and sort of fading in and out. 

–and then Leareth startles awake and jerks into a sitting position, involuntarily making the bed shake a little and the curtains rustle. 

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"- are you okay?"

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It takes a while for his eyes to focus on her. "...Are we still in Haven?" 

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"Yes. Were you having a nightmare?"

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"I think so. There were - wyrsa..." He shakes his head, hugs himself a little. "I suspect that I always have nightmares about how I died most recently, for a time, even though it is not helpful at all." 

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"Nightmares usually aren't, I don't think anybody knows why they happen." Hug. "I think there was a twinge of it through the lifebond, which is encouraging."

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"Oh. That does seem good." He leans into the hug without speaking for a minute or two. "Did you keep notes on the conversation with the Heralds?" he says finally. "I did not and - I think my memory is not working well, right now, I do not like it." 

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"Yeah, I took notes, here -" She can show them, they're not processing-intensive. "Dara came by while you were asleep - Rolan's former human - she isn't in a rush about it but when you're feeling a little better she might want to work for you."

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"Oh. Interesting. You liked her, right? But she is also very young?" 

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"Right. She's fourteen."

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“You know, I am certain I have some system for hiring people but I do not have the faintest idea what it is currently. Fortunately I am sure it will be written down.”

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"Yeah, I told her it might be a while, she might go take in some Rethwellani education first, I wrote her a recommendation letter."

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“Thank you.” He tugs away from her, stretches. “How long was I asleep this time? Also, am I allowed to get out of bed?”

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"We haven't been brought dinner yet. I don't have instructions from the locals on you getting out of bed but I think it'll be okay, though I should walk with you in case."

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“All right. I am not sure why I am sleeping so much, this is rather ridiculous.” He swings his legs toward the side of the bed.

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She helps him up. "You're getting Healed a lot after an exhausting trip where you didn't sleep well."

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"I am sure I have been under those circumstances before and it still seems odd to sleep for an entire day. Though I suppose I have relatively little context on how anything works, right now, most of my memories are all smeared together. Do children need more sleep? That might be it."

He starts to stand up, and sits back down abruptly. "Should I stop?" he says, quite calmly. "I feel very dizzy." 

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"Uh - I don't know, I'm not a - I'll go get somebody." She pats his shoulder, steps out to see who's handy.

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"Something wrong?" 

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"He's been sleeping nearly all day. I got him to eat all the breakfast and lunch that was served to him but he tried to get up just now and came over all dizzy. I'm a good enough Healer not to accidentally kill people but I don't have much clinical experience, I'm a microbiologist, so I thought I'd ask if that seemed normal to you."

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"It seems unsurprising to me but I'd better come have a look, can't tell from that description whether it's worrying or not." She follows Belrun. 

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Leareth is still sitting on the side of the bed, swinging his legs, which don't quite reach the floor. "It has mostly passed now," he says when he sees them.

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"Mmm." Gemma examines him for a moment. "Reckon you just tried to stand up too fast after lying down all day, that'll do it. I think you're fine to walk around, but," glance at Belrun, "maybe stay in arms' reach just in case? You put your body through a lot recently." 

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Leareth nods. "Thank you." He tries standing up again. It seems all right this time. Maybe they can walk a bit up and down the hall, he's vaguely restless. 

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She goes with him up and down the hall, in arms' reach but prepared to yoink him with Fetching rather than risk being pulled over herself if he stumbles.

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He manages fine, though after two laps he’s suddenly very tired and more than ready to head back to bed.

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One of the mages who Gated Belrun over earlier arrives about two minutes after their supper does. “We would be ready to Gate over anytime. ...Would it be better to wait?”

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Leareth glances at his mostly-uneaten food and then at Belrun.

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"Maybe till after he's finished dinner."

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Leareth nods and finishes eating, making an effort to go a bit faster. 

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"We should Gate from outside," the mage says. "So your Companion can come, Belrun. It's not that warm out, does Leareth have anything to bundle up in?" 

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"All of the clothes I had were in terrible condition," Leareth admits. "I could wrap up in a blanket?" 

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:Gemma, can we steal one of these blankets? Leareth's short on wardrobe and we want to Gate outside to have room for Amshalan:

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:–Yes, of course. You're headed out now?: 

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Yup. She picks something warm-looking off the bed and drapes it around Leareth. "Gemma says we can take one."

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Leareth wraps it more tightly around himself, holding it in place with one hand, and reaches to take Belrun's hand, he's not totally steady on his feet but with her help he can shuffle toward the doorway.

...Oh, he should bring the notes he's been keeping. He isn't sure where they are right now. 

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She scoops them up with her own, Fetching them rather than let go of his hand.

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Leareth follows the mage outside - it's a chilly grey day but not actually raining right now. 

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Amshalan is already there, saddled too. :We're headed back north now?: 

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Yeah. Can he ride behind me -

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:Of course: Her saddle is the usual Heralds' one, which has a pillion pad already in place. She pulls Leareth into her Mindspeech as well (it's not exactly standard for Companions to do that, but they are lifebonded, after all.) :Go on, she can give you a boost up. Make sure you hold on tight, although I can give you a pretty smooth ride: 

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The saddle in fact looks very high up, and Leareth doesn't trust his arm strength now, so he gives Belrun a hopeful look. 

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She squeezes his hand and manages with liberal abuse of Fetching to get up without letting go and pull him after her so he can hug her around the waist.

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He holds onto her, tightly. 

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And the mage leads them over to the Heralds' temple, it's not too long a walk and the temple has a nice big set of bronze doors that Amshalan can easily fit through. 

He raises a Gate. 

And then they're back in the Gate-room up north. 

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Leareth glances around. At least it feels vaguely familiar, here. 

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Belrun gets them down from Amshalan, still without breaking contact. Pets Amshalan's neck with her other hand once they're down.

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He's feeling pretty shaky by now. "I probably need to go back to bed now. Do I need to be in the infirmary or can I go back to the bedroom I had before." 

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"I should maybe ask one of the Healers here, but you seem pretty stable now - Belrun, what do you think?" 

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"I think his old room should be fine. I can Mindspeak a Healer who knows more about what they're doing in a pinch."

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"Sure. This way, then." 

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Leareth needs them to walk slowly, but he can make it all the way on his own feet. 

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And then she can tuck him in and sit beside him and pet his hair.

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Leareth closes his eyes. "I am glad to be home again. Very glad you are here... I am maybe going to sleep again now." 

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"That's fine. Sleep well."

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The next week or so passes uneventfully. Leareth sleeps a lot, and then gradually a bit less, though it's still kind of an unreasonable amount of sleep in absolute terms. He takes walks around the hallway, a couple of times a day, more laps each day as he regains his strength. He starts reviewing his notes, though he needs to do it in short bursts because it's still hard to concentrate for long. 

After a few more days, it's pretty obvious that they are developing some sort of weak partial lifebond; Belrun can feel Leareth from several rooms away now. He still finds it unpleasant when she leaves, reasonable or not, and his preference is to be touching her all the time; when they're in physical contact, they can feel each other almost as well as they could before with the full lifebond. 

Leareth is still kind of background sad and in pain, a lot of the time, which is really stupid of his brain but his brain isn't listening to reason on this one. 

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It's harder to keep busy and drown the pain in work when she's trying to stay by him. She has her eggs brought into the room so she can work on them while holding his hand with her left and writing notes and drawing sketches with her right. She discovers that under certain conditions some microbes can be killed with cranberry juice and occupies herself investigating various aspects of whether that could ever actually be useful in actual people.

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Her research is neat and Belrun is wonderful and very impressive and Leareth sometimes asks her to talk about it, when he's having trouble focusing on anything else. 

About a week later, he wakes up and rubs his eyes and checks if he's still quietly miserable. (Still miserable). 

"I think we should ask Nayoki to look at the lifebond again," he says to Belrun. "If you do not mind. I - would like to know if it is going to get any better than this, before I am old enough that we lifebond properly again. If not, I think I need to figure out some better way to cope with it." 

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"Yeah. She can look."

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And Nayoki will come over promptly when Leareth Mindspeaks her. She does ask each of them individually, again, if it's all right for her to look. 

"You have some level of bond," she says once that's approved. "I can show you my Sight?" 

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"Yes please."

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So Nayoki can slip into close enough Mindspeech-rapport with both of them to share her Othersenses. 

Her Sight looks different from Melody; her view of their minds, rather than resembling a tapestry, seems to be...loaves of bread? 

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- that startles her into a half-giggle.

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Nayoki glances at her with slightly raised eyebrows and a crooked smile, but doesn't say anything. "I will go in closer." 

And she can show them the lifebond, which appears as some stringy ropey bits of what looks like half-baked dough beginning to link their loaves, from underneath; it's solid at this point but not exactly complete. 

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"I assume you can't directly, uh, bake... that...?"

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"I do not think it would help to do that; the problem is that it is too limited, not just that it is fragile. I think it would slowly fill out a little more than this, and perhaps I can make that happen now instead of later? It would be somewhat invasive, though, and I am not sure it would work, though I am confident it would not cause harm." 

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Belrun shivers a little. "It's just - it's hard to do anything more than very routine things with it this bad, and I can fill up on routine things, plenty of science is very routine stuff I can do going down a checklist, but it makes me feel like I'm brain-damaged. I guess I am. I would like to stop all else being equal."

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"I am having difficulty even with routine work," Leareth admits.

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"That makes sense. It is hitting you harder because you are still, well, reassembling yourself after being murdered and coming back."

Nayoki focuses her Sight more closely on Leareth's mind, still sharing it with both of them. It comes out differently in bread; rather than fragments of new tapestry being woven on the weird square-grid scaffolding, it looks like two loaves sort of crumbled and shoved together, the Leareth-one gradually taking over and absorbing the remaining bits of a dead innocent thirteen-year-old. 

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(Leareth really hates his immortality method, sometimes.) 

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Nayoki points out how Leareth is having trouble consolidating the pieces of himself, due to what looks like a large hunk sort of nibbled and hollowed out from the loaf, underneath. The fragments of unbaked-dough-stuff are trying to form around that hole, but they're not providing much stability yet. 

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Dead thirteen year old bread is not fun to look at. Belrun squeezes Leareth's stolen hand.

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"Maybe you can try to fix my side of it first?" Leareth suggests. "Since I am having more trouble being functional at all. Then I can tell Belrun if it has any side effects she would find unacceptable." He glances at her, as if to ask silently if she thinks that's a good idea. 

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"That... might be fine? It might have some spillover on to me anyway of course, since there's some connection..."

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"I am quite good at aiming my Gift in a controlled way," Nayoki says. "There will likely be effects for you, but only via the lifebond-mechanism, not Mindhealing effects. Among other things, you have very good shields and you actually are partially shielding my Sight."

She can show this with a quick, bird's-eye-view glance across the lifebond at Belrun's mind, which shows up a lot blurrier, then she's back to focusing on Leareth. 

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"I look so round."

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"You do! Usually the shape conveys something about a person. I think that you have a very neat and well-arranged mind, would be my guess." 

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"That's what it looked like to Melody too. - you're sure doing what you have in mind won't stop it from growing in the rest of the way at least as fast as it would by default?"

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"Fairly sure, as long as I do not 'bake' anything into place - that is why stabilizing the current lifebond does not seem worth it, I think that might slow its further development." 

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Belrun nods.

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And Nayoki pushes Mindhealing at Leareth, hard, but as promised in a very neat and focused way, aimed just at the gnawed-out looking section of his mind. 

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Leareth isn't sure if he's ever had Mindhealing used on him this hard, much less in this lifetime (what little of it he's had so far). The walls are meeeeeelting. He grips Belrun's hand more tightly. 

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Belrun collects him into an entire hug.

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He clings to her, as the centre of his mind goes gooey and melty. Nayoki doesn't do anything else, but she doesn't have to; the loosened material flows like cake batter poured down a slope, toward Belrun, thickening the bridge between them. 

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She backs off, slowly. "Are you all right?" 

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"I - think so..." He feels dizzy. But he also feels Belrun a lot more than before. 

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She pokes, internally, at the fragmentary bond on her end.

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It feels maybe a little more connected and less wispy than before, though the difference isn't huge. 

:Hey. I felt that: There's relief in Leareth's mindvoice, though. "It feels better on my end," he says out loud. "I do not think Belrun would like the side effects, though, it was very disconcerting." 

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"I apologize." 

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"Temporary, though, right, it might still be worth it. Maybe when I'm asleep."

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"I can wait and see whether it helps with doing things. Also, I think she ought to be able to put you under for it, though that is even more Mindhealing so maybe you would prefer not." 

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"Will that work better than just being asleep somehow?"

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"I am not sure if doing Mindhealing this intensely would wake you if you were simply asleep." 

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"Then I'll just cope with things being - Mindhealy."

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"All right. I can check back at your usual bedtime if you want me to try once you are asleep, then." 

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"If I'm likely to wake up and be freaked out I should possibly be rooming with Amshalan tonight."

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"That makes sense." 

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"I can come with you." Leareth prefers not to sleep where Belrun isn't. 

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Then they can go on with their previous activities until bedtime draws near, and Leareth changes into pyjamas and then grabs his things and troops after Belrun to the room that's been made up with a hay floor to be comfortable for Amshalan. 

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She explains to Amshalan that Nayoki's going to duck in and try this thing to make the lifebond fix itself faster and she hopes to sleep through it but might wake up very unhappy and Leareth is here too so they don't have to be in separate rooms assuming that's okay.

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:Yes, of course, by all means: She can wriggle over so there's room for both of them to snuggle up. :Hey, Leareth: 

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Leareth nods to her. Yawns. He's still been tending to fall asleep very early. 

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They can all curl up in a heap together.

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And Nayoki answers Leareth's Mindspeech summons and hovers nearby. Once Belrun is fully, and deeply, asleep, she can push Mindhealing juuuuuust toward the area of her mind affected by the broken, partially-reformed lifebond. She starts it gently this time and ramps up more slowly, in case that's less likely to wake Belrun. 

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It takes Belrun an entire minute to wake up all the way, though she starts sounding really distressed while talking in her sleep before that. When she wakes up she lurches out of the cuddlepile to find the least disastrous place to throw up, does so, and then starts crying.

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Amshalan held off on doing anything during, but she offers wordless reassurance through their bond, not pushing it so much as gently extending an imaginary mental hand that Belrun can take if she wants. 

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Nayoki started backing off a bit when the distressed sleeptalking became audible, and does so nearly all the way when Belrun wakes up. "I am sorry. That may be enough for the effect we wanted." 

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Belrun wipes her mouth on her sleeve before faceplanting on Amshalan. :If you're not sure I'd rather get it over with than do this again or be more crippled than necessary for the next year or three:

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"May I have a look to check?" 

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:Mhm: She's hugging Amshalan and leaning into the one mind control that whatever its other features at least usually feels cozy so she can try to ignore the other one that does not.

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:I'm here. It'll be done soon: 

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Leareth isn't quite all the way awake, but he's awake enough to find Belrun and snuggle up against her from the other side. 

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"I will be more confident it is as thorough as possible with another thirty seconds or so." (She's been pushing in enough Mindhealing to keep it the same amount of squishy, while avoiding being any more upsetting than it has to be, so she won't have lost any ground to warm up again.) "If you can handle that now?" 

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:Yeah get it over with:

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Then Nayoki will get it over with, going for 'fast' rather than 'gentle' this time. 

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Snuggle snuggle snuggle. 

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Belrun tries to think about anything else. It's hard. She winds up counting by threes, pressing half-moons into her hand.

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"Done." She doesn't try to make the trail-off gentle either. Just - snap, and suddenly the walls are not melting even a little bit anymore and everything is back to normal. 

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And she can feel Leareth quite a lot more. He's still drowsy, but picking up on her tension; he's worried, still trying to orient, he doesn't wake up scared anymore these days but it sometimes still takes him a while to figure out where and when he is, and being in a different room from usual doesn't help. 

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She tugs him to her with one arm and catches her breath. :Thank you:

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:You are welcome. I hope it is easier now. It should not at all affect the full lifebond forming whenever it chooses to do so: Nayoki nods to her, and ducks out. 

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Sleepy kind-of-confused Leareth curls against her. He's already drifting off again, it's hard to stay alarmed when Belrun is definitely right there. 

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She snuggles him. She snuggles Amshalan. She sits there, awake, nauseated, trying briefly to touchsight the glass of water in the next room over where she usually sleeps to Fetch it to her and get the taste out of her mouth. She gives up. She chases herself in circles, trying not to start crying again about how she's using mind control to patch the holes left by more mind control while comforting herself with still more mind control out of the hopes that slightly less of her life going forward will be spent falling into mind control holes and she can have anything left from before she was MIND CONTROLLED.

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Eventually her misery is enough to wake Leareth all the way. :Belrun? Do you need something?: 

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:Having a hard time getting back to sleep:

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:I am sorry. I - am so glad to be with you, because you are wonderful, but lifebonds are very bad and half-broken ones are even worse. Is there anything I can do to help?: 

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:Snuggling me helps. Though I think it'll help more when you've grown more. Mostly so I can stop thinking about Essi involuntarily quite so frequently but also because I miss there being perks instead of it just being a shitty way to have met an interesting person. Puberty had better hit you like an avalanche:

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Leareth is also looking forward to not involuntarily thinking about Essi so often. :The gods had better not murder me again until we have figured out how to improve the management around here and I can put both of us onto one of the less horrible methods without fatal interference. I think I can dig up some magic that will help me grow faster, although it might have side effects on cognitive development in which case I would prefer to be conservative: 

And he can snuggle her. 

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Eventually she falls asleep.

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Leareth wakes up earlier than usual and kind of stiff, it's not the best sleeping surface. 

Belrun probably didn't sleep great, so he stays still and cuddling her rather than try to get up and risk waking her. He can feel her again. Not as well as before, he thinks, and there's still a faint undercurrent of badwrongpain, but mostly he feels better than he has in weeks. 

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She wakes up groggily a candlemark later than she usually does. Sighs. Fetches the bile off the floor into the nearest suitable receptacle and manages, now that she's more fully awake, to also get her water from the next room.

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Yawn. "How are you?"

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"Better than I was this time yesterday."

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"So am I. And, thank you for doing that. I think it was much more painful for you - I know you did it for your own sake as well, but - it helps for me, a great deal." 

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"It sucked. But it didn't last very long."

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"True. The maximum intensity of badness before was less, but the duration was far longer, and - years is a very long time... I think I will be able to concentrate better now."  

He hugs her.

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Hug. "I miss my old brain," she mumbles.

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"I am sorry I was insufficiently paranoid and got myself murdered." 

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"That was very bad and you should never do it again but lately I am actually just kind of wishing it was last year and instead of my brain the arc of history had required heroic amounts of microbiology research. It's not comfortable to - be leaning on my closest relationships for comfort about how awful it is that I have them, and for a while I was pretty good at not doing that, but this week is not a great one on that front."

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"That would have been a much more reasonable arc of history. I am still sort of worried about what the Power that arranged this is planning. We are both going to be less effective, for a time but not permanently. I suppose it seems that more than one god is involved, with different goals..." Shiver. "I am sort of uncomfortable about having been rescued from losing you permanently by a god, but. Better than the alternative." 

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"Yeah. I assume that if there were any convenient immortality methods around you would have gotten around to it before I even went to Haven but at least I'm probably going to wind up in storage on account of inserting myself into the Companion pipeline, maybe you could grab me out of that if you had to."

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"There are feasible ones but certainly not convenient, and all require your presence and participation. I would feel more comfortable if we went ahead, of course, but I would not pressure you into a method that involves killing anyone else - now or later - even if I thought I could succeed at that, which I do not. Maybe we can put our heads together and see if your rare Healing talents allow a much greater delay to aging than I have been able to enact just with magic. Also I ought to set you up with said magic, if you accept it, it works best when started young." He looks down at himself. "Perhaps not quite this young." 

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"Well, I'm reasonably young, I'm 23. - you were dead during my birthday."

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"I am sorry!" He hesitates. "What does one usually...do...for birthdays. I have not celebrated any in a ridiculously long time. I could give you gifts? Belated gifts." 

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"Gifts are traditional. My mom also baked me a pie but I wasn't really paying attention to the calendar and didn't realize at the time it was birthday pie."

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"I will have to work on some gifts, then." Leareth gets to his feet. Stretches. "I look forward to sleeping in an actual bed tonight." 

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"Yeah. Amshalan's a good pillow but not a good bed."

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Inadequate bed or not, Leareth finds it much easier to be productive that day. He's even a bit less clingy, more comfortable with just having Belrun in the same room but not necessarily touching him at all times. 

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Since her research is awkwardly crammed into this room right now anyway this is not untenable. She does cranberry juice experiments.

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And Leareth makes substantial notes on rereading his personal records, piecing his full identity back together. 

The next couple of weeks are substantially better. Leareth encourages Belrun to move her research back to the properly set up room; when he misses her during the day, he can always wander over there. He spends a lot of time in his library, interspersing reading his personal records with textbooks on various topics, occasionally Mindspeaks Belrun with interesting tidbits. 

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The remaining ache is comparatively tolerable. She's interested in his past lives. Vaguely curious what he used to look like, but probably it wasn't a priority to sit for a portrait each time.

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It really wasn't! Leareth has spent most of his lives not publicizing his immortality to anyone, and after the turbulent first few centuries, generally as a scholarly advisor rather than a ruler; why stand out more than he has to? It does mean there aren't a lot of roles in power where he would have had official portraits done. He digs up a few for her, though.

Also he can show her all the books he's written, with the disclaimer that he won't necessarily remember their contents, right now. There are hundreds. 

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She can concentrate on reading without getting lost midsentence half the time, that's cool. She will read his books.

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Leareth is happy to divide up his reading list! He wants to get up to speed as soon as he can, but Belrun being up to speed on some of it instead of him seems fine too; he'll get to all of it eventually.

A month in, he's starting to seem a lot more like himself. It's hard to tell if he's grown much, per se, but he's definitely back to a healthy, less malnourished weight for his age– well, the age of his current body. 

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Puberty had better hit him like an avalanche and at least now it has the calories to do that whenever it gets around to it.

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Puberty does not show up during the next month.

Leareth does read through enough of his records to start feeling a lot more...himself-shaped. It's felt like everything else is sort of on pause until he can sort that out. It's not totally sorted out, yet, there's still some level of background distress and he thinks he can compensate for it but he's not utterly sure and therefore feels dubious about his ability to make high-stakes decisions. 

It's also awkward having everything on pause, though, so at some point he seeks out Belrun and asks if she's available to talk about future plans. 

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"- yes? What sort of plans do you mean?"

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He's made notes. "I am not sure I have everything important here, yet, but - in the longer run we ought to think about researching different power sources, and about - ways to make you immortal. In the more immediate term, we need to decide what else to tell the diplomatic party they can share with the Heraldic Circle. And at some point I should perhaps consider whether it is safe to visit Haven again myself." 

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"Nothing happened to you while you were there last time, so there's that... Uh, what are my options, immortality-wise?"

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"Realistically there are not any options that allow you to keep your current body forever. There are two possibilities that I think are significantly better than the one I have set up, ethically speaking, but both are - somewhat less robust and riskier. The first involves transferring your spirit to a Changed body - not an ordinary Changecreature, but one would usually start with a less intelligent animal, modify them with magic to allow a fully human intelligence to be accommodated - this does not really result in the animal becoming more intelligent, since its spirit cannot make use of a larger brain - and also to make the body very long-lived. We would then transfer you at the death of your current body. This does involve killing some animals, and some of the modifications are painful for them, although pain can of course be treated and the death made as humane as possible. Also, it involves either keeping a host-animal on hand for decades, or predicting the time of your death." 

He pauses, referring to his notes. "The second is somewhat of a hybrid between Need's method - the immortal intelligent sword that I think we spoke of before? - and mine. Your soul would be partially anchored to an artifact while you are still alive, and would spring fully there on your death. A willing surrogate-mother could then have your soul attached to an early fetus, rather than waiting for this process to happen by itself at the usual time. At birth, your self and preserved memories would still be mostly contained in the artifact, since a baby's brain cannot hold an adult mind, but the burden would gradually shift as your new body grew up. The main downside of this method, in my opinion, is that you would have periods of being less functional during the transitions." 

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"I don't object in principle to killing animals but that's sure giving me very strange ideas of what I'd wind up looking like... where would one find surrogate parents, seems like it might be hard."

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"Nayoki might be willing? Or there are some women with the Healers. Or, honestly, I would think a lot of women would be willing to do it for money, they do not need to also be the one who raises you." 

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"I guess that would work for having someone on standby in case I die violently but we'd need to keep updating it, people can't indefinitely bear children."

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"That is a good point. Keeping an updated list seems not unreasonable, though - if any of them ended up changing their mind, I could arrange it, as long as we did not both die at the same time - which is perhaps an unwarranted assumption, so we would want further backups. The other difficulty with this method is the period of vulnerability where gods might decide to interfere, and of course the initial setup of the artifact is challenging and finicky." 

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"Could a book or whatever support a lifebond while the body was growing up? Waiting till you grow up is bad enough."

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"I am not sure. This is one of the areas that will require research. I suspect it would be better than if you were fully dead, but a very weird lifebond." 

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"What would a Changecreature host body look like?"

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"It could be a variety of ways! Depends on the initial body plan, and then on your preference. If you want to come to the library, I think there is a book somewhere from when I studied this some number of centuries ago?" 

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They can head to the library and hunt for it, then! 

Leareth has a lot of books and only the haziest memory of a one-off-reference in something else he was reading to having done this research, but also his library is well indexed, so it doesn't take them too long to find. 

The research was mostly very theoretical, and not particularly aimed at producing reasonable, humanoid bodies to get reincarnated into. There are examples starting from deer, rabbits, hawks, and some large species of fish. They can get pretty far from the starting point in terms of superficial appearance, at least. 

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"Probably you'd ideally want some sort of monkey to get a human-enough result? Since supporting the lifebond is a necessary feature it can't look too wild. Not that it wouldn't be very cool to be able to actually legitimately fly."

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Nod. "I did not have a reason to do it with monkeys specifically for that research; and it is not ideal for generic research purposes since monkeys are more intelligent and I correspondingly disprefer causing unnecessary harms to them. Also I think they are only native to the southern regions? It ought definitely be feasible, though. I think that version would involve less - potential downtime, with the lifebond." 

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"Yeah. I'd say I'm open to both options but finagling some sort of monkey based solution is probably better if it works."

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"That makes sense. I can figure out a research agenda for it. ...You are well placed to help with the monkey one, in fact, one of the more straightforward approaches to that work involves working with a Healer who has trained the kind of fine-detail Sight that you have." 

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"Huh, okay. What should I read?"

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"You could start with all of the notes in this book, and - I do not know if there are others in this library, it is quite an obscure field, but I am sure other writings exist and I can search for them." Or, realistically, ask Nayoki to do it. 

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She nods and takes the book.

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"Do you have thoughts on what information we can share with the Heralds, now?" he asks her. 

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"There's no gentle way to say 'the reason we want to annex you is so we can murder your grandchildren for fuel'. Mentioning the end result is safer if you don't think they'll extrapolate, but they might."

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"...No, there is not really, is there." Sigh. "I suppose we can at least share more facts about gods in general with them, since the Companions are mostly jailbroken at this point. And - maybe we can come up with a different plan. Somehow." 

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"Figure out how to blow up the moon. - I used that as a stand-in example of something that would obviate the mysterious reasons behind the invasion plan, when I was down there."

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He smiles. "It is a good example!" 

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"I should probably actually give you all my notes of that time - well, all the relevant stuff, I'd redact some."

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Leareth is very curious, but he nods and doesn't ask, if Belrun wants to keep it private then he's sure she has good reasons. 

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She does indeed present him with redacted notes some time later outlining the events and speculations and plans spun up during her days in Haven. And she reads the book and asks Amshalan whether it's nice to have a tail.

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:I like it! It's useful for flicking flies and such, and it's fun that you can braid it and put ribbons there, and I suppose I do just enjoy the feeling of having it: 

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:We're talking about ways to make me immortal and one option is to move me into a homemade Changecreature whenever it comes up. If I start with a monkey - that's the obvious thing, since I want hands and stuff - I could take off the tail, but I might not!:

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:Huh! And, yes, having hands seems for the best really. Would the replacement body be Healing-Gifted, I have no idea how that would work..: Sudden pause. :...I’m not immortal:

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:I've never heard of a Companion dying of old age but at any rate making you a new body would be easier, you're more like a horse than I'm like a monkey:

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:True. And, huh, I'd never thought about whether Companions would die of old age - and at what age - if it wasn't for our Heralds dying. We do seem to age somewhat, I remember being - slower - toward the end of my last last life, but I definitely wasn't as affected as a human at seventy or eighty: 

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:And it's not instantly fatal so even if there's a transfer delay...:

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:Oh, us dying when our Heralds do? No, we usually have time to make our goodbyes. If it's a very sudden and unexpected death the shock sometimes takes the Companion along, but that's rare: 

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:The other option is sticking me in a very early fetus, which wouldn't be able to hold me all at once and might be hard to time exactly, so I'd have to spend the interim being partly an artifact, like Need. It would be awkward and much more stress on the whole 'lifebonded' situation though it does involve less sinister experimentation on monkeys:

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:And then you'd have to grow up from babyhood all over again? Gods. That'd get tiresome. Humans take so long at it, too, horses are much better that way: 

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:Yes, that'd be more convenient if I wanted to be a horse, but I think it'd be awkward with Leareth, the prospect of me winding up too weird for the lifebond to work right now that we're both dependent on it is pretty salient right now:

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:...It seems possible the lifebond-compatibility would, er, make you - fall in love - in the relevant way anyway. Um. Not that I'm sure that would be any less awkward. Probably better to avoid having to learn the answer to that question: 

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:I'm willing to try having a tail and I would like wings if there's some way to glom an eagle on there without it being a bad tradeoff in some way but yeah, would rather be a horse than dead but would rather not get to that point:

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:Huh. Gryphons got made - I think, if they're not just a legend - so that must've involved smushing together a bird and a mammal somehow. Weird thought: 

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:Maybe Leareth knows how to do it. I should read this book:

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:You'll have to tell me about it, I'm very curious! How's Leareth doing, by the way, he sounds more lively if he's bringing this up: 

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:The thing Nayoki did helped. And you can read through my eyes, right, if I let you -:

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:Yes. I don't want to intrude on your life any more than you actually want, though: 

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:I don't want you to know what I'm thinking if I don't tell you, but what I'm looking at isn't sensitive information the same way as I see it:

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:Mmm. I do like it when you tell me what you're thinking, but - only because you wanted to tell me, you know?: 

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:Yeah. Conversations are great! Mindreading is different:

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:I think some Heralds like the passive mindreading because it's convenient and saves time, but it's also very reasonable not to like it! And I would honestly find it pretty weird. I like communicating in words, it's good: 

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:Is it usually bidirectional, with Heralds and Companions?:

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:It varies? Certainly there are Companions who don't particularly shield and share most of what they're thinking. I do think it's usually the Herald sharing more; it seems like Companions have a bit more attentional capacity, and usually the Heralds are the ones busy out doing things and we're the ones offering helpful advice over their shoulder. Attempting to be helpful, anyway. I think I'd find trying to do that very distracting: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Distracting from? What are you up to when I'm not paying attention?:

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:Thinking about things? Gossip, lots of. Giving advice to younger Companions - I'm not even very old! They still seem to think I'm rather wise and ask me. Looking at cute foals being cute. Mostly, I don't know, my thoughts at least are all sorts of weird and go off on side tangents, it just seems - harder to follow - than Mindspeech: 

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:Are you really bored up here - I should be bringing you more books -:

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:I'm a little bored. I started talking to his staff a while back, though, Companions don't usually but we can. One of the Healers is very nice and reads books out loud to me: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Aw, which one?:

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:Adari. She's lovely. Likes poetry. Also gory books about battlefield Healing, but I don't mind that either: 

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:A strong stomach is handy in the discipline:

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:Oh, definitely! I suppose a little less in your sub-field. If you do end up researching animal-modifying, I'm very curious to hear all about it!:

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:Go ahead and read along, then! Let me know if I should go slower or back over a section:

Notebook at the ready, she has at the book.

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The book seems to skip some steps and assume background she doesn't necessarily have, but is mostly comprehensible anyway with some rereads, and it cites the other books it's drawing on. It describes how a skilled Healer and a mage (or a single person who has both Gifts, very strong, but that's extremely rare outside the Tayledras) can work together, the Healer providing a detailed view of an animal's insides while the mage uses some sort of specialized mage-technique to - shift them, wiggle them into the new formation wanted. And then the Healer has to use sustained, generic healing-energy while the new configuration is held exactly in place; it has to be 'focused' in the right way, it's apparently tricky to learn by any method other than trial and error, and it has to be focused on the whole animal.

If it's focused in the right way, though, the new body layout is now what the animal's body considers its Healed state, and if it's done very skillfully - again, the book doesn't manage to convey exactly what the difference is - the animal's offspring will inherit the changes. 

Different species of animals can also be combined, though this is fiddly and fraught and the experimental process usually kills a lot of the test subjects. And it's harder to get it to stick deeply enough to become heritable, sometimes it just makes the animal infertile, sometimes the offspring are deformed, or themselves infertile like a mule. Nobody seems to really understand why, or what makes a particular combination work aside from luck. It's harder to combine very different species of animal; mixing mammal traits is the most straightforward; birds and mammals have been done, the result was gryphons. Birds have been combined with reptiles. Birds have been combined with fish but the resulting animals were never able to reproduce successfully. No animals with spines (birds, mammals, fish) have ever been successfully combined with insects, though insects have been mixed with each other. Some very creative mage once tried to combine mice and grass, which completely did not work at all. 

