Belrun is so close to getting this damned flu strain to calm down in this one egg. She copies the change across to a few more eggs' worth, iterates, writes everything down, and Fetches the egg that is getting scary into her pot of simmering water before it makes a break for it. It's getting on toward dark and if she keeps working she's going to have to do it by candlelight, and she doesn't like that - it's already too easy to bump into things when she can see them. She calls it a day and closes up the lab for the night and heads out to walk over to the university cafeteria. It's a nice evening, and it's Flatbread Night, and she's in a generally good mood.
"Yes, that would probably be good. I can introduce you to Nayoki - she is the Mindhealer I spoke of before."
"She generally does unless it is actually relevant for research purposes, but I made it particularly clear in this case, yes."
Leareth nods and leads her down a long hallway to an area that looks sort of like a cafeteria, clearly in between mealtimes since no food is out on the table at one end. A couple of people are sitting at tables, reading.
One of them stands up. "Welcome! You are Belrun, yes?" The woman has much darker skin than any skin tone common in Valdemar or Rethwellan, almost completely black; her hair is very short, hugging her head like wool, but is white, and her eyes are dark blue.
"I know it a surprise, and - not something you ask," Nayoki says, in not-very-fluent Valdemaran. "But I very happy, that Leareth lifebonded. I think he very happy too?"
Leareth introduces Belrun to a few others around the cafeteria - mostly they're scholars working on magical research elements of the god creation. Some more people arrive to greet her. There seem to be about a dozen personnel around and working right now.
She writes down all their names and makes small talk and in one case gets pleasantly sidetracked on discussing how you go about monitoring a baby god for errors.
Leareth gets into what is presumably a work-related conversation with another person for a bit, switching back and forth from out loud to private Mindspeech, and he takes down some notes.
And then a matronly-looking woman who looks to be in her sixties comes in pushing a cart of food. She starts speaking in a language Belrun doesn't recognize, then switches to accented Valdemaran. "Look at that, everyone's here! Oh - Master Leareth, you're back! And you must be Belrun. I'm Maddi. I'm the mother here, that's my job. Are you hungry?"
Belrun dishes herself some and sits next to Leareth and attempts to get used to the place.
It seems like Leareth doesn't visit that often, because people have a lot of random questions or requests for him lined up. He answers all of them politely and slipping back to the same calm neutral expression he had with Vanyel.
A lot of them are speaking a language she doesn't know, mostly it sounds like the same language, Leareth mentions that it's the most common dialect spoken by the locals up north. Some very obscure questions about magic; lots of requests for particular materials or records or sometimes personnel movements; one person wants permission to travel to Rethwellan, actually. (Leareth says no for now, things are up in the air, ask again in a fortnight.)
She amuses herself by trying to pick out words in the unfamiliar language till she's done eating and excuses herself to do some writing.
Leareth gets back a lot later. "I apologize, it turns out there was a significant backlog of routine things to deal with." He pointedly doesn't look at her notebook. "Doing some useful thinking?"