Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
They reach Belrun's mother's house again and Leareth helps her unpack the cart while planning the order of notes-retrieval at his biggest library up north.
Rana is home by this hour; Belrun confirms it's okay for them to live in the guest room till the end of term "because, uh" and Rana agrees that this is fine.
Rana had a nice day apart from having to break up a fight between a biter and a hair-puller!
Belrun's old room is on the ground floor, so there is no need to wrangle the cart up a flight of stairs, just onto the front step of the house. Cart and Leareth both get tugged into the room.
There are things other than books on the shelf in here; Belrun carries it all off to other parts of the house to make room. When the books are all unpacked so the crates can get the second batch the next day, "Do we have to worry about how much space your notes are going to take up or is the set you want reasonably modest?"
"The set I want for now should fit in a box and I can keep them boxed when we are not consulting them."
"If you are ready. Hopefully I will not be too tired afterward." Leareth raises a Gate and then offers his hand to help her across the threshold.
She's stepping out into a large and well-organized library! It has lots of well organized shelves, with arms that swing out to access a second tier of books behind the first tier. The only lighting comes from some kind of mage-artifact in the ceiling, which starts out dim, but Leareth waves vaguely at it and it brightens.
Most of the books Leareth wants right now aren't, he'll have to translate and summarize, but he can point her at some shelves of works in Rethwellani - the country has some well-known academic institutions that produce a lot of good work, as well as its many small mage-schools - and a smaller area in Valdemaran.
When she has read all the titles she takes a history book in Valdemaran that looks interesting and skims through it, glancing up fondly at Leareth now and then.
He keeps glancing fondly at her too but it doesn't slow him down too much and he knows his way around the library pretty well. In about twenty minutes he has a good-sized pile and is hunting in a storage-closet for a suitable method to transport them. "Ah, this will do." He starts loading the books into a sturdy leather travel-case.
She puts the book back where she found it and stands ready to step back into her mom's house with him.
Leareth finishes packing and offers her his hand again and then Gates them back.
And flops onto the bed. "I am not desperately tired but I am a little tired," he confesses.
She flops beside him and snuggles up. "Then I will not make you explain to me your theological premises until tomorrow."
"Someday I can show you what I think all the most interesting alliances of history are. Not a first priority though." Leareth yawns and squeezes her. "Gods first. Tomorrow." He is very cozy and as a result very sleepy, which is weirdly nice.