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Huh. :I wanna send a copy of this book to people I know at the university, it'd be useful for that hybrid plant research I imagined a while ago: she remarks to both Amshalan and Leareth.

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:Ooh! Good idea!: 

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Leareth agrees that it seems quite reasonable, although when he's having it copied he might want to redact the chapters about creating creatures for weaponized purposes. 

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:That will suit them just as well. I'll need some mice or something to practice on - also I will need to be in a meld without panicking, I can probably do that with you in particular with practice -:

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:I am certain that with some practice - and I can do that with people who are not you - I will be able to very reliably do the relevant parts of the meld, Sight and reserves, without going near your actual thoughts. I know a lot of Healers do not have good enough control to promise that: 

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:That's good. When can I expect mice?:

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:A couple of days? Do they need to be special mice in any way?: 

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:I don't think so, I'll just be practicing the skillset, not trying to get specific mouse-results. Though I'll probably have mice in all kinds of interesting colors and whatnot sooner or later:

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Giggle. :I look forward to seeing it: 

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:Maybe if we're really careful we can prevent it from being too unpleasant for the mice, or whatever I graduate to after that.

I'm getting ahead of myself but would it be weird for you if I wanted to try leaving the monkey's tail on? Amshalan likes having a tail and I could always with some ado take it off if I didn't like it once I moved in.

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:Of course, if you like. I would not mind, and I suppose having a prehensile tail could be rather useful, if you started with that kind of monkey: 

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:That's what I was thinking! I could also try putting wings on like how gryphons are, if we really take to the art anyway:

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:That would be quite something! ...I wonder if gryphons have lighter bones, like birds do, or if they support their weight in the air by cheating with magic. I assume I knew this once but I do not remember: 

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Get me sparrows or pigeons or something and I will try making flying rodents:

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:It sounds very tricky but I can definitely set you up with that!: 

And within a couple of days there's a nice workshop set up for her, with mice and sparrows in cages. 

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She has by then re-read the book and organized all her notes and can get to work turning mice interesting colors, since that seems easiest as proof of concept and also shouldn't hurt them much. They'll have to wait for the new fur to grow in, though.

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She does not kill any mice! Although some of them lose some patches of skin before the fur starts growing in again, and need extra Healing, and the fur colour is pretty blotchy on most of them the first round. 

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She is not immortal but she is also not sick or in a particularly dangerous place; she doesn't need to be in a terrible hurry. She keeps practicing on mice till she can get them interesting colors without patches of either sort.

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She can get there in a couple of weeks of concerted practice, though it takes longer to confirm it since she needs to wait for mice to recover. 

(There is no shortage of new mice to try if she runs out.)

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She does want to try breeding the interestingly colored mice to see if they have interestingly colored babies too, though.

She studies sparrow wings, when she's waiting for mouse fur to grow.

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Wings are really interesting to look at and draw! They have a lot of delicate specialized internal structures. Incidentally, bird lungs are weird. 

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Huh. She watches sparrows fly around with Sight, putting their food and water in various places so they have to flutter to get it.

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It takes some practice to capture that kind of fast movement of larger-scale structures with Healing-Sight, but after a while she'll start to have a sense of how the wings attach to the rest of the bird's skeleton, what ligaments and muscles are necessary and would need to be rebuilt or rerouted in a mammal to make flight possible. 

The book has some notes on how to prepare for the actual grafting, by working just with the skeletons of dead animals and mocking them up with soft clay and string to model the body mechanics. 

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She supplements with touchsight; it helps. She makes morbid little sculptures.

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The morbid little sculptures are educational and Leareth is impressed with her progress. He's also been practicing melds, regularly, with the other Healers here. By the time she feels ready to try wing-attachment on live animals, he's pretty ready to do a meld, with confidence that he won't read any of her thoughts by accident. Belrun is an unusually easy partner, here, he expects her to be very good at containing her mind and not accidentally projecting her surface thoughts a little even when their shields are meshed. 

Wings are a major organ and trying it for real will kill the sparrow, although she can anesthetize it first, either with drugged food or by using her Gift to put it to sleep. 

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She does it by Gift; drugged sleeps are a little hard to monitor, another thing to juggle while she's trying to get the wings from point A to point B.

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Her Fetching can actually do a lot of the delicate work of hooking up blood vessels and nerves, peeling off tendon attachment points and reconnecting them elsewhere, knitting bones into their new home. Leareth does the rest; he's not that skillful at the mage-work parts of this, yet, it's a specialized craft, but he's been practicing hard too. 

She doesn't kill the mouse who's getting wings, anyway. It'll take a while to know if the graft will take properly. She needs to do some specialized Healing work on the nerve grafts, and of course the targeted Healing-energy that will fix everything properly in place and maybe, if she did it right, result in little winged mouse babies eventually. 

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She picked one of the line of sparrow-speckled mice for this, so it will look all matchy, if it comes through. She tends her sparrowmouse carefully.

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Her sparrowmouse seems pretty confused and curious about its new wings! Then it gets bored with them; they're still useless. 

A week in, the nerve grafts heal enough that the sparrowmouse can twitch, twitch, twitch the wings. It's very uncoordinated, though; its brain does not have a spot for 'wings' and it must be baffled as to what they're for. 

The book describes a technique for aiming some Healing-energy at a creature's brain, which is supposed to give it more ability to learn new things than an adult of that species usually could. It's also fiddly, though, and can cause the animal to instead get a tumour in its brain and die if it's not done quite right. 

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Seems best tried on non-painstakingly-grafted mice first. She will teach green mice tricks as a control and blue mice the same tricks with bonus brain energy.

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The first batch doesn't have much difference, she must not have gotten the hang of it, but the second batch learns noticeably a bit faster. One of them gets a fast-growing brain tumour of some sort, though. The third batch does even better with tricks and she doesn't give any of them cancer either. 

(Her winged mouse seems to be making some headway, its wings are less randomly spastic, but it's definitely not learning flight.) 

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When the third batch has learned to walk tightrope and run little obstacle courses she will try the brain trick on the sparrowmouse.

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(Leareth is rather delighted by her tightrope-walking mice.) 

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The sparrowmouse is definitely more lively and playful! It spends more time flapping its wings around and trying things with them, but it doesn't seem to have occurred to it that the thing they're for is flying. Maybe it needs to be taught more explicitly. 

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What happens if she sticks it right next to the sparrows?

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It's very curious about them! Also pretty wary. It spends some time gradually getting more comfortable sitting right up against the sparrow cage and watching them flutter about. 

After a while, something seems to click, and instead of playfully jumping or attempting to burrow into its wood chips (which goes less well with wings), it also adds some playful attempts to leap and flutter. 

She could try putting some food at a place it can't reach without some fluttering? 

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Yup. Treats up on a high shelf in the cage, suspended from the ceiling so it can't just climb.

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The mouse is now a lot more determined! It watches the sparrows intently, and tries jumping and fluttering, and is not very good at staying aloft or steering and bumps into the bars some, but within a few days it can get its treat with multiple attempts, and two days after that it's a pretty good flyer. It's not quite as adroit in the air as the sparrows, maybe because it's starting in adulthood and the brain-Healing can only compensate so much, or maybe because its mouse body just isn't very aerodynamic. 

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It's encouraging! She will make it a sparrowmouse mate and see if they have sparrowmouse babies.

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Sadly they don't. Some of the babies are normal and some of them have some minor deformities, but not wings. The book did warn that this part was a lot harder to master. 

(The two sparrowmice get along well, though, and are very adorable in their cage.) 

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She will persevere at getting a breeding population of sparrowmice out of intellectual interest even though she is not actually planning on this being a major feature of her own future body; it's good practice.

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It's taking a while.

Leareth is noticeably growing now! He's taller and his voice is just starting to break and he informs her that some other signs of puberty are starting to show up. His face still hasn't lost any of its baby fat, though, and so he doesn't look older so much as bigger. 

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"I don't know if I can speed this process up by attempting to become sexually attracted to you on purpose or not but at some point - maybe not yet - that'll probably make a few months worth of difference."

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Nod. "Maybe not yet. I assume at some point I am going to start having - feelings, about that sort of thing, I have not yet. I can tell you when that happens?" 

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"Yeah." Sigh. "I miss how you used to look. Even when you're physically twenty or whatever..."

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"I am sorry." He looks thoughtful. "I - could probably shape my adult appearance somewhat? Well, you could, mostly. Once you have done some more experiments on mice and can definitely do so safely." 

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"There's an idea. After I'm a lot better at this, but I'll get there."

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"You are making very rapid progress." He looks so delighted about it. 

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"The sparrowmice are cute! Impractical, but good practice."

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"If you are able to get a breeding population, you could probably sell them as pets. I think children would adore them." Frown. "They might become terrible pests? Although I suppose they are likely to be somewhat fragile. Gryphons are, they have all sorts of weird medical problems. I went back and read one of my books on them." 

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"Oh dear. What kind of weird medical problems?"

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"The ones I recall off the top of my head are that they run into serious difficulties with their flight feathers if they do not have someone to help clean and oil them - birds can reach all of their own feathers, but gryphons' bodies are not flexible enough. They have frequent problems with the oil glands too, and I think their digestion is known to be finicky? I am not sure why the wings affected that, but perhaps the bird and mammal components were adapted for different diets, and the intermediate digestive system is sort of worse for either." 

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"Hm. Well, get me an omnivorous monkey, but I'm planning to have good range of motion with my hands. Plus a tail. And - I've been assuming that this won't necessarily allow me to keep my Gifts, do you know if there's a way to do it -"

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"There is definitely a way to set up Mindspeech potential! Tayledras bondbirds have it. I am not sure if anyone has ever tried to create an animal or a species with Healing, but it does not seem so different in principle." 

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"Fetching, too? It's not as essential for research but I'd miss it and it'd also be a good safety feature when I learn to fly."

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"–It will be an additional chunk of research but it should not be harder in principle. Are you going to do the wings, then? You should perhaps select a relatively small and lightweight monkey species - although not too small or I will feel very weird about it. Maybe we can figure out how to cheat at flight with innate magic instead, the way gryphons do, and then you would not be so weight-limited." 

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"It would be disappointing to move into a new body I had a long time to design and have it not be better! Anyway, I can almost fly now, just not quite enough to be safe doing it for fun. I was imagining I would be close to my original size, and if I can keep Fetching then I especially don't have to be tiny."

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"Oh! You know, I think there may be a species native to the Pelagirs that has something akin to innate Fetching. And of course Suncats do but we are unlikely to find one to cooperate with us studying it. It would probably not work exactly the same as human Fetching, but I see no reason why you could not transfer that capability to another species." 

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"What's the species?"

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"...I would have to look it up," he confesses. "At one point I knew all of sort of thing by heart but then I was murdered." He still sounds faintly miffed about it every time he mentions not knowing things that he did before. 

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She squeezes his hand. "You'll build it back up."

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Somewhat shaky nod. 

Leareth looks it up in the library. They want Changesquirrels, which apparently hunt in packs and are actually quite dangerous. 

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"Sounds annoying to study."

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"A little, yes. Though mostly annoying to capture specimens, they will not be as dangerous once they are separated and in cages warded against Fetching. And they are not going to be terribly dangerous to skilled mages, mostly they are a threat to farmers in the area and such. I am not sure why people try to farm in the Pelagirs but they do." 

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"I guess if I'm not trying to give them wings, them being in a place warded against Fetching isn't such a big deal."

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"...No, they sound very inconvenient with wings! Unless you can domesticate them and make them friendly, I suppose. I was thinking that you could transfer the Fetching ability to a monkey, or perhaps a breeding population of monkeys, and then give them the wings." 

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"A breeding population of winged monkeys would be good, it'd let me weed out any dicey changes that only crop up with bad luck."

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"That is a good idea! Should I work on getting you monkeys, now, or do you plan to practice more with the sparrowmice until you have all of the techniques perfected?" 

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"I'd feel worse about messing up on a monkey, so I think I need more practice, but if they might take a while to source and get a good environment set up for, you could start early."

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"I think those parts could take some time, yes, so if you are thinking you will have it down in six months, I should start setting it up nowish." 

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"I might! I'm making good progress."

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Then Leareth will get started on arranging a population of monkeys for her, imported from the south, several different species, and a nice big laboratory so they can live pleasantly while they're being experimented on; monkeys need a lot more than mice, to be healthy and not too stressed in captivity. 

Leareth is oriented enough now to be working in earnest on researching alternate power sources, ones he gave up on a while ago. He's not getting anywhere, really. Diplomatic relations with Valdemar are stable and on pause. His army doesn't need much him to quietly prepare in the background. 

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It's a little anxiety-inducing but while she does feel better lifebond-wise she doesn't expect to have any miraculous breakthroughs till she can actually devote her entire brain to something without any of the something being "chronic deceptive emotional pain".

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Her strange-coloured mice are reliably having matching babies, nowadays. (If she tries pairing up mice of different colours, the inheritance patterns are pretty interesting, some colours seem to reliably 'cover' others so that all the babies come out one parent's colour; some come out half-and-half; for some reason blue mice and green mice reliably produce teal babies.) 

Wings seem trickier for some reason. Her next mating pair of sparrowmice produce a litter where half of the babies have small and nonfunctional wings and half just have a spine deformity that looks like it was maybe trying to be wings and failing. 

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Sad but interesting! She puts the deformed ones out of their discomfort and studies them, but lets the others grow a bit in case the wings will get bigger later - baby birds aren't hatched with flight feathers.

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They do get bigger! It seems a little out of sync with the rest of the mouse's development; the tiny baby mice grow fur and open their eyes and start exploring their cage, and the wings are still nubby and covered in down. At a month, though, they start growing in flight feathers. 

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Neat. Now if she can just get them some non-siblings who are also born with wings she's in business.

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(Her book warns that most attempts at creating species, especially combining two disparate animal lineages like mice and sparrows, result in a much higher rate of birth defects than was present in either group previously, even when the researcher does everything perfectly.) 

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Leareth is always happy to take a break from his own work and do the mage-work parts of putting together more sparrowmice.

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It's fun. She's working in parallel on other stuff that will be more directly applicable to turning a monkey into something that looks more like a human - the result isn't aesthetic at all on mice but she does want to practice getting them to be furless and have long hair on their heads for this reason.

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It's really not aesthetic at all! Amshalan thinks it's absolutely hilarious, though. She really enjoys watching the sparrowmice, and all of the various results, through Belrun's eyes. 

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The first batch of imported monkeys turn up. Leareth had an entire new cellar area excavated and added to the building, so they can have lots of space. They've got toys to play with too. His people who went south to buy monkeys weren't able to find a convenient species that was both anywhere close to human size and also non-aggressive and practical to keep in captivity, so these are still fairly small monkeys, but Leareth points out that changing a species' size is, per the book, one of the easiest things to do. It can be done without magic, even, dogs have been bred into all sorts of different sizes. 

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All right, she will try gigantifying some mice.

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The first few tries tend to come out with very odd proportions but it is, in fact, very easy to gigantify mice. 

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Well, she'll fiddle with proportions too, she doesn't want monkey-length arms or toes.

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:It'd be kind of neat to have feet that could work as hands, though?: Amshalan points out. :Extra hands. Make up for my lack of any hands. And you could still put shoes on if you didn't want people to notice: 

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:I'd have to get custom shoes, and monkeys don't actually walk on their feet, much, they get around in ways that involve all their limbs more, so I'm not sure it'd actually be comfortable:

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:Oh, that's true. Still think it'd be neat to be able to climb like monkeys can, but - I guess if you have wings it's not as practical anyway, and also you won't actually want to live in a tree: 

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Fiddling with exact proportions and then making it heritable is also pretty straightforward. 

The winged baby mice are in general developing more slowly and taking longer to reach maturity than normal mice litters, but their feathers are mostly in and they're starting to flap about the cage.  

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Once she has a breeding population of her most interesting mouse strains she falls back to working on infectious disease research with much of her available energy and just looks in on the mice occasionally and teaches the friendliest winged ones tricks.

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Leareth grows some more! He's nearly her height, now. His voice is usually deeper, now, rather than cracking at random. His face still looks very young, though, it seems to be out of pace with the rest of him, or maybe it's just that fourteen-year-olds look reasonably grown up when you're yourself fourteen, but like babies when you're twenty-three. 

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She starts working on the monkeys, trying to figure out how to adjust their faces so they look like - different monkeys, to begin with, she doesn't want them to be rejected by their cagemates, they're social animals.

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The monkeys are more interesting to spend a lot of time with than the mice, just because they have personalities and clear likes and dislikes as individuals. Now that she's had the practice with mice, it's quite straightforward to change their faces. The monkeys find this confusing! But they adjust quickly. 

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Ideally she'd like to be able to do it without it hurting them, since ultimately she does maybe want to fiddle with Leareth's eye color and such.

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She can pretty easily get to the point of doing it skillfully enough that there's no uncomfortable recovery; it's still nicer for the monkeys if they're anesthetized while she's actually molding their facial bones and cartilage into a new shape. (Also, it's hard to coax an awake monkey to hold still while she gets her Sight properly situated.) 

Her book doesn't actually have any instructions for modifying eye colour, but it's not hugely different in principle from changing other pigmentation like fur, and if she spends some time studying the structure of eyes very closely, she can figure it out easily enough. It's also noninvasive enough that the monkeys can handle it fine awake, though if she wants to do it that way she'll need someone to hold their heads still for her. 

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She's mostly interested in how squirmy various interventions make the monkeys for the applicability to whether Leareth will need to be unconscious; there's no real reason not to have them out for practice once she has that information.

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Leareth thinks that he'll be much better at holding still than monkeys even if it's a little uncomfortable. He dislikes the idea of being made unconscious - not nearly as much as she hates Mindhealing, but it's a not dissimilar shape of dislike. He'll trust her to do it if she thinks it's best, though. 

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"Ideally you'd be awake both for that reason and so I don't have to learn to do a meld with a different person."

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"Very reasonable!" 

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"I think you'll be fine with some painkillers if I work in small increments, though, which I'd want to do anyway, because unlike eventually giving some unfortunate monkey my face where I'll have a mirror, I'll be working off memory."

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"That makes sense. Is it going to make a big difference to you, that my eyes are the same colour as before?" 

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"It's not so much any one thing as the gestalt but that bit I'm particularly confident I can get right without a reference closer to hand than 'saw you in a dream the night before'."

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Nod. "That makes sense. Are you going to try to make your next body look very much like your current self except for the wings and tail? I think I would get used to it either way, but I suppose you might prefer your own face to stay the same as well." 

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"Wings, tail, otherwise I like how I look fine and would sooner keep it."

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"Fair enough." 

He goes back to his work. 

A few weeks later he comes to her with pages of notes in his hand. "It occurs to me that if we could get Valdemar on our side, they have a Heartstone. Which does not solve the problem of a power source in its entirety, but it does make it significantly easier." 

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"Yeah. It does let on that we're looking for a power source and that might let them connect more dots unless there's something else you can do with Heartstones. Though if your diplomats finessed it especially well maybe whatever relationship let Valdemar get the one could get them another? If the Star-Eyed isn't too on her guard to let that work, at any rate."

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"...I am somewhat concerned about that part. The Star-Eyed can work through a Heartstone if She chooses - it gives Her some territorial advantage in Haven. And I assume that She would want to disrupt our talks with Valdemar if we are making progress on convincing them of anything that helps us, whether or not we tell them the true reasons."  

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"...if she can work through it why do you think you'll be able to use it at all instead of having it, uh, crumble to dust or zoom into the air and smack you in the face, or something?"

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"It is a complication that makes the plan less feasible in general. Her power to work through it is not unlimited, though - I do not think she could crumble it into dust or turn it into other things, it simply gives Her more ability to nudge coincidences Her way, like in the Tayledras lands. Her attention is also not infinite - I do not think that She would necessarily know exactly what I was going to do. If I discussed it with the Senior Circle only somewhere outside Haven and came to an agreement, I do not think that She could, through the Heartstone alone in a different location, do anything to sabotage that." 

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"So it might make sense to ask the diplomats to set up somewhere outside the probable range of the Heartstone effect, before anything more sensitive comes up."

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"Yes. And on reflection, I should definitely not personally visit Haven, even if the rest of Valdemar seems fairly likely to be safe." 

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"That makes sense, though nothing has actually happened to us in Haven."

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"That is true, and I think it is unlikely anything would happen on a return visit, but still. It is not that costly to ask to do it elsewhere instead, if we do end up visiting." 

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"It's probably costly enough to be apologetic about - makes it inconvenient for most of the people we're talking to to simultaneously do their normal jobs and access their normal lives, if nothing else."

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"That is a fair point. Anyway, I am not sure things changes our immediate next actions. I will consider ways we could mention the usefulness of Heartstones without giving too many hints about the rest of the plan." 

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"What are the Valdemarans using theirs for?"

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"My understanding is that it is mainly a power source and spell-anchor for the Web, a preexisting set of wards and defences on the entire kingdom that Vanyel extended. It is also how they provide energy to bring in the vrondi - the same elementals that detect intent for Truth Spell, but they also detect magic and are set up throughout Valdemar to trigger a Web-alarm and then hang around and watch, which is also rather distracting for the poor foreign mage. I called a vrondi-alarm onto myself deliberately to attract the Heralds' attention, when I was trying to find you again. In hindsight it was a very reckless thing to do, and unlike me, but I was not thinking especially clearly at the time." 

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Pat pat.

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"It is a brilliant work by Vanyel but is rather overkill for the problem it is addressing; I could show Vanyel some non-god-reliant solutions that would serve the same functions, if we ended up wanting to take over the Heartstone." 

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"I bet they'd like that."

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"Well, hopefully someday we will get to that point." 

Leareth goes back to his other research, including a side project on alternate setups for the Web in Valdemar, if they end up negotiating to nab the Heartstone for other purposes. 

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They are so busy and if they are having emotional phantom limb issues at least they are temporary and not enough to stop them in their tracks.

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A month or so later, a letter arrives from Leareth's current ambassador in Haven. There's been a sudden, somewhat worrying increase in the amount of bickering amongst the Council. It seems to be mainly focused on the issue of King Randale not having an heir. (It hasn't even been announced publicly yet that, in addition to this, the King is terminally ill.) 

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"I probably should not seriously pitch the 'suppose you make me Queen' thing because that would seriously complicate staying out of Haven. But it's sooooo tempting. Amshalan, do you get to know in advance who other Companions are going to Choose, is anyone related to him coming down the pike there?"

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:Sometimes we know months in advance, usually not years? I hadn't heard anything. Not that I've been in Haven lately. I would expect the Groveborn to maybe see further but, um, who knows if Rolan's being helpful these days. –As far as I know he hasn't Chosen again, which given the givens is some amount helpful: 

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:It's probably better than the alternative. I wonder how Dara's doing, was she ever sent her scholarship money? I think I remembered to send her letter of recommendation:

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:I think Leareth took care of that, yes. Or someone on his staff at least, they're quite organized. Haven't heard what she's up to or anything, though: 

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:Hopefully we'll hear eventually:

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Wordless acknowledgement. Amshalan seems to be deep in thought about something.

:...I am honestly also tempted by the Queen plan: she sends eventually. :You'd be a damned good Queen - I mean, I might be biased here, but I still think I'm right. I don't have the faintest idea how we'd bring it up with them, though: 

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:I should probably not try to jump into it till I can give it serious thought without lifebond problems distracting me and even then yeah, I don't know how to propose it, let alone work around appropriate paranoia about proximity to the Heartstone. It'd be so fun though:

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:Do you have any guesses at how long it'll be before, er, he starts seeming - attractive - to you, and the lifebond forms fully?: 

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:Uh, if I were inclined to let it happen organically probably at least another two or three years unless he has a heck of a growth spurt but as long as I'm going to be messing around with his biology to get an approximation of his old face back anyway I can probably speed that up, which feels very weird but he is of course actually two thousand and not fourteen, so:

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:Right, I don't think it should feel that weird, at this point. He - sort of didn't seem two thousand in practice, at first, when he barely had any of his memories, but he seems a lot more like his old self now, he just needed six months to get up to speed: 

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:Notes help a lot even when you haven't been murdered and moreso when you have, I guess:

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:Makes sense: 

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More news trickles in from Haven over the next couple of weeks, which turn to months. The Council's near-term worries seem to have been soothed; it's quite possible this is in part because Queen Karis is reported to be pregnant, and various Council members are muttering that she sure took her time about it but at least she's working on an heir now. (It's sort of unclear that this helps Valdemar's immediate situation, since Karis' child will be the presumptive heir to Karse and also there's no way to know whether an unborn child is even going to end up Chosen - and also, unbeknownst to the Council but known to the Heraldic Circle and Leareth's diplomants, Randi is unlikely to live until the child is old enough to take the throne - but nonetheless people feel reassured about something.)

There's still unease and whispers and it's sort of unclear what's prompting them, aside from 'generic politicking', but it seems like the situation will keep for a bit. 

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Then Belrun will mostly do mad science. She starts trying to shove Gifts into monkeys.

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It is not immediately apparent how to do this! It's not like an existing limb or organ that can be enlarged or shrunk or moved around; monkey brains just do not have the same functionality. And it's not really something that can be taken off a different subject and grafted on wholesale, given that the 'different subject' would be a human who presumably wants their brain and Gifts intact. 

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Leareth's books don't offer much help here; this work has been done in the past, but he's never tried to create a fully sentient race and give them humanlike Gifts as opposed to some form of native animal magic.

He suggests they take a step back and spend some time just studying Gifts - in particular, the various developmental stages of Gifts might be helpful. Some of his mage-scholars in the north have children. Some of those children have potential Gifts that show up to the usual mage-sight check but aren't yet doing anything, and probably their brains already look different from control children without any potential Gifts. And of course there are plenty of adults with all sorts of different Gifts, and they can find volunteers with Mindspeech, Healing, and Fetching who are willing to demonstrate while Belrun watches their brains very closely with Healing-Sight and Leareth provides mage-sight to sense their Gift-channels. 

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She'd like those Changesquirrels he mentioned if some can be obtained to study.

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Some of Leareth's foreign spies were previously dispatched on a rather unusual mission to locate some Pelagirs border-land in the north where they can find said squirrels. If now is a good time, they'll ask for extra mages so they can have a go at capturing some specimens without being hunted themselves by a pack of bloodthirsty squirrels with Fetching. 

A week later, there are six Changesquirrels in separate, Fetching-proofed cages being carried into her lab. They're bigger than normal squirrels, their canines are a lot larger, and their eyes, larger and more forward-facing than usual for squirrels, glow ominously in dim light. (This isn't magic, it's just a reflective surface behind their eyes that normal cats and dogs have, though squirrels usually don't.) Their cages are large enough that they can Fetch themselves about inside, though they do that less furiously once they've had a day to get used to the lab. 

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She is occupied at first with training them to hold still and to, when necessary, take their knockout drugs, since she can't insist with Fetching. Then she mostly observationally studies them.

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They are more annoying to train than her mice but get there eventually. When observed with the various kinds of Sight: they have Gift-channels! Which are smaller and odd-shaped compared to a human Fetchers' channels, they seem to be more specifically purposed, but nonetheless recognizable. Their brains have a section where the life-energies she can perceive hum faster when they're Fetching themselves. 

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Huh. She will spend a lot of time just staring at that before trying to do anything, trying to work out in her head how she'd make them full sized, how she'd graft them into a new brain.

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Enlarging particular bits of brains is doable, if somewhat more complicated than enlarging limbs; she needs to use the same flavour of Healing-energy that let the adult sparrowmice learn to fly without giving them brain cancer, but targeted to the particular area only, and of course the skull needs to have room for it to grow. 

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She will grab a rose-pink mouse and put it in a warded cage preemptively and try to make it a Fetcher.

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Is she going to steal a brain graft from a squirrel subject, or try to grow it in independently? The latter is maybe possible in theory but it'll be very complicated. 

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She's going to start with the latter.

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She can map out the brain regions in question, and figure out where the Gift bit would go and what it'd be linked to. The starting point for getting working Gift-channels is that even mice already have a (very small and faint) presence in the same not-quite-physical-space that human Mindspeakers are accessing; it's why Animal Mindspeech works at all. Leareth can lend her an Animal Mindspeaker to locate it, since neither of their Thoughtsensing is attuned right to pick it up. 

Growing it in is definitely the slower method, here. She needs to figure out, to a very fine level of detail, exactly what structures she's trying to copy, which involves going in very close with her Sight on the squirrels while Leareth acts as a scribes and draws out the network of connections in the squirrel brain. And then she needs to push the mouse brain into first growing some new neurons that aren't purposed for anything special yet (Leareth can help enlarge the skull a bit so there's room), and then coax them into copying exactly the same structure. 

It takes several months of very fiddly work, but eventually there is a rose-pink mouse Fetching itself at random around its cage. It seems very baffled by this turn of events. 

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Fine detail is her specialty! She is so pleased with herself.

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Leareth is really proud of her! 

He is also going through a rapid growth spurt; it's about time. He is now solidly into 'awkward teenage' phase. 

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"There's probably enough total you at this point that if I nudge it around a bit so you look like you did when we met I'll be..." She waves a hand. "Capable of prerequisite opinions."

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"I mean, I will definitely still look younger, but - all right." Leareth is willing to let her do some nudging around. 

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She works in small increments so he can be awake, nudging bones and cartilage and rendering his eyes brown.

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This takes him through some even weirder-looking intermediate points, and she doesn't have a reference so it's hard to tell how close she is, but she can nudge his facial features a bit so he looks older than almost-fifteen, it helps that he's growing anyway, and get his eyes to brown, and he looks a lot more like his previous self and also, just, like an adult. 

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"Much better. Not exact, but at this point I'm not confident that any more changes wouldn't make you look less rather than more like you did."

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Leareth is examining himself in his mirror. "I think I like this face quite well. I am also not confident I know what changes would help versus just look stranger." 

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She leans on him. "I have been doing so much crazy Healing stuff, I'm going to have a job turning my notes into proper publications once I can concentrate on writing again, that still seems hard."

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"You have done so much impressive work here! If you send it to your old university at some point, I am sure they will be in awe." 

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"They'll probably try to get me to come back again."

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Nod. "You will have to tell them no, but maybe you could agree to give a guest lecture or something, that does not seem unduly risky if we do a visit carefully." 

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"It'd combine well with a visit to Rana."

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"And I am sure she would very much like to see you again at some point!" Leareth is feeling very fond and proud of Belrun, and - this is feeding into some newly-returned desire to kiss her, that kind of feeling has been showing up in flickers recently. 

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She blinks. She looks at him and tilts her head.

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"...I want to kiss you." 

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Well, that's easily accomplished. Smooch.

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It's familiar and strange at the same time - he remembers kissing her before, in one of the memories he carried across, but it was with a different body and the habits only half-transfer and also his lips are a somewhat different shape, which is just a very weird thing. 

It's nice, though. Also Mindspeech is great, because it means he can tell her he loves her without it getting in the way of kissing. 

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:I love you too. And probably any minute now the lifebond will be aware you're alive, won't that be nice:

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:It will be!: He can keep kissing her for a while, then, just in case that helps give the lifebond a clue.

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She has missed kissing, it has been way too long since there has been kissing.

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Leareth hadn't really noticed missing kissing in particular before now, though he did miss the general state of he and Belrun both being adults and enjoying adult activities together. 

He's not sure, because he's quite distracted, but after a while he thinks he can feel something shifting in his mind, where the semi-functional lifebond lives. Normally it's a lot harder than this for anything to distract him completely from the background emotional-phantom-pain. 

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The shifty feeling is itself not her favorite thing so what if she just pays a LOT of attention to kissing him instead how about that.

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Leareth wants to pull her down onto the bed and snuggle while they kiss and distract her more thoroughly, which he ask about in Mindspeech because he's not sure his instincts for what Belrun does and doesn't like will have all transferred. 

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She likes this plan!

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Here in the north, in his secure building, Leareth feels comfortable being entirely engrossed with Belrun, enough that he would probably miss a mage-duel happening right outside his door, and they can stay occupied with that for a while. 

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This, too, has been missed.

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Eventually, a pretty long time later, they're cuddling while Leareth nuzzles her hair. :Missed this. ...Also I probably had plans this afternoon. Oh well: 

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:This would be a very silly time to have made time-sensitive plans for: she opines.

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:Oh, I doubt they were especially time sensitive, it should be fine: Contented snuggle. :I am so happy right now. How are you feeling?: 

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:Cozy. Also not in agonizing stupid pain!:

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:This is so much more reasonable! I am glad you took some steps to accelerate it, waiting was very frustrating: 

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:And thank you for being so accommodating about the cosmetic surgery part!:

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:I am also pleased about looking more similar to how I did before. I have not minded much in the past but it is still always something that takes getting used to: 

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:Well, what is life if not improving things until fewer things remain to improve upon: Kiss.

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They are now both less distracted by phantom emotional pain. Not distracted by it at all, in fact. (Maybe Leareth is newly a little distracted by the existence of kissing as an activity.) He's getting a lot more done. Unfortunately this doesn't unblock any new progress on finding a better power source. 

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She gets all her mad science written up neatly though.

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Does she want to send her paper to the university in Petras, or schedule a visit there? 

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"I'd like to visit, maybe do some guest lecturing, give people some spare mice, see Rana. If that seems safe."

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"I am feeling somewhat paranoid about security and would like to bring a number of my people as guards, but with precautions, yes." 

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"They will probably still allow me to guest lecture if there are guards along."

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"We could send a letter to clarify that part." 

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"Sure." She writes the university and, separately, her mother.

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The university is politely baffled about her lifebonded and the requests for excessive numbers of bodyguards just for her to give a lecture, but they'll happily accommodate it. 

