Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
"If you are sure?" Leareth is also a bit out of breath but in a weirdly good way. "I mean. Yes. I would like that." He hopes Belrun is aware that he has no idea what he's doing, but if they made it work for kissing they can probably make it work for, well, everything else.
"I don't have a very specific agenda but I don't want to let go of you and don't expect that to change in the next twelve candlemarks."
"I also do not feel any urge to let go of you." What is the least letting-go-of-each-other they can manage and still walk?
With some effort they can walk down the street with her arm twined around his and her head on his shoulder!
Which is kind of impractical but practicality is, for once, not Leareth's top concern.
(He makes a halfhearted attempt to think about whether he should pass a message or something, but he just spoke to some of his people up north earlier today, they're not going to be expecting him back tonight, it'll be fine - he'll just have to un-distract himself long enough to do some discreet wards because he's pretty sure that while he is kissing Belrun he would miss any other magic happening nearby up to and including a Gate on the door to her room.)
Rana gives them a knowing look but nothing more when Belrun tugs Leareth into the guest room, which still has a bookshelf in it but otherwise no longer looks much like Belrun lives there. And then she renders him unable to notice adjacent Gates.
Fortunately there are no suspicious Gates with assassins, because he stays distracted for a while.
Eventually Leareth finds himself snuggling her and very sleepy and halfheartedly trying to check the wards one last time...
Belrun has no such tasks she needs to be doing and just wraps herself around him cozily and falls asleep.
A silver-haired figure clad in travel-worn Herald's Whites steps out at the mouth of the pass. "Leareth." He starts walking forward.
Huh. Lucid dream. She's too far back to hear the conversation and doesn't know its contents via Dream Subtext either. Weird setting for a lucid dream and she can't turn it into a nice beach even by concentrating but at least she's not as cold as it looks like she should be. Oh well.
She starts scaling the nearest cliff-face, propping herself up where it's slippery or sheer with Fetching that's just slightly too weak to hoist herself outright off the ground. The dream is allowing her Fetching to work normally, and at normal strength - though it's far too dangerous a hobby to entertain while fully awake - it does suffice to let her to, from a sufficient height, glide in a pleasing fashion.
Vanyel has made it about ten paces out from the mouth of the pass. "Leareth, I needed to talk to you about– what in all hells is that?"
...swoop? Okay she comes in for a landing next to Leareth to see what's going on in the Dream Plot. "...hello?"
Leareth is giving her the stunned look that someone might if they had just gotten up to start a lecture to their students at the university and a complete wedding party had just fallen through the ceiling.
"...Um," he says, which is the first time he has ever audibly said 'um' in front of her. He goes through about six things he could say and lands on the one that's shortest. "You must know of Herald Vanyel?"
The man in white jogs up to them. He's actually quite young-looking, maybe in his mid-thirties, but with the look of someone whose twenties were very gruelling. "Leareth, if you were going to bring up the songs, don't, just, do not. I will throw a snowball at you. Who is this and what is she doing, um, flying over my head in the dream?"
"This is Belrun," Leareth says, and then gets stuck on saying the 'lifebonded' part, mostly because it's just occurred to him that Vanyel is pretty likely to find that upsetting.
"I feel like flying is a very obvious thing to do in a dream. I refrain awake, you lose more Fetchers that way. this some kind of magic dream? Leareth, do you have contagious magic dreams - anyway. Songs? I avoid Bards and am accordingly not up on current events."
"Vanyel here – from Valdemar, obviously – heroically won their war with Karse a couple of years ago," Leareth says. He seems to be trying not to have facial expressions.
"Uh. Congratulations. ...if I'm in the way of your magic dream, or this is not a magic dream and you're just not very expository dream characters, can't quite tell which yet, I'm perfectly content to glide around for the duration," she adds.
Leareth glances at Belrun, lowers his voice. "What are you doing here? I did not think that - the situation - meant you would just turn up in all of my dreams. Unless it is only this one specifically."