Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
"Are you wanting our permission or something to try to do the same thing with Yfandes?" Shavri says after a few beats of silence. "Since it sounds like the Groveborn both won't give it and probably shouldn't be the authority here anyway."
"I feel kind of bad about not prompting them into attempting a jailbreak as early as last night but thought as long as I had an appointment with Randi I'd wait till then and try to get his go-ahead," nods Belrun. "Makes me look less like a mad vigilante."
"Fair enough. I need a moment to think, please." Randi stares past her at the window, exchanges a Mindspeech-y look with Shavri. Finally nods briskly. "All right. You have permission to give it a try. With Yfandes and Van specifically, no one else yet, and I'll want you and them to report back to me, separately, on how it goes."
"You're welcome. And I want to thank you as well, for - hmm - for being this level of courageous and flexible throughout. I bet you didn't ask to get dragged into this either."
"I guess we're all trying to do that. You're doing a more graceful job than some of us." He nods to her. "We'll speak again later, I suppose."
"Thank you for meeting with me." And presuming that's a dismissal, she goes. :Where are Yfandes and Vanyel now? Or uh, just Yfandes if she doesn't know where Van is:
:She's running the obstacle course by herself. She - can check where Vanyel is, she's been blocking him but could unblock him if you're very convinced them talking to us now is a good idea:
:Vanyel slept terribly and is, as usual, an emotional mess as a result, but I'm not sure that actually makes waiting until tomorrow any better:
:He might sleep better tonight if there isn't a dream but delaying on that basis seems not necessarily to follow - in particular, we may need to be quick to stay ahead of Rolan before he goes and collects a hapless teenager - also, like, you were kind of leaning on me needing you to be clearheaded and capable? So it might not actually hurt if Vanyel is currently conspicuously in need:
:That's true. She does very strongly want to be helping him right now: Pause. :We can meet them down by the river, if you like, there are some nice private areas there:
They bump into Vanyel standing uncertainly in one of the rose-gardens near the Heralds' wing. "...We're talking now? I'm waiting for 'Fandes, I think..." He rubs his eyes. He looks pretty bleary but otherwise game.
"It doesn't seem like putting it off would help much and I have Randi's okay. If you're not up for it it can wait?"
"I really doubt I'm going to get more rather than less up for it the longer we wait."
"Yfandes has a problem where she can't think about gods without - it getting really weird and her getting upset and scared and not being able to talk to me. This is obviously a Companion thing and probably because she was made that way by a god. You think it's fixable - I guess you must've fixed it, since you and Amshalan seem fine."
"Yeah. We had the advantage that Amshalan kind of knew this was going to come up going in, and she has some practice thinking around the edges of the Companion thing. But I think Yfandes can probably do it too, it'll just be harder unless it turns out having Amshalan walk her through it is a huge advantage. It's - risky but I don't think you can keep doing what you're doing forever."