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Then they can head to Petras with lecture notes and mice.

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Leareth is only slightly on edge about this. Once he's loaded up both of them, but Belrun in particular, with a kind of absurd number of protective magical artifacts, anyway. 

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She hugs her mom! She gives people mice! She delivers a lecture to a packed hall!

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Everyone is so incredibly awed. The colourful mice are a hit. Some of the other students she knows want to know how difficult it is to do that. 

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"Colors aren't too hard! You'll want more mice to start out, I had a few come in patchy or have their fur fall out."

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Oh, wow, interesting (and poor mice) - why does that happen? 

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She will happily answer questions in this vein with observations and speculations.

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She is very popular! 

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Leareth is having a delightful time watching everyone else think that Belrun is great, exactly as they ought to, but he also starts getting restless once it's been nearly an hour of questions. :I am probably being anxious for no reason but I would prefer we head somewhere I can put up proper wards: 

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"- anyone in this crowd a Mindspeaker -"

There is a raised hand.

"Cool, you see the white horse out the window? She can double as my mental receptionist. If you guys come up with more questions, Mindspeak her and she can relay them if it's not a bad time, as long as I'm still in town she will be too. That way you won't all be knocking on my head at inconvenient moments. I have the room for another two candlemarks if you want to continue your discussions without me."

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:Clever!: Amshalan has been listening through her ears for most of it. :And I'll get to hear all the most interesting questions!: 

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:Hopefully those two in the corner will settle their argument about who gets the red-and-white one and you will not have to also field that: Belrun answers one last question on her way out and takes Leareth's hand at the door.

"That's where we met," she says, pointing, "I don't know if you remember - the new wall on that building was not new at the time, it exploded -"

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"Oh." He stops, looks at it for a bit. (The guards hang back and wait.) "No, I do not think I remember that part - I do remember our first conversation, and some bits and pieces of context around it but they are hazy. I - where was I standing, where were you standing...?" 

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"I was over there, about to turn the corner, and you were just there," point, "and you were here on a recruitment trip, I never got the person's name, and then there was an explosion, and I was barely scratched, her likewise, you got up a shield, but a lot of rubble fell on you, so I scooped you up and took you to the Healers' building - there - and I had some obviously-lifebond-informed excuse for keeping you as my patient, I was rationalizing it as everyone else being busy because normally a lot of explosion victims don't all descend on the place at once."

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"...Oh, I think I might not have even been conscious for that, then. I remember waking up in a bed and you were there. And - at some point I got out of bed and you told me off rather sharply for it? I do not quite remember why though." 

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"Because I was very concerned for your health and didn't know why! Or do you mean why did you get up, I tripped and bumped something and you were very concerned for my health and didn't know why."

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"Warning signs that we both missed, I suppose." Leareth stands, looks at the repaired wall. "It is hard to regret it right now, although I could do without the mind-control part. But, I am glad to have you in my life."

He squeezes her hand. "And...I wonder if it may end up saving rather a lot of lives, in expectation, that I am not trying to do this quite as much on my own. Assuming the gods do not have anything nastier for us in store, which I am not assuming at all, actually, but - I have worked around that before." 

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Squeeze. "If you want me to, once we get home, stay up north till I have a winged monkey with my face creepily on it all ready, I can do that. I'm assuming that I will need to make new ones occasionally as previous ones get old."

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"I might want you to do that. I apologize for being so inconveniently paranoid, just..." 

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"I have an extremely vivid memory of feeling you die and was not complaining about the paranoia."

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Leareth looks at the wall for a few moments longer. "...All right, now I would like to go back to your mother's house so I can put up proper wards."

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Rana's house is where it was, with the addition on the side they put up for Amshalan now playing host to a few chickens. Amshalan can probably share with the chickens without incident.

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Leareth definitely doesn't remember the route back to Rana's house from the university, but he recognizes flashes of the scenery along the way, tries to tie them to half-remembered snippets of conversation pulled out of the vague-blur of memories.

"I do not usually get to have this much continuity," he tells Belrun once they're both in the bedroom they shared before. He's turning slowly on the spot, surveying it. "I mean, sometimes I can go back to places where I spent time in my previous incarnation, and it helps to jog some bits I had not quite remembered, but - I have never had someone else with me who had also shared those same experiences and could recount the details to me. Usually I only have what is written down in my records." 

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"Well, here I am. The stall out the window is new though, I used to have a view of the herb garden, we put that in so Amshalan could stick her head in while I was moping in here. I guess now there are chickens. Hi, chickens."

"Bok," says a chicken.

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It's still upsetting to think of Belrun's misery during that time period; Leareth spent most of it dead and thus incapable of phantom emotional pain. He hugs her. 

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Hug. "I'm glad you're okay. I'm... I guess not exactly glad that you turned up with a broken lifebond but I'm glad you wanted me back."

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"I think I know what you mean. It - would have been better for my - for our - goals overall, if I had not returned with a broken lifebond, because of - what that would mean about how lifebonds behave in this edge case. But I am glad I was not in a position of - having to conclude that I could not afford to be lifebonded to you, because of the strategic considerations... I like you. I am not fond of the vulnerability that the lifebond gives both of us, but I like you very much." 

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"I like you too." She leans on him.

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He puts an arm around her while he casts an excessive number of wards and protective spells on the room (this is probably unnecessary given that there are a dozen of his best-trained mages acting as guards, but it helps him feel like he can relax at all.) Then he tugs her over to the bed. 

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She giggles and follows where he tugs. :In fact, I love you:

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:How convenient, since I love you too!: 

Leareth does not quite relax fully, he's slightly on guard and trying to keep half an eye on the surroundings with mage-sight, but they can probably still have a pretty good time. 

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She will settle for pretty good until they are home up north.

Her mom wants to take her to dinner and stare at Leareth's slightly different new face and bring the both of them to see a play while they are in town.

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Leareth is pleased to oblige, but he's wary the entire time at dinner and during the play; it's not that apparent externally but it is through the lifebond. 

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Belrun sticks very close to him and declines her mother's suggestion of staying another week.

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Leareth is very relieved once they've successfully stepped through the Gate back north and nothing murdery has happened at all. "I am glad we made that trip, it is excellent when people are very impressed by you, but I am also grateful it is over now." 

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"They can mostly be impressed with me remotely, though I would like to go back now and again."

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Nod. "I will be less tense about you being more exposed once we have immortality set up for you. Speaking of that, I am mostly finished designing the artifact, though the final part will have to wait until you have a monkey - I could in theory link up your side of it now, but it is very likely I will end up having to do some minor redesigns, so would prefer not to duplicate effort and to instead keep you very very safe." 

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"My memories will all come through intact, right?"

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"They ought to! Maybe not perfectly, but that is the point of the artifact, to give the memories somewhere to go until they can be fully transferred to the specially-modified monkey brain. It would probably still be good to keep records, but - well, you do that anyway." 

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"I will set up a monkey. I've got to work on getting the Gifts in, I think everything else I know how to do now - with some failure rate, admittedly, but if I get most of the basic changes applied to enough of them we can have our own breeding population to pull from as I need replacements for whichever one winds up being the unlucky winner."

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"...Poor monkeys. Although I still feel far better about this method than mine. If your setup goes flawlessly and with no - interference - then I might consider risking switching mine. Although it may be harder to give monkeys true mage-gift, which I care a great deal about having." 

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"Mine's higher maintenance - someone has to look after the monkeys in the meantime, and you have to apply all the final changes to each new one - but yeah, better some dozens of monkeys than a human."

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"It would be intractable as a method if I did not have plenty of very secure facilities here in the north, where I can expect to hold off interference and thus keep suitable populations of monkeys alive. However, I do currently have that resource, and can expect to continue having it in the medium term while we figure out other contingency plans, so it makes sense to use it." 

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Nod nod.

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He hugs her again. "All right. We had better get back to work." 

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Back to work it is. She gets underway on monkey skeletal changes across the population she has so she doesn't have to start from scratch every time she needs a replacement; she tries to do things in an order that leaves them mobile between sittings. When that's handled she can move on to sizing them up, and in parallel look for a good sort of winged bird - sparrows aren't really right for this.

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Probably she wants some sort of bird of prey? There isn't a (non-extinct) species of bird on the continent big enough that its wings will lift a monkey's full weight, especially once she enlarges them, but an eagle might be a good start, in particular the eagles native to the Pelagirs borderlands are a good bit bigger than usual; they probably interbreed with Tayledras bondbirds, which tend to be larger than their wild counterparts. The eagles will be pretty unhappy in captivity, and annoying to capture in the first place, but if she wants a breeding pair that can probably be obtained. 

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She can enlarge an eagle too! She wants a bunch but she's hoping to get the wings to breed true in the monkeys so she doesn't need an ongoing captive eagle population.

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"Oh, I suppose that makes sense, to do the eagles first - I was not sure if you were intending to put wings on the monkeys and then change the size, but the former is probably easier. Although, they are going to be some very terrifying eagles. At least they do not also have Fetching." 

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"They do not! That would be awful! I'm planning to leave that to the end of the unlucky single monkey's transformation, the Gifts."

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"So it would not be something the breeding population of monkeys had? I suppose I am concerned there are scenarios where you might need to suddenly switch to a different monkey and not have time to do the Gifts part, but also it would not be a complete disaster as long as it worked at all, and maybe he could–"

He stops. Looks thoughtful. "If you were able to get this process down very reliably, you could give humans Gifts. I think that has not been seriously attempted before, because the existing methods were so risky and because humans already have, well, a breeding population of Gifted individuals, but - it would be revolutionary." 

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"It's a risky procedure right now, but yes, it would have applications in that vein if I get much better at it."

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Smile. "You are a shockingly impressive person." 

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"Why thank you."

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He smiles, and kisses her. "You are very welcome." 

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Eagles arrive! Four of them, two breeding pairs. They're surprisingly big already, with wingspans of at least eight feet; their colouration is mottled brown, to blend in with the Pelagirs woodlands. They have wickedly sharp beaks, alarmingly large talons, and are not happy at all about being in cages. 

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She will work with them when her reserves are in good order so she can Fetch off any attempts to harm her, and get underway on the process of figuring out how these wings differ from sparrows'.

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The eagles' wings are longer relative to their bodies and quite broad, with feathers that can fan out to make quite a lot of surface area for catching rising air currents. The musculature is a little different. Overall, though, wings are wings. 

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Then she should be able - once she has given them a decorous amount of time to consider breeding in captivity in case she needs more than four - to start harvesting the wings and attaching them to monkeys. Monkeys which already have human posture, since she wants to make sure that all works together neatly.

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The eagles, inconveniently, don't seem very inclined to breed. 

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Then she'll have to get this right at least three of four times to have a not hopelessly inbred winged monkey population. Ideally all four. She wings monkeys.

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(The eagle-catching team can get her another pair if not, although they would prefer not to cut down the eagle population in the region too much, since eagles usually take longer to breed and increase their numbers than smaller birds.) 

She has had a lot of experience in this and the winging goes fairly smoothly. One of the monkeys has a complication with a tendon detaching when it investigates and pulls on its new wing too vigorously, but Leareth helps her set it right. 

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Good. If the monkeys don't like each other in maximally convenient combinations for genetic diversity, well, she's a Healer-Fetcher and can make it happen anyway for the next generation.

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The lab assistants helped pick out monkeys who seemed to get along all right, and one pair ends up conveniently enamoured in not too long. Monkey pregnancies are a lot longer than mouse ones, though, so it'll be a wait before she knows if the hereditary aspect came through. 

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She has two males and two females with wings and plans to arrange for them to have children in both combinations, at least a son and a daughter per and then mostly favoring daughters. But this will have to be reasonably patient.

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A couple of months in - monkey pregnancies last six months so her results are still a ways off - Leareth wanders down to check on her progress. He does this reasonably often, but this time he looks kind of worried. 

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"Is everything all right?" she asks.

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"More difficulties with the Council in Valdemar. Complaints about Randi lacking an heir. It is unclear to me what is prompting it now, so that is...confusing." 

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"Might be he's getting sicker?"

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"I mean, yes, but I think not very visibly? Also that is still not made public with the Council, and if someone had learned it I think we would be hearing rumours of that first and foremost." 

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"I guess we could ask Van next time we see him if that would be a... politer... route than going through your diplomats."

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"I suspect it will be more informative as well? This does not seem spectacularly urgent yet, so I think we can wait for a dream." 

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"Hopefully he knows."

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"If he does not know, I suppose I will ask my diplomatic team to do some prodding. It does feel awkward, especially since we have not shared anything new from our side in months and I do not really wish the Heralds to prod my diplomats on that." 

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"Are they meeting outside of Haven now?"

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"I believe so, yes. Not all the way north, but in a town some distance out of Haven." 

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"Well, what will trigger telling them more?"

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"...I am not sure, other than 'something time-sensitive comes up', and should probably have an answer to that question. The diplomatic team did bring up Heartstones in the abstract after we talked about that. It went fine but has not really gone anywhere, due to being very hypothetical and non-specific." 

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"Maybe you could do something sort of like how I came up with 'blowing up the moon' as a placeholder except give a bunch of made up things and also sneak in the real one to get their reactions and tell them that some or all of the things are imaginary but you expect them to shed useful light."

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“I suppose that might be worth trying. I will have to come up with a list of hypotheticals where “power source” does not stand out, but - I can attempt that.”

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"You could need things done at precise moments coordinated over a wide area or something, that'd explain needing a territory and wanting Valdemar particularly."

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"That makes sense, although it is not as - weird and extreme, I suppose, as the god example. I think neither are most of the other hypotheticals that I could crib from my actual past projects. I am not sure if that would cause them to take the god hypothetical more or less seriously..." Sigh. "I wish I could just talk to one person. Vanyel in particular, I am fairly sure I could go through it with him in an order that would at least have him taking the arguments seriously, even if he was very horrified." 

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"You could suggest that you could tell him confidentially with their advance permission to have him keep it that way till you say otherwise. If they've come around to trusting him again they might prefer that to nobody on their end knowing what's going on."

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"That is something else we could potentially ask him about in the dream. I think he will both have a fairly good sense of how trusted he is at this point, and also will be honest about it; is that also your impression?" 

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Nod nod.

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Then they have several things lined up for the next dream discussion, and can get back to other work while waiting for it to arrive. 

Which it does, about a week later. Leareth, as usual, appears in the dream with his previous face. 

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Vanyel waves and starts trekking out toward them from the mouth of the pass. 

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"Hello!" she says, shuffling up. "How's it going?"

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"Oh, you know, mostly fine except for having too much to do." He starts building a snow-shelter around them. 

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"Is any of it at least fun?"

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"Oh, mage-work is usually fun. Especially if it's with Savil. I'm just really, really tired of politics. It was actually nice getting a break from politics when there were several scandals in a row about me. Now I'm back to having to be Vanyel Demonsbane at the Council and it's really tiresome." 

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"Be Vanyel Demonsbane at them? Is politics often - operating on a level where councilmembers are usefully intimidated by your battlefield experience?"

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"I think it's - not about whatever specific things I learned from fighting a war, that would be less stupid, it's more - I don't know, the extent to which everyone knows who I am? That I supposedly singlehandedly won the war with Karse and am a national hero with a lot of terrible songs about me and so I - intimidate people. Which is mostly awful but sometimes it's useful when those people are lords on the Council who just don't listen to arguments they dislike. But people listen to everything if say it." Sigh. "I may be even more intimidating after the blood-magic trial, ironically enough. Leareth, is politics always awful like this?" 

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"Not always to that extent, but name recognition is generally a factor, yes." 

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"- I think I got your eyebrows wrong," she muses, peering up at Dream Leareth. "The new eyebrows might be better though."

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"Oh, right, I keep forgetting you don't look the same anymore. It's probably going to be really weird when - if, I guess - I ever see you in person." 

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"I got pretty close, I think! But I can't look at him in real life at the same time so I have to do it from memory."

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"Right, of course. But you were trying to get him back to looking more similar?" He makes a bit of a face. "It's - weird, thinking about doing your body-modifications work on people. I don't know why it's weirder than with animals though." 

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"It's kind of weird, yes. Though the animals complain about it a lot more and can't comment on what they think of it so on the whole I think it's preferable, it's just if you're going to make a mistake it'd better be on a mouse."

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Vanyel nods. "You probably still kill fewer mice than Shavri did with her research - er, she was usually trying to study systemic ailments and sometimes that involved giving them to mice so they could test what helped, whereas yours wouldn't necessarily kill the mouse even if you did make a mistake?" 

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"Right. Some of them are born deformed though, which is sort of like mistakes killing them, just a ways upstream."

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Vanyel nods. 

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“We wished to ask you,” Leareth says, when it seems Vanyel isn’t going to say more, “if you have any particular context on why the Council is so up in arms about the lack of an heir. Is there any precipitating factor that explains the timing?”

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Vanyel frowns. “Hmm. I - hadn’t really thought about it. I’ll try to think now.”

He falls silent.

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While they wait she will build a snow castle.

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"We had in particular wondered if the news of Randi's illness has either been announced or has leaked," Leareth prompts finally, when it's been a minute or two.

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"...Hmm. No, we haven't announced it. It's - starting to be a bit noticeable that he's unwell, so we're talking about announcing it, but obviously it's just going to make all the uproar there even worse. And there aren't any good candidates. We have to go to second and third cousins before there's anyone Chosen - the closest relative of his who's a Herald is in his sixties, the next-closest is - not temperamentally suited to be Queen and wouldn't want the job. Going out further than that is basically picking a random Herald anyway. There are a lot of children among his closer relatives, who may end up Chosen eventually, but it's starting to seem problematic, here, to just wait and hope..." 

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Leareth glances sideways at Belrun. "This system of partially hereditary monarchy combined with a candidate being Chosen and considered suitable is - complicated." 

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"Has this come up before in previous generations?"

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"I mean, I assume so? Usually the monarch has a lot more children, though. We've had a string of a lot of bad luck, here, with Darvi dying in a stupid accident - Leareth, it was so convenient I suspected you of engineering it somehow, for a while - and then also Randi being ill, and - other things..." A brief hesitation, as though he's catching himself on something he oughtn't say.

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"Unlucky enough that I am rather suspicious of it, in fact." 

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"Yeah, that is a weird run of luck. Any joy on Rolan asking his boss?"

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"He is at this point not categorically opposed to it. He seems to think the current situation isn't urgent enough, though, and is leaving us to figure it out on our own." 

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"Will it be urgent enough when Randi dies?" she mutters.

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"I really don't understand what policy he's running here, so..." Shrug. 

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"If you're choosing a random Herald anyway and want to be peacefully annexed and there's some way to work around the inconvenience of me not wanting to be within suspicious coincidence distance of a Heartstone, I guess you can tell them I'm game, but that's a bunch of ifs."

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"Oh. Hmm. You're right, that's a lot of ifs, but - not many people are all that game for the job, I think. I'm certainly not, having watched Randi do it." 

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"I don't know why it doesn't appeal more!"

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"Because it's exhausting and you have to talk to people constantly and everyone's always paying attention to you and also it's your call whether to send lots of soldiers to get murdered horribly. Er, I guess that last part is specific to wartime, but that's been two-thirds of Randi's reign, so." 

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"It seems possible that he needs to delegate more."

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"I've been told that he delegates better than Elspeth. But I think she was also one of those people who had an inhuman amount of energy and could just work fourteen candlemarks a day her entire life. Randi - is slowly dying of a mysterious illness." 

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"The job holds some appeal to me," Leareth says with a slight smile, "though of course you are not going to offer it to me. And, yes, it helps that I am very confident in my ability to delegate and not constantly be inundated in routine decisions. Also it is possible I mind talking to strangers less than you do." 

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From Vanyel's expression, this is both unsurprising to him and very alien.

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"I probably work about fourteen hours a day if you're a little flexible with the definition and stuff like reading counts! I don't have to do my own chores because Leareth's got people, I am informed monarchs also have chores people, so it's like, eight hours to sleep, I can work while I eat, that leaves two hours for miscellany with no work-related justification."

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"Honestly, so do I. It's a lot more sustainable for me when at least half of what I'm doing is interesting magic. Ideally more than half. I would love if I never ever had to attend a Council meeting or sit in on one of Randi's audiences again." 

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"Mine's mostly Gift-y research too, but it feels more like I generally like to be busy than like it's got to be that in particular."

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"I still feel like maybe you need to have sat through one of our Council meetings before deciding you wouldn't mind the work, but - to each their own, I guess, it's good if some people actually want to do this." 

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"If they're having any Council meetings not near a Heartstone and want to invite me..."

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"I'll keep it in mind. It probably makes sense to introduce you to the Council - and Leareth, ideally - at some point." 

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"I would consider it, if it were happening well outside of Haven," Leareth says. "I would, of course, feel most comfortable if it were in the north, but I do not expect your Council to agree to that. Anyway. We wished to ask you about something else." 

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"There are some details of the - what Belrun has been calling 'blowing up the moon' as a stand-in. There are some discussion points that will be difficult to cover without explaining said details. I would prefer not to remain stuck here forever, but also anticipate that a conversation with all of the Heralds would not be productive. It feels much more feasible to explain to you alone. I wished to float this to you and find out if you would be comfortable with it, and if you expect your King and the Senior Circle to agree to it." 

He glances at Belrun, in case she has anything to add. 

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"Confidentially," she clarifies. "This isn't just 'it would wind up with a bunch of headless chickens running around to explain to the whole bunch', though it would at that. Ideally you'd have advance permission from Randi and anyone else you need permission from to keep secrets from them. This doesn't strictly put them in a worse position - they can talk hypotheticals with you, you can represent their interests, the alternative is just not telling anyone on your end - but it would probably be uncomfortable. Though I do separately think that we should generate a lot more fake examples like blowing up the moon and include some that brush closer to reality than does 'blow up the moon' and float them to a wider audience to test the waters."

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Vanyel nods, slowly. 

"It...makes sense that you want that. And that I'm the best person for it from one angle. I think it's not the case any more that the Senior Circle is upset enough with me to make that a consideration against. I think Randi ought to prefer this over the default. I'm not sure if he will, in practice, because - weird feelings. It's worth asking, I think." 

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"I realize it's a big ask but the diplomats have been spinning their wheels for not much progress for a while and ultimately if we don't tell anybody anything that's on us, and this is a way to tell anybody anything."

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"No, I understand, it makes perfect sense. I agree about using more hypotheticals, too." 

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"Do you have any guesses?" she wonders. "To populate the field with. People's reactions to things can be informative even if you know it's a made up example for sure because it was yours."

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"Ummm." He has to think surprisingly hard. "Make...a giant shield wall, like Iftel has, that keeps other gods from interfering in your empire so you can actually get things done?" 

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"Ooh, I like it."

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Vanyel smiles. "I'm glad! Trying to think of others. You...want to break the pact the Tayledras and Shin'a'in are bound to, and free them. ...I don't know if that's even the kind of thing you can do, but it seems like you might want to, and like it'd take a lot, if it was possible." 

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"Ooh! I wish I could write these down as you say them. I'll try to remember."

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"Oh, sorry, right! Er, I'll give you a minute if you want to try to memorize it properly." 

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"Tell you what, I will write it down and review when we're closer to waking up." She flips to a blank spot in her dream notebook and scribbles down his ideas.

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Vanyel keeps thinking. "...Might be running out of good ideas. You might - want to make your own race of powerful magical creatures, like Companions or Suncats, but not serving a specific god, just helping humans. - Actually, I bet you could do that, Belrun." 

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"I don't really want to make people."

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"Fair enough. Might still be a good hypothetical." He rubs his forehead. "That may be all I can think of for now, but I'll keep trying." 

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"Thanks!" She writes down the magical creature race idea.

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"I think we are nearly out of dream in any case. Vanyel, was there anything else you wished to add?" 

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He shakes his head. "It does feel like we were - stuck. Stuck in a better position than you and I were in the dreams before all of this," handwave that encompasses Belrun, "but still. I'm glad you're thinking about getting us unstuck." 

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"Happy to help."

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The dream does, in fact, end shortly later, and as usual wakes both of them. Leareth, back in his new body, reaches to snuggle Belrun. 

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She snuggles and grabs her bedside notebook and says "Light?"

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Sleepy Leareth can give her a mage-light and then nudge his own notebook toward his hand with magic so he can write without sitting up. 

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She gets down short versions of all Vanyel's ideas and then snuggles back up.

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"Loveyoutoo." He pulls her into his arms, and is already most of the way to asleep again. 

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In the morning it's back to mad science!

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Leareth takes a bit to look over his notes and be pleased by Vanyel's suggestions, and then goes back to his own work, swinging by in the afternoon to see how Belrun's getting on with her monkeys. 

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She's making sure the monkeys will still associate with each other - they're social animals and she doesn't want them to all reject each other and die of grief because they couldn't adjust to the changes - but making notes about how she wants to change their feet now that the posture and wing changes have left them less prone to climbing anyway.

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Leareth wonders if the trick that helped the adult mice learn to use their wings could also help monkeys adjust more easily to bodily changes. He's also curious if they're actually doing any flying yet. 

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"I haven't seen them at it but they might just want more space than this to try it, and I haven't tried putting food out of reach either. I'm actually a little worried about making monkeys smarter, though."

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"That is fair. Does it actually have the effect of making them smarter? I would not expect an extremely targeted application of it to do so, but I suppose we do not really understand how monkeys recognize each other's faces." 

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"I don't know if it makes them globally or permanently smarter but I also have misgivings about temporarily making a monkey smarter, you know?"

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"Hmm. I mean, you do eventually have to modify their brains so that we can put you in there, no? I suppose the book suggested a way of doing it that would not in practice make the monkey smarter, because they would not be able to use the additional brain. Or something. I would need to study the field again in more detail to be entirely sure how that works." 

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"Yeah, I'm not really sure how to manage it without making the monkey as smart as I am."

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"Well, I am sure with time you can figure something out." 

Leareth goes back to his own slightly-less-mad-science research. 

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A week later Leareth's diplomatic team sends a message up north. King Randale is interesting in organizing a meeting with the full Council as well as the Senior Circle. Outside of Haven. This is going to take some time to arrange, to get the Council on board with traveling to the secondary location for reasons that have not yet been fully explained to them, but he thinks it's pretty feasible. 

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Should Belrun and possibly Leareth show up?

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King Randale is hoping they will! Ideally both of them though he's not necessarily expecting that. 

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"If you are going," Leareth says, "I think that I might as well go. It is unclear at this point if you are any less the gods' target than I am, and if we are both there, I can defend us better." 

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"I'd rather not be far from you but we should only go if you think it's safe."

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"I will take a few days to consider it, but I think it could be made safe, if we have preparation time and I can set up a ridiculous overkill level of precautions." 

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"Which might be necessary!" Sigh.

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Leareth hugs her. "I know. I am tired of it also." 

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"You're probably more tired of it since it's happened more times but I'm pretty tired of it." Sigh. "What does ridiculous overkill look like?"

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"Well, I am going to spend at least a day considering the details, but - involvement in selecting the location and setting it up with permanent wards and shielding, and permission to bring a significant number of guards including mages, who will also check everyone who is attending for magical weapons. Also the usual protective artifacts, of course. Ideally, no one present on the inside will be able to threaten us, and anyone attacking from the outside will need to break through enough defences that I will have time to Gate us out." 

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"What about that problem you had with the vrondi, will that be an issue - for you or the mage entourage -"

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"It is definitely possible to shield against it or pacify the vrondi about it, since the Herald-Mages are not disturbed by it. Part of the permission to bring guards will include asking them to work with me on that; I can likely figure it out without their help, now that I have observed it, but I think it would not be reassuring to them if I were showing off that I can route around their main defences. I also expect they may wish me not to be defended in this way, which is fine; I am not going to be especially impaired in my magic use by being watched, and in the scenario where everything goes right I should not need to use magic at all." 

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"You use magic all the time just casually, but I guess if vrondi staring at you doesn't bug you..."

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"I am capable of not using magic by accident. It might be reassuring to them if I am willing to make all of my magic use clearly detectable by their security system. Maybe they do not need that additional reassurance of my good faith, though, I will see what they say." 

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Nod nod. Hug.

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Leareth hugs her back, and then heads off to work on a proposal for security measures that he can send back to Haven. 

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She will get all her mad science and normal science in a place where it can be safely left maintained by subordinates as long as necessary.

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Messages are exchanged. The Council is, as expected, being annoying about agreeing to the alternate location - as well as confused about the high level of security, though they're not even read in on all of the precautions being taken. 

King Randale has no problem with Leareth sending some people to help set up; Savil and Vanyel are going to check all of their work, of course. (Leareth is fine with this because it's not like he wants to sneak in any traps.) They'll be meeting near Delcaire, an out-of-the-way town two-thirds of the way from Haven to the northern border.

The Heralds are also happy to work with a couple of Leareth's scholars on making an artifact that will satisfy the vrondi that all these mages are supposed to be there. They want to do most of the development themselves and hand out talismans on the day of. (They'll also design it in a way that lets them render it obsolete by changing the exact setup with the vrondi later on.) Randi appreciates Leareth's offer not to wear one himself but says he doesn't mind either way. 

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And Belrun gets packed. :Grass! Probably! Unless Delcaire is planted entirely with moss and potatoes or something: she tells Amshalan.

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:What a mental image! Well, even if it is planted in a very silly way, at least I'll have room to really stretch my legs and run around: Amshalan can and does make occasional trips to the surface to do so, here, but someone needs to Gate her each time so it's not exactly convenient.

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Belrun pats her and is ready to go on time.

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The Council is persuaded. Everything seems to be in place. 

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The dream does not turn up again before their departure. 

Leareth double-checks their protective artifacts. Checks in with Nayoki, who's already there, using the communication spell, and then has one of the other mages raise a Gate from that side; it's considered safer to have the destination terminus be the end that's definitely secure, since the mage raising the Gate is very vulnerable to attacks on the other end as it forms. 

Nothing goes wrong at this point, and they cross to Delcaire without incident. 

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They emerge onto a lawn outside an old temple on the outskirts of town. The lawn is covered in a new spring growth of grass. 

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Amshalan is delighted! 

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It is rather nice to see the sky and live plants even though Belrun does not herself plan to eat any of the plants and cannot yet fly in the sky.

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Leareth has mixed feelings about open sky. It's nice, and a relief in some ways, and also the thing about having open sky above you is that you are visible and there are a lot more avenues of surprise attack. 

The area is protected by a dome of mage-energies, invisible to the naked eye but very visible to mage-sight. He should have more than enough layers of precautions. Still, he's on his guard, and stays close to Belrun. 

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Savil comes out to greet them. "Belrun, Leareth. Thank you for coming." The thing she's actually thinking is 'goodness, you've grown' but this seems like a weird and awkward comment to make to Leareth so she manages not to. 

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"Thank you for inviting us! It's nice to see you again."

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"Likewise!" A brief pause. "Er, Vanyel wants to apologize for not coming out to meet you - he's hiding in the shielded meeting-room because I was about to Gate all the others over. You might as well head down and join him." 

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"Sure, lead the way."

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They've taken over the town hall for their talks. There's a very long meeting-table, and a couple of side rooms for smaller groups, all thoroughly shielded. Vanyel is camped out in one of the littler rooms, and waves to them. 

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"Hi Van! Gate's over with."

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"Thanks for letting me know!" He stands up to greet them properly. "Think I'll stay here anyway. It has tea. And fewer people." Pause. "Did Savil tell you the, er, possibly very conveniently-timed news?" 

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"One of Randi's close relatives - well, closer than the other candidates - was just Chosen! He's, er, a second cousin - or first cousin once removed, maybe, I can never keep it straight. Randi's cousin's son. He's apparently in all ways a reasonable candidate for heir, except for the fact that he's eleven." 

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"That might do? How long does Randi have?"

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"No one's sure. We think probably five years." 

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"Sixteen's young but not catastrophically young, if he's generally suitable."

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"I think that's what we're hoping. He's getting dragged up here for the meetings." Vanyel makes a face. "Poor kid. It's not at all how I'd want to spend my second week after getting Chosen. Maybe he likes talking to people more than I do, at least."

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"What's his Companion think of it, I wonder if they saw this coming."

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"Not sure, maybe Yfandes can ask. I've been wondering if Rolan saw it coming. Yfandes said he was on board with this meeting right away, she was surprised, but also he seemed weird about it. Then again he's weird about a lot of things, so..." Shrug. "Who knows." 

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"Rolan frustrates me." Sigh.

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:I think Rolan is objectively frustrating: Amshalan, listening through her ears, contributes helpfully. 

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:Then it's very sensible of me to be frustrated! I hope he eventually pokes whoever it is, and they tell him to stop being frustrating:

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:We can hope. At this point I don't know what it'll take to get him to decide it's important and urgent enough. The sky falling, maybe: 

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:Randi dropping dead in the middle of this meeting? Immediately followed by another invasion:

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:...Eeep? How about not that, actually, I'd rather cope with him being incessantly frustrating: 

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:The sky falling would also be bad, most really urgent things are:

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:Maybe it could fall metaphorically. In some way that only upsets him: Sigh. :Or we can hope that the non-emergencies start to add up: 

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There are definite people-footsteps happening in the bigger meeting hall. 

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Vanyel winces slightly. 

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Belrun steps out to see who's there.

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So many Heralds are there!

Tantras nods to her. His smile is very muted but it's definitely more in the 'smile' direction than the 'scowl' direction. 

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Randi acknowledges her briefly but mostly seems distracted. 

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Shavri has a warmer, though tired-looking, smile for Belrun. She is also ushering someone else behind them. Someone very short. 

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"Treven?" she guesses.

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"You must be Belrun!" He comes up to her. Bows, very correctly. "I am so honoured to meet you. Is Leareth here too?" 

