fabbell and crystalcrab lucy in the 'verse
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"I mean even when my fingernails are not diamond my skeleton including my teeth are."


"And you can just bite them? I didn't think diamond worked that way but I guess I don't know."


"I don't know if normal diamond works like that but I am not normal diamond, like, even when I'm all the way in natural form I'm definitely an amount biological, even though I am definitely made of diamond, that's not normal like at all. I have organs and stuff."


"Huh. I'm biological but I can swap stuff around a lot and my wings probably don't have the same genetics as the rest of me."


"I mean--your wings aren't--made of you, right."


"I'm not sure what you mean? They're attached and stuff. If you pulled a feather out it'd bleed. I think. If that's how feathers normally work."


"I--how does being a magical girl work exactly?"


"Uh, a human girl who is likely to be related to an existing magical girl at some remove because it runs in families, between the ages of eight and sixteen, suddenly perceives instead of whatever she's looking at with her eyeballs, herself, against a backdrop of stars, and can by an act of intuitive will affect what her self is shaped like and enter or exit this view at any time, and if she does enough, like putting on wings, then she keeps the power, and if she ignores it or just does something minor like fixing her teeth or something, then it goes away after a while. And if she keeps it she's a magical girl and can affect how she's shaped and how she's made up and dressed, as long as it's not too normal-human, and with the caution that if it's too inhuman she'll go cryptid, and with the limit that the interface is about how we look, not about things like how well our livers work, so there are some conditions we can control but not cure in ourselves and some that we can't even manage symptoms of. And if I did, like, cat ears, and you biopsy them and look at them with 2006 medical equipment, they would look like you'd taken a sample from a cat down to the sub-cellular level. I don't remember when DNA was discovered actually."


"But you're not, like, made of being a magical girl, it's--something that gets added on top. What I can do, it comes from what I am. I probably have any human DNA in my makeup from my mother but I'm pretty sure that whatever Judgments and Messengers have going on in the hereditary area it's weirder than that."


"I guess you could describe it as added on top, yeah."


"You're fundamentally made of the same stuff as people who don't have your abilities, and I'm not. My whatever I have instead of just ordinary DNA is why I can do what I do, so it wouldn't be different between--different parts of me, or me in different ways of being. Like obviously some of what I'm made of does change, but not my underlying hereditary patterns, I mean I guess there could be some difference but even if there was then my DNA in human form would be based on my whatever in diamond form, it wouldn't be just stuff I'd added. I think. I mean I'm--reasoning from things I have observed about myself, but like, so were the people who said the Earth was flat."


"I'm not sure I follow, but if you say you can bite your nails and have diamonds, I believe that."

At the general store Isabella wants notebooks, little ones she can tuck away without affecting the fall of her dress.


Lucy wants normal-sized ones. And also some pens. Probably Isabella wants any pens too. They have all of this, but more of the latter size of notebook than the former. Paper is not outrageously expensive, but the little notebooks are a little fancy and this boosts the price. 

When they're outside, Lucy slips her normal-sized notebooks into wide pockets on her skirt, which fails to hang any differently afterwards because the Correspondence is flagrantly cheating. 


"How do you do that?"


"Correspondence sigils! The ones that aren't just for style, I think it came up yesterday?"


"Can she do it too or is it a diamond person thing?"


"...Doing magic with the Correspondence isn't a diamond person thing; but knowing how to apply them in exactly the right way to get the effect you want and not the effect you don't want unless the effect you want is fire is a person-who-innately-speaks-Correspondence thing. If you could copy my dress exactly, modulo different colors perhaps, that would be safe, but if you tried to duplicate it just based on visuals--it's not impossible to get it right, but there would probably be some trial and error, and the error would at least singe."


"Probably not worth it, I have to change things on the fly sometimes."


"But her pockets don't pucker the dress even full of an entire notebook without having to go nuts on the structural elements!"


"This isn't lost on me but I don't want to catch fire! I also don't want my notebooks to catch fire!"


"...Hmm, how on you does something have to be for it to not disappear? If this is important enough to be worth the effort you could maybe have, like, a piece of cloth that wasn't actually part of your outfit, and hold onto it from either end with your arms spread out a ways, and if it was a reasonably flame-retardant kind of cloth like spidersilk, or maybe regular silk I dunno if that also doesn't burn well, anyway if you did that and practiced on the cloth with small sigils you could probably drop it before the fire could spread more than a couple inches."


"Holding something is enough, but what exactly am I practicing here, it'd ultimately need to be on the pocket somewhere, right?"


"You'd be practicing getting the sigils precise enough that they do what you want instead of fire. I don't know if 'not fire' and 'what you want' have non-overlap but even if so if you can consistently do not fire then it's safe to apply to a pocket to test." 


"Precise enough like not a line wrong or like at a high enough granularity?"


"High enough granularity. If a line is wrong then it fails to be a functioning sigil and nothing happens."

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