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fabbell and crystalcrab lucy in the 'verse

Lucy takes a deep breath and peers into the well. 

She isn't going to repeat that first incident, that had felt like the light was being sucked out of her. But she isn't going to just give up, either. She stares down the well, willing something besides just darkness to make itself known to her eyes. 

Nothing comes to view. She grits her teeth and leans in, glowing very slightly. 

Leaning in should have been perfectly safe; the well had a sturdy stone barrier, and her feet were planted firmly on the ground behind it. She would have to be pushed in order to fall in. 

Her attention is very focused on the well. The first sign she has that something is wrong is a pair of rough hands planted against her back. 

She falls. 

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She doesn't know what she expects to happen to her, but brightness and tumbling onto something soft and green wasn't it. She pushes herself up into a sitting position and looks around suspiciously. 

...Surface grass surrounds her as far as she can see in every direction, but the blue sky overhead isn't quite as bright as it was the last time she visited the Surface, and the sun is smaller in the sky and not as bright. 

She calls up to it anyway, her crystals-tumbling-in-water voice calling Correspondence words of query and confusion. 

There is no answer. 

It could be that her voice isn't strong enough to reach a Judgment from farther away than the Earth is from its star, or that this Judgment recognizes her for the amalgamy she is and has no personal connection to induce it to deign to speak with her. 

She is still very confused and not happy

She looks down again at the grass she landed on, and plucks a stalk and brings it to eye level. It doesn't look like it would look out of place on Earth, but she can't swear that it's the same species as any she's seen before. She didn't exactly have cause to pay attention to grass before. 

But she's never really been to the High Wilderness before, and doesn't have the discernment to distinguish the earthly from the not. 

She turns around again, more slowly, to see if she can see anything besides undifferentiated plains in any direction, to give her a place to try for. 

Is that a road? Might be. Better than anything else she can see to try for. 

She has made it far enough to state with confidence that it is, in fact, a paved road she can see off in the distance, before her internal grumbling about celestial purity ideals is interrupted. 


By the side of the paved road there appears a girl.

She's gorgeous, like a painting, and she has feathered angel wings in dark red and midnight blue, and a dress in the same colors, spangled with a motif of circles.


And with her, a boy in jeans and a buttondown.


That is probably not a great sign. But, like, not in a way that suggests that either of them is a Seeker or a space dragon or anything else she should be concerned about. 

She walks over carefully. "Hello," she says, in her late-nineteenth-century-London accent. "Are you alright?"


"- I don't think I'm injured. Xander?"


"Kind of stubbed my toe in the, uh, landing? No big. Where are we?"


"I don't know." She kind of double-takes at Lucy.


"I don't know either. I assume it is a planet. I don't think it's Earth. I myself arrived here unexpectedly only a few minutes ago."


"We were eaten by a cryptid, what about... you?" Pause. "Also where are you hiding your mods - sorry, that was a rude question -"


"My mods? I--fell down a well. In the Neath. On Earth. I suppose I shouldn't assume you're from Earth--you speak English, though--"


"We're from Earth and speak English and do you just - oh, it's your teeth - does that count by itself or do you have stuff your dress is covering?"


Her hand goes up to cover her mouth. "My teeth? --Most people don't notice anything unusual about my teeth. I mean, not that I've been very good at lying low, but--anyway I still don't understand what you you referring to modifications made by the Shapeling Arts?"


"I don't know what a Shapeling Art is?"


"Can we figure out where we are and not fixate on her dental mod, Bella?"


"- yeah, sorry." She looks around.


She points at the sky. "I haven't been to the Surface in months but that is not what Earth's sun looks like from there." She gestures road-wards. "I was headed that way for lack of better ideas." 


"Yeah, the sky's wrong. Road makes sense. Not sure I ought to take off, loses fast feedback on who can see us and what they think of that..."


"You could go up briefly, there isn't anyone in view at all right now, even if someone does come within view of this spot it'll take a ways between 'blurry speck that we can perceive' and 'can perceive us as more than blurry specks' and if they see a blurry speck go up and down they might not even notice and probably can't draw too many conclusions based on it even if they do." 


"Yeah, I guess I can bet there are birds on the planet." She takes off.


The road stretches on in either direction, and so do the grassy plains on either side. But there are other things on this planet, and several more of them come into view as she gains altitude. Off to the right, facing the road, a town or village of some kind dotted with what might be trees comes into view. A handful more ?trees? speckle the horizon on this side of the road, and off to the left, some kind of vehicle is approaching from a distance about twice as far as is visible from the ground. 


She circles, she lands. "Town that way, and a truck or something is coming from that direction so I guess we could try our luck at hitching a ride?"


Nod. "If you want. I--don't tire easily--but it's less conspicuous than my fast option and I'd much rather stay with you two at least until any of us have any idea what's going on."


"Yeah, agreed." She folds her wings and hikes roadward, sticking close to Xander. "What's your name?"


"Lucy Whitman." These people sure do seem to be Surfacers so her Neath appelation would probably just be confusing. "Yours?"


"Isabella and Alexander Swan respectively. Nice to meet you."

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