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(Leareth is still talking with Vanyel in the side room.) 

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"Yes, just over there. It's nice to meet you too."

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"Thank you for coming such a long way to meet with us!" 

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"I'm not the one who has to do the Gate! It's like going for a turn around the block once that's handled."

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"I suppose so." He bounces slightly. "We came through a Gate too, Savil did it. I had never been through a Gate before this! You must've been through lots though." 

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"It has come up for me a lot, yes. You get used to them."

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Leareth comes out a little while later, it only slightly looks like he's dragging a reluctant Vanyel in his wake. He politely greets Treven as well. 

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Treven seems a lot shyer with Leareth, and is almost painfully polite to him. 

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Belrun will attempt to lend Leareth the opposite of consequence by leaning on him.

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This seems to help! Treven keeps talking to Leareth and is a bit less stiff about it and also smiles at Belrun several times. 

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And then Randi is asking everyone to sit down so they can have their meeting. 

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If there is no assigned seating Belrun will just take whatever chair she happens to be standing nearest.

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There does not appear to be assigned seating although the Heralds are all sitting together at one end. Vanyel is seated next to Shavri and his expression is very neutral, which externally makes him look icily composed, but is in fact the face he makes when he wants to be literally anywhere but where he is. 

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King Randale calls the meeting to attention. 

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There are sixteen lords on the Council, representing different regions of Valdemar. This makes the total size of the meeting RATHER LARGE. Given that, it's maybe not surprising how difficult it is to keep on track. 

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Belrun writes down all their names and current seating positions and distinguishing traits as they manifest them.

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They're initially kind of hard to distinguish because nearly all of them are men older than sixty. Lord Kathar, portly and round-faced, does not look particularly intelligent, but the points he makes are actually pretty good - although he also opposes Randi's political opinions on nearly everything. Lord Preatur's main trait seems to be that he hates all religions and temple orders and would like them to serve fewer infrastructure purposes in Valdemar please. Lord Enderby represents the general area where Vanyel is from and they seem to know each other; he seems practical-minded, and mostly backs Randi's decisions. Lord Alcott is the youngest person on the Council by maybe twenty years, and quite new to representing the south; his predecessor, Lord Taving, lost his Council position and was sent back to his holding in disgrace after the scandal where it was discovered he had been supplying Karsite rebels. Lord Leverance and Lord Kaltar seem to dislike each other and frequently snipe at each other's points for no especially obvious reason. Lord Lathan's single most distinguishing trait is that he is obnoxious and, based on the mostly-concealed sighs from the Heralds every time he stands up to speak, they agree unanimously on this. 

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Interesting! She pays particular attention to Lord Preatur because he has a point and she's curious what things should serve infrastructural purposes in his mind instead.

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He seems to at least get that the Heralds absolutely cannot replace this role, there aren't nearly enough of them. (Lord Alcott appears confused on this point.) Lord Preatur thinks they should hand more responsibilities to town mayors and magistrates, and add some additional roles there, where people will receive a stipend from the Crown in exchange for providing those infrastructure needs. 

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Is the counterargument mostly about the budget or what?

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That's Lord Kathar's opinion. Lord Enderby and Lord Lathan both seem to think that on average, town mayors are going to be more corrupt than temple priests; it's unclear how much of this is bound up in the fact that they have firm relationships and mutual agreements with the temples in their regions, and less so with the secular leadership. Lord Leverance thinks that the current system works fine and why risk changing it, it'll be a lot of overhead and it might turn out to not work fine. Lord Kaltar is sniping at this but not in a very contentful way. 

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She experiments with various ways of diagramming the opinions in play and winds up covering several sheets of paper with names and arrows and symbols.

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Belrun also has a chance to witness Vanyel's Demonsbane act, as he calls it.

It consists mostly of the fact that everyone pays rapt attention the second he moves to speak; it's unclear Vanyel is doing anything in particular to cause this, versus people simply reacting to his war hero status. He does speak with the same coolly poised manner, unreadable as a marble statue; it's very unlike the way he's spoken with her in the past, though it's not entirely dissimilar to Leareth's previous default mannerisms in the dream with Vanyel, that Belrun once called his 'dour painting' act.

(Vanyel's internal state throughout is that he hates it when everyone looks at him, thinks it's stupid, and would really like this to be over now please, but this is not apparent at all from his exterior.) 

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It's interesting! She's not sure she can do the dour painting thing but it's notably effective.

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Treven does remarkably well for an eleven-year-old at sitting through three hours of meeting. Eventually they break for lunch, having covered everything on Randi’s opening agenda.

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She works on getting her diagrams to tidily express all the information she wants to note in a compact way while she eats.

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Leareth leans on her. It might help him seem more approachable - multiple people seem to be considering approaching him but being too intimidated - and it's also exhausting being on high alert all of the time. 

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She is happy to be leaned on and lend inconsequence. Maybe she will feed him a bite of her fruit salad, that seems very inconsequential.

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Vanyel has such a hard time watching this, and a few of the lords’ bemused glances at each other, with a straight face.

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Poor Vanyel, who is using his consequence and might need to keep it. She winks.

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Vanyel winks back and then returns to his conversation, appearing to pay full attention to Lord Lathan and not showing any sign of annoyance at all. 

He Mindspeaks her privately without looking over. :Would you keep doing that if you ended up Queen?: He sounds a little incredulous. 

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:What, leaning on Leareth? Winking at people? Taking notes?:

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:I mostly meant the part where you’re feeding him food off your plate like - teenage lovers, or something:

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:People seem to find him excessively intimidating! I'm trying to fix that:

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:He was briefly less intimidating! When he looked like a tiny child. Then you fast-aged him. I suppose he's still less intimidating when he looks nineteen then the way he looked before: 

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:Well, then I suppose if I am ever Queen I will have to try very hard to lend him inconsequence because he will be older then:

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:I suppose so: The amusement in his mindvoice doesn’t show at all on his face. 

He manages to extract himself from his conversation and eats in silence. :Anyway, what did you think of all that?:

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:It was interesting, sort of puzzly, I'll like it more when I have a better notetaking format:

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:Huh!: The overtones in Vanyel's mindvoice are genuinely intrigued. :I've always found them irretrievably boring. How do you manage to look at it like an interesting puzzle?: 

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:They're presumably more complex than this in reality but they've each got an agenda and will tell you about it and that puts them in predictable sorts of complicated conflicts, like one of those strategy board games where all the pieces have different moves! So I can try to guess which agendas will be pro- or anti- whatever, and imagine compromising on various things they care about more and I care about less to get enough votes if I were currently trying to acquire votes. I don't know if I'm actually good at this, I'm not especially gifted at the board games, but it's still interesting:

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:Hmm. I - should at least try that. I can usually predict who's going to vote what and what compromises will work, but I still tend to spend the actual meetings mostly thinking about how much I'd rather be doing magic: 

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:No activity is for everybody. Though I suppose on the whole it's convenient that you like magic:

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:True! I wonder how much I just don't like this because it's - closer to what I grew up expecting I'd have to do, and being really miserable about. And of course it was nervewracking at the start, but I feel like I know what I'm doing at this point, so it shouldn't have to be awful: 

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:It would be neat if you learned to have fun with it:

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:I guess it would be!: 

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And then Randi reconvenes the afternoon session. After a quick intro the group splits up to discuss some different issues relevant to Valdemar currently in more depth. 

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Belrun refines her notation system and assigns all the participants shorthand labels.

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People have a surprising number of questions for Leareth about agricultural policy. He answers smoothly enough off the top of his head, but is very grateful for Belrun's note-taking keeping track of what's going on. 

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And what are Leareth's opinions on agricultural policy?

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Leareth doesn't feel like he knows enough about conditions within Valdemar to have really informed opinions, here, and it's not clear the lords asking him do either. He asks some questions, though, and ventures opinions on the best kind of crop rotation for various climates and on choosing strains of various crops based on local soil type. If they want a reference book he has on it, he can send that to Haven at some point. 

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What a reasonable set of opinions. Though it kind of sounds like it is not even best understood on a policy level.

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(Leareth thinks it was kind of a dumb question. There are lots of those.) 

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They have a closing session before dinner. It goes rather more smoothly because apparently Lord Lathan isn't feeling well. Randi seems relieved about this. 

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Presumably they brought some Healers even if they aren't as convenient as back in Haven, so she won't worry about it.

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Dinner is quieter than lunch; a lot of the older lords seem to be early-to-bed sort of people and have already turned in to the guest rooms provided for them. Vanyel and Savil join Leareth and Belrun at a table they have just to themselves.

"I found that significantly more enjoyable," Vanyel tells Belrun. "I don't know if I'd go all the way for 'fun', but - it was fine. Although I think smaller meetings are just a better idea than doing the whole Council and Senior Circle at once." 

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"Do they get unruly if there's too many people or something?"

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"It mostly just seems inefficient? It's hard to stay on topic, I swear all the lords like hearing themselves talk so they're constantly fighting over it..." 

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"At the university people kept trying things for keeping meetings on topic and none of them worked very well, I guess it's not limited to academics."

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"Far as I can tell, the best trick is for everyone to be really, really busy. Herald meetings are a lot more efficient, none of us want to spend any more time on it than necessary." 

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"Huh, I'm not sure that's a panacea, academics get busy too, but they also care a lot about being understood, which tends to make them wordy whenever someone doesn't seem to get it."

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"Some of us can get like that, but in general we'll try to split up and have just the people who are actually disagreeing stay behind and hash it out, if they still want to." 

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"Oh, that's clever, I don't think my department ever tried that."

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"I think meetings are just better the fewer people you have, then it's more like a normal conversation." 

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"I don't think there can reasonably be a 'just' about it, there has to be some reason more people is worse - like, lectures work, probably something to do with the lecturer doing all the talking and controlling the flow of questions, right, and those can scale up to hundreds of people -"

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"That's an interesting point. I guess part of the lecture format is that everyone expects the teacher to do most of the talking, none of the students are going to feel slighted that the teacher's getting more attention than them. Er, at least if they did they'd be a pretty annoying student. And it's not hashing something out in real-time, you know the lesson and you're teaching it to people who don't know it yet. I think the Council meetings that go best are the ones where we just need to call a vote on some proposal and it's all written up already, so Randi or Tran are doing most of the talking and just fielding questions, it's almost more like a lecture than what I would call a normal meeting." 

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"Except half of them do feel like they should get their say and make some changes, and then they fight about it for four candlemarks." 

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"Maybe it'd work better if they did that in some other format?"

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"I bet we could stand to make the process more efficient and, er, less frustrating. That's the kind of meeting I really hate. We could try to do more optional meetings beforehand that are just for everyone who wants to come to say their bit, and then the full meeting is only for signing off on it?" 

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"Puts two meetings on the docket for whoever's got to be at both but saves time for those who don't, not sure how good a trade that is."

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"I'm not sure either, but if it made the second meeting take a candlemark instead of four then that'd be pretty useful." Vanyel yawns. "I should probably call it a night soon. It'll be another long day tomorrow." 

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"Good night! Try not to dream about us, it would be even sillier than usual!"

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"It'd be so silly!" Vanyel agrees. 

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Savil rises as well. "Night, everyone." 

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Leareth takes Belrun's hand. :A reasonably smooth first day, I think: 

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:Yup! I like my note format:

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:I am very pleased with your note format: He's been using his own shorthand, well-honed over a very long time, but hers is more customized for this particular use. 

Their guest-room is not vastly spacious, but it's comfortably furnished and there are already lots of wards on it that the mages he brought have set up. Leareth casts some more anyway. 

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She doesn't object to this, just waits for him and snuggles up when he comes to bed.

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:Love you: she tells him, and she falls asleep.

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The next morning, breakfast seems quiet. Savil is up, sitting with tea and looking at her notes, but she looks kind of pale and is occasionally coughing into a napkin. 

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"Are you okay? I've been assuming you'd bring some Healers along but if you left them all at Haven I'm better than nothing..."

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"Oh, I don't think it's anything serious. We did bring Healers but I didn't want to bother them just because I'm coming down with a cold or something." 

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"I Heal myself at the first sign of a sniffle so maybe I'm not well calibrated on it," says Belrun dubiously.

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"I suppose that makes a lot of sense, if you just can and it's easy for you. I wouldn't mind if you did or anything, I just also heard Gemma was busy this morning." 

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"I'll have a look as long as we're here and I'm not doing any mad science with my reserves today..." Peek.

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It does look worse than just some sniffles. More like the earliest stages of a flu-like illness than like a cold. 

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"Yeah, no, that looks more like an outright flu to me - what was Gemma busy with -"

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"I didn't ask, Tran mentioned it is all - hmm, maybe it was that Lord Leverance was ill." 

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"With the flu?"

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"I don't know, maybe?" 

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:Gemma, I think Savil's got a flu, does Leverance have the same? Anyone else?:

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:–Goddamn it. That makes five:

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"Gemma says that makes five, Savil, I think we should cancel the meetings so nobody's breathing on anybody else."

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"Are you kidding me? This is so inconvenient. I guess if you think it's a good idea we probably should, it's your specialty–" Savil freezes. "Belrun, were you poking around with your research or anything right before coming here?" 

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"Not recently? I last moved my flus to new eggs more than a week ago, which I did as I always do with Fetching and never touching an infected egg."

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Savil nods. "Hmm. Well, we should probably cancel the meetings - I'll pass word to all the Heralds, they can make sure everyone else know– Heya, Katha! Meetings cancelled today!" 

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Herald Katha, sitting a couple of tables away with Sandra and Kilchas, half-turns. "Huh, why?"

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"Flu going around."

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"That's so inconvenient!" Katha gets up. "I'll go tell people." 

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"Thanks. I think I'll go help Gemma. - Leareth, don't write off anything, if you feel slightly off tell me, okay -"

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"Of course. Be careful - I know it is easier not to get sick as a Healer but still."

He walks with her until where the path splits between the inn where their guest rooms are and the building where Gemma's set up - they weren't expecting to badly need an infirmary but some of the lords on the Council are elderly and might have health difficulties. 

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Belrun shows up and helps.

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Gemma tells Belrun that she's shooed a few mildly unwell people back to their rooms after diagnosing them with the flu, with the usual prescription to rest and get lots of fluids down, but Lord Lathan has a bad heart and he's feverish so she's keeping an eye on him. Initially she was having people come here if they weren't feeling well, but she's now wondering if they should avoid bringing people through here who might not have the flu yet.

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"Separate them, at least - do you have running water here - you could keep a pot of water on the boil, cycle handkerchiefs through it -"

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"There's a pump out back, I think. Cookstove thataways, I haven't used it." 

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"Pump is worse for washing everybody's hands all the time..." She puts a pot of water on.

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Gemma checks on Lord Lathan, who doesn't seem any worse, and then digs out some spare sheets and gets up on a chair to clothespin them from the rafters as dividers. There are only two cots, but she divides up two more spaces that just have chairs, "for if people show up wanting to be told if they have the flu or not, although probably we should tell everyone to stay put if they just have the sniffles." 

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"Agreed. Is anyone in more crowded conditions - spouses, kids -"

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"Don't think anyone brought kids. Some are the lords are married and sharing rooms with spouses."  

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"Can their wives be brought meals and such so they're not mingling?"

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"Yes, that's a good idea, we can arrange that. Hmm. Should we just have everyone brought meals in their rooms for now, even if they're not known to be sick yet?" 

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"Wouldn't hurt, if you have the personnel."

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"I'll ask the innkeeper. Seems it should be doable if people are willing to get their meals at staggered times." 

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Belrun nods. "I haven't seen this strain before. I mean, flus all look different, but this one looks more different than some. I wonder where it came from."

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"Huh. Don't know. My Sight isn't as good as yours, it all looks about the same to me." 

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"It doesn't have clinical significance I'm currently aware of," she says, and she Fetches boiling handkerchiefs onto the clothesline and goes back to work on patients.

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Two more people are confirmed to definitely have the flu (Keiran and Lord Kaltar) and a couple more are suspects but don't feel ill enough to think it's worth coming in person. 

The innkeeper's wife brings everyone lunches to their doors. 

Lord Lathan's fever worsens.

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Belrun makes sure she's very well scrubbed and that a spot check of her various membranes doesn't turn up any flu before she goes back to her and Leareth's room in the evening.

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He puts his book down. "One assumes your day was less boring than mine?" 

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"Depends on your taste for fussing over feverish lords."

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"I might find it more novel but I would not prefer it. One of the more irritating or less irritating ones?" 

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"Lathan. He wasn't much for conversation though." She sighs and leans on him.

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He puts his arms around her. "I missed you." 

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"I can Mindspeak you more often during the day tomorrow if you like."

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"I would like that." He squeezes her. "This situation worries me. It could be accidental, of course, but - it seems very convenient for anyone who might wish our talks here to fail." 

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"Is starting plagues their style?"

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"Not that I have observed in the past, to my recollection, but it does not seem as though it ought be impossible." 

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"I guess it'd just take making sure the right person had it to bring in and then coughed on enough people to get it rolling. A light touch."

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"Exactly." Sigh. "If it does not get worse than this, it will probably not do more harm than delaying us, but - I do not like relying on 'probably'." 

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"It... could be that they're planning to just sicken and maybe kill a bunch of people with a flu, but - I'm at all worried it's a setup for someone to think I did it."

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"- Given the specific choice of illness, yes. Vanyel Mindspoke me about it earlier; he thinks it was obviously not your fault but noted it could be shaped to look suspicious. Has anyone brought it up to you?" 

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She shakes her head.

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"Well. At this point I am not sure what precautions to take other than the ones you already selected. I think it would be worse to leave, when things are likely still salvageable. I suppose if everyone becomes ill, I could - Gate more Healers here? It does not actually seem wise for them to transport the ill people back to Haven and spread it there." 

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"Yeah, no, that wouldn't improve matters, travel's rough and breaking quarantine is unwise."

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Hug. "So we stay here. We should sleep. Figure out what to do tomorrow when we see how it goes." 

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"Yeah." She curls up against him.

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He holds her tightly as they both fall asleep. 

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:Night: Amshalan sends, sleepily, from the stables with the other Companions (who, fortunately, are not susceptible to human flus.) :Sleep well: 

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She does not sleep well, though, because sometime after midnight Gemma's mindvoice wakes her from a sound sleep. :Belrun? I could use some help over here: 

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:- what's the matter -:

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:Lord Lathan is in pretty bad shape. And Lord Leverance's wife just ran over here to inform me he seems worryingly sick, apparently too sick to leave his room, and I can't leave Lathan to go check on him, and there's only one of me: 

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:Amshalan, wake up - can you tell Leareth where I am if he wakes up and panics, I'm going to go do a bit more Healing work -: She gets out of bed, steps into her shoes.

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:I will. And I'll wake him if you decide he should Gate in more Healers to help you out - what's happening, I assume it's bad since you're waking me up in the middle of the night: 

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:Gemma's alone on night shift and needs coverage, Lathan and Leverance are both sick and in separate locations:

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:Goodness. Well, I hope you get on top of it. And I'm here if you need anything: 

Amshalan, if Belrun lets her, will ride along observing through Belrun's senses. 

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Belrun lets her. She goes over to the infirmary. "I'm here," she tells Gemma.

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The repurposed infirmary is dimly lit only by a few lanterns. Gemma doesn't budge from Lord Lathan's bedside. Even from across the room, his breathing sounds kind of worrying. 

"Lady Daylia, can you show her to your room." Her voice has the flat quality of a Healer half in trance. 

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An anxious-looking woman in her sixties, in a frothy silk nightgown with her greying hair in curlers, surges toward Belrun. "Healer?" 

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"Yes, which way?"

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"Er, this way–" She starts trotting back in the direction of the inn. 

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Belrun follows her. "Can you slow down a bit please?"

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Lady Daylia seems a little offended at the implication that this isn't trotting-worthy urgent, but she does slow down. 

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"Thank you - I trip," she explains, "and it's dark." Follow follow.

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Lady Daylia herself nearly trips over a rock in the path, and slows down further. They re-enter the dark inn and Lady Daylia heads for the downstairs set of larger, fancier rooms instead of going upstairs.

Lord Leverance is sprawled against some pillows on their bed with a wet cloth held to his forehead, groaning. 

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Belrun sits down beside him and sets to checking him over. "How long has he been sick?"

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"A day and some? He started feeling ill in the evening after the first day of meetings. Yesterday he was in bed all day complaining, but - he seems worse now, when he woke he wasn't making sense and it frightened me." 

Lord Leverance is running a high fever and noticeably dehydrated, his pulse rapid and thready, though he's breathing without difficulty. 

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"Fevers can do that. Can you get some water, we'll see how he does with a bit to drink..."

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"Of course." She gets up. "The cook was very kind and brought him a bit of broth last night when he wouldn't eat supper, but he only had a little, he said his throat was too sore."

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"If I have to I can Fetch some water into his stomach, though I don't like to if I can avoid it."

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"Wow, you can do that?" She looks both impressed and slightly queasy. "Here, love, the nice Healer says you have to drink this..." She tries to put the cup in his hand, but he attempts to bat her arm away, mumbling at her to blow out the candle it's nighttime he wants to sleep

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Belrun makes a responsible effort to make him drink the water and if he doesn't will Fetch it by increments into place and let him sleep while she does some more direct work.

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He can be harassed into taking a few sips but is uncooperative after that point, and goes to sleep the second she allows it, though he wakes up every so often to toss and turn and grumble about his headache. 

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Poor guy. Come on, wake up, weird-blobby-cells-that-eat-viruses-for-breakfast.

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His weird-blobby-cells are kind of sluggish, maybe because of his age, and his body clearly doesn't recognize this different strain of flu much and is floundering about it, but can be coaxed into dealing a bit better.

Once a full glass of water has been gotten into him, he settles down a bit and seems less distressed by headache. 

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Yeah that happens when you drink water dude.

When he's sleeping more restfully she says, "I need to go back to bed or I'm not going to be much good to anyone tomorrow but before I go can I check you over to have a better guess if you've caught it off him?"

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"Yes, of course. Should I keep bothering him to drink water?" 

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"Not in the middle of the night, but I did my best to reduce the swelling in his throat so hopefully he'll take some in the morning, as much as he can stand - broth's fine too."

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"All right. Thank you!" Lady Daylia bobs her head. 

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Belrun hasn't even left the room yet when Gemma's mindvoice interrupts her again, toneless and empty of expression. :We have a problem here, I need backup: 

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:I'm coming but please tell me you have already sent for more people from Haven -:

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:I woke Savil and asked her to Gate but she's feeling very ill right now, and Sandra just dragged Kilchas in here with a very high fever, he can't either. Sandra doesn't think she's strong enough though she'll try if she must. Van could do it but he's sensitive to Gates and he'll be out for days. Is there any way Leareth or one of his people could do it: 

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:I can ask him in the morning: She shows up at the infirmary.

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Kilchas is sitting up on the other cot, coughing into a handkerchief; it sounds very wet and phlegmy, and he looks feverish. 

Lord Lathan is lying still, his face ashen-pale and his breathing raspy. 

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:I don't know if it can wait until morning. He's got a bad heart and he's struggling a lot here: 

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:Is somebody on the Haven end going to be ready to go if I wake him up now?:

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:I don't know. I just told Savil we had a problem, I'm kind of busy here: 

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:I can ask him to bring in some of his Healers: she suggests.

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:I think that's a good idea: 

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:Leareth?: She tries to model sufficient calm at the lifebond that he won't freak out about being woken in the middle of the night with her not there.

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:Mmm? Wha...?: 

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:People're getting sicker, Gemma's shorthanded and woke me, we're still short, Savil's not well enough to Gate to Haven for reinforcements and we're not sure if they'd have a bunch ready to go anyway, can you bring in some of ours?:

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:Yes, of course. One moment: He's most of the way awake now, appreciative for the calm coming along the lifebond. 

Communication-spell first. <Nayoki> 

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She's back in the north right now, and probably as annoyed about being prodded awake in the early hours of the morning as he is. <What> 

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<We are coming close to an emergency here. Belrun needs support from other Healers. Wake them right away. Gate in several minutes> 

He spends the several minutes trying to shake off the middle-of-the-night-grogginess enough that he can Gate. 

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Back in the infirmary, someone is knocking on the door. "It's Lord Kathar here." Cough. "My wife and I are both ill tonight." 

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Belrun opens the door. "We're shorthanded but expecting backup to arrive soon," she says, "and we're out of beds, can you give me the room number and I'll send someone to you as soon as they're here?"

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"Um, yes, of course..." The man fumbles out a room number, stopping to cough into his elbow. "But don't take too long, please, I'm worried about Ettia." 

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:Gate is up now: Leareth sends, his mindvoice sounding pretty tired. :Four Healers are on their way to you. Do you need my further help or can I go back to sleep now: 

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:Go back to sleep, I'll be with you as soon as I've handed things off:

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:Mmm, seeyasoon...: Leareth takes the Gate down and rolls over and tries to go back to sleep. Being woken in the middle of the night is really unpleasant, he has a headache from it even. He's asleep within seconds. 

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:Belrun?: one of the Healers sends as they creep down the darkened hallway for the inn's upper floor bedrooms. :Where should we be headed?: 

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She calls most of them to the infirmary, sends one of them to Lord Kathar's room.

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They are very helpful and well-coordinated, and Leareth also sent through a couple of non-Healers who can be assistants; one of them goes to see if more beds can be gotten for the infirmary room. 

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:You have any tricks for treating this?: Gemma sends before she leaves. :Worried his heart is just going to give out on me, and I'm not managing to get the inflammation in his lungs under control: 

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:I have much less clinical experience than you. If you have your Sight fine enough you can find and try to boost the blobby cells that live in the blood -: Yawn. :I can bring you a sketch tomorrow but I wasn't planning to be night shift tonight -:

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:Fair enough, neither was I, I just figured I ought to nap in the cot next to Lathan since there was no one else who could stay nearby. Get some sleep, I'll work with Leareth's Healers: 

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:Thanks. Night:

And she washes her hands and spot-checks in her nose and mouth again.

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No flu. 

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Then she will tell Amshalan she can go back to sleep and go creep under the covers next to Leareth again.

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:You're doing great. I'm so sorry this is what tonight is like, you should luxuriously sleep in if you can: 

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Leareth feels kind of warm. 

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"Wake up."

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"Mrrgg?" Leareth clears his throat and winces. Comes a little more awake. "Belrun, is everything all right?" 

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"You're hot. Do you feel okay - drink some water, you don't want to be already thirsty if your throat swells up -" She grabs him a glass.

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"- Actually I am not feeling very well. Very achy, my throat hurts - sorry I know you said to tell you, I think I did not wake up enough to notice before. Or I thought it was just unpleasant being woken from a deep sleep." 

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"Sorry, though if you're about to be too sick to do magic too I'm glad I did rather than waiting." She pours him more water. "I'm not doing great on reserves but as long as you don't have it too badly yet can you boost me with a node, and I can start on you now and then we can both sleep late?"

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Leareth sips the water and taps a node - it does make his headache worse and his control feels off, but he's not doing any fiddly magic, passing some of it along the lifebond to Belrun is hard to screw up. 

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She hassles his blobby blood cells into doing their work. Then she kisses his forehead, spot-checks herself, and gets up again to go sleep on Amshalan. "If I catch it..." she murmurs, but she doesn't finish the sentence.

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"I understand. Go rest. You were working hard."

Leareth still misses her; he's cold and would appreciate a Belrun to snuggle, but it makes sense for her not to, so he drags himself up to get an extra blanket from the closet instead, and curls up to go back to sleep; he's already feeling a bit better. 

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She finds Amshalan in the stables and flops on her at an angle calculated to avoid Sunbeam In Face and is out like a light.

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No one bothers her at sunrise! 

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Shortly later Amshalan gets woken by a message from Kellan. She insists she is absolutely not waking Belrun, Belrun was up half the night treating all the sick people and she's risking getting sick too if she doesn't get her needed rest, but she does stay awake and wait for the first signs of wakefulness in her Chosen. 

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Belrun eventually stops mumbling words and shifts position a bit.

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Very gentle mental poke, not enough to wake her if she's not there on her own yet. 

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:I'm sorry, but - some not-great news: A hesitation. :Lord Lathan didn't survive the night. Gemma didn't think it was worth waking you yet again, when they already had five people in a Healing-meld and you can't even do melds, and - it seemed overdetermined, he was really old and in bad shape before this, but...:

Her flanks swell and subside as she takes a slow breath. :And there are some very stupid suspicions that you and Leareth masterminded this. None of the Heralds, obviously, they're standing up for you, but a couple of the lords, apparently Leverance's wife went to Lord Kaltar about it and they're, er, upset: 

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:Leareth's sick. I caught it early, when I went back to bed he was warm, but he got sick. That's why I'm here, if I fell asleep on him I'd be breathing it for hours:

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:You would think that’s a counterexample to him having schemed this with you! Some people have no sense, though. It’s good you caught it early with Leareth, this flu seems unusually nasty. Savil’s too ill to get out of bed today, I think Van is trying to take care of her, he’s got a tiny bit of Healing:

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Yawn. :I should draw the blobby blood cell and see if anybody else can get a fix on them, boosting those is a relatively efficient way to go about this, they eat viruses: She's got paper on her, not much but enough to sketch a blobby blood cell. She stands up and pats Amshalan and heads out to bolt down some breakfast and then make for the infirmary.

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The infirmary is packed. Extra fold-out cots have been dragged in, some more patients are on mats on the floor. It doesn't look like it's just Heralds and Council and this point, either. One of Leareth's mage-guards is sick; so is the barmaid who brought them lunch two days ago. Everyone is separated by more sheets hung from sort of makeshift clotheslines to make curtained cubicles. Three of the new-arrival Healers are there, going between patients encouraging them to drink water; the fourth must be checking on those patients who are still in their own rooms. 

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Gemma sees her. "Oh, Belrun, thank the gods - your Companion said not to wake you but we're so overwhelmed–"

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"It is her!" A different elderly lady in an over-elaborate silk nightgown darts out from her cubicle. "We know you did this! I'm disgusted with you people, plotting to betray Valdemar like this!" 

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"Ma'am, my lifebonded is also sick. If anybody wants to Truth Spell me about it to be sure I didn't infect him with a deadly illness on purpose I'll repeat the statement then. In the meantime if you don't like me I'm sure someone else can treat you." She finds somebody who isn't yelling at her to work on.

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Most of the people are not yelling at her and are in fact giving the lady irritated looks! Those of them who aren't too ill to care one way or another. Kilchas is looking pretty bad; he's moderately dehydrated, probably because he's been vomiting as evidenced by the basin beside him, and along with a high fever this is making his heart work harder - and like a lot of older people who haven't necessarily always taken good care of themselves, some of the blood vessels that supply blood to his heart are narrowed, it probably hasn't ever caused him trouble before now but it's starting to now. 

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She gives Gemma the sketch of a blobby cell and outlines how she helps them along and then starts Fetching water into people who can't drink it. Into their intestines will be better than nothing if they can't keep it down, there's some absorption from there. Unless they have diarrhea, do they?

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Kilchas doesn't; a couple of other people do, which is very inconvenient when they're too weak to make it to the privy out back of the building and there's already a shortage of Healers to do Healing much less haul people to a chamberpot. At least no one is both vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time. 

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If nobody's doing both everybody can be hydrated, that seems her comparative advantage right now.

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The other Healers are really impressed with her trick! They're delighted for her to focus on ensuring everyone is hydrated, that was such a struggle before, a couple of other patients are too delirious to cooperate with drinking. 

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:Belrun?: Shavri sends, in the late morning. :Are you all doing all right? I would help, but - Randi - it would be very bad if he got sick and I mustn't risk exposing him. I holed us both up in our room as soon as I heard anyone was ill and we haven't had contact with anyone. But Gemma hasn't updated me since yesterday and I don't know how things are now: 

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:Last night Gemma woke me and I had Leareth gate in a handful of our Healers to help cover things. And yeah, I totally understand, Leareth got it somehow, I don't think from me but I can't be sure. I caught it early so hopefully he's doing okay: Come to think of it, can she tell over the lifebond if he's awake yet, she'd been going to check in more -

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Soundly asleep. 

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Then she'll check in later when he's up, sleep is good for sick people. :One death so far, Lord Lathan. I'm mostly keeping people hydrated since I'm a Fetcher and can see where the stomach is:

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:Whoa! What an incredibly clever idea. I've been mainly trying to boost Randi's body's defences, in case he was exposed a bit but hasn't come down with it yet, I don't know how much the other Healers know how to do that though. Gemma hasn't practiced using her Gift nearly as precisely as I have, much less you: 

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:I showed off a sketch of the blobby cell that eats infectious microbes when it's doing its job, but I don't know if they're able to make much use of it:

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:I know the one! Gemma probably can't but maybe Leareth's Healers can: Pause. :You're getting enough rest and food to eat?: 

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:I had breakfast. I slept in. I'm not at my best but if I also have lunch and dinner and don't get woken up tonight I should be all right:

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:That's good. Don't let Gemma push you too hard, it'll be awful if you come down with it too and you're the only one with the Fetching trick. Though I suppose it's possible Van could pull it off, he's got enough Healing-Sight and his Fetching control is good: 

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:That's not a bad idea, I'll see if he wants me to teach him or something today:

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:He's with Savil, I think, if you're looking for him later: 

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:I heard:

But instead of physically finding him, she waits till she's having lunch, delivered from the kitchen and taken in a table-less chair next to a sleeping patient who won't object, and asks Amshalan to ask Yfandes if it's a good moment to ask Van something.

