Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
:Nope, this should be it for the day! You've been busy, I think you've earned your evening off, and everyone else is, well, absorbing:
:Okay. I do want to get around to looking you up in the archives but I'm not sure who to ask, seems small potatoes for the king...:
:Mmm. It's too bad, this would be a perfect thing to get Dara's help on, sadly... Well, maybe you can ask Savil next time you talk to her. Or Vanyel, if he's a bit more up for doing things tomorrow:
:Sounds like a plan:
When she's gotten back to her room she tests if she can Mindspeak her father.
"I have Thoughtsensing too and apparently that's how one uses it but all I got was you noticing the plank in the floor over there being uneven -"
"If you say so."
And she works on a letter for Leareth with all the nonessentials that she didn't fit into the dream, and new updates, till she's tired and goes to sleep.
Amshalan is there when she wakes up, providing a quiet background waft of cheerfulness. :Sleep any better?:
:Acceptably. It still hurts, it'll be nice if we can get this wrapped soon. ...I don't really know if Leareth's got a place that's designed to be comfortable for you. I assume he must have horses for some people somewhere though:
:Probably not there, yeah. He might also want to put you someplace low-sensitivity if he isn't confident in the thoroughness of your jailbreak, I don't know. I've mentioned in the letter:
:Fair enough, given the amount of trouble he's had with gods: She hesitates. :I wonder how confident I should be in the thoroughness. It feels pretty thorough from the inside, but then again, it's not like I realized the extent of the problem until the other day:
:I guess that's a good question. I mean, the known features of Companions are the magically loving your human and vice versa, that you still have, and the moral compass thing, which is probably the same thing as the religious conservatism thing?:
:Probably. I don't feel like I've stopped having a moral compass, exactly, but - I guess there's a feeling most Companions have, of there definitely being a right answer and you knowing it and it feeling very clear and certain? I might've already been more dubious of that feeling than some of the others, but now it doesn't feel the same. I probably feel the same way humans do, that there's maybe a right answer in theory but reality is pretty confusing, I don't know:
:Maybe when I look you up I can jog loose more of your human memories and you can compare more directly to how humans feel:
:Ooh! I hope so, that'd be neat. Anyway. Want to come out for a ride after breakfast? I don't believe you have anything on your calendar yet, although it sounds like Savil is sitting down with Kellan to talk to Van and 'Fandes so we probably want to be interruptible in case they need advice:
And they can meander around the Palace grounds.
:I hope we find a way to wrap up soonish: Amshalan sends, thoughtful. :I really want to meet your Leareth. Assuming he's willing to meet with me face to face, of course, but it's not like I'm that dangerous, I have teeth but I can't make giant fireballs or anything. One assumes he's capable of shielding against horse teeth:
:I'm not really worried about him hurting me? More that, I don't know, he could be worried about a god literally possessing my body to attack him, and I don't think that could happen, I've never heard of it happening with Companions, but it's not like I can be entirely certain to reassure him?:
They ride for a while with no one bothering them.
:Yfandes just Mindspoke me, she said it's going fine, but replicating the process with Kellan seems to be taking a very long time and she's not sure whether to be worried about that: Amshalan sends eventually. :Do we think that's concerning? I would figure it makes sense, both Yfandes and I had spent more time - poking at the edges of the thing, I guess: