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tiny leareth comes back and is very sad
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:This would be a very silly time to have made time-sensitive plans for: she opines.


:Oh, I doubt they were especially time sensitive, it should be fine: Contented snuggle. :I am so happy right now. How are you feeling?: 


:Cozy. Also not in agonizing stupid pain!:


:This is so much more reasonable! I am glad you took some steps to accelerate it, waiting was very frustrating: 


:And thank you for being so accommodating about the cosmetic surgery part!:


:I am also pleased about looking more similar to how I did before. I have not minded much in the past but it is still always something that takes getting used to: 


:Well, what is life if not improving things until fewer things remain to improve upon: Kiss.


They are now both less distracted by phantom emotional pain. Not distracted by it at all, in fact. (Maybe Leareth is newly a little distracted by the existence of kissing as an activity.) He's getting a lot more done. Unfortunately this doesn't unblock any new progress on finding a better power source. 


She gets all her mad science written up neatly though.


Does she want to send her paper to the university in Petras, or schedule a visit there? 


"I'd like to visit, maybe do some guest lecturing, give people some spare mice, see Rana. If that seems safe."


"I am feeling somewhat paranoid about security and would like to bring a number of my people as guards, but with precautions, yes." 


"They will probably still allow me to guest lecture if there are guards along."


"We could send a letter to clarify that part." 


"Sure." She writes the university and, separately, her mother.


The university is politely baffled about her lifebonded and the requests for excessive numbers of bodyguards just for her to give a lecture, but they'll happily accommodate it. 


Then they can head to Petras with lecture notes and mice.


Leareth is only slightly on edge about this. Once he's loaded up both of them, but Belrun in particular, with a kind of absurd number of protective magical artifacts, anyway. 


She hugs her mom! She gives people mice! She delivers a lecture to a packed hall!


Everyone is so incredibly awed. The colourful mice are a hit. Some of the other students she knows want to know how difficult it is to do that. 


"Colors aren't too hard! You'll want more mice to start out, I had a few come in patchy or have their fur fall out."


Oh, wow, interesting (and poor mice) - why does that happen? 


She will happily answer questions in this vein with observations and speculations.


She is very popular! 


Leareth is having a delightful time watching everyone else think that Belrun is great, exactly as they ought to, but he also starts getting restless once it's been nearly an hour of questions. :I am probably being anxious for no reason but I would prefer we head somewhere I can put up proper wards: 

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