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:Yfandes says now is fine, he's awake:

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:–Belrun! Gods, are you doing all right - this is such a disaster - Yfandes said Leareth is sick too...: 

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:Yeah. I worked on him last night - I noticed he was warm when I got in bed - and he's still asleep, which is probably all to the good though if he's still down a few candlemarks past noon I may go bother him. Uh, you're the only other person around with the Healing/Fetching combination at all and it's useful for keeping people hydrated, do you want to learn it?:

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:Really? Huh, how does that work? I'd be happy to try to learn it although I won't be nearly as good with my Healing-Sight as you are: 

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:You don't need the microbe-level granularity, you just need to know where the stomach is. Or the intestines if they're throwing up, people can absorb some water from there. So far nobody's losing it at both ends:

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:Oh. Right: Based on the overtones, Vanyel considers this 'too much information' and is mildly squicked out by it. :My Sight and my Fetching control should be good enough for that, I guess: 

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:Is Savil doing okay enough that you can come here or should I go to you?:

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:She seems to be doing better now, I think I can leave her if it won't be longer than half a candlemark - and Kellan can keep an eye on her and tell Yfandes if she seems worse again: 

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:Shouldn't take that long:

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Then Vanyel can head over to meet her at the infirmary. 

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She's finished her lunch. She can't do melds but she can send images by Mindspeech, of the outline of the stomach as it appears to Healing-Sight, and demonstrate Fetches while she goes around the room and puts a drink in everyone who won't take one by mouth.

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Vanyel thinks he can get the hang of it; should he try some too so she can watch and check? (The biggest obstacle is that he's squeamish and the idea kind of grosses him out, but he can ignore that when it's something this important.) 

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"Yeah. Just a little at first, so it's not so bad if you miss."

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Vanyel gives it a try on her next patient. He goes very slowly and carefully but does not miss. 

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"Well done."

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"Thanks! I'll try one more." He does a little more water, also gets it spot-on. 

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"You've got it. I'll do everybody who won't keep it in their stomach, if you want to cover him, and her, and her -"

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"On it." Vanyel goes methodically down the row of patients. It takes him a lot longer than it does Belrun, because he's so cautious, but he's gradually getting more accustomed to it. 

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She hydrates everybody else. Checks on Leareth through the bond again.

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This time he feels blearily awake, though he doesn't seem to notice her poking the bond. 

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She begs off to check on him, washes her hands, investigates herself for any intrusive flu-bits.

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Some hopeful flu-bits are trying to set themselves up in her nasal membranes, but there aren't that many of them yet. 

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She viciously murders them. Blows her nose and drops the handkerchief into the boiling water. Checks again.

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She is now clear. 

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She goes to her and Leareth's room and lets herself in. "How are you feeling?"

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He's arranged himself a nest of pillows and is curled up in it, staring grumpily at a half-full glass of water on the bedside table. "Hmm? Oh, you are back. I felt better this morning but now I feel worse again. How is everyone else?" 

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"No more deaths since last night. Variable condition. Trouble drinking?"

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"I have been trying, I feel very nauseated." Talking makes it worse, but he's worried Mindspeech will make his head hurt more, so there's really no way to win here. 

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"Some people are throwing up. Don't push it."

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"Why does the flu even do that. I always thought it was just like a cold but worse." 

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"In a lot of ways it is but it can also do that. I don't know, all my research was very basic, I wish I'd been on the cutting edge of a centuries-old field but I wasn't." She sits on the bed, tucks her legs under her, attempts to fix him up.

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Leareth is overall doing better than before, actually, his body making a solid effort to fight the invading flu; that reaction in itself is probably a lot of what's making him feel awful. He feels so miserable right now. 

"Wish you could stay'n hug me," he says tiredly. "Missed you. Still - worried - but, feel too sick to think." 

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"I think your blobby cells are doing their jobs," she diagnoses. "I wish I could stay too. I really do."

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Leareth nods. Tries to wake himself up all the way. "Should we be - doing anything else? Got Healers. Still suspicious - interference - but, not sure how to act differently on that." 

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"I can't think of anything else."

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"Then - keep doing your best, I suppose. I am sorry not to be more useful." 

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"You can be useful by resting and being okay, I will be way less useful if you're not." She kisses the top of his head. "I can stay and hug you a bit if you're the little spoon, I think."

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"I would really really like that." 

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She spoonifies them.

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Aww. Leareth relaxes, his breathing slowing. He still feels terrible but at least now he can feel terrible and also be cozily hugged at the same time. 

Within five minutes he falls asleep again. 

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She stays for nearly ten, then gets up and again scrubs and spot-checks herself.

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She's still clean. 

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She goes back to the infirmary.

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It's approximately the same controlled chaos as before she left, but with one fewer Healer; Gemma alerts her that more people are sick in their rooms, they can't get themselves here and also the infirmary is now packed. All four of the mages Leareth brought with him are sick now, though two have only mild symptoms and are isolating themselves in their rooms. 

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Belrun can go around making housecalls, Healing and hydrating people.

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The rest of the day goes by very quickly with that activity. Once more on a spot check she finds flu trying to make itself at home in her bodily membranes. 

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Die die die die die.

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They do not survive her direct attention. 

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Near sunset, Leareth digs up the energy to Mindspeak her. :Are you coming back at some point today: 

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:I can if you need me, are you okay -:

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:I thought I was a little better, but then I was out of water and tried to get up for more, and it made me very dizzy and then I threw up: 

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:I'll be there in a minute: She finishes her dinner very fast and goes back to their room.

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Leareth is curled up at the edge of the bed, looking apologetic and miserable. :Sorry. I made a mess: He has, in fact, made a mess, on both the bed and floor; he's not especially embarrassed about it, it's not like that would help with anything, but he definitely realizes this is annoying for Belrun to walk into. 

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:It's okay: She has barely enough Fetching left to hydrate him without being kept up half the night with a headache of her own, so she doesn't Fetch the mess, just helps him into a chair and takes off the sheets and mops up the floor with them and puts fresh ones on the bed and helps him back onto it and finds a basin for him in case it happens again. :I'm going to get some water into you where you can't throw it up, okay -:

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:This is so frustrating. At this point I definitely feel terrible in part because I have not eaten anything since...supper yesterday? But I am not exactly going to be able to fix that right now: 

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:Yeah. Hunger's uncomfortable and not exactly good for you but it'll hurt way less than being short on water, and conveniently water is easier to fix: She puts water where it goes.

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Leareth stretches out more comfortably in the bed. :How is everything else going: 

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:Well, uh, there's a plague! Besides that things are fine. I taught Vanyel to do the hydration thing:

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:Oh, good, redundancy. Is anybody else blaming you for it: 

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:Raving lady in the infirmary but nobody else was taking her seriously:

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:That is something: He closes his eyes. :I love you. I wish I could do more to help you with this: 

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:I love you too. And you've already more than doubled the Healer supply. Just stay alive, okay?:

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:Hopefully I can manage that. - I would ask for a hug again but I am kind of gross right now: 

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:A bit: She can squeeze his hand and kiss his head, though.

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Sigh. :I do not like how vulnerable we are right now, if any god were to decide to send additional interference this way. I am not sure I could Gate right now even in an emergency: 

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:You could... ask Nayoki or somebody to come to the general area and not meet anyone and stand ready? I'm afraid all the bodyguards we brought are already sick:

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:I know, one of my Healers Mindspoke me to inform me of that: It was when he had finally managed to fall asleep and he was moderately annoyed at the time. :I suppose I can probably manage the communication spell to reach her if I try very hard: 

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:Should you teach Vanyel? If you can do it over Mindspeech, I mean:

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:He knows it, I am just not sure he has met Nayoki in person ever, which is usually necessary. I suppose he could try anyway: 

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:Anybody he might recognize from the dream?:

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:I doubt he ever goes close enough to see faces, but I might ask him: 

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:Or he might've seen somebody when we were picked up from Haven:

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:Oh, good point: 

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She squeezes his hand again. :I'm exhausted, I'm going to turn in early. I wish I could stay but I keep catching bits of it when I check myself and I can't check myself asleep:

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:No, I agree. I will miss you, but - I will be fine, I think, and it would be very bad if you got sick too. I will Mindspeak Vanyel and ask him: 

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She gives him another kiss on the head and tucks him in and ducks out to wash off and perform an inspection and crash on Amshalan.

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:What a long day. Missed you: Amshalan nuzzles her. :I think you're doing great. Don't know what any of them would do without you: 

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:Thank you: Pat pat.

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And Amshalan can keep her cozy and warm in the stables all night.

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Vanyel coordinates with Leareth, figures out a person he can contact, and shortly later Nayoki is alerted to Gate to the outskirts of town and camp. 

Vanyel goes to sleep on Savil's floor. 

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This time, no one wakes Belrun all night. 

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Oh good. She feels much better in the morning. Inquires across the bond if Leareth's awake or not; heads to get breakfast.

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He's a little bit awake, at least, and this time does notice her and drowsily reaches out. :Belrun?: 

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:Good morning, how are you doing?:

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:Better, I think. The fever is gone. I am just too tired to get out of bed: 

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:Have you been able to drink water?:

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:A little. It seems fine as long as I go slowly: A note of apology. :If you have a chance to bring more water at some point, I would appreciate that, I do not especially wish to get out of bed again. - or if the kitchen has broth, that would be even better, I think I am desperately craving salt right now and I can probably keep it down: 

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:I'll bring you some broth before I go to the infirmary. And honey if they have it, to put in some presumably separate water, for energy:

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:That is a good idea: 

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She solicits broth and honey.

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Leareth is so happy about it! He's still quite pale, and to Healing-Sight his body is clearly running low on resources after a day and a half without eating anything, but his eyes are alert and he manages a smile for her. 

"This is possibly the best thing I have ever tasted," he says, after sampling the broth. "Also, is it very weird, but honey broth actually sounds delicious right now." 

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"Well, if you want to try a little I won't stop you." She mixes up a small sample of it.

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"Mmm. Why is this so delicious." 

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"I don't know! I should try the other patients on it and see if they like it." She mixes up more.

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Leareth expends quite a bit of willpower to sip it slowly rather than gulping it. 

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She pets his hair, kisses it, does her decontamination routine, goes and gets more honey - they probably already have broth around in the infirmary.

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The infirmary is relatively quiet and civilized this morning, even a bit less crowded; some people must have been feeling recovered enough to head back to their rooms. Gemma is fast asleep on a vacated floor-mat while two of Leareth's Healers quietly make rounds between the patients. 

They're looking pretty solemn, though. One of them Mindspeaks her. :Lord Kathar's wife died last night. Took a turn for the worse very suddenly: 

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:That's - thank you for telling me -: She shakes herself a little. "Uh, Leareth wound up finding broth with honey in it weirdly tasty this morning, I thought I'd try some other people on it," she says aloud, "does anybody thinks that sounds great -"

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Several people are really thirsty and think that sounds surprisingly good! Most of the others are still asleep. 

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A little while later, Shavri politely taps Belrun's shields. 

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:I think we have a kind of serious problem: She sounds shaken. 

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:...what is it?:

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:I, um - listen, absolutely nobody here except whoever's wife was yelling about it thinks this was your fault, it's obviously stupid. But...we sent word to Haven by Mindspeech relay, about cancelling the meetings and trying to quarantine it here, and - it sounds like some people there came up with the same theory. No one's sick in Haven, thank the gods, but I guess they think that means we must've caught it here. Anyway, a - lot of people are very upset and panicked about it, apparently. Including some of the Heralds who don't really know you: 

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:I don't exactly have a spare job opening for another Companion about it! Leareth's sick too - I'm happy to be Truth Spelled in front of anyone who wants to watch -:

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:...I mean, a lot of the problem is that our entire government is currently quarantined in a tiny town and nearly all sick with a plague, and Haven is waiting in uncertainty. We should probably Truth Spell you anyway, honestly, but I'm worried it won't be very convincing to people in Haven until we can actually go back there in person: 

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:Ideally I would still not be near a Heartstone. But it can't travel over Mindspeech, would they like to send a Herald over to just within range to have their Companion talk to Amshalan et al?:

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:Oh, that's an idea. I'll have Vanyel suggest it on the relay when he's next in contact: Pause. :Oh, the other awkward thing. Somehow Randi's preexisting illness is public in Haven now? Or at least everyone in the Palace is gossiping about it. I don't know how it got out, but...: 

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:- oh dear. I don't even have a guess, I don't know enough about how gossip circulates here:

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:My best guess is one of the Heralds found out from their Companion - I think all the Companions know - because it seemed relevant to, er, how worried to be about his being in a town with a plague going through it, and then they were careless talking about it out loud in front of a stablehand or a servant or something. But, I don't know: 

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:Well, if it's out that far it'll be everywhere soon. Do you have an idea how long he has -:

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:When Gemma and I last talked about it, we guessed five years. Maybe less: 

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:I'm really sorry:

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:I'm worried this is going to make Treven look less acceptable as Randi's heir, because of his age. People aren't going to feel great about him inheriting at fifteen or sixteen: 

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:If he's otherwise a good pick and really buckles down for those five years it wouldn't be outrageous, but it's not ideal, yeah - current King's Own situation doesn't help -:

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:It really doesn't. Normally Rolan would be giving us helpful advice on this - I'm not sure what he thinks, actually, he hasn't told Randi's Companion his opinion: 

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:Has he said anything at all?:

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:That he believes this wasn’t you or Leareth’s doing and we should continue trusting you, which I guess is some amount helpful of him:

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:Well, that'll help if somebody gallops over to have a little telepathic chat, I guess:

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:Leareth might have people who can do a Gate from Haven to here, but I suppose if the entire problem is that they’re feeling unsure of whether to trust you and Leareth, that doesn’t really work:

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:We did call in a backup mage who's staying out of the way so she doesn't get sick in case there's an emergency. Like, if the place catches fire while everybody who could put it out is busy puking, or gods send wyrsa again or something:

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:Right, Van told me. How’s Leareth doing today, by the way?:

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:He was able to take this bizarre broth and honey mixture by mouth - I'd been imagining them separate but he said they sounded good together and tried it and liked it, it's so strange, the other patients who are up to drinking seem to agree:

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:Huh! That's odd, it sounds disgusting. Guess it makes sense, though, could be like how food tastes better when you're hungry, people probably need the salt and nutrients pretty badly: 

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:Might be useful for non-Healer treaters to tell when people are dehydrated. 'Does broth with honey in it sound appealing':

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:Worth keeping in mind: Mental sigh. :You're doing so much for us. I'm really sorry people back home are being awful about it: 

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:I'll live. Barring wyrsa or fire or something that backup can't rescue us from, I guess, I don't have my immortality all set up yet:

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:Are you worried about that happening? Er, fire or wyrsa, I mean: 

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:Not specifically. I assume it's a normal amount of possible for bad things to happen to us and then some extra from the gods making attempts on our lives, though:

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:Wish we could do more to help, with that, but I'm not sure the Heralds have a lot of slack right now. Van's not sick and in a real emergency he can protect you two, I guess: 

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:It's very fortunate he's got Healing, even a speck is protective:

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:I know. It's really good that he's not out of commission too, he could hold off a significant attack all by himself if he had to: 

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:I should get back to work but thanks for the heads up:

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:You're welcome. Good luck: 

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Belrun settles in for another day of bopping around between patients and rooms and hydrating people with weird mixes and Fetching. She checks on Leareth every couple of candlemarks to see how he's doing.

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Twice in a row she finds Leareth fast asleep on top of a notebook where he was trying to come up with contingency-plans for if the situation worsens. In between naps, though, he's managing to down quite a lot of the honey-broth. 

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She'll bring him more when he runs low.

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Most of the Heralds are starting to turn a corner, now; even Kilchas is sitting up on his mat and cheerfully sipping broth. 

...However, over the course of the morning and early afternoon, two of Leareth's Healers start themselves feeling unwell. They've been trying to check and Heal themselves after shifts, but aren't as effective with it as Belrun. 

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...Well. They know the drill, throw everything they've got at themselves as hard as they can and eat a huge dinner and drink a lot of water and go to sleep and hope they clear it. Belrun starts checking the other Healers as well as herself, judging the loss if one gets sick worse than her own reduced availability when she's spending reserves and time on that.

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Gemma thinks that they're all pushing themselves hard - they're eating and sleeping a reasonable amount but it's hard to fully offset the exhaustion of using your Gift hard all day, and having none of it left for the kind of instinctive low-level self-Healing that most trained Healers do while asleep. She's not sure what else to do, though, unless Leareth can Gate more people over? 

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"He can't, he's still sick himself. We do have a backup person camped out well out of contagion range for emergencies and I could ask her."

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"I think that's worth doing. Worried we're going to wear ourselves down even more, with fewer people on, or end up neglecting the patients when they need us." 

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"I'll ask her." :Nayoki?:

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:Belrun? Is something wrong?: 

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:A couple of our Healers are down with the flu. Are there more up north who could be spared?:

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:I will need to talk to one of the other locations, but probably. Can no one come from Haven?: 

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:They might be able to but we don't have as much communication with them so I couldn't guarantee it and also apparently some people think it's our fault or something which won't help:

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:That seems kind of absurd given that Leareth is ill himself! Anyway, I will see if I can obtain you some more personnel for this: 

And, a couple of hours later, four more Healers arrive. 

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It's still early evening, but Gemma immediately declares that everyone who's been on shift during the day is going off shift now and the newcomers are taking over. None of them can do Belrun's trick, but no one is actively vomiting right now, so as long as that remains true they can manage without. 

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Gemma's very smart. Belrun helps with handoff and checks herself and everyone else on their way out. :Hey, Leareth, are you better enough for a solid dinner?:

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:I think so, as long as it is not too rich: 

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She gets him some bread and fruit and :Will you eat some chicken, I know you normally don't but meat's the most compact nutrition there is to hand especially if you don't want anything greasy:

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:- I will try some. It does not sound very appealing but everything else that would be nutritious sounds worse. I normally like cheese and right now the entire concept of dairy products seems inedible: 

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Just a little chicken then. She brings it over and her own plate so they can have dinner together.

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Leareth looks much better than he did this morning, though still pretty out of it compared to his usual. He smiles tiredly at her and picks at his food, slowly making his way through most of it.

"Any news?" he asks her. 

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"Had Nayoki bring in another batch of our Healers because two of the first bunch are sick. Apparently some people in Haven are suspicious too."

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Leareth frowns. "That could become unfortunate. Since we are so out of contact." 

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"Yeah. I think one of the Heralds there should come over and have their Companion talk to ours, but nobody's done it yet. I guess once you're better enough that I can go back to sleeping here I could send Amshalan there?"

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"Is Rolan here in the north? As a Groveborn, I expect he can run faster than Amshalan, and he does not have a Herald to leave behind." 

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"He's around. Even being loosely helpful in that he's said I didn't decide to give everybody the flu for no reason." :Amshalan, can you ask him if he'd mind making the trip?:

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:Ooh, that's a really good idea: Pause. :To my surprise, he says yes. Not sure why he didn't propose it already, maybe he was doing that weird cagey thing where he waits for someone else to ask because it's not his job: 

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:He really doesn't have enough initiative, does he:

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:He seems to have a lot of some skills and be very lacking in others! Though, um, I think right now he's partially backed off because of the thing where he can't really work with you or Leareth very effectively, so if he is proactive it's likely to just step on the other Heralds' toes: 

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:I guess that's fair. Well, it's good of him to go on the errand anyway: "Amshalan says he said yes."

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"Oh! That is very good. I suppose it will still take him at least overnight to reach Haven, though." 

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"Probably, but he might be back tomorrow evening if he hurries. Though he may not."

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Nod. Leareth leans on Belrun a bit, turned the opposite direction so he's not breathing on her at all. 

"I still feel that we are missing some obvious precaution, but I am not sure what. I am still not especially clearheaded." 

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"...usually we'd have more mage backup close to hand but if they're close to hand they'll get sick, this is extremely contagious, so we have Nayoki farther out. Uh, I guess we might need to worry about enough of the servants getting sick that there's not enough people keeping up with cooking and laundry, that would suck."

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"It really would. It would not be an immediately life-threatening emergency, though, so we - well, Nayoki - could perhaps Gate in help at that point." 

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"Yeah. Uh, I guess the people who think it was us could get madder and crazier but Randi's alive and holed up safe and I don't see them going against direct orders from the King, which he can probably yell out a window or have his Companion Broadsend if it's really necessary."

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"Randi is still not sick? I am guessing that at this point, he would have gotten sick if he were going to, but I am not sure, do illnesses sometimes take longer than that to show symptoms?" 

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"Some of them, but this one doesn't seem to and he's with Shavri, they're both isolated in their room. She's probably watching him very closely."

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"That is something." Leareth yawns. "I have been awake for two candlemarks and I think I need to go to sleep again. Being ill is terrible." 

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"It is." She kisses the back of his head. "I think you're on the mend, though."

And she tucks him in and scrubs and checks and goes to crash on Amshalan.

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She needs to murder a small colony of the flu again but they die pretty easily. 

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:This is getting so ridiculous and I only ever see you for five seconds before you're asleep on me: Amshalan nuzzles her.

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:I'm not completely dead tired yet, though I can't promise I won't fall asleep midconversation: Pet pet.

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:How are you holding up? I don't just mean physically. I would be so mind-numbingly bored of putting water into people, in your place - actually, I'm not even doing it and I'm bored of it: 

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:It's very boring. I'd like an hour to read a book or something. But stopping wouldn't feel better, you know?:

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:No, I know: Snuggle. :And relentlessly boring is better than the alternative, so I don't wish for anything more exciting: 

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:You don't? It would be very exciting if, oh, Vanyel came up with an inventive way to stuff an entire node through his Healing-Gift and cure everybody for miles around down to the hangnails and headaches:

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:All right, fair, that's true: 

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:But yes, most random exciting things that could happen would be bad:

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:And if only very boring things happen, I think we'll be all right eventually? I hope: 

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:Some of the steps of Plan A are pretty exciting, but maybe we'll find a very boring way to blow up the moon:

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:True. And, I really really hope we do: Sleepy nuzzle. :You should rest: 

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:Good night:

And she snuggles up and sleeps.

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When she wakes up, Amshalan is waiting, she feels nervous and tense. 

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:...is everything okay?:

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:I cannot believe that more things keep happening. It's not that much worse, maybe, but - Rolan got in early this morning and there's some sort of giant demonstration in Haven about how Leareth is evil and going to destroy the Kingdom. At this point I think someone has to be orchestrating all of this, there's no way it just got out in the city and welled up spontaneously like that, but - we don't know who, or what they want or why: 

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:Well. Could be a god.

I guess our party could leave, hole up in the north till our sick are better, but that kind of leaves Gemma completely alone with everybody else who's sick:

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:I don't like that plan much! I suppose in a pinch, you and Leareth could get out and he could leave his Healers to fend for themselves, it's not ideal but they're, er, more expendable than either of you. Not that I think we're in danger from the crowd in Haven, they're a long way off and not very organized and they don't have any strong Herald-Mages to do a Gate anyway: 

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:Yeah, I'm not sure what this would be driving at as a god-plot and that worries me: She sighs and pats Amshalan and gets up to start the day.

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The infirmary is unfortunately filling up again, now with some of the servants and other villagers who must have been exposed via the Heralds. None of them are as seriously ill, though, they're mostly younger, not like the frail elderly lords.

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Gemma is looking very cranky. "Vanyel is sick." 

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"Fuck. Did you tell him the give-it-all-you've-got-binge-and-crash protocol -"

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"Yes but I don't trust him, he's the worst person I've ever met at taking care of himself." 

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:Amshalan, can you make sure Yfandes knows to pester Van till he actually does the infected-Healer protocol?:

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:Just a second– yes, she knows what he's like. Someone should make sure he gets breakfast brought over, he was smart and didn't leave his room. Er, Savil's room, rather, he slept there last night and figures he should stay put and not risk infecting the hallway: 

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:Yeah, that makes sense, I'll put him on the list of people who need delivery: She does this, right next to Savil's name.

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The morning is busy but not hectic. All the Heralds who were sick are now on the mend; some of the lords will need a while to recuperate, being elderly, but they're past the worst. 

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Amshalan has more news around lunchtime. :Rolan is headed back our way. He's furious, apparently, he's hauling several Heralds back with him so they can witness Truth Spell at a distance or something. Don't worry, they'll stay out of range: 

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:And upwind:

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:Ah, yes, and that. Good note. Unfortunately non-Groveborn with Heralds on them can't move as fast, they'll be here - tomorrow night, maybe?: 

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:I'll arrange to be unoccupied:

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:I'm sure we can figure it out. Once we know what time they're arriving, we can have someone on the night shift wake up earlier and take over from you, if they end up getting here in the afternoon: 

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:Makes sense. Thank you:

She checks on Leareth, to see if they can have lunch together.

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He would like that!

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She brings platesful in. It's not very interesting since the kitchen's shorthanded but it's food. "How're you doing today?"

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"I am incredibly bored, which probably means I am feeling better." 

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"It probably does! When you're ready to be up and about you'll be very useful, you'll be immune and can go wherever you want."

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"I still get very tired when I walk any distance at all, but other than that I feel fine. I imagine eating will help." He goes at his plate with a lot more enthusiasm than the day before. 

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"I might be able to find you books somewhere?"

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"I have been trying to do actually useful thinking and planning, but - having some light reading when my mind is too tired for that would be nice, I suppose." 

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"You've got a lot of work to do killing this thing, it's not leaving a lot free for intense thinking. I brought a couple of books, you can start with those." She digs them up.

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"I suppose not dying of the flu is a higher priority than being able to do clever planning, although I would really feel more comfortable if I knew someone were doing the clever planning. Any further news of Haven?" 

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"Rolan's on the way back, apparently he's angry, some Heralds are coming by to stand far out of range and watch Truth Spells be done. - oh, and Van's sick, he's holed up with Savil, Yfandes is going to bother him to work on himself while he can."

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"Oh." Leareth looks worried. "I suppose I cannot really be surprised that Vanyel is sick now, he is bad at caring for himself." 

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"It can happen to anyone, it happened to two of yours too."

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"Nobody told me. Are they all right?" 

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"Sorry, I should've said. They're most likely going to be fine."

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"Oh. Good." Leareth puts down his plate, which he's cleaned thoroughly. "I had better let you get back to work. I miss you, though. This is really not what I had hoped we were coming down for." 

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"It really isn't. I'll be back for dinner. I'll keep an eye out for books or playing cards or something."

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"Thank you." 

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"Of course." She kisses his head and performs her very tedious leaving-an-infected-room ritual and goes back to work. Asks about things Leareth could keep occupied with.

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Gemma doesn't have any books or anything, but there's a temple to Kernos in town and temples often have books, they run schools there nowadays - the school itself is closed because everything in town is closed due to the plague, but probably a priest is in and might be willing to leave some books out for her to collect from a distance. 

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"Enh, better not interact with a church just now. Maybe I'll just make a chess set by writing 'pawn' and so on on scraps of paper."

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"Fair enough." Gemma makes a face. "Might be worth asking the Heralds if they brought reading material and can leave it out front of their room, he's already had it so he's not going to get it from touching someone else's book, as long as you're careful collecting it..." 

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"That's a good idea." :Amshalan, anybody's Herald bring spare books? Leareth's bored:

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:I absolutely don't blame him! I bet Van brought books, he reads constantly, I'll ask 'Fandes: Pause. :Yes, several, some are in his room but he brought one to occupy himself while watching Savil and he can leave it outside their door: 

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:Would he mind if I went and got some out of his room? Or is it just warded to hell and back, that would fox me unless I wound up with a surprising amount of Fetching at the end of the day. If I can go in I could bring him some of them too if he's bored with the one:

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:He says there are wards but he can key you to be let through them if you stand outside Savil's door for a moment: 

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So around dinnertime she brings over their dinner herself and stands outside their door and then goes and has a look at the book selection.

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There's a book on magic and a couple of books of historical ballads and Seldasen on ethics. 

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She will bring Vanyel one of the ballads and his magic book and bring the others back to Leareth along with dinner.

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Vanyel thanks her through the closed door; he's not feeling too terrible, getting quickly on top of the illness even with his weak Healing is helping, but he's so bored now that he's not able to help the other Healers. 

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:I'm planning to make a paper chess set, you could do that too and play with Savil if she's pulling through all right:

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:That's a good idea!: 

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:Next time I have a minute I can bring you the books we brought and have already read:

And time to go have dinner with Leareth.

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Leareth is really relieved and grateful to have entertainment. He's been napping even more than he actually needs to, just out of sheer boredom. 

He smiles at the copy of Seldasen on ethics, though. "I have read this several times already. I suppose why not read it again." 

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"There weren't a ton to choose from. I didn't want to try the church library, at least not without running it by you." She eats quickly, starts making a paper chess set.

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"Which temple order is it?" 

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Leareth frowns. "I am not sure of His attitude to me, but certainly He did not interfere in my murder, though it would have been centrally His territory. Then again He is smaller and weaker than the Star-Eyed and perhaps could not. Nonetheless, I think better not to risk it." 

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"Well, let me know if you get bored enough to change your mind." She writes the names of pieces on bits of paper, uses a book as a straightedge to grid out a board. "Chess?"

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Leareth would very much enjoy playing chess with her! 

It turns out that he's still foggyheaded enough that he keeps forgetting what move he wanted to do next, or struggling to predict board positions more than one or two turns ahead. She is solidly beating him. 

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"It doubles as a patient assessment tool," she says, the second time she's won. "One more or do you want to go to sleep now?"

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"I think I want to sleep before you embarrass me any further." Leareth doesn't actually look embarrassed, it's not an emotion really in his repertoire. He is yawning, though. 

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She sets aside the paper chess set and kisses his head and tucks him in and decontaminates and goes to bed Companion.

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Amshalan makes for a very patient, warm, and snuggly bed, if not the most comfortable shape for one. 

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Patience is an irregular quality for a bed but Belrun'll take it.

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Amshalan cuddles her and keeps her warm and no one wakes her up all night. Amshalan isn't even waiting anxiously in the morning. 

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:No bad news this morning?:

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:No! Rolan and the other Heralds are making good time, Rolan is in my Mindspeech range now and said they ought to arrive by late afternoon. We'll have one of Leareth's Healers take over from you then. Oh, and according to Gemma the other two Healers who were ill are nearly well again, though they probably should still take today off: 

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:Oh good: She fixes Amshalan's braid, and gets breakfast and goes to work.

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A number of households in town are ill now, but most don't seem to have cases as severe; it's just a few elderly villagers who've been transported to the infirmary. 

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Gemma asks Belrun if she'd be willing to make the house call rounds in town. 

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"Amshalan'd like that, I bet. Uh, is there any public sentiment I ought to worry about?"

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"Not that I know of? People are scared, obviously, but they're not blaming us at all - why would they, we all got sick first and we lost people - and they know Leareth donated all the Healers who were making rounds to them last night, they're very grateful to both of you." 

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"Okay, then yes, I can do the house calls, where am I going?"

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Gemma gives her a very hastily drawn map of the town on a scrap of paper, the relevant houses circled. 

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:Hey Amshalan, wanna go for a ride?:

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Amshalan is already prancing about in her stall. :I would love to!: She gets the attention of the stablehand and gestures impatiently with her muzzle at her saddle, hanging up next to the stall. 

She's saddled up and ready by the time Belrun arrives. 

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Belrun shows her the map and they can start the rounds of housecalls.

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Amshalan frisks and prances and is generally delighted to be out in the fresh air with Belrun on her back. It's a nice day, too, sunny and clear. 

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The households are really glad and relieved to see her. Most of them have several family members sick to varying degrees; several came up with the idea of quarantining their more vulnerable elderly relatives in different houses or at least confining the sick to one room. A few people are vomiting and dehydrated, and one six-week-old baby is in fairly bad shape and struggling to breathe. 

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Oh boy. She can try to address the symptoms of the baby, since not breathing is the thing that'll kill you fastest, and she commends the smarter quarantine logistics on display, and she'll hydrate people, and in general throw Healing-energy around.

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The baby improves quickly with a bit of Healing attention thrown her way; the mother is incredibly grateful and, given the circumstances, expresses her gratitude from a polite distance rather than hugging Belrun. 

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Gemma Mindspeaks her when the other Healers are eating lunch to ask if she's ready to come back and have some. 

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:We're circling back now, though if you're well staffed enough over there I should maybe make another round this afternoon before the people from Haven show up, get more water into people:

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:We're good on staffing, that's an excellent idea: 

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Belrun's in a reasonably good mood as being in a plague zone goes when she brings Leareth lunch.

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He's reading one of his books and seems reasonably cheerful. "Chess rematch?" 

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"Sure. You're looking livelier." She sets up.

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"I am feeling much better! I think having so much personal Healing attention must help." 

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"It does! You've got the next best thing to being a Healer yourself."

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"How was your morning?" 

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"I did housecalls in the village! It was a great change of pace, especially for Amshalan, I'll go make another turn around after lunch and before the Heralds show up to watch me assert I did not give that poor tiny baby the flu."

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"- Oh no, is someone's baby ill with it? Babies are especially vulnerable to illness, I thought." 

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"Yeah, a six week old. I got him breathing all right and I'm going back there first after lunch in case I don't have time to hit every house, see how it's sticking."

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"Mmm. I am glad you were able to help." 

