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"We'll find a way. We'll get them out."


"Thanks." And discussion of the scenary, so they can learn Sindarin.


And do they eventually make it to Brethil without running into trouble?


Yup. Brethil has a population of around three hundred. Little wood cabins, mostly. No streets.


Little wood cabins!  How quaint. They probably don't have much space for visitors?


...they'd be happy to help the visitors build a cabin!


This seems like something that might take a while? They would be happy to help assemble another cabin but they also plan to leave in not-terribly-long. How long does it take to build a cabin?


A couple months, probably. They don't really have anywhere for strange Elves to sleep, though. Aren't Elves usually happy sleeping under the stars?


Stars are fine, he's just a spoiled urbanite who thinks the ground isn't great for sleeping on, and beds get wet when rained on. If there's cloth or rope he can trade labor for he can make a hammock, or just deal with the ground or treetops and not sleep very often.

Lúthien can speak as to her own sleeping preferences. 


Lúthien will ask a tree to shelter her! The tree will do it. Half-Maia.


...That works. Can the trees be persuaded to shelter Talrod too?


Probably, she'll try to talk one into it.


Meanwhile, Malak surveys the local bird population.


Tree shelter arranged! It's cozy. 


There aren't many birds because Doriath shoots them down if they're small and the locals eat them if not.


...Doriath shoots down small birds but not large ones? Would the locals maybe be willing to not shoot down largish birds until Talrod can acquire one? He's somewhat preferential to owls but really anything larger than yay big is probably fine.


Doriath lets the humans shoot down the large birds for food. And the locals are confused about bird acquisition but they can definitely not shoot an owl next time they see one.


Talrod can talk to birds! (It's another weird Tiefling thing. Malak consults with Lúthien about what a plausible-for-an-elf explanation is.)


Celegorm can do that. It's not that weird.


Oh, good.

Talrod spends some nights standing in the treetops until he spots an owl and calls it over to see if this still works here. Back home pretty much nobody talked to birds (not even other birds!) so just saying "Hey you!" was usually interesting enough to bring one over, but if lots of elves talk to birds that might not be good enough. Also, birds here might just be different.


The bird will come over!


"Hi there! The humans around here tend to shoot birds for food. I can make sure they don't shoot you and also catch some food for you if you're willing to deliver some messages for me."


The owl is unsure how it could do that since most people can't talk to owls, but open to the idea.


Can it carry small papers if Talrod ties them to its leg? The location of Nargothrond isn't terribly secret anymore so Talrod feels fine about giving it to random birds.


OK! Would it like to meet him here tomorrow night? He will bring it some food and a paper then.

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