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When the humans are awake, Talrod finds out how much of their diet is usually owl and if it is not imposing too much could they kindly cut out that part entirely? He also asks for lessons in setting snares - If the snares haven't caught anything by evening they'll go catch a squirrel with their bare hands, which is easier when invisible. Malak does spell research, and writes a short encrypted letter in their tiniest legible handwriting.

"Curufin," (The name is not encrypted) "Please feed the owl. It will wait one day for return message. We are for now settled in Brethil. Have you had luck learning magic? I have gotten better at telepathy. I can give lessons that way in 2 weeks if needed. I can return to Nargothrond or meet people here. I would like to meet with Huan at the same time for testing. Confirm meeting and advise on location. Know and inform your brother that I have sworn to ignore or respond hostilely to future brinkmanship attempts." (They needed Lúthien's help translating "brinkmanship")

They feed the owl that night and give it instructions.


The owl flies off. 



The owl returns four days later. "We will host you again to test magic + discuss."


The owl gets a live woodmouse - Malak's been catching them when they need a break from spellcrafting. They let Lúthien know and see if she wants to come with.


Not really, do you need me?


Probably not. Promise not to run off without me? Not, like, bindingly or anything, but... try not to?

And in another five days they head south toward Nargothrond. The owl comes with, it seems to like them.


Nargothrond is still standing and in the same place.


Well, that's good. Talrod approaches the gate.


It opens. "- that you?"


"Expecting anyone else? I swear I am the same person who left with Lúthien about three weeks ago."


He glances at Huan.


Huan nods. 


"Welcome back. How's Brethil? Last time I went through there they were besieged."


"Quaint. Little wood cabins, hunting for food, lots of trees. Didn't see any orcs while I was there. Not what I'm used to." The last three weeks were the longest stretch of time I've spent outside of a city since I was twenty four. How's Talrod for a name, cover identity was probably something I should have worked out while there were still Noldor around to consult but the problem didn't occur to me until we were a day out.


...sort of works if you're pretending to be from here and pretty young, my crazy brother knows everyone's name - I mean that, literally everyone who has fought or died on our side for the last five hundred years - and so the Enemy should be assumed to know all of them as of when he was a prisoner - come on in -


Malak follows him in. I never actually asked about how your species ages, all I know is that your father was alive three thousand years ago, do I look 500? I haven't been telling the humans much about my history so that should help... It's also possible I was seen before I took this shape. I would really like the Enemy to not know I exist but I don't think we can count on it.


There aren't spies here, I don't know about the open plains. In these lands we're fully grown at a hundred, you're fine there. 


Are people going to be nervous around me if I cha - nevermind it's not worth the time to rebraid, I don't have much practice. Any news since we left?


Not on the front you're interested in. Uh, Doriath's been sending me threatening letters, I don't suppose Lúthien would be willing to tell her father that he does not need to worry we're going to marry her -


I'll see what we can work out but she thinks they'll try to imprison her again. She could dictate a letter to me and we could try to get that delivered somehow, but they have no reason to believe it's from her and not coerced...


Sigh. I don't think he'll start a war over it, so it's probably fine.


If you say so.


Honestly if it wasn't for Nelyo being guaranteed to give me such a disappointed look, I would lose very little sleep over Elu Thingol starting stupid wars. It's a problem but it's not one I was expecting you to be equipped to solve. Are you actually here to talk magic or do you need something?


Both? Figured you were leading me to Curufin and we'd talk when we got there, but I suppose while we walk is as good a time as any. Any luck with anyone learning it on your end?

They cast their inolfactability spell. Huan? Am I still normally smellable?


He says not normally but he can smell you but he's a Maia of Oromë, the god of the hunt, and probably harder to defeat in that particular way than the Enemy. And we've made some progress, yeah.


Lovely.  And let me just check that it integrates properly with invisibility... Still no normal smell?

They reappear in a moment. "Does Huan speak to anyone besides you?"


"If it's urgent, but not usually, no."

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