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:Belrun? Are you busy?: 

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:Finishing lunch and then was going to make more house calls in the village, why:

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:Just got word of Haven on the relay. There's, um, kind of a giant scandal now. Some information got, er, leaked: 

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:Oh for fuck's sake, what is it now:

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:...I don't know if you knew this, but Jisa is my biological daughter. Randi's sterile. That was a secret until, um, apparently this morning. People are very upset: 

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:...she's not even his heir, how much can this possibly be in the interest of - you and Shavri? - did Jisa know this?:

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:I don't know! Maybe it just seeming kind of scandalous in isolation, and - worries that the royal line will die out entirely, there are rumours down there that Treven is dying although as far as I knew he wasn't even sick. I think one of the nobles in town - none of the Council's there but some nobles who aren't even from Haven traveled in to be annoying, apparently - proposed Jisa could marry Treven because that legitimizes his claim, which is stupid anyway but then it came out that she's not actually a blood-relative. And everyone is mad. It's really dumb: 

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:It is really dumb: She fidgets with a chess piece, makes a legal but fairly boneheaded move with it. "Scandal broke in Haven. Nothing to do with us but this is sure a lot, what are they getting at -"

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:The nobles back home are apparently saying they won't take Treven as heir anyway, because he's too young and Randi's going to die: 

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"I have no idea!" Leareth confesses in answer to her comment, lifting his hands helplessly. 

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:This isn't secret, anymore, right, I can tell Leareth? Do you know who told - who even knew -:

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Heavy mental sigh. :Yes, you can tell Leareth, hardly any point keeping it secret now. We're going to have to brief everyone on the Council, er, everyone who's well enough, better that than waiting for the rumours to get to them. We don't know who let it slip. The Companions all knew, apparently, and at least didn't deny it when their Heralds asked about the rumours, which was as good as confirmation. That doesn't answer how the rumours started though: 

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"Apparently Randi is sterile and Jisa is secretly Vanyel's." :I didn't know they gossiped quite that freely, I'll have to have a word with Amshalan:

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"Oh dear. That - really ought not affect anything - but of course people will find it the juiciest of gossip." 

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:I didn't know either! Yfandes and I might've, er, just had a fight about it. Although she has successfully kept a lot of secrets for me, before, including everything about Leareth up until it came out with the Heralds: 

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:As you just described to me, the Companions knowing things and not being willing to lie is itself an avenue for things to leak! At least if some god is bent on this being the most eventful month in a few decades, even if not normally! Besides, I talk to Amshalan meaning to talk to her, not everybody on hooves:

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:That's really reasonable on your part!: 

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:Anyway, thank you for updating me: "Let's wrap this up fast, if things are going to keep happening at this density I want to go check on the baby and the other villagers with plenty of time to spare before a thing is scheduled to happen." She advances a pawn at random.

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Leareth is more with it today and Belrun, due to various distractions, is not exactly on her best form, and Leareth wins fairly quickly. He leans against her for a moment before she leaves. :I love you. Take care. Oh, and - can you keep me updated on the weird occurrings? I am trying to form a theory of what the gods are even hoping to achieve here, I think the picture is still incomplete because it makes no sense:  

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"Yeah, I'll try." She kisses his head, goes out to meet Amshalan. Asks her how much she gossips with the other Companions.

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:Honestly, not much! Back when I was Sayshen, I remember decades and decades of never having anything to gossip about myself, my Chosen had nothing to do with me anymore. I just listened. Guess that's the habit I'm in, especially since I went a long time before Choosing in this lifetime too: 

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:Oh good. I'd been pretty sure you weren't telling everybody about, oh, Leareth's master plan, but I would also have imagined Yfandes and - what's Randi's Companion's name - wouldn't have blabbed about Jisa's parentage!:

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:What! They can't have blabbed to everyone, because I didn't know that until now! Also, wow, what a mess: 

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:Well, if they were selective they weren't selective enough! Apparently it's a massive scandal - I'd expect people to talk, it's certainly lurid or would be after a few embellishments, but it doesn't seem relevant in principle since there's nothing to make it look like Jisa'd been going to ascend to the throne!:

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:Hmm. I wonder if the scandal is mostly just that it makes Randi look bad? Because he did basically lie about it. And Shavri and Vanyel too, I guess: 

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:I guess. But why is Someone out to make the Heralds look bad?:

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:Because they're - we're - helping Leareth, and some god doesn't want that? I don't know. It also seems like some god does want that, since I got a Call for you. I'm very confused: 

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:If this is what it looks like when gods have a tiff...:

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:I don't like it! It's very rude of Them!:

Amshalan drops Belrun off at the first house on her call-route. 

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How's the little itty baby doing.

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Itty bitty baby is still having occasional fits of wheezing that alarm her mother, but she's more alert and less floppy, she's able to nurse at her mother's breast, and her mother says that her lips only go a little blue during the worst of the wheezing instead of being blue all the time like before Belrun came by. 

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That's better than she feared but she will still Heal the itty bitty baby who is so small a fair bit more before telling the mother to nurse, a lot, as much as the baby can stand, even if she spits it all up and it's very discouraging.

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The mother really appreciates her advice! The others in the household are all doing better, they really appreciate the weird idea about broth with honey in it. 

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Savil Mindtouches her on house number three. :Belrun, um, Van woke up this morning with a bad cough, he said he was fine because he doesn't have a fever anymore, but now he's kind of coughing up blood and this is alarming: 

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:That does sound alarming and nobody else has been doing it. I'm not positive I can get to him today, I'm out in the village and the people from Haven may show up any minute, is everyone else busy?:

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:Gemma is and I haven't actually met any of Leareth's day shift Healers to Mindspeak them. I can ask Gemma to do it for me though. Reckon Van might have weaker lungs because he had a very bad pneumonia a few years back: 

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:That'd do it. I'll swing by to make sure he doesn't also have tuberculosis or something if I can squeeze it in:

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:He doesn't think he had any ongoing infectious disease before this, but I'd really appreciate you checking too, you've got better Sight training: 

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:Yeah: She adds it to the to-do list, tries to be efficient about the remaining housecalls.

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:Rolan's half a candlemark out of town: Amshalan tells her as they near the last cluster of houses. :He's also completely livid about the news from today. Says he's bloody tired of all this nonsense. I've never heard him swear before, even if that's rather tame for swearing: 

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:Do you suppose it's a useful sort of anger or no?: Oh, and she should tell Leareth Vanyel's coughing up blood and the conservative explanation of the phenomenon before she forgets, she does that.

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:Well. If that is god-interference - it might not be - it is probably just to distract us further, he is very unlikely to die of it. If he deteriorates further I can obtain more Healers so he can have one with him constantly: 

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:I don't know if it's a useful sort of anger, but it seems more - goal-directed - than what I've felt from him in a while. Got a sense he's planning something: 

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:But no idea what?:

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:No, no idea what: 

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Well. She does her last cluster of housecalls, mindful of her time limit.

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Her remaining house calls are fairly uneventful, but also time consuming because multiple people need to be hydrated the hard way; by the time she's done, Rolan is five minutes out and Amshalan suggests she just head to the edge of town to meet him and his Heralds in tow from a distance. 

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Yep, she can do that. She tells Leareth she's going to do this so he'll have context on any exclamations she may Mindspeak during the meeting.

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:I am not sure if I should tell you to be careful or good luck or what. I am here if you need anything - I can do magic again safely now, I think: 

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:This should go uneventfully but the entire trip smells so strongly of god I want to burn scented candles, you know?:

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That gets a mental chuckle from Leareth. :I do know what you mean: 

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Amshalan carries her to the edge of town. 

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Rolan is waiting, riderless and lathered, with a couple of Herald-Companion pairs she doesn't recognize at his side. He doesn't say anything at first. 

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...wave wave?

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:Hello there. I'm Belrun Sujana. Should I ask anyone else over here to join us?:

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They bob their heads and greet her a bit nervously. "Are any of the other Heralds well enough to join us?" one of them asks. 

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:Mindspeak don't shout, please. Randi's not sick but he's isolating himself with Shavri out of caution, which I think he should probably continue to do. Katha's recovered and Tantras hasn't gotten sick at all:

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:Oh, sorry, of course: 

     Rolan steps forward a half-step. :It would be good to have them here to witness, I think, though it really ought not be necessary. This is all very silly: 

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:Amshalan, can you ask Delian and - I don't recall Katha's Companion's name - if they're available?:

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:Yes, of course: A brief pause. :They're on their way: 

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:So, um, how are the other Heralds doing?: the second newly-arriving Herald asks Belrun, tentatively. 

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:Savil caught it early on, she's pulling through. Vanyel has it and his Healing-Gift is helping but the pneumonia he had before isn't...: She lists everyone else's conditions. :Though you could also just have your Companions ask theirs:

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:Fair enough, but you're a Healer and they're not: 

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Tantras shows up. Keeps his distance from Belrun too. :Belrun! Heard you've been saving all of our asses. Except mine, because I was smart and didn't get the flu: 

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:Congratulations on your intellectual achievement of not getting the flu: she snorts. :Anyway, they haven't introduced themselves, do you want to introduce me -:

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:Oh, how rude: And to everyone: :Belrun, this is Herald Dashan and Herald Nina. And Rolan. Who you know, I hope: 

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Rolan narrows his eyes slightly at Tran. :Shall we: 

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:Sure, why don't we. Want me to Truth Spell her?: 

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:Nina can do it: 

Nina does. 

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:What would you like to ask?:

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Rolan tosses his head a bit. :This is honestly very stupid, but - did you or Leareth cause a flu outbreak during these meetings and disrupt Valdemar's leadership?: 

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:No, I did not cause a flu epidemic or even one single flu infection for that or any purpose:

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:Do you have theories as to whether someone else did, and why: 

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:It's always a possibility around Leareth that any unfortunate coincidence is divine intervention to trip him up; it happens to him a lot. However, while he did get sick, he wasn't hit too hard and is recovering, so I don't really know what this in particular would be getting at. I don't have another guess besides that it is in fact just bad luck:

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:I see. An additional consequence, I imagine, is that his characteristic forward planning and paranoia have been impaired. I would have expected something else to happen to him while he was incapacitated, though: 

Rolan falls silent, visibly unhappy. (It's unclear how horse body language conveys this so well.) 

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:Yes. He's trying, I'm trying, but we're not sure what to expect next:

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Rolan's flanks swell and dip with a long, slow, deeply frustrated sigh. 

:–This level of confusion is not safe for Valdemar: Resignation and decision in his mindvoice. :I - am going to do as you suggested, once, and attempt to speak to our god. I am not even sure which god will answer, but - I would like answers, now: 

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Belrun is surprised! :I'm... gratified to hear that: she says, amending from 'glad', since she's truth spelled and this isn't exactly an uncomplicated emotional situation.

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:I am not sure it will help but I hope it will at least be informative. I also cannot say how long it will take, so perhaps you had all better go wait somewhere comfortable: 

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:Is there anything else you wanted to cover while I'm haloed?: Belrun asks.

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Rolan pauses, thinking. :Did you and Leareth have any other kind of secret agenda when coming here: 

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:Not except insofar as the exact contents of the undisclosed plan Leareth is generally understood to have constitutes a secret agenda:

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:Understood. What would you say your main goals were, then: 

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:Cementing a good working relationship to lay groundwork for eventually making progress on either the secret plan or some better plan to be determined:

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:I see. All right, I think that is everything I wish to ask. Nina, you may dispel the Truth Spell: 

The Herald nods. Belrun, of course, doesn't notice anything different. 

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:I'm going to go look in on Vanyel, I said I'd do that if I found a moment: Belrun says, :as long as we're waiting an unknown amount of time for some god to get back to you:

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:Of course: Rolan nods deeply to her, almost a bow, and slips off. 

The two Heralds follow at a safe distance. :Should we, er, set up camp outside or something?: Nina asks. :I don't know if the inn is safe for us, and I figure we should at least wait for Rolan to - have a plan, or something, before we leave and go back to Haven: 

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:I wouldn't get in close if I were you, our backup mage is camping out a ways off. I'm not sure what your agenda should be though:

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:We'll find somewhere nearby to wait, I guess: 

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Amshalan carries her back toward the inn. :Well, that wasn't what I expected: 

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:What were you expecting?: Belrun asks distractedly, updating Leareth at the same time, convinced that with enough practice she will be able to have two conversations at once.

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:Dunno, for him to be less decisive than that, I guess?: 

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:If this is all just some god's idea of how to tell Rolan to make the first move in talking to them...:

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:Hellfires, can you imagine, that would be so depressing: 

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:It's depressing anyway but it would be so aggressively stupid!: She slides off Amshalan at the stable, kisses her on the nose, goes to bother Vanyel.

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Vanyel is sitting in what was formerly Savil's bed; she seems to have insisted on swapping with him, and is in the armchair. He looks mostly fine, albeit pale; the pile of crumpled, bloodied handkerchiefs on the bedside table is the only sign of anything wrong. 

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"Hey Van." And to Healing-Sight?

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His lungs are pretty inflamed; the bleeding is mostly just oozing and seems to be more from irritation, he's clearly been coughing a lot, than directly from infection damage. Vanyel is young and fit enough that he can get enough air without much extra effort as long as he's resting comfortably, but he would be very short of breath right now even just with the exertion of standing up, and he's wheezing a tiny bit even at rest. 

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"Okay, I think you do not separately also have tuberculosis, so that's good. I'll see if I can get you breathing more easily." Heal heal.

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Vanyel has been attempting some self-Healing, but Belrun's Gift is a lot stronger than his, and within a few minutes he feels noticeably better and less sluggish. "Thank you!" 

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"You're welcome! Hopefully that'll give you the leeway to work on yourself a bit more strongly."

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"I'll hold him to it. Thank you, Belrun." Savil's eyes narrow. "Kellan tells me Rolan is attempting to talk to a god. I'm really impressed that you managed that one." 

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"What, really? Yfandes didn't–" Vanyel, halfway to sitting up, starts coughing again and reaches for his glass of water. 

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"It was while you were napping." 

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"A lot's been going on and it might be a god and I think Rolan got a bit fed up."

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"Good for him, I've been fed up for days." 

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"Yes, well, apparently he had a high threshold." She stands up, starts checking herself.

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She is flu-free. 

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:Still nothing from Rolan: Amshalan informs her. :But Leareth's Healer is covering you now, so you'd might as well take a break, I think: 

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:Sounds good: She meanders back to Leareth's room to catch him up and snuggle in a minimally transmissive way.

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Leareth listens to her update and spitballs some theories and then falls asleep being the little spoon, because he’s still easily tired even by thinking, it’s ridiculous.

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She is taking a break so she can just stay here and snuggle him more even though he is asleep.

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Nearly a candlemark passes before Amshalan reaches out. :Belrun, Rolan's back and - he wants to know if there's a safe way to call a meeting. With everyone who's even well enough to attend at all, I suppose: 

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:I guess we could all hang out really far apart from each other in a field?:

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:At that point it's hardly better than Mindspeaking from our rooms– I guess the Council can't join that way. And can't Mindspeak either way, they'll have to yell. Maybe they can yell through scarves over their mouths or something, if it's still possible to hear people that way: 

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:Companions can Mindspeak with anybody, right? If it's very important...:

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:Yes, that's true. I guess we could pull everyone into a sort of group Mindspeech link. I think Rolan would still prefer to do it in a format where we can all see each other's faces, even if it's from across a field: 

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:If he says so. Not everybody may be up for getting up and walking to a field...:

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:True. I think all the Heralds are at least up for getting themselves to the courtyard where we can collect them. I’m less sure of the condition of our lords, do you know which of them might still be too unwell to leave their rooms?:

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:Lords Kathar and Leverance can't get out of bed without help yet. I'm not sure of anyone being recovered enough to be able to render assistance. Healers have to get near them sometimes anyway, but hauling them around would be kind of a production and we're only just now at the point where it made sense for me to take an actual break not for meals or because I was too low on reserves to go on another candlemark:

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:That's fair. I guess I'll prod Rolan on whether he really wants to do an outdoor meeting right now without them, or wait. I guess we could haul everyone else out and then include them by Mindspeech-link: 

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:It seems a lot of trouble to go to for facial expressions. I guess he could be planning on more Truth Spells:

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:I don't know. We're going to discuss a bit with the Companions, I'll get back to you: 

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:Okay: She snuggles her Leareth some more.

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:–He's not budging on the outdoor meeting but he agrees that anyone who doesn't feel up for walking to the field we're choosing can instead be kept in the loop with Mindspeech and we can relay anything they want to say. He wants to do it in half a candlemark, if you think that's feasible: 

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:That seems fine. I'm just catching up on snuggling here:

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:Aww, I'm glad. Is Leareth up for coming to the meeting, do you think? Rolan would like it if he could: 

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:He's asleep right now but otherwise probably?:

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:I'm sure Rolan would like you to wake him for it if he doesn't wake up by then, but I guess it's up to you if you think he needs the sleep more: 

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:I will keep an eye on the bond to see if it can help me intuit a good moment to wake him up:

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Leareth doesn't wake up spontaneously during the next twenty minutes or so, but he does seem to be in a lighter sleep. 

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"Mmm?" He stirs, sleepily. 

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"Rolan's calling a big fancy meeting outside. Do you feel up to going?"

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"Oh. I can go, yes. Why?" 

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"He'd been going to finally talk to a god, so maybe he got an answer?"

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"Oh." Leareth tenses a little. "I - am unsure whether we are going to like the answer, if that is it." 

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"That's... possible but doesn't seem like it'll become more likely if you skip the meeting. I guess you might want to tell Nayoki it's happening and where and have her expect updates?"

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"Yes, I should definitely do that." He Mindspeaks her and fills her in quickly. "She says she will arrange to be nearby and I will tell her what is happening." Leareth swings his legs over the side of the bed. 

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"Stay close to me so I can notice and catch you if you stumble," she says, scooting around to help him up.

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"All right." Leareth puts on his boots and then makes his way out of the room with her, going more slowly than it feels like he needs to; he's been up and about in his room and that's going fine but he's not sure if he's still going to get exhausted more easily than usual. 

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She's careful, especially on the stairs, and when they meet Amshalan suggests he sit on her the rest of the way.

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Leareth appreciates that; he's managing but he is feeling a little lightheaded. 

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Amshalan carries them to the selected field, where a number of somewhat disgruntled-looking Heralds and elderly lords, many of them in bathrobes and blankets, are arranging themselves at nice spread-out intervals. 

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She and her various people-glued-to-her-brain can set up apart from everybody else too.

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The group gets settled, which takes a few minutes. 

Rolan paces. He doesn't seem unhappy, exactly, but - definitely tense, wired with some sort of strange energy.

:We have a very complicated situation: he sends, finally, including everyone. 

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:No goddamned kidding: Tran mutters in Mindspeech; it's unclear if he's including everyone but it does go to Belrun, Amshalan, and Leareth. 

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Belrun just nods.

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Rolan paces. 

:The difficulty, it seems, is that there are in fact several different gods at work here, and They disagree on what is best for Valdemar: Pause. :Or, possible, some of Them no longer have Valdemar's interests at heart at all. It is - difficult to convey in human words, the communications I had just now - I cannot actually say which of Them is responsible for exactly which actions, here, so there is still guesswork to be done. However, the god I spoke to - the god behind our Shadow-Lover - does not wish Valdemar to be destabilized, whereas it certainly appears that other Powers are attempting that: 

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:Even if you can't put actions to gods directly can you tell us who's working on the destabilization? And if the - Shadowgod - has any allies who aren't?:

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:Well. I do know both that the Star-Eyed Goddess does not wish Leareth's operations to proceed unhindered, and that She has greater power in Haven due to the Heartstone: 

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:That's why we're not there, yeah. We suspected Vkandis of working with Her to murder Leareth that last time on top of all the other times:

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:...The - Shadowgod, I suppose, as good a title as any - intimated that Vkandis also had some sort of plan, here, but I am unclear on the details, since if any of it has happened yet I have not observed it. I suppose the discontent in Haven would be an excuse for Karse to also back out of our alliance, however, if Karse is considering that they have not yet informed anyone: 

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She nods again.

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Rolan paces.

:My goal, my purpose here, is to serve Valdemar's interests: Now he does seem unhappy, and - conflicted. :This plague obviously does not do this. I am unclear on its direct origin but I can infer it was not the Shadowgod, since the Shadowgod would like Valdemar to be stable: 

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Nod nod. Seems reasonable. She's taking notes.

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:The crisis in Haven also does not serve any of this kingdom's interests: Muted anger in his mindvoice. :However, it is too late for it to be undone, and perhaps the Shadowgod cannot directly oppose Her in Haven where the Heartstone lies, if this was indeed Her plan. So we will have to make our own way forward out of this: 

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Leareth is frowning unhappily. 

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:Do you think you need to move the capital? Can the Heartstone be removed safely?:

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Vanyel, sitting next to Savil, twists his hands together unhappily. :I don't know. It might not be possible to remove it safely without Her cooperation: 

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:Is the Shadowgod potentially able to - negotiate with her about this -:

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:It does not seem out of the question, but - I think we would need a clearer idea of what I am asking Them to negotiate for. Negotiating to remove the Heartstone would mean leaving a serious vulnerability in our defences, and also at this point in time it would not address our biggest difficulty, which is that we have a succession crisis on our hands: 

Pace pace. 

:They have convened a temporary replacement Council in Haven: he adds, finally. :We received word of this just minutes ago. They called a meeting and a vote and declared that they would not accept Treven as heir, due to his age. And–: he hesitates, his mindvoice actually faltering, for a moment his mindvoice something alien but not entirely unlike fear, :–and they are demanding that King Randale step down, since he lied about - Jisa - and this, apparently, make him unfit to be King: From the icy tones, it's clear what Rolan thinks of this. 

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:Who's they, who's claiming the authority to do that?: she asks, pen stuttering on a note-to-self about whether the Shadowgod could buy the Heartstone and its influence off of the Star-Eyed somehow.

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:A number of nobles, many of whom not even based in Haven who traveled in - it seems rather suspicious how many people conveniently heard particular versions of the rumours in a certain order. I am not sure that even the actual Council has legally recognized authority to do this once a monarch is in position, if the Senior Circle does not also agree, which one assumes they do not. However, they do have authority to refuse to accept an heir, in Treven's case, and...: 

Long hesitation. Rolan seems unsure how to phrase whatever he wants to say next. 

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Leareth shuffles a little closer to Belrun, as though for comfort. :I do not like this at all: he sends privately. 

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Belrun squeezes his hand. :Treven is very young but what are they proposing instead, democracy? Oligarchy with themselves conveniently on top?:

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:I am not sure they had gotten as far as voting on a specific proposal, but - it does sound like there is a great deal of discontent about the Heraldic system. Honestly, a number of our aristocrats are not a fan of Heralds and how that reduces their own power in Valdemar, and - it was, coincidentally: his mindvoice makes it clear he doesn't think this is 'coincidence' at all, :it was disproportionately those nobles who were left in Haven or who heard the rumours and traveled in. They are claiming blatantly that both Vanyel and Randale's actions here, particularly following on the recent events with Vanyel's trial for blood-magic, indicate that the Heralds are not exactly incorruptible after all: 

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:It wasn't anybody else's business because being ostensibly Randi's kid did not make her presumptive heir to the throne and they're being ridiculous!:

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:I agree. They are being utterly ridiculous on that specific point. However, he also concealed his illness, which was relevant to the urgency of appointing an heir and also in general, and he concealed his inability to bear children, which they - not incorrectly - point out has the potential now to shatter our alliance with Karse. And they are convinced he concealed the blood-magic or at least was deeply irresponsible in sending Van into the conditions that led to it, which...is I think rather unfair, but they are on a tirade: 

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:What a godawful mess: Amshalan mutters to Belrun. :Idiots: 

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Amshalan is so right! She looks around at the Lords in attendance to see what their opinions are.

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They are mostly looking very discombobulated! 

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:Look, if this is what's going on, I - don't actually especially want to try to ram through staying King when half the nobles apparently hate me!: 

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Rolan just paces. 

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:If not you, and also not Treven - I mean, I guess there could be an election of a random Herald but if they're also calling the Heraldic system into question - I don't suppose how the Shadowgod feels about democracy came up, gods as a group have been against but there's seldom an opportunity to ask one specifically:

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:I did not ask the Shadowgod about democracy specifically, however, I do not think it would be a good idea to attempt right now. It is too large a change, it would look very extreme: 

(It does look like all the nobles and some of the Heralds are shaking their heads, startled and disconcerted.) 

Rolan stops pacing. :I think - there may be a way to push through this that results in more stability afterward, rather than less. It is very difficult to see, the Foresight around it is blurred, but... Perhaps. We would have to move very decisively: 

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:...what do you see?:

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:I think - that we need to very decisively align with Leareth. I think that is what is in our country's best interests at this time. Especially if there continue to be gods - who are not even gods of Valdemar, not primarily: Rolan seems quietly enraged about this too, :who want to tear this kingdom apart: 

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:I guess if you're worried about Karse turning, which would be sensible, yeah. Any guesses on other quarters to expect hassle from - Karse and Iftel, possibly the Tayledras but it'd be an MO change, is there a quiet Rethwellani or Hardornen or anything god to worry about -:

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:Iftel belongs to Vkandis: Leareth jumps in. :In your place, I would be worried about simultaneous betrayals from both: 

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Rolan does not visibly react. He's still, but he was already very still. 

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:Iftel's hard to remember for magical reasons, I had to practice a lot:

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Rolan nods, ponderously. This doesn't seem to be the main thing on his mind. 

He paces for another minute. Then stops, turns piercing blue eyes on Belrun. 

:I need to ask you a question. Did you, when you and Leareth came here, do so with the secret agenda to become Valdemar's Queen: 

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:I have made idle and non-secret comments about that in the past but it wasn't an agenda item...:

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:Well. There are - several paths, I think, that could be taken from here. One is to ignore this 'Council's' demands entirely and keep Randale, which I think ought be feasible in the short run, but - it seems they want change, and I think it will be difficult to undo that damage. Another path - will give them, very decisively, a major change. While also strengthening Valdemar's other alliance enough that we can, perhaps, negotiate to shut down the Heartstone without it being an insurmountable blow to our defences: 

He looks Belrun in the eye. 

:I am as surprised as anyone by this, but - one of the paths I see, where Valdemar as a kingdom is likeliest to come through this whole, is the one where the Heralds appoint you as the next Queen: 

There is absolute silence. 

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:It seems like it might be important to mention at this time that I also can't have children:

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That gets some startled and uncomfortable looks, especially between the lords. 

:Really?: Rolan sends. :Why not? Usually Healers are very good at that: 

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:Suffice it to say I cannot fix it:

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Rolan is silent again for a while.

:Well, since to Foresight at least it appears this is a viable path forward, I will assume that succession can be dealt with sensibly at some future point:

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:Maybe once you’re Queen you can get everyone convinced to try democracy: Amshalan suggests privately to Belrun and Leareth.

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Leareth is still holding very still, stunned.

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:It might be hard to put the relevant plan to a vote and get anywhere with that, all prior democracy experiments were confounded: Belrun tells her. And more broadly, :Picking unrelated Heralds - or, uh, Chosen, I'm not technically a Herald - maybe with a pro forma adoption in there to make it legible to the neighbors, could work more than once. I'm also working on becoming immortal but you shouldn't want to count on that:

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The Council lords are still looking very, very nonplussed, although also sort of relieved, maybe just that someone is proposing a solution and plan. 

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:I think we could maybe make that work: Shavri is gripping Randi's hand and seems honestly delighted at the prospect that he might no longer have to be King. 

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Randi does too. :Hmm, if we're going to show up with a proposal to drop on their heads, probably we ought to have an heir lined up for them already. Er, Belrun, do you have...suggestions...?: 

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There are glances around.

:She’s certainly pretty excellent: Tran allows, :but...does she actually count as a Herald, um, given events...:

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:You know, I don’t think we ever formally took her off the trainee roster. I went to look at it a few times but it just seemed so awkward:

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:Ideally we'd actually ask her - she might want more distance - and ideally her eligibility wouldn't hinge on a technicality, but a lot of weird things are happening, so if she wants to come by and see if any weird things happen...:

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:Does seem worth asking. Er, once it's safe for her to come by, I assume we don't want to risk exposing her to our plague: 

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:Right, definitely has to wait till that's burned itself out:

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:How much longer do we think we're going to be stuck out here?: 

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:It seems to be a very fast flu, but it depends how good our isolation procedures are - if new people keep catching it it'll take much longer to go through everyone it's going to:

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:Makes sense: 

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:Once people are recovered and immune, we can maybe start sending them home? Not sure if you can tell with Healing-Sight once someone's no longer contagious - not sure I know what to look for but you're the flu expert here: 

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:In principle the same sweep I do to check myself for colonization should work to tell if someone still has microbes in them they'll shed:

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:Makes sense. I think we'd better be very cautious on this - don't want to do whichever god's work for them, by letting this get out into Haven...: 

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Rolan has finally stopped pacing. :Well, it seems we have the beginnings of a plan. I think we do not need to continue this meeting longer, since I am sure many of you are fatigued. We can do a vote on the basics of it by Mindspeech tomorrow: 

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Belrun nods. She gets up, helps Leareth to his feet.

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Leareth is still kind of stunned. :That is not what I was expecting from this meeting at ALL. How - do you feel about it...?: 

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:Pleased as a cat with cream, I suspect: Amshalan jumps in, kneeling to make it easier for Leareth to mount her. 

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Up he goes. :It's exciting! It'll have a dozen headaches - I'll want to finish sprucing up my monkey and attaching my soul to a book before I assume the role formally, it's definitely very awkward that we can't go to Haven - you'd said something a while back about Heartstones being a possible alternate power source, do you think it's actually feasible to decouple this one from the Star-Eyed and cannibalize it for mage-energy or was that for a scenario where She was helping? -:

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:I will have to think about it. I - do not think it would be impossible to attempt without Her cooperation, if we do have the cooperation of the Companions, though of course that would require informing Rolan of the actual plan...: 

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:It's such a bad plan, I'm going to feel somewhat worse about it if I spend a couple centuries Queening Valdemar to glorious prosperity and then have to go 'okay murder time'... it wouldn't work just to say that it does require a lot of power? Uh, you thought my research might lead to the possibility of giving people Gifts they didn't already have potentiated, if we just had an absolutely ridiculous number of mages, how many mages would it take -:

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:Much, much fewer. A tenth to a hundredth as many, depending on strength of mage-gift - if you could reliably give people mage-gift at Vanyel's level, perhaps it would be possible with as few as ten thousand people: 

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:And his turned up under weird and therefore underexplored circumstances, right? Would ten thousand Vanyels even have to die about it?:

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:Perhaps not. It would also become worth re-exploring far more alternate power sources if I could expect to have ten thousand Vanyels to assist in channelling them: 

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:Okay. And - we have a while to think, right? A while to figure out how to blow up the moon with ten thousand Vanyels or whatever else:

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:Yes. - Especially if, as is seeming increasingly likely, there is a local god who is partially on our side. I am...very confused about that and would really prefer more information, of course: 

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:Maybe Rolan will talk to it again sometime:

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:Maybe. I...wonder if it would be willing to speak with me directly: Leareth seems very tense about the concept, though. 

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:Could ask Rolan about that? Or I guess you could try praying but there's got to be some reason that doesn't normally work:

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:I have tried praying before and it has never worked, but - perhaps it would be worth attempting it again with a god who might actually want to cooperate: 

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:Did you know the Shadowgod even existed - perhaps not by that name -:

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:I suspected there was a god local to the Valdemaran and Rethwellani regions, that - meddled much less blatantly and had goals I understood little. But the lack of overt interference that is found in Karse and Iftel, or the Pelagirs, is one reason why I selected Valdemar for the current plan:

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:If it covers Rethwellan too is it likely responsible for the lifebond?:

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:- You know, that is a very good point. Perhaps: 

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:And probably also Amshalan - but it didn't save you from the wyrsa -:

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:At this point I am inclined to think that the lifebond and the wyrsa were the work of different gods; I was already inclined to think Amshalan was. The north was close to both Iftel and the Pelagirs, and possibly the Valdemaran god could not have stopped Vkandis and the Star-Eyed from working together to meddle there: 

He's quiet for a bit, thinking. They reach the inn and Amshalan stops. 

:...It is possible the Shadowgod, as we are calling them, in fact allowed the wyrsa deliberately. Since, in the end, I think it strengthened our alliance with the Heralds considerably: 

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:Well, I guess we already knew its methods weren't perfectly friendly:

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Leareth dismounts slowly, and has to lean on Belrun for balance. He's suddenly very tired again.

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She supports him back to bed.

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He lies down with relief. "I really do not have my stamina back, that is annoying. Anyway, I suppose we will find out soon if the Heralds and Council will accept this plan, but - their reactions at the meeting were quite promising." He's still a bit confused about that. Maybe it'll fit together better once he has his entire brain back. 

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"I'm actually kind of confused about that - there's lots of obvious objections to me, I was educated in Rethwellan and can't have kids and bear not even a tenuous relationship to the royal family and have not been formally graduated as a Herald and so on."

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"I suppose at least the Senior Circle - and the lords - know you, and you have made a good impression? Whereas Treven is a complete newcomer, and any other Herald distantly related to the royal family will likely not be well known either. - Oh, actually, Vanyel mentioned to me that the next closest relation who is Chosen might be Tantras. However, apparently he and Randi agree that Tantras is not a good fit as monarch, even if he is a decent Herald." 

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"I like him a lot more now that he doesn't hate me but if he doesn't think he'd King well then I have no reason to contradict him."

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"Vanyel said the main difficulty is that Tran has frequent bad days when he cannot work, ever since losing his Companion at the time during the war. Though he is also - not exactly flexible, as a person. Randi thinks that his personality is a valuable one for some Heralds to have, but would not suit him well as a King." 

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"I can imagine why that might be, yeah."

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Leareth stretches out. "...Can you stay a little while and hold me?" 

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"Yes, I can." She snuggles up behind his back.

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It was apparently a tiring meeting, and within ten minutes Leareth is fast asleep. 

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She checks herself and goes out. She gets dinner, and brings him something that'll be all right cold if he wakes later and sets it down, and she goes to sleep on Amshalan.

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Amshalan snuggles her and looks proudly at her for a little while before going to sleep herself. 

Nobody bothers them all night and Amshalan is still looking very smug and not worried at all in the morning. 

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"Good morning. All's well?"

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:All's well! Infirmary is getting pretty quiet. Lots of people are going to be convalescing for a while, but no one's newly fallen ill in the last couple of days, and I think all the Healer attention is getting people past the worst of it much faster than otherwise: 

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:Oh good: She gets breakfast and tells Gemma she'll do housecalls again and rides out.

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The itty bitty baby is cooing and kicking on the floor while her four-year-old brother, who has a runny nose and cough but is otherwise fine, dangles toys over her. Her mother delightedly reports that she's nursing well and hasn't been wheezing at all so far this morning, though she's still fussing a lot more than usual. 

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"I'm so glad to hear that!" says Belrun, and she proceeds to the next house in a reasonably chipper mood.

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No one is doing worse than the day before, though several elderly folks are still bedridden and badly weakened by the flu. Everyone is pleased and grateful to see her. 

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Then she is still reasonably chipper when riding back.

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:Rolan's administering a vote: Shavri informs her just before she gets back to the infirmary. :You and Leareth, er, aren't included in the voting members, so you don't need to worry about doing anything, but - I expect we'll have an update for you soon: 

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:I will want a few months to finish becoming immortal before I assume any demanding political positions:

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:Oh, we're not planning to implement this right away. I don't think it'd even be official until we're back in Haven and can do a proper, official Council vote and get all the pissed-off minor nobles on board somehow. It's - a very weird idea, right, I'm kind of anxious that no one who wasn't here for all this is going to buy it: 

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:I kind of suspect a god meddling there, there are lots of reasons people may object to me, so it may not be so smooth in Haven near the Heartstone, yeah:

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:You know, I would really prefer it if my life contained less god-meddling: 

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:Me too:

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The vote is administered. 

It takes a long time, because several of the lords want Rolan to explain to them in detail why he thinks this is a good idea, and then have him relay conversations between them, and relay commentary to Randi, and then debate the plan's merits with Rolan some more, but - eventually the vote is held, on whether when returning to Haven they should hold firm on keeping Randi as King or propose something totally sideways from it. 

The vote for 'something totally sideways', specifically Belrun, passes with a solid majority, and then there are some more Rolan-facilitated debates with the dissenters, and eventually it's agreed on and Rolan and Shavri both try to Mindspeak Belrun at the same time about it. 

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:One at a time!:

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:The group here has agreed on the proposal to put you forward as Randi's heir: Rolan informs her, the odd ringing-steel quality more noticeable than usual in his mindvoice. :It will perhaps be harder to convey to those in Haven now why this makes sense:  

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:Further complicated by my unwillingness to go near a Heartstone, I imagine:

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:This is all extremely complicated and only seems to become more so with time: Going by the overtones, Rolan is very tired of this. 

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:I'd apologize but I don't feel particularly responsible for the situation. Can I ask for more of the details of your conversation with the Shadowgod? I imagine you'd rather not do it a whole lot so it seems prudent to get out of it everything we can:

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Long pause. 

:It is going to be difficult to convey because it was largely not in words, but - if you and Amshalan come out here, I can attempt it: 

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What is up with his preference for meetings to be in person. Whatever. She meets up with Amshalan and goes out to where Rolan's at.

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Rolan is standing in the field near the inn, his blue eyes piercing. 

:If you both come into full mind-rapport with me, I can show you. It will be easier if we are touching. I - will warn you that it is very disorienting for humans, generally, to observe memories that took place mostly in Foresight: 

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Amshalan seems slightly weirded out, but she sidles up next to Rolan. 

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:Can I invite Leareth? In case we all retain different bits -:

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:Of course: 

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:Hey, Leareth, do you want to see what Rolan's conversation with Shadowgod was like?:

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:Oh. Yes, I suppose I had better: His mindvoice feels a little anxious, but resolute. 

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"I'll go get him." She goes and gets him.

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Leareth is regaining his stamina, but very slowly, so he's grateful for Belrun's help to get outside. 

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"Now we are all here."

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And Rolan looks into their eyes, one by one, and - there's a sudden sense of twisting, falling, and then all of them are halfway still in the field, and halfway somewhere else. A blue place, strung with threads of silver. 

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Belrun remembers how hard it was to retain things last time she was here - she can remember them better, now, but she's about to need to remember new things - she concentrates, ready to spin mnemonics and drill things into place as best she can -

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:This is our past:

And Rolan spins them around and pulls them deeper into those twisting tangled threads. There's an especially bright thread, joining and twining with one that drives especially straight, through and against the weave of the others, and then they head toward a different, denser part of the pattern. There's a thickening tangle, a point where the pattern is so snarled that there's almost no way forward - but then it twists sideways and opens again. 

- and then an obstacle comes almost from out of nowhere, and the straight-line thread is snipped, the one twined with it trailing off the edge of the pattern. 

The straight thread pops up again shortly later, rejoins the other one, but at a distance from the denser weave this time. When it draws closer again, it does so more gradually, at a shallower 'angle'.

It's getting close and then there's a new, sudden snarl, almost swampy in the lack of clarity, and the dense-woven part of the pattern is bent around itself in a corner and almost everything ahead of it is a wall of illegible dark. 

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:What does that - mean - does it make more sense to you than to me? -:

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:I believe that bright thread represents you - your life path and history. The other one is Leareth, and this area is the Heralds, and Valdemar. The part where it is very snarled was likely during your first interactions with the Heralds, in Haven - and the discontinuity in Leareth's thread is his death and reincarnation, I assume. And the recent tangle is...our current mess: 

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:Okay, it makes more sense looking at it that way: She tries to get a closer look at the current mess.

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It's really unclear! The part ahead isn't just dim, it's also very, very hazy. 

:Leareth has a tendency to make the future unclear to Foresight: Rolan sends. :I am under the impression that the gods dislike this. The Shadowgod seems to think it is to Their advantage at this time, however: 

There are approximately two paths that actually make headway, though both vanish into fog before any definite conclusion. One is straighter, but also narrower, and the haze encroaches on it sooner. The other has a very jagged zigzag elbow in it, and some paths that shred off of that and trail into nothing, but past the bend it goes further before disappearing into noise. 

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Can you tell without knowing what the default plan is if one of those is it?:

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:My interpretation is that this one: he mentally indicates the straighter one, :is pushing to retain Randi as King, and the odd-looking one is the odd-sounding concept of selecting you. But I am not a god who can interpret Foresight perfectly - in fact, I am not sure even They can map it to exact events: 

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That seems important; she tries to remember it, echoes it to Amshalan and Leareth. :What process makes the... value judgment about whether something is dark or bright?:

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:I am not certain. Perhaps the gods, or perhaps some - process that underlies Them and Their existence, but is itself a deeper part of reality. Or perhaps those two things are not meaningfully different. You must remember that I can see somewhat further than mortals, but - not by that much, not like the gods can: 

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:It can't just be the gods - they don't agree -:

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:That's a very good point. I'm pretty confused about how to interpret any of that, honestly, I don't really feel like I understand things any better now: 

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:I - feel slightly more clarity than that. But I am not sure if I can convey it any better. I came away with the impression that the plan with Belrun - I think, the Shadowgod did not discuss it in exactly as specific terms, that is not the level They think on - but I suspect it furthers Their goals more than the more conservative strategy of quashing the dissent in Haven and continuing with Randi: 

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:And those goals are...:

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:That I do not entirely understand, and am not sure I can convey the little I do grasp. I do think that Valdemar's allying more closely with Leareth benefits Them relative to the other gods. What I do not fully follow is why: 

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:The others hate him enough that it could be almost anything, really:

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:I apologize, I am not sure that this clarifies the situation much for you: 

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:How far does this reach - how much time is this covering, I mean -:

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The 'angle' on the strange metaphor of the silver net of threads shifts, so they're looking down more than into it. There's - from this view, maybe some other bend or discontinuity in the elbowed path.

:I think Foresight is not always in those terms, but - months to years, I would guess, is what is visible here. The future is unusually noisy at this juncture: 

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:What kinds of things make it noisy?:

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:Major events, decisions that affect many people and could go different ways based on small changes - new discoveries of any kind....: 

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You were going to tell us what you and the Shadowgod talked about - right now this doesn't look very qualitatively different from what I saw when Amshalan chose me:

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:This is - most of the format in which we had a conversation, gods are not primarily verbal, or at least this one is not. Perhaps 'conversation' is not a good word for it. There were - a few more specific flashes, which I can try my best to recall for you, but I did not find them very informative either. The Shadowgood did mention - or gesture at, again, hard to explain - specifically the fact that making you Queen would cement a stronger alliance with Leareth, and that this would be important in a certain set of futures, though it was unclear if those futures were definitely going to occur: 

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:I'd like to see, even if it probably won't help - the possibility that it might seems important:

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:Of course: 

And there's a further sensation of falling, deeper into the web of silver, and then a disorienting set of flashes. 

- Belrun, standing with Leareth at her side in front of Randi, in some public place that isn't Haven, surrounded by a crowd - 

- Shavri, in tears, holding Randi - 

- Vanyel, standing in Belrun's laboratory, frowning thoughtfully - 

- A Companion galloping in a field - 

- Dara with a slate in her hand, poring seriously over a column of numbers, looking up and nodding with satisfaction - 

- a crystal globe set in a stone table, glowing - 

- Belrun, hurrying to Leareth, her face alight - 

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:...these are features of the good-or-at-least-brightly-colored future, right -

- do you unlike us properly remember everything that happens 'here', if I tell you now what seems important can you repeat it to me after when I forget?:

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:I think I remember more, yes, since a part of me is always here: 

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:The part with Vanyel in my lab, that might be important, I don't know that I'd do that by default. What's the crystal, do you know?:

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:Oh. That is the Heartstone sanctum, in Haven: 

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:Huh. I thought it would be bigger. I guess the fact that it's that small gives me the idea that it could be Fetched out without anybody having to go right up to it but I don't know if that's actually safe or not:

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:It could not be. That is only the visible portion, but it is fused directly into the bedrock below the Palace: 

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:Oh. Then I don't know what that bit of the vision's supposed to mean at all:

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:Neither do I. Or - I can feel how it fits, somehow - that part is related to the one with Vanyel, I think - but I cannot put words and human concepts to it easily. The Shadowgod said that this path: he indicate the bent one, :would dodge some otherwise messy obstacles: 

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:I...feel like I almost see it: Amshalan sends, dreamily. :But not quite... I'll try to remember the pieces though: 

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Leareth has been very quiet. He's trying to absorb and hold as much of the Foresight paths as possible, but it's also very overwhelming, and - kind of nerve-wracking, he feels open and vulnerable to a god's whims in a way he's always avoided. 

:Do you know what the messy obstacles are: 

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:Related to Valdemar's leadership and direction, I suspect. Some future decision that will be less fraught, if we have already done this: 

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:Could be the difficult and fraught parts are all upfront. Getting this introduced in Haven is going to be a whole thing: 

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:Yeah. Is there a good way to contact the Shadowgod for updates or just new attempts at understanding this - through you or on our own?:

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:I am not sure the Shadowgod will answer even me on every attempt, if They do not wish to. You could always try praying: 

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:But do you have any reason to think that will work at all?:

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:The Shadowgod said They are watching you and Leareth carefully, because you are key to some future events. That being said, They clearly prefer not to communicate with mortals at all: 

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:Well, that's... rude but may be explained by technical limitations, I guess. Will Amshalan have luck more like mine or yours?:

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:I expect - somewhere in the middle, but she might benefit from Their paying close attention to you. The Companions are - less frustrating for Them to speak to, I think: 

A pause. 

:It was also conveyed to me that the Shadow-Lover is the one component of Them built for speaking with mortals. He is very fixed in purpose and cannot answer prayers, only speak to dying souls. Apparently Vanyel has had conversations in this manner before, though: 

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:Wow okay. If I forget that please tell me when we come out of this

- Leareth do you remember being dead at all:

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:...Interesting. Not usually, but - I do here. I think that I am outside of the Shadow-Lover's jurisdiction, however, since my spirit is hidden from the access of any gods. I remember a fragment of - watching, waiting, being very impatient: 

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:Hm. Doesn't sound related but good to know:

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:Any other questions?: Rolan's mindvoice is starting to sound a little tired. 

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:I can't think of anything else right now. Thank you:

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And they are quite suddenly back in the field. 

- Everything feels sort of distant and fake and floaty, like they aren't quite really there. 

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Leareth grimaces a little and shakes his head, trying to clear it. :Belrun? How much do you remember?: 

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:Ugh. Uh. There was something about Vanyel I thought was important. Maybe more than one thing about Vanyel? And the Heartstone is as big as I think it is but it looks smaller?:

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:Vanyel has had conversations with the Shadow-Lover before? Was that it?: He drags a hand over his face, grimacing again. :We should go in and take notes. Ugh. My head feels weird: 

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:Yeah - Rolan, Amshalan, you probably remember more than us -: She writes "Vanyel & Shadow-Lover" in her notebook.

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:Heartstone was related to Vanyel, Rolan thought, but we didn't know how: 

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:There was an image of Vanyel up north in your lab and you thought this was odd: 

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:That does seem odd. I guess I can try bringing him in and telling him what I'm working on, see if that makes anything fall out: She writes that down too.

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:Hmm, what else. We think the weird bendy path is making you Queen and it's more complicated in the short run than insisting on keeping Randi, but solves some problem down the road. Still not sure I'm interpreting right, but there's something...: It's her turn to shake her head, grumpily. :It's so vague, it keeps trying to slip out of my head. There was an image of you with Leareth and a crowd - maybe accepting the crown? And Shavri, upset, I don't know if that was related: 

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:She hasn't seemed upset about getting Randi off the throne... maybe he dies? We're expecting that:

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:Maybe. I don't know: Amshalan tosses her head. :Gods. Seems horribly unfair, he's so young. But - I guess I understand why he doesn't want to spend the last few years of his life ruling a country and having his life not belong to him. I don't think he ever really wanted to be King in the first place: 

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:Yeah. "Randi is dying and Shavri is sad" seems too predictable to bother with but maybe gods don't know what we find predictable?: She writes it down anyway.

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:I told you that I thought the Shadowgod's goals were served by your becoming Queen, though I am very unsure how to interpret that. You asked how long the paths showed and I thought months or years, you asked what makes the future noisy, I said major decisions that affect many people. I think that is all that was relevant: 

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:Oh! Dara was there, in one of the images. With some sort of ledger, looking very serious and diligent: 

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Scribble scribble. :Well, that's promising about, uh, her being willing to be anywhere around politics again.

Uh, Rolan, now that I think of it, the way you were - reacting to the gods squabbling in a way that messed up Valdemar, that looked almost but not quite like you were in the process of jailbreaking?:

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Rolan goes very still. 

:Is that... Can you say more?: His mindvoice is more puzzled than upset. 

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:Well, nobody's gotten it to work yet on a Companion without a Herald, right, because the way we know how to do it is to kind of wedge a Companion between doing what their Herald needs and thinking what the gods approve of thinking, and they - mostly seem to consistently pick their Heralds. And you - didn't - but now the gods disagree with each other, and Valdemar is suffering for it...:

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:It is so incredibly frustrating!: Rolan stamps at a tuft of grass with one hoof. 

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:It is! And I don't know if you can jailbreak at all but if you can that might be how. - I should take Leareth back to his room though:

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Rolan nods ponderously. He seems thoughtful. 

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Leareth is still blinking and rubbing his forehead once he's successfully up on Amshalan's back. :I really hope feeling this strange does not last all day. I dislike it. Are you all right, Belrun?: 

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:A little odd but not so much so. I've done it before and I'm not sick though:

Permalink Mark Unread

:That is true: 

They make it back to Leareth's room without incident and he half-flops against the pillows. "- Stay a while and snuggle?" 

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"Of course." Snuggle.

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He's not actually tired enough to fall asleep, and a few minutes of cuddles makes him feel more like he's located in the world instead of observing it from somewhere else. 

"How safe do we feel about this plan?" he murmurs finally. "It will make you very visible, and potentially a target. We have evidence the gods are working at cross-purposes here, and perhaps the Star-Eyed and Vkandis will try to sabotage the Shadowgod's plan, here." 

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"Definitely finishing touches on the monkeys and a very snazzy book first. But - isn't it promising, for finding something better than the default plan, if a god is - trying in a clumsy stupid god way, but trying - to help?"

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"Yes. It is. I think maybe we cannot afford not to - take that leap of faith. I am just, from long habit, very nervous about putting any level of trust in a god." 

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"Yeah, I get that. This one's going out of their way to distinguish Themself though. Maybe one day we can make important communicative breakthroughs and have a conversation about mind control and be on the same page from there."

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"- You know, possibly we should have a proper conversation about mind-control. I respect your position on it, because you're you and I know you have good reasons for your positions, but I'm not totally sure I get all of it." 

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"Yeah, I guess we should do that at some point. Do you feel up for it right now?"

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"Yes, now is a good time." 

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"Hm, how to put it... So, people are valuable. Not because they're alive, animals do that, plants do that, the flu - okay, maybe not the flu, that's borderline. Dysentery does that! The thing that's special about people is that we think and we want things and we have - plans and goals and intentions and feelings that all pile on top of each other into millions and millions of different heaps of thoughts, no two alike. And there's sort of two ways people can be careless about that? It wouldn't especially surprise or disappoint me, though it would upset me, if somebody who made a habit of going around, say, raping people, used mind control to make that more convenient. That person already isn't really interacting with what makes people important, they're not trying. You don't do that, but -

- I think you make a different mistake. Like... imagine you're a musical instrument salesperson and you are going to cart a bunch of lutes on a trip to someplace where the market wants lutes. You'd like to fit as many lutes as you can in your cart. You discover that you have room for twenty lutes, but you could fit twice as many if you chopped them all in half so they'd go neatly in their boxes -

- and you do that and get where you're going and you can't sell them because you have completely forgotten what the point of a lute is -"

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"...I think that is not wrong. It is - disrespectful, no, that is not even the right word. I do - I have, for a long time - treated other people as - having less personhood than I do..." Sigh. "I am still not explaining it right, just - I tried not doing it. Various times, at one point for a century. I tried the strategy of actually having others on my team, willingly as equals... And it never worked, my plans would not come together, from the inside it seems obvious that it should be possible but my outside view, from two thousand years, is that if I do not take every possible precaution, put up every fence - if I do not bring as many lutes as possible, disassembled or not - then I will be betrayed and I will not see it coming and I will die, again, and kill another child, and..." 

He looks down. "I know I cannot undo the damage that was done by - taking away others' autonomy in that way, even once I win and never do it again, just..." Helpless shrug. "I was not willing to just lose over and over again rather than use an unpleasant tool. And I think it costs a person less, to be subject to mind-control, than it does for them to die - I would far prefer the former - and, just... Maybe I can win without it now but it seemed so impossible in the past." 

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"I mean, I think the thing you do with the voluntary compulsions is... okay, I don't like it but it's better in, uh, sort of the same way I'm less philosophically uncomfortable with my Companion-bond than the lifebond - that's not to do with you personally so much as the fact that I asked her, see, the - as-uninfluenced-as-possible-at-the-time version of myself decided to accept that form of influence. But like - you were sad about Essi? You're sad when you kill people. I don't think you stop to be sad about it when you snap a metaphorical lute's neck off, or not as much as I think it warrants, anyway. And I know that being sad about it doesn't help but it's indicative of what you're judging as a serious cost you have to think your way around if you possibly can and what's just the cost of doing business, might as well be denominated in silver."

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"That - makes sense, I think. I do not think it is true that I consider them qualitatively different costs, and - I also mostly choose not to be sad about the deaths, during my day to day work, I - do not feel that grief unless I am in contact with my core memories. Though I have been more often, since meeting you, I - suppose it feels more as though I can afford to be sad and distracted by it, when I have you watching my back. So I think you have seen an unrepresentative sample of how much I dwell on it and hurt about it. And - I do not think I made that adjustment as much for the mind control. I could try to do it now." 

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"It's not at this time seeming likely that it will substantially influence the amount of mind control that you do, but it'd get us closer to aligned and that would be nice, if not necessarily enough to compensate for you spending a lot of time being bummed out."

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"If it would make you more at ease, that might balance out? I care about your feelings as much as I do about my own, and - I am capable of handling some upset feelings and doing what I judge necessary anyway." 

He looks down. "I hate living in a world where there is no path to victory that does not involve hurting people. It does not help to dwell on how unfair it is, reality does not care, the gods do not care, but - I hate it so much, and I hate that I need to drag you into my life when so much of my history is awful." 

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"You didn't exactly decide to do that."

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"I am not sure if it would feel better or worse if it had been my decision!" 

Leareth grimaces slightly. "I do wonder how much my attitudes toward mind-control were shaped by the fact that in my original homeland, everyone was doing it all the time. Also murdering people, and using mind-control to murder people. Predain was very horrible. But - I suppose I saw a horrible thing used for horrible ends, and thought it was an incremental improvement from there to myself use the horrible thing to prevent other harms, and - maybe it was a more comfortable tool for me to hold, later, because of that beginning. I have wondered lately how different I would be if I had first grown up somewhere less - like that." 

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"I mean, most people are pretty strongly affected by their culture of origin. I don't actually feel that way myself but I know it's typical."

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"You are a very unusual person!" 

He looks thoughtful for a while. "It would not trouble me all that much, I think, if I were mind-controlled by someone who shared my goals but was far more skilled and clever than I am, even if they disagreed on exact plans. I would expect them on average to converge on the correct strategy, and to make effective use of me. - I think I would have mixed feelings about you mind-controlling me, but mostly because you are less experienced than I am, if our ages were reversed I would feel less conflicted. I suspect that - reflects some difference in intuitions, between us? Since I predict you feel very differently about the hypothetical." 

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"I think someone who shared my goals and was far more skilled and clever than I am would probably have learned how to write a persuasive essay or something."

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"That is a valid point. I - suppose I would not think such a person was being unreasonable, if they were uncomfortable trusting me fully and wanted to mind-control me; I would find that paranoia understandable. Which - reflects what I consider acceptable costs, I suppose. Though I think I would feel more comfortable with that hypothetical if it bothered them, if they truly weighed and grieved it as a cost." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"If somebody mind controlled me I would be way more able to later, once no longer feeling whatever way they decided I should feel about it, forgive that if they had, like, some kind of elaborate chart with forty different ideas and reasons they wouldn't work that they'd agonized over and gotten a second and a third pair of eyes on and so on and so forth before they went ahead."

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"I have some very elaborate planning charts on this! And Nayoki has reviewed all of it since she joined the organization. Though - I suppose it is relevant that except for you, everyone who works with me in a high-level position has been filtered for being willing to work with mind-control. Ninety percent of it is for maintaining operational security on various aspects of my plans that I do not want the gods to find out about. Anyway, I would appreciate having your eyes on it as well, for any future considerations." 

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"Sounds good. In between mad science before a country falls on my head."

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"I wish I had five of you!" Sigh. "Or that we had five times as much time to spare." 

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"Ooh, it'd be fun to have five of me! Even if it made our relationship sort of weird."

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"We could have five of me too, and both have a harem of each other. It would be very scandalous." 

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"Pffft! But we would get so much done."

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"The Star-Eyed would be terrified." 

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"I love you."

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"I love you too." 

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The next few days are in comparison uneventful. Randi doesn't get sick. All of the Heralds except Kilchas are feeling fairly chipper now, including Vanyel, though the ones who were ill are mostly staying in their rooms to avoid the risk of contagion. Kilchas is taking longer to regain his strength but is on the mend. The on-average-much-older Council lords and wives are convalescing more slowly and will probably need another week before they can travel.

Rolan departs for Haven again the day after, along with the visiting Heralds, who've been camping outside town. He promises they'll have word of what's going on in Haven as soon as possible. 

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Belrun Heals, mostly working on villagers since she's the only Healer with a Companion to trot around on house to house, and lays out an itinerary of what needs doing to complete her immortality arrangement so she'll be freed up to do things like be Queen.

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Leareth is perking up more as well; he's having a lot of long Mindspeech conversations with Nayoki, and going through notes and drawing up alterations to plans based on all the remarkable and surprising new conditions.

"I should speak with Vanyel about the Heartstone, and what if anything can be done about it," he tells Belrun when she's bringing him lunch. "Though it will be simpler when we are both not worried about being contagious and can just speak in the same room and demonstrate magic as needed." 

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"I can check you over now if you like." Peer peer.

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He's not yet down to zero flu-virus-shedding but it's nearly gone. 

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"Almost there. Maybe tomorrow. Then I can kiss you properly."

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"Oh, good! I have missed that." 

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"So have I!" She kisses him improperly instead.

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Happy wiggle.

"...What a strange week. I would be annoyed with myself for failing to predict this, except I could not have predicted the exact set of bizarre events here even if I had spent a thousand years considering all possible scenarios I could think of." 

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"It's certainly been eventful in between the backdrop of disease-riddled tedium."

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"I will honestly be so glad to go home again. I am still somewhat on edge, here, and it did not help being miserably ill and still trying to be vigilant for gods setting things on fire." 

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"So you're saying that if we have to move the capital we should not move it here."

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"I mean, if we were to move the capital here, it would presumably have more than half a dozen guards all of whom also have the flu. Nonetheless I - will probably have some poor associations with this place, after all of this. And if we move the capital it should be to somewhere prettier and on more trade routes, not deliberately chosen to be remote and hard to reach." 

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"Yes. And maybe farther north for easier Gates to your sites."

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"It would be slightly odd to have a capital at the far northern edge of the country, but I suppose coastal kingdoms often have their capital at a port, and - hmm, Valdemar should probably just annex the territory between the northern border and the mountains, it has no state-level leadership and so is mostly just full of bandits."

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"How can it be mostly bandits? They'd have such a commute to do their banditry if there isn't a population of not-bandits."

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He chuckles. "'Mostly' is perhaps an exaggeration. Unusually high per capita and the few warlords who have the local control to stop them are mostly equivalent to bandits who happen to own houses." 

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"I guess that sounds worth annexing if we have the slack to button it up."

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"I think between my people's help, and the Heralds no longer needing to worry about either a future war with me or the situation with Karse–" He breaks off. "Unless Vkandis decides He is not fond of this plan. It would be just like Him to nudge off another war about it, and I will be so annoyed if that happens." 

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"They're getting less subtle, I wouldn't be particularly surprised if Karse and Iftel joined up and attacked."

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"I have also been anticipating that." He gestures at the pile of notes on his bedside table. "I have been trying to draw up some contingency-plans for a response to it, if it happens. I think that with our strength combined we could hold it off, but - it depends very much on what Iftel has and nobody knows anything about them, it is so frustrating." 

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"Yeah, even having trained myself to remember it the fact that nobody else does makes it hard to collect good intel."

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"It is honestly absurd that I was never able to get spies into Iftel. - Or, well, I was, but they were never allowed near anything important and always had very boring reports about their countryside vineyards and such." 

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"Did they write things down or did they try to report from, uh, memory?"

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"Writing things down when one is a spy is often fraught; Iftel specifically searches everyone's possessions at the border, very thoroughly, so any notes they took needed to be well-disguised as something else, which often made them cryptic after the fact." 

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"Wow. So I think we can conclude they have something in there and it seems all things considered unlikely that it's a giant basket of candy."

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"Given - recent news, I think it is a higher priority to learn more, and worth considering new strategies." 

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"I'm good at obfuscated notetaking but should definitely not go myself."

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"You should definitely not! You would be a very good candidate in other ways, though; you are also unusually good at noticing your own thoughts and training yourself to evade the force that makes Iftel uninteresting and forgettable. I wonder if you could teach someone else the skill." 

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"I could try but I'm looking at a rather intimidating to-do list and have never managed this task before."

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"Can you think of anyone else who seems as though they already have some of it?" 

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"I'm not particularly talented at figuring out based on people's observable behavior whether they think a lot like me. Or possibly I am and nobody thinks a lot like me, I guess."

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"Fair enough." Sigh. "I will add it to my own list of things to plan for. We really do need more of us." 

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"It'd be very handy." Improper kiss. "I'll check you for flu again tomorrow. Love you."

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"I love you too. See you tomorrow." Tired smile. "I am desperately looking forward to your being able to sleep in this bed again." 

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"I'm not nostalgic about this specific inn-room's bed but I miss sleeping next to you."

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"Oh, yes, our bedroom in the north is far superior, but I am trying to look forward to one thing at a time." 

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Pat pat. "Soon."

She goes to sleep on Amshalan again.

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Amshalan is pretty pleased about the snuggles, but won't begrudge it at all when Belrun can go back to sleeping in an actual bed again. 

In the morning she's already alert when Belrun wakes. :Heard back from Rolan about Haven: 

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:Good news or bad?::

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:...I'd say mixed. He went in and very loudly and firmly told the temporary Council that'd put itself together to settle down and that nothing will catch fire if they wait a couple of weeks for the rest of the Heralds and Council to get back, and they've calmed down a least a little. I think the random people have stopped doing riots, I'm not even sure what those were about or who was orchestrating it, but Rolan being in the city seems to have made it stop: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:This is a really unusual amount of direct action from a Companion acting alone, isn't it - I wonder if that's part of the same phenomenon as the gods getting less subtle:

Permalink Mark Unread

:I'm not sure the Groveborn has ever gone out and just talked to people like that before! It's really odd. Feels like something is changing, moving into a new phase. It's - sort of refreshing, but it also makes me uneasy:

Permalink Mark Unread

:Uneasy how?:

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:I don't know, just - that we can't predict what'll happen next based on historical precedent? Iftel and Karse both attacking at once would be unprecedented, and - it might not even be that, it might be some other blatant intervention that we won't think of until it hits us: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Yeah. Shadowgod pushing for, uh, Operation Queen Belrun, is... encouraging sort of but in a way that suggests trusting to faith in an entity that cannot talk more than is really comfortable:

Permalink Mark Unread

:I know. Why are the gods so bad at talking, anyway? Leareth must have a plan to make his - less like that, I wish it'd work to just shove whatever it is at the existing gods so they can talk it out with the relevant human leaders in WORDS and not have stupid proxy arguments using wyrsa and flu: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Words would be great! Interpretive dance would not be great but it'd be an improvement!:

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Mental giggle. :Weird silver web thing is an improvement on random wyrsa, I think. Also an improvement on lifebonds and Companions getting Calls. Anyway. The mixed news is that Haven was full of various people running around like headless chickens, and now they're still acting like headless chickens but sitting down. It's going to be an uphill battle to get a consensus on anything. Rolan thinks it might actually be easier to shock everyone into agreement on something bold and daring, but - headless chickens. I'm very glad not to be in Rolan's place right now: 

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:I don't have a great read on his personal feelings on the matter but it seems like he's coping all right, at least:

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:The Groveborn always seem to cope all right. Guess it's what they're made for, though - I think Rolan is pushing his limitations pretty hard nowadays: 

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:Hopefully the Shadowgod has, uh, accounted for those limitations:

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:I hope so too. I hope it's the kind of thing They care about: 

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:I wish I knew what they cared about at all. They seem, well, closer than the Star-Eyed and Vkandis, but - maybe just close enough to get things more deeply wrong than general murder and mayhem, you know - like the lifebond was really -:

Permalink Mark Unread

:If a human had done that for some scheme it'd be extremely manipulative - I think even Leareth would hesitate to use something as permanent and pervasive as an involuntary lifebond for his plans, even if had mind-control powers that included lifebonding people. I - don't know that gods have the option of not being manipulative: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Yeah. Maybe I should ask him more about how he's designing his - I wonder, if the Shadowgod is generally receptive, if he could use the same ideas to modify an existing god, maybe with lower power requirements -:

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:–Oooooh! That would be absolutely brilliant if we could pull it off. I hadn't thought of it at all: 

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Belrun writes it down.

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:Anyway I think that's all the relevant news from Haven: Nuzzle. :I bet you'll be sleeping with your lifebonded again by tonight, lucky man. I've enjoyed the cuddles but it's for the best, I'm not a real bed: 

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:Much as I love you, no you are not:

And she goes about her day including bringing lunch to Leareth.

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Leareth, when she checks, is free of any sign of flu! 

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For this achievement he will be KISSED.

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Awwww this is GREAT. 

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They should also actually eat lunch before getting too distracted but then he will be kissed MORE.

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Eventually he should ask her to check Vanyel too and find out whether the two of them can meet to talk about Heartstone-wrangling, but Leareth is not in any rush to interrupt the kissing for that. :I missed this - I love you so much...: 

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She agrees emphatically with this entire sentiment.

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"I have some contingency-plans drawn up for moving my forces if Iftel attacks, in case that happens soon," he says, eventually, when they finally pause in the kissing. "Also I think that we - well, Valdemar - should impose tighter border controls. The Guard deployments on that border are shockingly minimal, I think partly because those posts were stripped bare to free up soldiers for the war with Karse, and were never re-staffed properly." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just with Iftel and Karse or in general? I think if we know that our relatively friendly local god also covers Rethwellan and I have a good excuse to be partial to Rethwellan it would be wise to try to shore up that alliance as much as possible, along with any others that will be relatively likely to survive divine assault."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is a good idea. I am still worried about Karse, and simultaneous attacks, but the Karsite border at least is well-patrolled and Valdemar is still somewhat wary after the war. And, of course, Karse is not inherently forgettable as Iftel is." 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. Uh, also I had the thought that -" :You're probably not planning to build a god just as inscrutable and frustrating as the normal ones only with better values, right? It's going to be able to communicate?:

Permalink Mark Unread

:Yes, of course. It - will not be as clear to communicate with as a person, the nature of the gods' Foresight perception means They think in fundamentally non-human terms and there is still a gulf, there. But I have plans to create a god with an aspect resembling the Shadow-Lover, except general-purpose enough to speak to anyone about any question, and do much of the translation back and forth between the godconcepts and human concepts: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:So I was wondering if you could do that part by itself and stick it on the Shadowgod if it holds still for it:

Permalink Mark Unread

:Oh: Leareth goes very still. :It - would make me nervous. I would need to interact very closely with a god whose goals and motives I understand very little. That being said, I think it is very unlikely to make the situation any worse; even holding constant the Shadowgod's values, giving Them more avenues of coordination will likely reduce the - unintended consequences of Their plans: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:How much power would that part alone need, and do you think - independently of whether it's enough for this or whether this is a good idea at all - you can swipe the Heartstone safely?:

Permalink Mark Unread

:...I am not sure. It will depend on some information I need from Vanyel. But - I suspect I could do it with some but very low risk, if I had Vanyel's cooperation, since he made it and is keyed to it on a deep level: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:So, I think we can spin this suggestion without revealing the whole shebang, though it does drop clues - you've been fighting the gods for thousands of years, having ever thought about how to talk to them isn't that weird, and we have new information both to the effect that Vanyel's talked to the Shadow-Lover before and that the Shadowgod is tentatively friendly that could be prompting the line of thought without having to explain everything about all your reams of research right away:

Permalink Mark Unread

:That makes sense. ...I still think we should tell Vanyel the entire plan, if we can obtain agreement from the King for him to keep it secret: 

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:Yeah. I'd completely forgotten about that, honestly, it kind of fell by the wayside: She makes a note. :Randi hasn't been sick, so if it's been put to him at all he's had time to think, but maybe Vanyel didn't pass it on - Amshalan, do you know -: She lobs the question at Amshalan.

Permalink Mark Unread

:Just a minute, asking Sondra: Pause. :Randi's for it. I think getting it run by the rest of the Senior Circle is what fell by the wayside, but we can address that now: 

Permalink Mark Unread

:Randi's in favor, rest of the Senior Circle got delayed but can happen soon:

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:Oh. Good. One thing is going more right than I expected: 

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm-hm." Smooch.

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Leareth will prioritize smooching over planning for a little while. 

"You could check Vanyel for flu today," he says eventually. "Then if Randi approves it with the other Heralds, we could work on it right away." 

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"Good idea." She will run this by Amshalan and presuming Yfandes is okay with it swings by Vanyel and Savil's room.

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Yfandes has no objections! She says Vanyel seems to be over all of his symptoms except for lingering fatigue, but he does tend to wear himself out and might have been worn down going into this. 

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"Hi Van." Check.

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Vanyel is clear of flu! 

He's also a little bit dehydrated and clearly hasn't been eating enough protein in the last few days. 

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She prescribes him chicken for dinner and drinking more water but says it's safe for him to be out and about. How's Savil?

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Savil, without Vanyel's benefits of youth and a minor Healing-Gift, still hasn't cleared the flu from her body, though she's definitely on the mend. 

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Belrun reports this to her. She circulates to declare more people flu-free and okay to mingle.

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About half of the sick Heralds are flu-free. None of the lords are. 

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That's concerning but not especially suspicious because they're older. She tells Leareth anyway. Goes on her housecalls.

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The villagers are all recovering well and seem cheerful. 

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Good, good.

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The rest of that day passes uneventfully. Patients are doing well enough now that the Healers have periods without much to do and are sitting around gossiping in the infirmary. Gemma says this is an excellent sign but also she's not going to jinx it by sending any of Leareth's Healers back. 

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Amshalan pokes her toward the evening, her mindvoice almost bouncy. :The Senior Circle approved it! You and Leareth can tell Van everything. Um, he says he wants to tell Yfandes but she can keep a secret from everyone else including Rolan: 

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:That was in fact going to be my next question, yeah, I think Yfandes if it's really just her is fine. Does he want to come to us or should we go to him?:

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:He can come to you, he says his room is messy: 

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:As good a reason as any: And she tells Leareth and makes sure they're both presentable.

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Vanyel turns up looking intrigued and a little nervous. "So, I've been authorized to know the secret plan...?" 

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Leareth takes a deep breath, and reaches out to squeeze Belrun's hand. "First, a disclaimer. I - am not unaware that my original plan - which I hope to find alternatives to - is appalling and monstrous." 

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"I was - am - planning to build a new god, with more suitable goals and properties than the current ones." 

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Vanyel blinks a few times. 

"I - wow - I really should have been able to guess that. It fits perfectly, given, um, everything." His eyes narrow. "What's the horrible part?" 

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"Making a god is a massive undertaking and requires vast quantities of power. The original plan for a power source was blood-magic. Ten million lives worth." 

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"I would like to figure out how to metaphorically blow up the moon," she murmurs. "There are potentially promising avenues. But it's not a project of a scope where you can wait on step one till you're positive all other possibilities are exhausted. Getting that many people all in one place will take a while - the more of them above the ten million mark we can manage, the better, if we can clear it by enough it can be selective, there'll be more to carry on with afterwards. And powering this plan in some way is all we've got on not having another Cataclysm about as bad as the first, which would certainly kill more people than that."

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"I...guess...that makes sense." Shiver. "No wonder you didn't want to tell all the Heralds and Council about this! There would be so much screaming." 

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"It's a very bad plan. Current alternatives include just doing a chunk of it - the part that was supposed to make the new god more able to communicate with people than the existing ones are - and sticking that to the Shadowgod, since it's tentatively friendly - and also possibly figuring out how to turn arbitrary people into mages, which, uh, at least scales down the murder even if we don't find out a way to make it not a murder situation."

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"Mmm." Vanyel still seems kind of stunned. "It is a bad plan, and - I think a lot of people would say nothing could make it worth it, but I get why Leareth thought otherwise. And...not sure that's wrong. If the future would be bad enough otherwise." Sigh. "I really, really hope you find a better way to blow up the moon, though. Is that something I can help with." 

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"Perhaps." And Leareth goes on to explain the Heartstone, and how he hopes they might, in the process of shutting down the Star-Eyed's access to it, nab its power for their own purposes. Maybe. If they had Vanyel's help, and even then it's touchy. 

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"...Wow." Vanyel looks kind of awed. "You don't think small." 

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"Also when Rolan tried talking to the Shadowgod two things relating to you came up - one, apparently you yourself already talk to the Shadowgod's avatar sometimes, and two, there was a bit of a vision of you being in my lab, which I might not have thought to do by default but I should probably have you over and explain everything in it just in case that helps somehow."

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"Oh. Right. I have talked to the Shadow-Lover multiple times. I, um, don't talk about it much, I guess because it sounds weird and unbelievable and it's embarrassing - I might've mentioned it to Savil at some point and she flat-out didn't believe me? Or that might've been a different god interaction..." 

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"You have also had a different god interaction?"

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"I. Um. Might've. Decided to yell at the Star-Eyed once. It was really dumb." 

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"- What?" 

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"...she deserves it but also what."

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Vanyel's face is incredibly sheepish. "I, er, had I helped the Tayledras move a Heartstone - it was weird, felt like it recognized me. Then I had a weird dream where I talked to Ty- to my dead lifebonded's spirit," he still has trouble saying his name, "and it was really him, it felt like being lifebonded again, and it hurt so much when I woke up. Somehow I was convinced it was Her fault, and also that I could yell at Her by Mindtouching the Heartstone, so I stormed off to it in the middle of the night and - yelled at Her. And She showed me...a whole lot of alternate pasts and why they were all worse, although pretty obviously She wanted me to fight Leareth, so - worse for that goal. Then She made me forget them, except I kept having horrible flashbacks, and was maybe slightly going insane about it, and Melody made me go, um, more politely yell at her to get the memories back, so I did." 

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"This would have been relevant to know." 

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"Sorry! I, just, my life has so much weirdness in it, sometimes I forget parts." 

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"Is there anything else that might be relevant?"

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"Um. Hmm. Not that I can think of? The Shadow-Lover has talked to me four times and he always gives me a choice to go back, er, because I'm important or something." He makes a face about it. 

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"Huh. What do you usually talk about?"

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"Honestly, I would usually just whine a lot about how much I hated my life and then he would hug me. I did do some useful thinking there, though - I always find I can think better, and of course it gets me a bunch of time, he always lets me stay as long as I want and it barely takes up any real time." 

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"Interesting. Uh, you don't have any way to get in touch apart from dying?"

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"No. I think the Shadow-Lover is...sort of only for that one purpose?" 

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"Well, that's... annoying, but maybe just in case you almost die again within a relevant time frame we should have you memorize a list of questions and topics."

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:Please do not give him more incentive to almost die, he already does it too much: Yfandes sends, including all of them, though with warmth in her mindvoice to indicate that she's teasing. Mostly. 

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"Hey," Vanyel says, but without heat. 

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:I wasn't saying he should pencil it into his schedule, but if it's happened this many times it would just be embarrassing not to have a plan for it happening again!:

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"We should definitely make a list and I'll memorize it and review it every so often. Yfandes can remind me. Even if she has to mock me about it at the same time." 

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"Well, supposedly there's some serious filtration matching up Companions to their humans so if she's a teasing sort you probably like it deep down." She starts on a draft of a list. "Does Shadowgod want a different less specialized avatar constructed for them or can they possibly even just do that themself if it knows how to make avatars and has foresight and we can plan really aggressively such that we'd be able to pull it off within some time range if we had to to demonstrate what needs to be different about this one. I guess I'd like to know if Shadowgod's behind the lifebond and also Amshalan's Call but that's not terrifically important, we can prune it off the list if it gets long..." Pen-tap pen-tap.

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If the Shadowgod does want an avatar constructed for Them, Leareth has some more technical questions about exact specifications for it to add to the list, though again they won't want it to get too long. 

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"I guess ask for updates on what the Star-Eyed and Vkandis are up to?" 

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"That's a good idea." She writes that down also. "Uh, They might know more specifically than we do when to expect the rebound Cataclysm, that would be good to know."

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"I would certainly appreciate a second check." 

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"Whether there's any more gods to worry about or go to for support, like how I was wondering if Astera's actually fine. Uh, whether to trust channels of information that probably are divine in nature but could be anybody, like Foresight."

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"If we could get confirmation one way or another of which gods did which bits of my dream with Leareth, that'd be neat." 

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"Yeah, that's a good idea. We can update this list on a rolling basis but these seem like the highlights for now..."

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"Oh. I should ask if there's a better way of contacting Them. Kind of surprised I've never gotten around to asking that before, but - I guess at the time I mostly wished gods would stop talking to me." 

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"Which is fair, but if they have a good idea, then you can offload the responsibility?"

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"That'd be great!" 

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She offers him the written-up list.

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He takes it. "Leareth, should we talk about the Heartstone thing some more?" 

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"Of course." 

The two of them launch into a conversation about magic which is very rapidly too technical for Belrun to make much sense of. 

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She flops her head onto Leareth's lap and reads.

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Leareth plays with her hair and occasionally kisses her nose while it's Vanyel's turn to say something. 

Eventually they both run out of material to cover and questions to ask. "I will consider this further," Leareth says. 

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"It's kind of a terrifying project but I'm glad you asked me, it'd be silly to end up moving the entire capital without even checking how feasible it is to just - solve the Heartstone issue." 

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"Plus if it can be decoupled from Her it's valuable both for its current purpose and as a generic power source."

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"That would feel pretty satisfying." 

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"And save, uh, however many lives, in the worst case."

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"Fair enough, that's also a good point." 

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"Can you think of a better method than we've been using for talking about this in generalities without disclosing the exact nature of the terrible secret plan, with people like the rest of the Senior Circle or the various Lords?"

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"Hmm. I feel like I should be able to but I don't have anything specific right now. Ooh, wait, this is the same as when you were trying to get me to come up with other weird hypotheticals, before!" 

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"Similar idea, yes. We'd like a way to say 'we're trying to figure out alternatives to killing ten million people' without saying 'we're going to kill ten million people by default'."

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"Right. Hmm, what else even lets you get a ton of power... That's sort of the problem, isn't it. Um, I guess you could say 'steal all the Heartstones' as a hypothetical, it's just a ridiculous one. Drain...the ocean..? I don't actually know that you could turn that into mage-power at all, it just sounds impressive." 

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"That's the process that got me 'blow up the moon', pretty much. All the Heartstones would be good if it turns out to be somehow feasible to steal them but She's pretty hypervigilant about Leareth activity near Her stuff."

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"And she can't be any more comfortable about the thought of it being both of you, you're scary enough separately." 

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"As far as I know before Leareth landed in my lap I was not the victim of any malicious divine coincidence!"

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He pets her. "I am sure you would have gotten there." 

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"That's very sweet of you to say."

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Vanyel spends a little longer asking questions and trying to think of other hypotheticals, but he's clearly getting tired, and they seem to have come to a reasonable stopping point.

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Leareth suggests he go get some rest, and they can reconvene later. 

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"Bye, thanks for hearing us out without freaking out."

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"Oh, I was thinking I'd be polite and do my freaking out in private afterward." 

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"Also reasonable."

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He smiles at them, though it seems a little forced, and heads out. 

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The rest of that day is uneventful. 

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The party from the North returns north when all their members are recovered and clear of contagion.

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And the Valdemaran side of the delegation return to Haven afterward, via Savil's Gate. 

Savil has nonzero worry about the Heartstone in Haven affecting her and Van; it's valuable for him to be in Haven so he can throw his weight behind Rolan's proposal, he has a lot of standing in Valdemar due to his fame, but Savil does tell Leareth and Belrun that if either of them seem to be acting oddly, she wants them to inform her so she can relocate them to Forst Reach or something. 

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Their ability to tell is limited from this distance but sure.

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Van also suggests he should come visit the north at some point, to talk more with Leareth and to hear about Belrun's research just in case that bit was important, but Rolan wants him to see the drama in Haven through first. 

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They can write lots of letters, perhaps.

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Van's first letter isn't very contentful, and mostly consists of whining about the ENDLESS "Council" meeting, with the permanently instated lords and also all the other nobles who declared themselves the replacement "Council" when everyone was up north. Apparently it lasted six hours and consisted of a LOT of people yelling at each other, and almost none of the agenda Randi had prepared for it was actually covered. Randi's hope is that everyone has gotten their feelings aired, though, and that the next meeting on the schedule will be somewhat more productive. 

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What do those feelings seem to be?

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Van's next letter has a more fleshed-out picture, because he and Randi spend nearly a week doing individual and small-group meetings with all the concerned stakeholders here.

Many of the minor nobles in Haven, especially those who traveled in because of rumours, are extremely concerned about Leareth having potentially betrayed them, but in a way that seems mostly due to their having almost no information on him or about the actual events up north. Sitting down with them, listening gravely to their concerns and thanking them for bringing it up, and then conveying that Belrun and Leareth were questioned under Truth Spell about it and also that Leareth himself was seriously ill for a bit and that Belrun risked herself every day to treat the sick Heralds and lords, calms down these worries a lot. 

(Vanyel thinks that one of the predominant things going on here is just people feeling excluded and out of the loop on obviously important goings-on.) 

Separately, of course, there are all the ridiculous ruffled feathers about Jisa's parentage. Poor Jisa has apparently been running to her governess or Melody in tears every day, complaining that the other children are mocking her for being not just a bastard, but a child of infidelity. Randi goes with telling the truth on this; that he wasn't King yet or even the heir, his lifebonded partner was distraught over their inability to conceive a child, and Vanyel offered a favour which is considered commonplace among the Tayledras. This...gets him a lot of weird looks, but apparently satisfies the important people that there's no juicy drama to be exploited for their gain here. 

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Belrun thinks they are handling everything very well and hopes Jisa's peers will calm down soon.

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They spend a couple of weeks just hearing out everyone's concerns. Randi does a week straight of afternoon audiences, during which random citizens of Haven can come express their fears and grievances to him. Vanyel finds this the most miserable thing in the entire world, and he doesn't feel like it's accomplishing anything, but he says Randi claims it'll make people feel like their opinions are being heard and taken into account for the upcoming decisions on what to do, even if their opinions are in fact very unlikely to change things. 

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It sounds time-consuming but likely effective.

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And then it's time for the big official meeting where Randi announces that their default proposal is Belrun as heir. Van sends a letter the day before it's scheduled, complaining about how long the agenda is and how it's inevitably going to go over, and how he has to Gate Rolan into the room because nobody thought to redesign the oldest parts of the Palace to be Companion-friendly. 

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Isn't Van allergic to Gates.

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Well, Savil tripped down some stairs and broke her leg, which is SUSPICIOUS and also means the Healers have ordered her to rest, and Kilchas and Sandra are on the western border dealing with some Pelagirs beasties. He'll manage. 

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Does he want to borrow somebody. Pelagirs beasties are ALSO suspicious and if Someone wants Van out of commission from Gating she's got something to say about that and it's "borrow a mage".

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The turnaround time on letters is too slow for the offer to reach Van in time, so Leareth contacts him with the communication spell and says he intends to Gate over half a dozen mages to help out in Haven. 

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That'd be great. 

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"Overkill unless something really is lined up to hit while Van's out but I'm so suspicious."

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"So am I." 

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The arrival of more mages is apparently slightly contentious, but accepted once Rolan makes it clear that their official position here is 'very very grateful.' 

The next day, then, one of Leareth's mages Gates Rolan into the meeting room (while Vanyel is elsewhere), and then can provide period quick updates via communication-spell whenever the meeting takes a break. 

The first update is on Randi getting agreement from the assembled Council on whether they still want Something To Be Different (yes), and whether they still trust the Companions and particularly the Groveborn, standing there looking very intimidating, to have Valdemar's best interests at heart (still yes, though a little grudgingly.) 

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"You know, first thing on my list of stuff to do as Queen is strongly recommend to the Companions that they ask first when Choosing if at all possible," she snorts, "that's going to be a fun contrast..."

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The proposal for Something Different is announced, emphasizing that Rolan thinks Belrun is, among the pool of Heralds they might consider, unusually well-suited for the role, and that it would result in a convenient alliance with Leareth and his considerable resources. 

One of the lords immediately wants to know if Belrun and Leareth are actually married. 

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They are not actually married. She does not mind getting that way if it's preferable but either way is everyone clear that she cannot have children?

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Rolan skips over that as a minor detail and goes right on to the proposed plan of each monarch selecting an heir out of all the Heralds, not just their close relations, and adopting them so they can get the requisite training and acculturation as future monarch.

This is, needless to say, contentious. The update after that one is just "half a candlemark of nonstop debate on whether this still counts as a monarchy." Rolan and Randi are both making the case that, if anything, it's more in the spirit of what King Valdemar intended with the Companions; he knew that the offspring of the royal family might not always be suitable leaders. 

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Where is Dara lately anyway, have they heard from her recently?

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She's not in Haven and Tantras doesn't know where she is, but Leareth's mage can ask around once the meeting is concluded. 

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It would be good to know or they have a more complicated heir-once-removed situation on their hands.

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Not too unsurprisingly, the extended Council does not get to a point of wanting to pass a final vote during the initial meeting. A lot of questions are asked. They don't like that Belrun mostly grew up in Rethwellan, but they do like that she studied there, the Rethwellani academies are renowned and she must be very clever. She was Chosen late, but that's hardly her fault, on account of having been raised in Rethwellan, which (at least they're so assuming) wasn't her fault either. 

The final meeting update is that the Council does not have any substantive objection and certainly doesn't have a better proposal, but they want time to think. 

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That's reasonable of them. She has lots to do in the meantime working on her monkeys.

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Her pregnant monkeys are finally about to give birth! 

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Oh good. There are more steps - working on monkeys with their own Gifts will be a pain and a half for one thing - but having a breeding population will make mistakes less costly.

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One of the female monkeys is pregnant with twins, the other with a singlet. One of the twins comes out deformed - not badly, the little baby boy monkey seems healthy and happy, but his wings are weirdly bent inward and don't straighten. The other two have pretty healthy-looking wings, though they're small for their body size and also don't have any feathers yet, just pink skin with a very slight layer of down, looking sort of scrawny and ridiculous. 

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The mice wings were like that too. The monkeys are annoying enough to make new ones of that she'll spare a little time trying to fix the wings. After all the monkeys are recovered from having babies she arranges to have them have some more in the other configuration.

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The misshaped wing-bone can be pretty easily set straight, since the monkey is a small baby and its bones are springy and heal fast. 

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Leareth does wonder if the bent wing runs in the blood and the monkey's babies will have it too, but he supposes it's worth waiting to see. 

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"We can squash the fix into place like we did with the wing graft in the first place and then it should have a decent shot of passing down fine, right?"

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"- Oh, yes, that is definitely worth trying." 

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Squash. "Is it feasible to immortalize people this way without compromising opsec about exactly how it works?"

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"How many people." 

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"I don't have a specific population in mind - that seems like a different question?"

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"My experience is that it is, in practice, completely impossible to maintain opsec on something unless it is either the case that only a handful of people know any details, or that everyone involved is under a compulsion not to speak of it. If it is only you who use this method, I suspect we can keep the number of involved parties who know exact specifics - on the book-artifact and spell - small enough to maintain secrecy. It would become much harder to do this if we wished to use it for many people." 

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"Well, there go half a dozen half-baked national glorification plans. People are going to notice that I turn up with wings and a tail after the first time I die, though."

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"That is true. I think the animal-modification part of the spell is less key; it is survivable if They destroy all the monkeys as long as the artifact survives and can be re-linked. I do think it will not remain secret forever, but - if we can keep you from being murdered and make enough progress before your current body dies, then it might matter less when it arises." 

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"Could do with some misdirection? Get a fancy crystal instead of a book for most people, that sort of thing. Make them hang out with their own monkey on a routine basis as though that matters at all."

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"...Yes, I think that would help. I would also wish to design a substantially different artifact, so that a spell purpose-built to break the link on the other ones would not work on yours." 

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"Makes sense to me. Like - if I want to try sticking Gifts into people's brains, which I do, I'd like to have backups for them, you know?"

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"Of course. It would make it much less fraught as research. And likely would get you more volunteers." 

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"I wanna stick Healing in Randi."

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"Oh! That is quite brilliant, actually." 

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"He's friendly and terminally ill! Very important qualities to benefit from and minimize downside risk of the experiment."

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"I agree. It seems worth risking to set Randi up with the method as soon as we have tested that we can do it with you; he is enough on our side that I am almost certain he will not reveal it to any malevolent actors." 

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"And it lets us hang onto Shavri, who's brilliant."

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"She is! I would absolutely recruit her for - I am not sure, something or other, if she were not busy being lifebonded to the King of Valdemar." 

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"Well, she won't. Instead you will be busy being lifebonded to the monarch of Valdemar and she'll be freed up to handle the heavy lifting in exotic Healing research when I am busy being the monarch of Valdemar."

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“Oh?” He smiles. “How busy are you intending to keep me, exactly.”

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"You'll never have a minute to catch your breath."

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"Aww." He gives her the kiss that she very much deserves. :As long as you leave me still capable of building our god while I am so out of breath: 

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:I'll consider it with wisdom befitting a queen: she replies, kissing him back.

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Leareth scoops her up - it's so nice having a properly adult-sized body and being able to do that again - and, if her work is in a leavable state, will carry her back to their room while kissing her the whole time. 

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Oh good!

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Within a week everyone at Leareth's facility is in agreement that the tiny baby winged monkeys are adorable. Their wings are growing in more down so they look less like plucked chickens, and they crawl around over each other and their parents, a couple of them even trying to imitate the adults' flapping (without any effect, yet.) These ones, born with humans nearby, are also very friendly and will, if allowed, try to climb visitors too. 

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They're not especially good climbers even if they have the instincts for it since they're barely monkeys any more but they can still get somewhere with determination. Belrun allows herself to be climbed by the occasional monkey.

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They're even cuter when they fail at climbing things and fall down and don't seem even a little bit discouraged.

A formal letter arrives from the Senior Circle, signed by Randi. The Council - all of it, one of the negotiated agreements was that the temporary self-assembled on in Haven had proven their commitment to Valdemar and more regions ought to be represented anyway - has voted and agreed to make Belrun the presumptive heir, pending the weird arrangements she needs to be willing to set foot in the capital. There are various other details that are probably worth sending someone north to discuss face to face. 

The letter also mentions that they tried to locate Dara, assuming she was still at school in Rethwellan, and learned that in fact she had taken a semester off in order to, instead, go on a merchant run with some other fellow would-be entrepreneur. They're trying to figure out her route, but it sounds like she already should have reached Haven, so probably she kept heading further north, or maybe east to Hardorn? The Heralds on circuit are going to go talk to innkeepers in the major towns and find out. 

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Well that's sort of troubling but there's not a whole lot they can do about it if Dara's gotten into some sort of trouble, she's not formally anybody's responsibility at the moment.

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Vanyel sends a separate letter, asking if Belrun thinks it makes sense for him to come as the liaison about the succession arrangements, since they had other matters to discuss too. If so, how's a week from now? 

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A week from now works for her and yes they should talk about other stuff too.

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Perfect, that should be enough time to finish up all his current work in Haven.

His reply adds that Jisa has found out about Belrun and is clamouring to be allowed to move north and help her get ready to be Queen. Vanyel has tried to explain that the kind of 'getting ready' Belrun is doing isn't really something Jisa can help with, but she's extremely enthusiastic. She wants to know if she can at least help design Belrun a wedding dress, since the nobles want her and Leareth to have a proper formal state wedding as part of finalizing the alliance. 

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Belrun does not really want Jisa to visit but will consider her non-binding input on wedding dresses. "I don't care what I wear within reason," she explains to Leareth, "but I think Jisa's not old enough to remain firmly within reason... I'm assuming there's no particular obstacle to getting married, I've been assuming that on top of a lifebond that's basically nothing."

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"I am not already married or anything. I see no obstacle to it." He smiles at her. "Any opinion on what ought to wear? I feel somewhat left out that Jisa did not wish to have input there as well." 

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"Maybe she has a lot of practice imagining fancy dresses for herself and has not yet added anyone in menswear to the fantasy. I don't care about what you wear any more than I care about what I wear, though. Less, I don't have to move around in it."

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"Fair enough. I probably do not want to wear a fancy dress, especially not one designed by a nine-year-old." 

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"It'd be silly. I'll tell my parents what's up and we can get opinions out of Rana."

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"That is a good idea! An advantage of parents. Do you think your mother will be pleased about your having a very elaborate state wedding, or think it is silly?" 

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"I think she'll be delighted."

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"Aww. I am glad that somebody will. I..." He trails off. "This - is the first time I have ever found myself wishing to have parents, so that they could be here for this. - living parents, I mean, I had a mother once - presumably a father but I do not remember him at all, I only remember my mother because of her death..." 

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In between their other work, they can start planning some of the wedding, which isn't going to be for months anyway. 

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What are the parameters for state weddings please?

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There's a standard ceremony, which Randi makes sure is sent to them. The expectation is that the formal ceremony be done in one of the temples, usually Kernos. When Karis was married there were two ceremonies, one of them the standard Karsite one in a temple to Vkandis. There's some flexibility here, though, as long as they make it fit the general spirit of 'very formal and official'. 

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"Shadowgod doesn't have temples. I guess we could go with Astera?"

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"I would be comfortable with that." 

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Then they can notify the relevant temple to be ready for hosting a state wedding. Who are the obligatory invites?

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It depends for what part! The official marriage rites in the temple have a standard invite list, important Heralds and some of the nobles in key positions; they're also expected to then host a public party which anyone can come to. 

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Leareth, and his security team, are not enthused about this part at ALL.

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Yeah, how firm is the "anyone" requirement, can they at least screen them with a quick Truth Spell before they come in.

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Savil has sent along a writeup of the security they had for Karis; they did a parade through Haven and didn't turn anyone away from watching it, but they did have thousands of Guards maintaining cordons within the city, requiring anyone crossing them to be searched for weapons. Both Randi and Karis' elite personal guards marched on either side of the parade float and kept anyone from getting too close, and all of Valdemar's (few) Herald-Mages around in person for it were on alert and watching the Web. They didn't have enough Heralds around in Haven to provide Truth Spells for literally everyone, but now that Karse is fully pacified, it's possible they could. 

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Why is it only Heralds (/Chosen) can do those anyway?

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(Savil's packet of information is not helpful on this point.) 

Leareth isn't sure! His understanding of the Truth Spell, designed by a Herald recently, is that it's a very degenerate version of an elemental summoning, sufficiently modified that it can be cast by anyone with even a trickle of any Gift - though he suspects the very weakly Gifted Heralds who can nonetheless cast a first-level Truth Spell are being boosted by their Companions. It's a brilliant invention, really. 

The thing about elemental summonings is that they're voluntary, and the elementals serving a particular purpose once they show up is also voluntary. Leareth suspects it works for all Heralds because the vrondi in a sense can't tell them apart, and so all Heralds benefit from the expectation of goodwill and a gift of mage-energy in exchange for a simple service. 

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"Could you make artifacts that would feed them - especially just the amount for the first stage - so that the ability could be decoupled some from the limited Herald supply?"

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"If the Heralds are on board with it, that would be the simplest way. I could likely also re-design a version of it from scratch, using some sort of artifact for recognition, but re-establishing the expectation of showing up with the vrondi would be duplicating some work here. I have not created such a spell in the past because - well, honestly, because I can replicate the needed truth-sensing with mindreading or compulsions, but Truth Spell is less invasive, at least the first-level version, so I am sure you would prefer it." 

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"It's not even just that it's in fact less invasive, it's that if I want to give it out to a bunch of people to free up Heralds it would ideally be conspicuously impossible to escalate which absolutely isn't true of compulsions."

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"That makes sense. I think the Heralds are - the largest scale on which such impossible-to-escalate mind-affecting magic has been used with a local population. It is a very interesting social experiment and it seems people are comfortable with it when it is restricted to Heralds? I am not sure if making it more broadly available would change that. Perhaps not, if it still required that a person be approved by the Heralds." 

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"Yeah, I wouldn't give Truth Spell doodads to random people, but I remember my dad talking about how if someone wants a Herald to oversee their trial they have to wait around for one to show up and that most of the reason for that is Truth Spells. If instead they just needed to be recharged occasionally but people with lower opportunity cost could circulate around with them... It'd also be handy for border control, actually, I don't want to preemptively wreck all the alliance-building with Karse - like, I don't want to invest heavily in Karse, plan to rely on them, be alone in a room with their Queen, etcetera, but they probably ever actually produce people who just want to sell us fabric or something, and if you had somebody at the border road with a doodad who explains the state of our understanding of what makes someone especially prone to god-influence and then asks them if they are given these premises likely to be so prone..."

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"That is an excellent idea. I am not sure it would be sufficient to avoid any risk, but it would mitigate it. And it would be very disruptive at this point to break the alliance with Karse, so I am not sure that is an option even once you are Queen." 

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"And if we can get better communications with Shadowgod going maybe They can get Vkandis to calm down, wouldn't that be something, so I don't want to burn bridges. Vkandis is the fire god and He can burn the bridges if he wants."

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Leareth bites down a snicker. "I should not be laughing at that and yet." 

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"Oh good, I was a little worried you'd be flinchy but I don't feel like I can fully think about things if I can't make jokes about them, sometimes."

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"That makes sense." He hugs her. "It would really be something if Shadowgod could help us be on more - neutral - terms with Vkandis." 

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"How promising is the 'stick a homemade avatar on' avenue?"

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"I think it is doable, with the Shadowgod's active cooperation - and nonzero risk, since the best way to do it would be building on the Heartstone. I will speak to Vanyel about it when he comes here." 

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"He's going to be so busy!"

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"Clearly we need five of him as well." 

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"It'd be useful."

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The day before Vanyel's scheduled departure, Savil contacts Leareth with the communication-spell rather than wait for a letter's turnaround time. 

<We found out where Dara is>

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Three minutes later, Leareth is in Belrun's lab. "Heard from Savil. Dara and her entrepreneur friend are in Iftel right now." 

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"That... sounds bad. Do we have other information or just that?"

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"According to the border guard on our side, she crossed the barrier very uneventfully, at the main trade road crossing - they had a wagon full of spices from Seejay, those go for a high price in Iftel, barely any traders travel that far north." 

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"They do allow trade... maybe she'll just make a fortune and get out without incident."

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"I hope so! Savil thinks we ought know soon enough, she crossed the border a month ago and the usual Iftel trade route is not much longer than that." 

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"Well. If and when she pops out we can invite her to the wedding."

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"Perhaps she will let Jisa design her dress too." 

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It's too far to make sense for Vanyel to travel overland even given his Gate-allergy, so instead, one of the Healers in Haven puts him to sleep, and then one of Leareth's mages Gates him north with the Healer maintaining it.

He wakes up, a little disoriented, a few seconds after the Gate is down. "- Belrun. Leareth. Sorry it's such a production getting me through Gates." 

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"I just wish I knew how to fix it, it must be even more inconvenient for you - you could be bopping all over the continent otherwise. Sleeping through it works?"

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"It certainly didn't hurt during it!" He frowns, thinking. "It maybe does hurt a little now? But less than usual. I hadn't thought to try it that way before, but the usual thing we do if I have to Gate and it's not an emergency is I take a lot of drugs for it, and Leareth's mage thought the Healers' trick for putting people under might work better and be safer." 

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"Well, I'll remember that if we ever Gate anywhere together, I guess. Anyway, do you feel more like napping off what unconsciousness didn't fix or like magic nerdery with Leareth or mad science with me as your first order of business?"

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Vanyel's eyes light up. "Magic nerdery with Leareth sounds great! I promise I'll get around to your mad science too." 

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"Have fun," she laughs, and she kisses Leareth and goes to arrange all her mad science in an easily explained way.